Неиспользованный текст Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
805 Tea Test
855 Plot 1
859 Plot 2
863 Plot 3
865 grahamTest
867 [Open on a black screen. Fade in the following caption.]
868 CAPTION: "Suddenly, at the height of their arrogance, the Nocturnus Clan mysteriously vanished."
869 CAPTION: "The dark sky opened and swallowed them whole. Gone were their cities, their people, their entire existence."
870 [Fade the captions out.]
871 [Fade in to a very wide shot of the countryside near Metropolis, at nighttime, looking somewhat peaceful--the calm before the storm. We slowly pan right, in a long enough pan to show a caption.]\n
872 CAPTION: Some time ago....
873 [Keep panning as the caption fades. A second or two later, a fighter jet flies in front of the camera, holding long enough and close enough to show the letters "GUN" on its hull.]
874 [The plane then turns and swoops off. When the place flies away, we reveal a flaming Egg Carrier in the distance over the city. GUN airships and fighters are pelting the carrier with gunfire.]
875 CAPTION: Metropolis, headquarters of the evil Eggman
876 [Cut to inside the carrier. A big battle is going on between Eggman and Sonic-and-friends. Eggman has more or less lost already, but he won't go down without a fight.]
877 [As each character speaks, show a caption that tells us that character's name.]
878 This is it, Eggman! Give up!
879 Ha ha ha ha ha! You may have damaged my new Egg Carrier, Sonic, but you'll never defeat me!
880 We'll see about that! Tails! How's it coming?
881 Almost there, Sonic!
882 We have to hold him off! Tails needs more time!
883 We can do it!
884 Then let's go!
885 [Fighting ensues! If possible, show each character doing a signature move.]
886 Ha ha ha! Even together you can't beat me! This is my hour of victory!
887 Not after we bring this Egg Carrier down!
888 Tails! Now!
889 Right!
890 [Cut to outside the carrier. Explosions rock the big ship, and the ship begins to sink toward Metropolis. Cut back inside the carrier, to Eggman.]
891 What?! No!
892 [Explosions cover the screen. Back outside, explosions cover the ship as it falls. The GUN ships and fighters begin to leave the scene.]
893 [Back to Eggman.]
894 Curse you, Sonic! You haven't won yet!!
895 [Just then, a huge block of metal falls, cutting Sonic off from Eggman and apparently killing Eggman. Cut to a wide shot of the team.]
896 We have to get out of here!
897 What about Eggman?
898 There's no time! Let's go!
899 [The team runs for safety, starting with Amy, then Knuckles. Tails lingers for a split second, then runs, and Sonic stands alone watching the direction Eggman went. Then he turns and dashes away at high speed.]
900 [The ship falls into Metropolis and explodes. When the ship hits the city, smaller explosions begin to spread through the city.]
901 [At the last minute, our heroes escape, thanks to Tails' Tornado. Fade out.]
902 [Fade in on the team in Tails' Workshop.]
903 We did it!
904 You defeated Eggman, Sonic! There's no way he could escape that!
905 Yay!
906 [Knuckles gives a stoic and silent nod to Sonic.]
907 [Sonic smiles and nods back, arms crossed, but he says nothing.]
908 [Fade out. Fade in on a rain forest-looking area.]
950 CAPTION: Present day, the other side of the world.
951 [Sonic is running at high speeds through some green, peaceful area. His wrist communicator beeps.]
952 Tails calling Sonic! Come in, Sonic!
953 [Sonic abruptly stops running, and we go into interactive dialogue.]
1018 [CUTSCENE: A boat pulls up to shore on Tutorial Island. As it lands, a door opens, and Sonic and the captain walk out onto the island.]
1019 This is as far as I can take you, Sonic.
1020 Good luck!
1021 [The captain goes back on the boat. The door closes, and the boat sails away.]
1026 I must... keep... working....
1027 Oh! Hey! You're Sonic the Hedgehog!
1028 I'm so glad you showed up. I've been chopping away at these logs for hours now, and I'm not even close to done.
1030 But I'm so tired, Sonic. I wish someone would help me. Even if just a little.
1031 Oh, it's easy! Just go over to the woodpile, and when the action bubble appears, touch it or press the L Button or R Button to chop the wood!
1032 The wood is just right there. Thank you so much!
1037 We have time to do this, Sonic. Let's help him!
1040 Oh, I won't burden you with that, Sonic. I'm just an old man trying to chop some logs.
1042 You look like you could use some help.
1045 What do I need to do?
1050 I have important things to do!
1054 That's me!
1057 What are you working on out here?
1059 Oh, you did it! Thank you so much!
1060 I won't keep you any longer. Take this... I'm too tired for even POW Candy to help me!
1061 Nice job, Sonic! You helped the man, and you got experience points!
1071 Oh, Sonic, thank you so much for helping a tired old man!
1556 As you know, we've been tracking the Marauders for some time.
1557 For a while, we had no luck. But recently, our satellites noticed some activity at four locations in Green Hill Zone and Central City.
1558 Recognize those places?
1559 Those are Eggman's old hideouts.
1562 Unfortunately, we can't tell which, if any, of these hideouts is the one where they're keeping Knuckles.
1563 Sonic, you and your team will go to each of the hideouts and investigate. Rouge will go with you as your contact with GUN.
1564 Good. Our satellites have picked up activity at two locations in Green Hill Zone and two places inside Central City.
1566 We'll mark them on your map. Visit each one, and you should find the echidna.
1567 Good luck, team. Now go.
1568 We detected electronic resonance coming from those old hideouts, and we've seen shadowy figures going in and out.
1569 But so far, no sign of Eggman himself. Just a few old, broken-down robots here and there.
1571 I can't spare troops, son. The Marauders are a major threat, and I can't leave the land unsecured.
1572 Besides, rescuing the echidna takes the kind of small-unit tactics you and your team are known for.
1573 I'm better than any squad of boneheaded GUN troops, anyway. I promise, with Rouge around, you won't miss those soldiers a bit.
1581 Let's get moving. We have to save Knuckles.
1586 Have you seen any sign of Eggman?
1589 So, instead of GUN troops, you're giving us ROUGE?
1861 Amy
1865 And stay down.
1866 Knuckles! You're alive!
1867 I am. I thought you might try to rescue me. I just wasn't going to sit around and wait.
1868 I see you called in Sonic. If it were any other situation, I might say that wasn't necessary.
1870 It's the Marauders. They took the last Chaos Emerald, just as we predicted.
1871 They somehow disabled Tails' trap and overwhelmed me with numbers.
1872 There must have been a lot of them!
1873 There were, and they fought like nothing I've ever seen. Still, I would have beaten them, but their leader was too strong.
1874 I assume they got the Emerald?
1875 Yes. I'm sorry, Knuckles, I couldn't take them by myself.
1876 Then I'm going to get it back.
1877 This is my fight, Sonic. I am the last echidna and the guardian of the Emeralds.
1878 And I definitely don't want to team up with that bat!
1879 Mm. The feeling is mutual.
1880 Oh, don't be pig-headed, Knuckles! You can't do this on your own!
1881 Fine. You can come. But don't get in my way.
1883 You've been gone a long time, Sonic, so I'll say this nicely.
1884 You're not the boss around here. Not anymore. YOU decided to go away for a while. Not me.
1885 Hm.
1886 So what do we do?
1887 We go to Angel Island and protect the Master Emerald. We need to get up there before the Marauders do.
1889 There's no time to stand around talking. Let's hurry.
1890 You have been gone a while, Sonic.
1891 Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
1892 But you came back when we needed you!
1894 I...
1895 I have a boyfriend....
1896 You... You're probably right. I couldn't beat them alone.
1897 Just know that they're very strong, and very dangerous. They have technology unlike anything I've ever seen before.
1898 They seem to come out of nowhere. If defeated, they disappear into thin air.
1899 We've never fought anything like this before, Sonic.
1901 Not much. They wore dark masks and armor, so I couldn't make out who they were.
1902 They wear high-tech armor and fight like mad. Whoever they are, they're trained for battle.
1903 But I'm not sure they're working alone. Someone else was calling the shots, but I couldn't tell who.
1904 Anytime the Chaos Emeralds are in danger, Eggman's the first villain I think of.
1908 Sonic!
1909 Knuckles is the finest guardian of the Master Emerald ever! He's never failed to protect it before!
1917 What's going on here, Knuckles?
1925 We'll go with you.
1930 Your way? We came here to save YOU, remember?
1933 Well, I'm back now. Let's get to work.
1939 Do the rest of you feel this way, too?
1942 What about you, Amy?
1946 You need us, Knuckles. We can help beat the Marauders.
1950 We can do this. I promise.
1952 Knuckles, what do you know about the Marauders?
1955 Let's go. We have to stop the Marauders!
1956 Could they be working for Eggman?
1960 Some guardian you turned out to be!
1963 We have to get moving. No doubt Shade knows you found me.
1964 Right. Let's get back to the workshop now!
1965 No. Wait. Look in the sky!
1966 What is it?
2045 Timmy! They found you!
2054 I'm so worried. I hope Timmy is okay!
2066 Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog! I need your help! My son Timmy is stuck in a well!
