Adventure Quest cheat codes:
Pet Rock:
Go to Warlic's magic shop. Click the candle in the top left and
drag it to the chest and you will get the pet rock. He does earth
damage, and if you give it to Valencia, she will give you a travel pass.
Change name / stats down:
to change your name or put your stats down die.
then when the reeper comes up click the hourglass on the bottom
of his robe he will give you a walk around quest. on it go into
the purple swirly thing.if you are in a graveyard click the
gravestone.a guy come up and you have to lose the battle to
lower your stat. if twilly comes up then you can change your
name. sometimes other stuff might come up just go along with it
and then try again.
Mouse Hole:
Go to Yulgar's Inn and click the more button & you will see two
people and a shelf with a potion click the potion and drink it &
you will shrink to a size of a mouse and go inside a mouse hole
To find the secret pit go to Battleon and click around on the
ground in front of Yulgar's Inn. The crusor will change to a
hand when you find it. Then just click.
Easy money lvls 1-10:
Just keep reapiting the tutorial with Twilly and you'll gane
lots of experience and get Twilly as a guest fighter. He also
heals you for a special.
Hidden hole:
At the main town, there is a hole that is hidden. Click to the left
of the button that reads "Battle Monsters". You will be asked if you
want to go down. The monsters in the hole are somewhat strong.
Do not go down if you are below level 15.
727 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Adventure Quest] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]