Game Genie коды к игре Wizards and Warriors 3 на Dendy
PAXXPYLA Start with 2 lives
TAXXPYLA Start with 7 lives
PAXXPYLE Start with 10 lives
SXNTPLVG Infinite lives--except at boss stages
POSAGGZU Coins worth 25
GVSAGGZL Coins worth 100
NNSAGGZU Coins worth 255
IESAZKZA Bags worth 5
ZUSAZKZA Bags worth 50
NNSAZKZE Bags worth 255
AGKZGYEA Less energy
ELKZGYEA More energy
AGELLZEA Less energy after death--except atboss stages
ELELLZEA More energy after death--except at boss stages
PAKZGYEA Start with very little life force
AGKZGYEA Start with about half life force
SXVTGLVG Infinite lives
SZNYZNSE Shopkeeper sometimes forgets to charge
SXXNITVG Infinite keys
992 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Wizards and Warriors 3 на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]