2118 Thank you! You saved me!
2120 I don't know! I had just built a fort in here, and I was hooking up my new defense system when they came!
2121 Defense system?
2123 Oh, it's this piece of metal I found. It's just junk, but I pretended it was an alarm and a cannon! But I think the scorpion wanted to take it away!
2124 Why would a scorpion want that piece of junk?
2125 Can I see that?
2126 Sure, you can keep it! I never want to see it again!
2130 Thanks again, Sonic!
2132 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
2133 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
2134 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
2136 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
2138 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. Maybe that's what set off those animals!
2139 Look, Sonic. There's an Eggman device! Maybe that's what set off those animals!
2140 That must be what our tracker detected!
2141 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
2142 I never thought I'd be saved by the famous Sonic the Hedgehog!
2143 Help! Help!
2147 Why was that scorpion so mad at you?
2154 Can you find your way home?
2157 You've heard of me?
2170 You're safe now. Can you find your way home?
2177 Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog! I heard you came back!
2178 What can I do ya for?
2179 Aww. No way. Eggman's here.
2181 Eggman? Are you folks looking for Eggman?
2182 Yes! Have you seen him?
2183 No sir, no I haven't. But I thought he was gone for good!
2184 So did we.
2185 Sorry to have bothered you, sir.
2186 Oh, it's no bother at all!
2187 You folks are welcome here any time!
2188 I don't know, young fella. I've been called many things in my day, but as you can see, I'm not Eggman!
2189 I do have a strange piece of equipment I picked up the other day. Maybe it's messing with your machine there.
2190 What sort of equipment?
2191 Oh, I got it this from a salesman a couple days ago. Said his name was Sal, I think.
2192 He told me it was a coffee maker, he did. And I love me some coffee!
2194 Anyway, after he left, I couldn't get it to work.
2202 Well, let's keep looking for Eggman.
2206 Why would our Eggman tracker lead us here?
2213 Are you sure that thing is working correctly?
2214 I traded him my favorite stapler for it, I tell you. I don't know what came over me.
2215 I think I was ripped off. I don't think it is a coffee maker at all!
2216 Maybe our tracker is picking up that machine.
2217 See it? I'll do ya one better. If you can get me my stapler back, you can have it.
2218 That salesman said he was heading off into Green Hill Zone. I got no idea what he'd be doing out there.
2219 Get me my stapler, and this dratted machine is yours.
2221 I sure would be thankful, Sonic. Just come on back here when you're done.
2222 I'll have that piece of equipment all shined up by the time you get back!
2223 Name's Sal, I believe. He's a shifty sort, but my old coffee maker went on the fritz, and I was desperate!
2224 I don't know much more than that. Just look for someone who looks like a rotten cheat, and that'll be him.
2225 If it's a piece of Eggman equipment, it might be worth looking at. Maybe it can help us find him.
2226 I'd be very grateful for your help, Sonic. But I understand if you can't do it.
2227 The poor man! We have to help him!
2228 This is a waste of time, but we can't let that salesman get away with this.
2229 I want to meet this salesman. Sounds like quite a charmer!
2230 This old man is so nice. Let's help him, Sonic!
2231 Uh.... What was the question?
2232 I understand. I'm sure you folks have plenty to do.
2233 It's picking something up around here, that's for sure!
2234 If it isn't Sonic the Hedgehog and his little buddies!
2235 What can I do ya for?
2236 Well, all right. Good day to you!
2237 Fantabulous! Splendid!
2238 And as promised, here is that blasted machine.
2239 I hope you find some use for it. I certainly didn't!
2240 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
2241 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
2242 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
2244 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
2246 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. No wonder the old man couldn't get it to make coffee!
2247 Look, Sonic. It wasn't a coffee maker at all! It's an Eggman device!
2248 That must be what our tracker detected!
2249 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
2253 Oh well. We should get back to finding Eggman.
2254 May we see that machine?
2257 Don't worry. We'll get your stapler back for you.
2261 What do you know about this salesman?
2263 Do you guys feel like doing this?
2270 Sorry, old man. We can't help you.
2274 Nothing, really. Just passing through.
2276 May we see your coffee machine?
2277 We got your stapler back for you.
2290 Good day, my friend! Might I interest you in a bargain?
2291 No, thanks. We're in a hurry.
2292 I know you cheated the shopkeeper.
2293 What are you selling?
2294 Well, I might have something to help with that. But hey, it's your loss!
2295 Be well, my friends!
2296 What? Me, cheat? You must be mistaken.
2297 The last time I traded anything to a shopkeeper, it was a fair deal: his stapler for my coffee maker.
2298 A deal is a deal, my friends. You look like smart folks; you know how the world works.
2299 Well, I.... You don't have to get upset, now!
2300 I'll be glad to give you the stapler! I--I didn't want it, anyway. Too... shiny.
2301 Here! May your papers stay together forever, I say. Whew.
2302 And on that note, I'll be on my way. People to see, and all that!
2303 Ta!
2304 Trading! Something for something, nothing for nothing!
2305 It's the greatest thing in the world, trading. None of this cash money baloney. And a deal is a deal!
2306 Wonderful. I hoped you'd say that.
2307 Might I interest you in a nice little above-ground pool? It's economy-sized!
2309 A plastic cup? Or a POOL?
2310 You think about it, huh? I'll be around!
2311 Oh! Fabulous things. Things you can't live without!
2312 Of course, I don't sell things for money. I'm a bartering man. Goods for goods! Easy trade!
2313 What do you need? New socks? A jaunty hat? A sack of tomatoes?
2314 Perhaps a cute little toy bunny for the young lady?
2315 Tee hee!
2317 I have lots of things, wonderful things! All yours for a reasonable price.
2321 Give me that stapler or else!
2327 And how does the world work?
2329 Fine, keep the stapler. I have other things to do.
2331 That's a plastic cup.
2340 Hello again! Back for another look at the finest items this side of the Blue Ridge Zone?
2341 *bzt* Master Eggman. *bzt* My mission is complete. *bzt*
2342 *bzt* I desire to know my function. *bzt*
2343 *bzt* Good day, soft creatures. *bzt* Do you know me? *bzt*
2349 *bzt* I seem to have lost my mission. *bzt* My programming is forgotten. *bzt*
2356 *bzt* Soft creatures. Please. *bzt* I desire to know my function. *bzt*
2357 *bzt* The soft creatures are no help to me. *bzt*
2358 *bzt* I beg you to let me be alone. *bzt*
2359 *bzt* Eggman. *bzt* I remember now. *bzt*
2360 *bzt* You are Sonic the Hedgehog. *bzt* I am supposed to destroy you. *bzt*
2361 *bzt* Thank you, Sonic the Hedgehog. *bzt* You have given me my purpose. *bzt*
