Advent Rising cheat codes:
Press [Tab] to display the console window at the bottom of the screen,
then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function. The max skills seems to get stuck on once you've
advanced to the next level or started the next cutscene. The weapon
codes spawn the weapon in your right hand:
God - God mode
BadAss - All skills set to 5 (Blizzow Mode)
Invincible - One-hit kills (UB3R Mode)
UseAmmo - Unlimited ammo/power
Teleport - Move to crosshair
Suicide - Kill yourself
PlayersOnly - Freeze all non-player objects
Blaster - Spawn H.A.Z.E.
Pistol - Spawn Faust
XJ9 - Spawn XJ9
Launcher - Spawn Talmage
SeekerPistol - Spawn Talon
PulseGun - Spawn Acolyte
SeekerXJ9 - Spawn Darkfire
SeekerMicrowaveGun - Spawn Discord
Assault - Spawn Kaull
SeekerLauncher - Spawn Fury
Photon - Spawn Stalker
StunGun - Spawn Stun Gun
446 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Advent Rising] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]