2362 *bzt* Yes. *bzt* I believe you are correct. *bzt*
2363 *bzt* My duties complete, I can now rest. *bzt*
2364 *bzt* Thank you, soft creatures. *bzt* Now I have found rest. *bzt*
2365 Look, Sonic! The robot's head looks like another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
2366 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
2367 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
2369 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
2371 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
2372 Look, Sonic. The robot's head... it's an Eggman device!
2373 That must be what our tracker detected!
2374 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
2375 I say we smash it!
2376 I say we ignore it and keep moving.
2377 I don't know, Sonic. What if this is a clue?
2378 Oh, Sonic! We have to help it! It's so sad!
2379 Really? We're debating what to do about a sad robot that's not attacking us?
2380 And everyone thinks I'M crazy.
2381 What's everyone staring at?
2382 *bzt* Please help. *bzt* My function is unknown to me. *bzt*
2384 I don't care about your function.
2398 We have more important things to do right now.
2401 You are an Eggman robot. You were made to serve Eggman.
2405 You have completed your duties. You are free.
2418 What do you guys think we should do?
2473 I don't have time for this.
2476 That's right, coward! Run!
2477 Hey, Shadow left something behind. This is what set off our tracker!
2478 It looks like another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
2479 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
2480 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
2482 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
2484 It looks like an Eggman device. I wonder what Shadow was doing with it.
2485 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
2571 Stop, my robot sentries! Desist!
2572 Eggman!
2573 I knew he was still around! I knew it!
2574 You're finished, Eggman!
2575 Yes, yes, Sonic. I know. Please stand down and let us speak of this like civilized men!
2576 Don't trust him, Sonic!
2577 Ha ha ha! My dear, I wouldn't trust me, either!
2578 But I am as angry as you are that someone has the gall to activate MY old machines and use them for their own purposes!
2580 It just looks bad, I tell you. I was young when I made those old robots! Young and full of beans!
2581 Why should we trust you, Eggman?
2582 He's right, Eggman. Everything points to you.
2583 Ha ha ha! Sonic, it's adorable how much you hate me.
2584 But you simply must trust me, my blue spiky friend.
2585 For I, the illustrious Doctor Robotnik...
2586 ... have utterly and completely reformed!
2862 That's quite far enough.
2863 That voice....
2864 Abandon your quest and back away now. This is the last warning before we exterminate you.
2865 You must be Shade.
2867 Yes. I am Shade of the exiled Nocturnus Clan.
2868 Turn around now, primitives. Don't make me destroy you.
2869 What have you done with the Chaos Emeralds?!
2870 Don't worry. They're safe.
2871 We are simply returning them to their true masters!
2873 What?!?
2874 But I thought Knuckles was the last!
2875 This is... not possible! Only my bloodline survived the wrath of Perfect Chaos!
2876 Your clan paid for its arrogance, but the Nocturnus Clan was wrongly punished for our success. And now we will return to this world!
2877 You can't be the Nocturnus Clan. This is a trick!
2878 And yet here I stand. Now, step aside, or I will show you the power of the Nocturnus!
2880 Let me see you try!
2881 Everyone! Fall back! Now!
2882 This party is over, friends. You will not follow us.
2885 No!!!
2887 Amy... Amy!
2888 We have to find another way.
2889 Oh, spare me the crying. This is my city. I know every possible way in.
2890 There are railway tunnels that lead into the city not far from here. If we can find one, and it's not completely caved in....
2891 We can get in that way.
2892 Sonic, I think it's our only hope.
2893 The tunnels are off to the west.
2894 The Marauders won't just let us go. We should be careful.
2895 Let's go, team!
2896 There are countless ways into my city! Er, most of which I have kept secret... even from myself!
2897 I designed the subway system myself. I have no doubt the tunnels withstood the destruction of Metropolis.
2898 Well, it should.
2899 Yes... I....
2900 We have work to do, Sonic. We'll talk about this later.
2926 It's okay, Amy. We'll get through, I promise.
2931 Then let's go.
2935 Eggman, are these tunnels the only way in?
2937 That doesn't fill me with confidence.
2938 Let's go!
2939 Knuckles? Are you all right?
3247 Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to take things that don't belong to you?
3248 Master Ix, the hedgehog is here.
3249 Fools! Insignificant worms who beg for annihilation.
3250 Leave Shade to me, Sonic.
3251 So. You feel worthy of combat with my finest warrior, do you?
3252 Knuckles, was it? "Last of the Echidnas"? It must be shameful to have been misled all these years.
3253 Quit babbling and bring it on!
3254 Frankly, my hotheaded worm, you are not worthy.
3255 Come, my minions. Brush away these motes of dust as I make my victory complete!
3256 Power-mad techno-wizards and Nocturnus assassins. It's been good fighting with you, Sonic.
3257 Don't get all misty on me, Knuckles. It ain't over yet!
3467 Enough of this!
3468 You've fought well, but even you cannot stop me from conquering this world!
3469 Imperator Ix... we never discussed conquering this world. We only wanted to return to it! I won't....
3476 I have what I came for, little worms. Now that I have the Master Emerald, no one can stop me!
3477 Look well upon your world. Soon it will all be mine!
3479 No!
3481 Ha ha ha ha ha!
3483 No!
3485 Sonic! We have to go!
3487 No! We have to stop Ix!
3488 There's no time!
3489 Everyone! Brace yourselves!
3591 There's someone trapped in that cave! And there's an Eggman signal coming from inside!
3592 Let's check it out.
3605 Look, Sonic! The robot's head looks like another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
3606 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
3607 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
3609 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
3611 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
3612 Look, Sonic. The robot's head... it's an Eggman device!
3613 That must be what our tracker detected!
3614 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
3770 Papa!
3771 Oh, son! We were so worried!
3772 Who are your friends?
3773 Papa, this is Sonic the Hedgehog, and these are his friends!
3774 Thank you ever so much for finding my boy. How can I ever repay you?
3775 Ah, yes! Take this!
3776 It's not much; just a token of my thanks for returning my precious boy!
3777 It was our pleasure, sir.
3778 Now, son, let's get you inside! Your mother will want to ground you, of course.
3779 But Papa....
3780 I live in Central City, so it's not too far away.
3781 Really?! I get to travel with Sonic the Hedgehog?!
3782 Wow, my friends will never believe this!
3783 I won't make a peep! I promise!
3784 I will! I promise!
3785 I don't know. I just thought it looked cool.
3786 I live in Emerald Town. My family must be very worried!
3787 Everyone's heard of you, Sonic! You're a hero!
3798 We'll take you there. Come with us.
3802 Well, be careful getting home, okay?
3804 Do you know what it does?
3817 There's that well. I bet Timmy's still down there!
3818 There's a well! I wonder if that's the one Timmy fell into.
3829 Ha! That's what you get for crossing GUN, robot scum!
3830 Thanks, Sonic, er, we can handle it from here. GUN appreciates your cooperation.
3831 Here is your reward for helping me in this mission. We'll be in touch if we need your help again!
3832 Take care, Sonic. And, er, stay out of trouble!
3835 Shh. Those robots are probably listening in. They're tricky!
3837 Hello again, Sonic. Be careful; that gang of robots is still at large.
3838 No! Don't hurt me!
3841 Really? You'd do that? Wow, thanks!
3842 They have to be in Central City somewhere. If you find them, just wreck them for me!
3843 Then, when you're all done, I'll come in and, er, make sure they're all down. Right.
3844 Thanks, Sonic! This will be great!
3845 Not so bad?! I was given an easy job, to round up some robot muggers. And I can't even do that right!
3846 I'm just terrible at this. I should have been a janitor like my mom said.
3847 Aww. Oh well. I guess I'm on my own.
3851 Happy to help!
3865 There, there. It's not so bad.
3867 I'll shut those robots down.
3868 I don't have time for this.
3873 These must be the robots the GUN soldier told us to find!
3875 Let's smash 'em!
3893 Please... I need help.
3894 My name is Dr. Madden. I've been... looking for these... signal projectors... here in Green Hill Zone.
3895 But I can't... ugh. Every time I try to find them... an animal attacks me.
3896 Oh, that's... wonderful!
3897 There are three signal projectors. If you see one... turn it off. That should make the animals... stop attacking.
3898 Come back to me... when you're done. I... I'll be here.
3899 Thank you so much. I just hope... it's not too late for the animals.
3900 I will... I just need to rest. I should be safe here.
3901 I noticed that the animals in Green Hill Zone were... acting strange, so I came to find out why.
3902 Little did I know... I would be attacked! They... came out of nowhere!
3903 But I think... I know what's wrong. Someone is... sending a signal, controlling the animals!
3904 If I could find the signal projectors... I could stop the signal!
3905 I believe so... yes. Ugh. Someone with powerful... technology. Like I've never seen before.
3906 Everyone has. It's a terrible shame.
3910 I'll help you find them!
3913 We'll be back in no time!
3915 Will you be okay here?
3916 Why are you looking for them?
3921 Someone is controlling the animals?
3922 We'll help you find the signal projectors.
3923 We've had trouble with the animals here, too.
3924 We'd like to help you.
3925 Why are you looking for the projectors?
3928 Please... find the projectors, and shut them down!
3929 Hello again....
3930 Of... of course.
3931 Sorry, we'll be going now.
3933 That's the last of them! The animals should stop attacking people now!
3934 Let's go tell Dr. Madden!
3936 Sonic! This must be one of the projectors Dr. Madden was talking about!
3937 Let's shut it down!
3943 You did it! I knew it!
3944 An armadillo walked over to me, and it didn't attack! It was brilliant!
3946 Please take this. I brought supplies for my time out here, but thanks to you, I don't need them.
3947 I... I can make my own way home. Thank you so much for your help.
3948 I don't know for sure, but I have my suspicions.
3949 If you ask me, it's those blasted Marauders! They've been causing trouble all over.
3950 I think they were using the animals to do their bidding. That's why they attacked me!
3951 Oh, I plan to... but I'm so excited, I feel great!
3953 It was our pleasure.
3957 Do you know who was controlling the animals?
3961 Now, go get some medical help, mister!
3963 Help! Please!
3964 Oh, please, you must help me. We were attacked by Marauders! I barely escaped!
3965 I must get back to GUN Headquarters! Please!
3966 Thank you thank you thank you!
3967 If you could escort me as far as Station Square, I would be most grateful.
3968 I am an inspector with GUN, sent here to investigate rumors that the Marauders have taken Metropolis.
3969 Not long after we got here, though, we were attacked!
3970 I came here with a team of soldiers, but when we were attacked....
3971 I ran, okay? I got scared and ran away! That's right! Everyone laugh at the coward!
3972 Heh. Coward.
3973 But I really must get back. If this isn't evidence of the Marauders, I don't know what is!
3974 Hee hee hee!
3975 What? How come no one's laughing?
3976 Please! I beg you!
3979 Sure. Come with us.
3982 What are you doing out here?
3984 I see. Come with us, we'll help.
3985 Why do you keep saying "we"?
3991 Sorry. We're on an important mission.
3993 Finally! I'm saved!
3995 You are a national hero, Sonic. A paragon of virtue!
3996 No doubt you will be commended with medals and trophies and piles and piles of cash for saving my life!
3998 Now, I must be off! Farewell, Sonic!
3999 Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!
4000 What? That was funny!
4001 Hardly worth the time spent to save him.
4003 Let's get back to work, team!
4007 Happy to help!
4015 You did it! I'm so relieved.
4017 Sonic! Help! I just realized that when I left work at the factory last night, I forgot to shut off the breakers.
4018 When the foreman switches on the main power today, it will blow out the grid!
4021 Oh, man. I am in big trouble now!
4022 What can I say? I'm absentminded. What were we just talking about?
4023 Right. It's just north of here. I don't think there's anything that will slow you down...
4024 But I don't really remember.
4025 What are you still doing here?
4028 Don't worry, we'll take care of this!
4030 I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you.
4032 You sound completely incompetent!
4033 I'll take care of this.
4034 Quick! Where's the factory?
4037 You aren't authorized to be here!
4039 I'll go reset the breakers before turning on main power.
4052 Thanks to you, I won't lose my job when I go in to work!
4053 Here. Take this. I was going to bribe my boss with it, but I don't really need it now.
4054 I'd better get to work before I'm fired for being late!
4055 Oh, great! You are a life saver!
4056 Come back and let me know how it went, okay?
4057 And please hurry!
4069 It was my pleasure!
4073 Why not?
4074 If you pull the switch, you'll blow up the whole factory!
4075 What?!
4076 Oh, for crying out loud. Did Johnson forget to close the breakers again?
4077 I tell you, that man would forget his head if it wasn't attached to his body.
4078 But you better believe that Johnson's getting a talking-to!
4079 Really? Who!?
4080 Oh no. I bet it was Johnson. He forgot to close the breakers again, didn't he?
4081 Why? What's this all about?
4088 Stop! Don't start the factory!
4096 One of your workers asked us to stop you!
4099 Oh, then go right ahead and pull the switch.
4108 Ah. It's so nice without those wasps.
4109 You did it! I think the wasps are gone!
4110 Thank you so much. I guess I won't be needing this anymore! Take care, Sonic!
4111 Please, find the queen! The wasps are everywhere!
4112 Oh, it's you again.
4113 Change your mind, did you?
4114 No! They'll get me!
4115 Help! Someone, help!
4116 There are giant wasps all over the rooftops! They're attacking anyone who goes up there!
4117 There must be a queen wasp up there somewhere. If someone were to defeat her, the wasps might go away.
4118 Please hurry! They're everywhere!
4119 Because I... well... because they're ROOFTOPS!
4120 Everybody goes on the rooftops! What kind of question is that?
4121 No! Please! They'll get me!
4122 All in a day's work!
4125 How do we get rid of the wasps?
4126 No, not really.
4128 How can we help?
4131 Why would you go on the rooftops?
4133 Sorry, we're too busy to help.
4175 Is everyone okay?
4176 A little... shaken up... but we're here.
4177 What happened?
4178 Ix got away. He took the Master Emerald.
4179 Without the Emerald, Angel Island fell. We've lost.
4180 Ix has won.
4181 We can't give up! We have to....
4183 Look!
4185 Lord Ix's plan. It has begun.
4186 And there's nothing we can do to stop it.
4202 I have been imprisoned in the Twilight Cage for too long! Soon I will break free and shake the foundation of the universe!
4206 Ix has taken the Master Emerald back inside the Twilight Cage.
4207 Your world is lost.
4208 I hope you are right.
4209 Hm. A wormhole in the sky, directly above Metropolis....
4210 My lab filled with old starship parts, just waiting to be put to good use....
4211 Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
4212 Oh, most certainly!
4213 Oh please. This isn't the time for nerd bonding.
4215 Well, being the utterly unparalleled genius I am, I happen to have set aside rocket parts for just this sort of occasion.
4216 I've designed them to be simple enough that even Tails here could help me put them together!
4217 And this will work for sure?
4218 Absolutely! I even have a Dimensional Buffer stored away! Perfect!
4219 Of course! It should be simple.
4220 There is the small matter that a massive floating island crashed into my city, knocking out my power grid!
4221 My lovely, beautiful power grid!
4222 So even if we got all the parts for the ship, we couldn't put it together without power.
4223 Oh, and it seems the crash has broken open my Hazard Vault.
4224 So, I wouldn't worry too much, but it's likely that mad robots are running amuck as we speak.
4225 Oh. Is that all?
4226 Sonic, Eggman and I will go to his lab and start gathering parts.
4227 If you can get the power grid back up, we can get the spaceship up and ready in no time!
4228 I will go with the hedgehog.
4229 Yeah!
4230 There are three generators that supply power to my lab. I'll mark them on your map.
4231 If you can activate them all, then I...er, WE can get to work on that spaceship.
4232 We will not fail.
4233 ....
4234 Good luck, Sonic.
4235 Oh, just some prototype robots, old machines I never used because they were too unpredictable.
4236 Certainly Sonic the Hedgehog has nothing to fear from them!
4237 I beg you for the chance to prove myself, my new friend.
4238 When Ix cast me aside, I made up my mind to oppose him. I cannot trust him with my people.
4239 I would never want my people to return at the expense of the people of this world.
4241 Give her a shot, Sonic. I'll take responsibility if she turns on us.
4245 Of course! After all the times I've tried to take over the world, you think I wouldn't have mere rocket parts around?
4246 Ha! You know nothing of the true genius of Eggman!
4247 Of course not! What challenge would there be, then?
4248 Ix hoped to use their power to return our clan to this world. At least, that was what he told us. Now I know he is using my people for his own selfish ends.
4252 Then the legends are true.
4253 It would seem so, although I have never heard them.
4254 The Nocturnus Clan of echidnas ruled much of the world some 4000 years ago. They were only rivaled by my ancestors, led by Pachacamac.
4256 The Nocturnus Clan disappeared not long after Perfect Chaos nearly destroyed my people. We always thought Perfect Chaos destroyed them, too.
4257 So now Ix has taken the Master Emerald as part of his plan to conquer the world.
4258 I thought I was helping my people return from exile. I didn't know Lord Ix planned to conquer this world. I... I was blind.
4260 I can't expect you to believe me. I just want a chance to get back at Lord Ix for using my people as a weapon.
4262 We'll find a way to stop him.
4268 What are you two going on about?
4273 Then let's get that rocket built!
4283 Then we have a plan. Let's get moving!
4290 What was in the Hazard Vault?
4292 I don't want to work with Shade.
4300 You just happened to have these parts lying around?
4302 Let's just get the rocket built.
4303 It can't be this easy.
4305 What is Ix up to? Why does he need the Emeralds?
4311 We'll find a way to stop Ix.
4312 What legends?
4316 Why should we believe anything you say?
4321 Finally. The last generator.
4324 That ought to do it. Let's get back to Tails.
4329 Tails, there goes the second generator.
4335 Tails, we activated one of the generators.
4368 Sonic! I heard something over your communicator! Is everything all right?
4369 You are destined to face Lord Ix, Sonic. I could not watch you be defeated by a lowly robot.
4370 Of course.
4371 Shall we continue?
4372 Sonic, we have power!
4373 But there's a problem. Eggman's Dimensional Buffer is in the Hazard Vault.
4374 Without that, the spaceship would never withstand the rigors of dimensional travel!
4375 Then you would rather have died?
4376 I didn't want to take that chance.
4378 Thank you, Shade.
4383 That was a stupid thing to do!
4385 You don't think I could handle that shot?
4393 You impress me, Sonic the Hedgehog.
4394 I don't waste time with flattery. It's not easy to impress me. Thus far, only you and your echidna friend have done so.
4395 I worked with Lord Ix for a very long time. He has led my people for as long as we can remember.
4396 But faced with his wrath, you and your friends stand up against him. You risk everything in a desperate attempt to stop him.
4398 I find that... inspiring.
4399 She was acting under orders, Sonic. This isn't her fault.
4400 No, he's right. I was blind, and now my people are stuck serving a vicious and cruel master.
4401 I understand. With luck, I will get a chance to make up for my crimes.
4402 We have a lot to do. Let's go.
4403 He is. And as powerful as Lord Ix is alone, he is surrounded by advanced technology and the finest warriors of my clan.
4404 We have a difficult fight ahead of us, Sonic. I go with you knowing that Ix will most likely kill me.
4405 Not as long as I live.
4406 Bravery worthy of Pachacamac's descendant. I am proud to work with you all.
4407 Thank you. From you, that is a compliment.
4408 And I would understand if we never were. But I give respect where it is due.
4409 There's no time for flattery, Shade.
4411 Why is that?
4415 It's just what we do.
4416 I consider all this to be your fault, Shade.
4421 Is he really that powerful?
4426 You're not so bad yourself.
4428 We are not friends, Shade.
4430 Ha ha ha ha! You *bzt* cannot...
4431 Defeat... meeeeeeee *bzt*
4432 You could have fooled me.
4433 Come. We have the Dimensional Buffer. Let's go!
4434 Ha ha ha ha ha! *bzt*
4435 I am *bzt* free! Free to destroy!
4436 *bzt* Destroy... you.... *bzt* Ha ha ha ha ha!
4437 *bzt* A hedgehog in *bzt* running shoes. *bzt* Disgusting!
4438 Ha ha ha ha ha!
4439 *bzt* Beauty.... Genius.... *bzt* Perfect creation!
4440 None... *bzt* in my way... *bzt* None *bzt* defeat me!
4446 Let's take it down, team!
4448 Ugh! A robot Eggman. Disgusting!
4450 What in the world are you?
4453 Great! Once we have the Dimensional Buffer, we can take off after Ix!
4454 Eggman says he thinks most of the robots will have escaped already.
4455 It should be a matter of just going in and getting the part!
4456 I'm sure you can handle anything else that's in there!
4457 We're not quite done getting the ship together. If you can get the last part, we can get all this done sooner.
4458 Then we're on our way!
4460 Anything we should be looking out for?
4462 Why do I doubt it'll be that easy?
4463 Why doesn't Eggman go get it himself?
4464 This must be the Hazard Vault.
4465 Let's go. The part we need is inside.
4466 This should be easy enough. This place looks pretty empty.
4470 Sonic! It's Tails!
4471 Eggman says there may be a few more robots in the Hazard Vault!
4475 He's apologizing. And laughing. But mostly apologizing.
4476 Yeah, I know. Risk of working with an evil genius, I guess.
4478 It's almost over, Sonic. Good luck!
4489 Don't worry. We can handle it!
4493 Eggman and his stupid robots!
4530 Okay! I think we're all set to go!
4531 We have a few minutes before the dimensional window cycles around.
4532 Feel free to take a moment and talk to everyone if you like.
4534 All right!
4535 Everyone, we're leaving right now! Gather your things and get on the ship!
4536 Good luck out there, now. Without my genius working for you, you're in for quite a fight!
4537 Wait, Eggman. You're not going?
4538 Oh, no. You'll need someone to help you with re-entry when you come back!
4539 Inter-dimensional travel isn't like dusting crops, boy! You'll need someone of supreme intellect to guide you back in!
4540 Oh no you don't, Sonic! You'll not insult me, not when I'm volunteering to--
4541 Oh. Oh! My, did you just thank me?
4542 Or, at least, a bigger head.
4543 Finally, you appreciate my genius. Well, you're welcome.
4544 Final boarding call for the Twilight Cage!
4545 We're leaving. Everyone coming?
4546 On our way!
4548 Thanks for all your help, Eggman. I really mean it!
4549 Aw, it was all you, my little friend! Now, go on!
4550 Goodbye!
4553 Sure. Take your time.
4554 Come talk to me when you're ready to go.
4556 Sonic! Are you okay?
4557 We're fine. Just had to deal with one of Eggman's old friends.
4558 He was such a handsome devil. *sniff*
4559 We have the Dimensional Buffer now. We should be ready to go.
4560 Great! Meet us in Eggman's lab, and we'll get everything ready!
4561 Tails out!
4565 There's no time to waste. Let's go!
4571 That sounds fair. Thank you for your help, Eggman.
4573 Don't get a big head about it
4585 We could really use you out there.
4586 Well, good riddance, I say.
4587 I'm not sure we should trust him here all alone....
4588 I'll only need a moment.
4592 How do you feel about all this?
4600 Hey Sonic! Are you ready to take off for the Twilight Cage?
4601 Oh, no! Without someone of my brilliance here to guide you, there's no telling where you'll end up!
4602 Besides, someone should be here in case Ix decides to come through while you're gone, no?
4603 Oh, Sonic! Get in touch with your feelings, my boy!
4604 You'll miss having me to match wits with, I promise you!
4605 Ha ha ha ha ha!
4606 Come now, Sonic. What could I possibly get up to here?
4607 My city is in ruins, my machines destroyed. I am a broken man, left only with the finest mind the world has ever known!
4608 Go. Go without worry, my blue friend! Ha ha ha ha ha!
4609 It feels odd to say this, but I'm excited! We're going to another world! Sure we might not escape, but....
4611 Besides, we have to do this. We can't just let Ix have the Chaos Emeralds!
4612 Not much. Just that Shade's clan came from there. She ought to know more than I do.
4614 Yes. Let's go.
4615 I need a little more time.
4625 You're right. Let's go.
4626 I'll be ready to go soon.
4627 Do you know anything about the Twilight Cage?
4629 I think it's time to get going.
4672 What is this place?
4673 I don't know. Looks like some kind of rock planet.
4674 This is the home colony of the Kron. They are allies of Lord Ix.
4675 Sonic, we have a problem. The ship landed all right, but we're completely out of power, and I think the Dimensional Buffer is shot.
4676 Are you saying we're stranded here?
4677 Well, not exactly. If we can find one of the Chaos Emeralds, we can use it to power the Cyclone.
4679 Right! We should explore this place, and see what we can find.
4681 Hm. I think the Kron might have a different idea.
4682 Get ready, team!
4683 Next to nothing. It seems to be made of rock and metal, but I can't tell much else.
4684 There does seem to be a Chaos Emerald here. That should be enough to power the Cyclone.
4685 Lord Ix must have planted one of the Chaos Emeralds here. Maybe he didn't want to keep them all in one place.
4687 Well, we came here for a Chaos Emerald. Let's not waste our time talking.
4688 They are a race of miners and builders. The finest in all of the Twilight Cage.
4689 Lord Ix uses them to build his armor, weapons, and other machines.
4690 They are strong and persistent. Very dangerous in a fight.
4691 You must understand. Lord Ix rules this place. Those who wouldn't work with him, he destroyed.
4692 That's a nice thought, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
4695 Then they're enemies of Sonic the Hedgehog.
4699 Then let's go get it!
4704 Do you know anything about this place?
4706 That's awfully convenient.
4710 Shade, what do you know about the Kron?
4713 They haven't fought us yet.
4714 Why would they work for Ix?
4715 Then maybe we can turn them against him.
4721 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic must find Amy Rose and go with her to Tails' Workshop in Central City, just south of Green Hill Zone.
4722 Hostile Reception
4729 Help the woodsman by chopping some wood.\n\nAn elderly woodsman asked Sonic for his help. The poor man has been out chopping wood all day, and he's getting tired! If Sonic would just chop one piece of wood, the woodsman would be eternally grateful!
4730 Sonic took a moment out of his busy schedule to chop a little wood and help out the poor old woodsman. What a nice guy!
4731 Speak with the woodsman for a reward.\n\nSonic raised the axe and chopped a piece of wood neatly in half. All that remains is to speak with the nearby woodsman about a job well done!
4732 The Tired Old Woodsman
4744 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nAmy Rose and Sonic must get to Tails' Workshop in Central City, just south of Green Hill Zone.
4748 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic and Amy Rose have arrived in Central City. Now they must go see Tails in his Workshop.
4750 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic and Amy found Tails! Tails contacted GUN, the Guardian Unit of Nations, for help in finding Knuckles. Sonic, Amy, and Tails must go speak to GUN Commander and see what can be done to find Knuckles.\n\nSpeak to Tails when you're ready to go!
4751 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nTails contacted GUN, the Guardian Unit of Nations, for help in finding Knuckles. Sonic, Amy, and Tails must go speak to GUN Commander and see what can be done to find Knuckles.
4755 Could Eggman really be back? Could he be behind Knuckles' disappearance?\n\nSonic thought he had defeated Eggman in their last battle, but the robots that attacked sure looked like Eggman's minions... old and worn-out they may have been. \n\nGUN Commander would love to hear about this. Go to Central City and speak with him.
4760 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic and Amy Rose have arrived in Central City. They met up with Rouge, who said that she wouldn't take them to GUN Headquarters without Tails. Now Sonic and Amy must go find Tails in his workshop.
4763 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic, Tails, and Amy met up with Rouge, who was waiting to take them to the GUN Headquarters to speak with GUN Commander.
4764 Are we really going to fly in that? It doesn't look safe.
4765 I'm-- I'm not afraid to fly, Sonic! I just don't think that plane looks up to code, is all.
4766 If you're there with me, I know I'll be all right. We can handle it together.
4767 I can't wait to meet up with those Marauders. I'll show them a thing or two!
4768 Dexter? Oh, yes. He won't mind. He wouldn't want me riding in a dangerous airplane without an escort, you see.
4772 Oh, yes, all the time. His plane is magnificent!
4775 Hmph! Why would I do that? Ha ha ha! That makes no sense, Sonic!
4776 You're so funny. But not as funny as my Dexter!
4777 Oh, I'm just fine! Why wouldn't I be?
4784 Yes, we're going soon. Be ready.
4785 Are you afraid to fly? Since when?
4787 Good. We're leaving soon. Be ready.
4789 What about Dexter?
4793 We're leaving soon. Be ready.
4794 Doesn't Dexter take you flying sometimes?
4797 Now I -know- you're making him up.
4799 How are you doing, Amy?
4816 Was that...?
4817 That animal seemed to be... roboticized.
4818 Oh no! Poor thing!
4819 Looks like we were right about Eggman being involved.
4820 But the animals... oh no!
4821 It's okay, Cream. We will find Eggman and stop him.
4822 The signal doesn't stop here, Sonic. We have to keep following it to find the source.
4823 Then let's go. Eggman will pay for this.
4824 I don't understand. How could Angel Island move away?
4825 How can Angel Island float?
4826 Point taken, smarty.
4828 But how can we stop him? We don't even know where he is!
4829 I think I can help with that!
4831 These communicators we found are old Eggman technology. They were made only to respond to a special frequency that Eggman used.
4832 If I can rewire them once again, maybe we can reverse them and use them to detect that frequency!
4833 So we could use them to find Eggman!
4835 This is a waste of time.
4837 If Eggman has all of the Chaos Emeralds, he won't stop there. He'll go after the Master Emerald. On Angel Island.
4838 If Eggman's going to Angel Island, then so should we.
4839 Right! In the meantime, everyone rest up. We have to be ready to fight if we're going after Eggman.
4841 Sonic, just head outside when you're ready to go. It won't take me long to rewire the communicators!
4842 It should. The communicators are already made to detect Eggman's electronic signature.
4843 It's a simple matter to rewire them so they'll alert us when we get close.
4844 That would be good news, wouldn't it?
4845 Besides, even if he isn't, we know his machines are. If we find more of his robots, we might learn more about what's going on.
4846 But... I....
4847 When we defeated Eggman the last time, it looked like he was gone for good.
4849 I don't think he could have recovered that much in so short a time.
4850 Then he'll be easier to defeat this time.
4853 Hey, if Eggman has the seven Chaos Emeralds, I say we go get him now.
4854 He's bound to have something shiny we can... rescue.
4855 I have an idea!
4857 ....
4858 ....
4859 Er.... Group hug?
4870 This has to be Eggman's doing. We have to stop him.
4873 Have you found something?
4882 Build the tracker, Tails. We need to find Eggman now.
4886 Do you think this tracker will work, Tails?
4888 Then let's build it. We have to stop Eggman.
4889 But what if Eggman isn't out there?
4891 I agree with Knuckles. We should go to Angel Island.
4910 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. Sonic must check out each hideout and figure out where the Marauders are holding Knuckles!
4911 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The team found the first hideout. Now they must search inside for Knuckles!
4912 The Search for Knuckles
4913 I'm ready when you are, Sonic.
4914 Ugh. It's called "a shower", people. You might want to look into it.
4915 That's not us, Rouge. It's...
4916 It's coming from over there! Look!
4917 Some kind of gas cloud. I wonder where it came from.
4918 Ugh. That stuff smells horrible!
4919 It's not just stinky; that gas might be deadly!
4920 Maybe there's a way around. I....
4922 What's that?
4923 I don't know, but it's coming from the cloud!
4924 Ready to fight, team!
4927 I'll be ready, darlin'. Don't you worry about me.
4928 Hey, Big Blue. Whatcha need?
4929 I'll be ready, darlin'. Don't you worry about me.
4930 I'm fine. Ready as I'll ever be.
4931 There had better be something shiny in this place we're going. Knuckles is cute, but he's not much of a reward.
4932 Boy, you sure are good at detecting sarcasm, aren't you?
4947 We're leaving soon. Be ready.
4948 How are you, Rouge?
4950 You think Knuckles is cute?
4953 Whew. Sorry about the bumpy landing, team. This fog is so thick, I can hardly see to land!
4954 Mystic Ruins? More like "Soggy Ruins," if you ask me. Ew.
4955 The ruins should be to the east. Let's go find Knuckles!
4956 Ready to go save Knuckles?
4957 The Tornado's right outside. Head out there and interact with the plane when you're ready to travel!
4962 I had hoped to get by without her. She's not really up to spec.
4963 But it looks like we have no choice but to take the Tornado out for a spin!
4964 It'll get us there. I'm just not sure it'll get us back.
4965 I'll need some time to adjust the flaps, if you want to rest a moment.
4967 I had to use some of her parts for the trap I built for Knuckles. Those parts were destroyed when the trap blew up.
4968 She should fly all right, but I wouldn't go too far with her. Not without some serious work on her stabilizers!
4969 I can't be sure but, I can hope.
4970 If the signal leads to a headquarters, then we'll probably find Knuckles there.
4971 If not, well, I hope we can get some clue that will help us find him!
4972 Right!
4973 Hey Sonic! Got something! Another communicator!
4974 And still no Knuckles!
4975 I think I... Yes! I've got it!
4979 I've rewired the communicators and.... There! I've got the source of the signal!
4980 It's there! In the Mystic Ruins!
4981 That must be where they're keeping Knuckles!
4982 I bet it's another wild goose chase. Count me out.
4983 Fine. You twisted my arm.
4984 Let's hurry! The Mystic Ruins are just south of Central City. We'll get there if we follow the road.
4985 Let's go!
4986 Then we'll have to go back to GUN and see if they know anything else.
4987 I really hope that doesn't happen. I don't trust GUN.
4988 Er, no offense, Rouge.
4989 No, that's fair.
4990 Er... what? The Chaos Emeralds?
4991 Ah, yes. Let's get moving, then! Knuckles could be in trouble, you know! No time to lose!
4992 Hey Sonic! Look!
4993 Another communicator! Almost enough to build the signal tracker!
4994 Where could they be keeping Knuckles? Could there be somewhere else that GUN couldn't find?
4995 Let's keep looking and find out!
4996 Another communicator. And it's broken, too.
4997 You know, Sonic, if we found more of these, I might be able to rewire them and use them to trace the source of the signal.
4998 With that, we might be able to find the Marauders' headquarters, where they're probably keeping Knuckles.
4999 Well, he's not here. And all we're finding are stupid walkie-talkies.
5000 We'll find him. I know it!
5001 Let's keep moving.
5002 I found some sort of device. I think it's a communicator!
5004 Hm. It seems broken. But maybe if we had more parts, I could get it working.
5005 Knuckles isn't here. He must be in one of the other hideouts.
5006 Let's go!
5007 Hey, team! Look!
5008 This is the last of the hideouts. Maybe we'll find Knuckles inside!
5009 Another hideout! Let's look around!
5010 Another hideout! Let's look around!
5011 Here's one of the hideouts we're supposed to explore.
5012 It looks abandoned! There's no one here!
5013 Looks can be deceiving, Pinky. There could be something valuable in there.
5014 You mean like Knuckles?
5015 Mmm. Right. Like Knuckles.
5026 If it'll help us save Knuckles, it's good enough for me.
5030 Why haven't we been using the Tornado all along?
5032 Are you sure we're looking for Knuckles in the right place?
5035 Then get the Tornado ready so we can save Knuckles.
5045 You're probably right.
5046 Let's just go check it out.
5050 And what if he's not there?
5055 Maybe that's where they're keeping the Chaos Emeralds, too.
5077 Amy!!!
5078 Ugh! No hugs, Big. Not while you smell like that.
5079 What are you doing here, Big?
5080 Uh, I was just fishing in the lake over there, and I thought I heard my friend Amy Rose!
5081 I was so happy I splashed through the lake and came over here, and there she was! Amy Rose!
5082 How did you get through that gas, Big? It seems very dangerous!
5083 Oh, that? That's the sneezy fog! It makes me sneeze.
5084 Ah-ah-ah... ah-CHOO!
5085 Ugh. I'd almost rather stand in the fog.
5086 Sonic, Big is an old friend of mine. I think we should bring him along!
5087 Yay! I go with Amy Rose!
5088 Now we just need to get through that fog.
5089 Big can help with that!
5091 Let's go!
5092 Poison gas?! Oh no! Where?
5094 I think maybe it just doesn't affect him, Sonic. Big is pretty tough.
5095 Maybe he can help us get past this gas and into the ruins!
5096 Definitely. He's just the sweetest!
5097 Sure! If he can survive the gas, maybe he can get us through it!
5098 Hmph. The more the merrier, I always say.
5108 It can't hurt anything, I guess.
5114 How did you survive the poison gas, Big?
5118 Does everyone think Big should come with us?
5121 Then come with us, Big. We could use your help.
5122 Why, I'll let you have it if you bring me that stapler! It belonged to my sainted mother, rest her soul.
5124 Why are we standing here? We should be off finding Eggman.
5125 I can't believe Eggman might really be back!
5126 We keep beating him up, and he keeps returning. I wonder if it'll ever end!
5216 All right! Everyone, gather around!
5217 This tracker won't lead us right to Eggman, but it will beep when we get near him!
5218 We'll have to travel all over. When the tracker starts beeping, we'll know we're close.
5219 I've tuned it to Eggman's electronic signature, so any Eggman device that's out there might make it beep.
5220 Those things might be clues, so we should check out anything that makes the tracker beep!
5221 Look out, Eggman! We're coming for you!
5222 Eggman could be anywhere! We should search Green Hill Zone, Central City, and Mystic Ruins.
5223 Any time the tracker beeps, we should look around. It could be Eggman!
5224 Right! He should be pretty weak, but even a weak Eggman is dangerous!
5322 Good. Let's go!
5324 So, where should we look?
5326 And when we find Eggman, we take him out.
5335 Ha. Marauders.
5336 I hoped I'd get a chance to bring down a few of these guys.
5337 Let's take 'em out.
5338 I wish I were there with you. I'd love to take down a few of those guys.
5339 Take 'em out, Sonic.
5380 I don't know. I couldn't see.
5381 Shadow.
5382 Again?
5385 So, this is the Blue Ridge Zone.
5386 We've landed in Station Square. That means that the back door to Metropolis is to the north.
5387 Keep an eye out, team. I bet the Marauders won't be too happy to see us so close to their base!
5391 Eggman and I have some work to do on the Tornado, but it shouldn't take long.
5392 Just go out and activate the Tornado when you're ready to go. We should be done by then.
5411 Then get to it!
5418 You... You've been practicing.
5420 Have you been working for the Marauders?
5426 The Marauders? Why would I work for them? I've been searching for E-123 Omega.
5428 But ever since I got here, these Marauders have been coming out of nowhere to stop me.
5430 I've decided to give any Marauders I find a severe beating. To put it mildly.
5431 Looks that way.
5432 I will join you for now. Strength in numbers, right?
5433 Keep your friends close....
5434 Exactly.
5435 Omega should be in Metropolis. If we make it inside, I'd like to look for him.
5436 Let's go. Clock's ticking.
5437 And here. Take this. I hoped it would lead me to Omega, but as far as I can tell, it's just a hunk of junk.
5438 It looks like another Eggman device!
5444 E-123 Omega is one of Eggman's most powerful robots. Unlike Eggman's other robots, however, Omega was... intelligent. He hated Eggman.
5445 That is how I remember it, yes.
5446 Omega was trying to track down Eggman . I've searched all of Eggman's old hideouts for Omega, but no luck.
5447 I think maybe Omega went into Metropolis and he got disabled somehow. I was on my way to find him when you stopped me.
5449 Because a powerful and friendly Eggman robot is a valuable ally. Even the likes of you should understand that.
5450 More than that, though, he was my friend. And I won't let a friend rust in Metropolis at the hands of those Marauders.
5451 Is that so? I find it strange you stooped to working with Eggman if things are going so well for you.
5452 Oh, my poor creature. Can't you see I've reformed?
5454 Arguing won't get us anywhere.
5455 I agree.
5456 He's getting away! You're the only one who can catch him, Sonic. Go!
5457 You can't outrun me, Shadow!
5458 Maybe not. But I can outfight you!
5461 Tell me why you're out here, Shadow. Now.
5473 Join us, Shadow. We have a common enemy.
5486 What happened to Omega?
5490 It sure didn't take much to stop you.
5492 Why were you looking for him?
5494 Seems to me your rescue wasn't going so well.
5495 Seems like the only one getting beaten around here is you.
5505 Stop them, team!
5506 She's an echidna!
5509 Aha! The tunnel! Just as I left it!
5510 Won't the Marauders know about these tunnels?
5511 Ha! Silly girl. You know nothing of the sublime art of infiltration.
5512 Once we enter these tunnels, we will be in the Metropolis underground. From there, we mount our assault.
5513 Sounds dangerous.
5514 Sounds stupid.
5515 Sounds like our only way in.
5517 That's right, Sonic. The great Dr. Robotnik has reformed! Ha ha ha ha ha!
5518 Likely story, Eggman!
5519 Not so fast, Amy. He might be telling the truth.
5521 You can't be serious!
5522 Thank you, Sonic the Hedgehog.
5527 I have charted the flight path of your Angel Island. And with equipment no more advanced than a rusty garbage can lid.
5528 According to my projections, Angel Island is being pulled to Metropolis, where the Marauders are based!
5529 The Marauders must have polarized the Emeralds to attract the Master Emerald, essentially towing Angel Island right to them!
5531 If you can get into Metropolis, you can stop the Marauders and reach Angel Island at the same time.
5532 But Metropolis is almost impossible to get into, even when it isn't completely ruined!
5533 Ah! Of course, I have anticipated this! I have a plan to get inside the city!
5534 We must travel to the Blue Ridge Zone and work our way to the edge of Metropolis.
5535 From there, I can get you into the city, and you can bring down the Marauders from inside.
5536 One problem: The Tornado isn't quite ready yet. I don't think she'll fly us all the way to Blue Ridge!
5537 Then we shall work together. With my help, your little airplane will be able to reach the ends of the world!
5538 The Tornado should be ready by the time you're ready to go, Sonic. Just go outside and activate the Tornado when you're ready!
5539 Yes! Let the heroism commence!
5540 How quickly you forget!
5541 Metropolis was my most heavily fortified fortress! Laser turrets! Deadly robots! Acid traps!
5542 Oh, it was beautiful!
5543 Most of that was destroyed after our last battle. But the Marauders have been rebuilding.
5544 It may be more dangerous now than when I was in charge, if you can believe that!
5545 Oh, a glorious tale! Ha ha ha!
5547 I almost didn't make it out! But in my incalculable brilliance, I had anticipated my own defeat!
5548 I managed to call a life-support robot, which I had designed just for this purpose, to my side.
5549 The robot rescued me from the wreckage, dragged me to safety, and nursed me back to health.
5550 That sounds awfully convenient.
5551 Since then, I have worked to cobble these defenses and machines from mere scraps, unworthy of my genius.
5552 Only one of my stupendous intelligence could build such machines from nothing!
5553 We might not have a choice! If anyone can get us into Metropolis, it's him!
5554 I hate the idea, too, but I think Eggman's right.
5555 It's about time Eggman helped out. Let's just keep an eye on him.
5556 Aw, he's not so bad, just funny-lookin'! We should give him a chance!
5557 What's the worst that can happen? If he starts being evil again, just spank him again like you did last time.
5558 *sniff* *sniff* I think there's a bug in my nose.
5559 Listen to them, my blue friend. You need me.
5560 With your speed and courage and my unparalleled, superior genius....
5561 I have been tracking the Marauders for some time, ever since they tripped a sensor in one of my old hideouts.
5562 So desperate are they that they use my old, cast-off bases as headquarters! They've even reprogrammed my obsolete-model robots to do their bidding!
5563 The sheer nerve of it all! The least they could do was ask!
5564 Ha! But I have the last laugh! So durable is my machinery that I was able to watch them as they worked.
5565 I have yet to see a Chaos Emerald with them, but I did see one of their viewscreens. On it were the letters "IX."
5566 Well. And here I thought you might have found patience on your little sabbatical.
5567 Why... yes! The Roman numeral nine. Yes. That occurred to me long ago, of course.
5568 Well, obviously, it means... "IX." Don't you see?! Ha ha ha ha ha!
5569 Why not? These Marauders have the Chaos Emeralds. They're as much a threat to me as they are to you!
5570 I know how much trouble you'd be in if I had them right now. Oh, the glorious carnage I could cause! Ha ha ha ha ha!
5571 The robots we've seen so far have been old models, Sonic. Eggman's too proud to rely on old machines.
5573 Hm. There's something to that. My captors were way too skilled and capable to be Eggman's minions.
5574 Hey!!
5587 We don't have time to argue. Let's hear him out.
5599 Skip the boasting and tell us your plan.
5606 Why is it so difficult to get into Metropolis?
5611 How did you escape our last battle, Eggman?
5619 I can't! I won't work with Eggman!
5627 Tell us what you know, Eggman. All of it.
5632 Stop blathering and get to the point.
5634 "IX"? As in "nine"?
5635 What does that mean?
5636 Why should we trust you?
5642 Then let's talk, Eggman. And skip the boring details.
5645 Oh, Sonic. I wanted to talk to you.
5646 I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it: You've been really nice to me lately.
5651 Whew! That was tough!
5652 Yes. They don't make 'em how I used to.
5653 Let's get this cannon working and clear the skies for Sonic!
5655 What's that noise? Sounds like... airships above?
5656 Tails! This is Sonic! The Marauders are taking off!
5657 We're on one of the airships, on our way to Angel Island.
5658 It should be safe for you to leave the underground now.
5659 Thanks, Sonic!
5660 Be careful! Sonic out!
5661 That's our cue!
5662 After you, my furry friend.
5663 Are you sure this is the right way?
5664 If you insist!
5665 I hid a device in these tunnels. We'll need it to build a weapon against those Marauders.
5666 Then lead on, Eggman.
5667 Good. We have our teams. So what's the plan?
5668 Sonic and I will take our team up into Metropolis and see what we can find out.
5669 We'll wipe out any Marauders we see and try to stop them before they get to Angel Island.
5670 Eggman and I will take our team to Eggman's weapons lab.
5671 We'll put together a weapon we can use to even the odds against the Marauders!
5672 I bet the Marauders are everywhere up there.
5673 Do not fear! In my infinite wisdom, I crafted a system of tunnels beneath the city!
5674 We can use them to travel unnoticed! Brilliant!
5675 That sounds like a plan!
5677 Once we think the surface is safe, we'll radio and let you know.
5678 This will be dangerous, everyone. Please be careful!
5679 Good luck, team!
5680 And be careful!
5681 Hello, Sonic. Is everyone ready to go?
5682 Okay!
5683 Everyone, gather around!
5684 We have a plan?
5685 We do! But it won't be easy.
5686 My calculations say that Angel Island will be directly over Metropolis in a matter of moments.
5687 If you want to save your Master Emerald, you'll have to hurry. My calculations never lie.
5688 It sounded like Shade didn't have the Master Emerald yet. If she did, this place would be swarming with Nocturnus Clan echidnas.
5690 But there's already a whole army of Marauders and robots! Even Sonic can't take on an army without backup!
5691 I, of course, anticipated this event. I have, in my advanced weaponry lab, the perfect machine for the job.
5692 Given time, I and my powerful scientific mind could rig up a weapon to help against our foes.
5693 We will be unstoppable! Ha ha ha ha ha!
5694 Metropolis is crawling with bad guys, though. You'd never get there by yourself.
5695 Go with him, then. I'll go to Angel Island alone.
5696 Right!
5697 I'll go with Eggman. Maybe I can help him with the weapon!
5699 I can do this alone.
5701 What about the rest of us?
5702 We'll divide into two teams, like this:
5704 What else do we need to know? It's my job to protect the Master Emerald, whatever the cost.
5705 The Nocturnus Clan must have some way of getting onto Angel Island.
5706 I'll stop them before they get there, or I'll hitch a ride and stop them on the island.
5707 You still don't trust me, Sonic? Why, I'm hurt. Ha ha ha ha ha!
5708 We have a common enemy, my blue friend. And even if we didn't, I've given up, remember?
5709 You've won, Sonic! The great Doctor Eggman is no longer a threat!
5710 Good. Then he won't get in my way.
5711 Protecting the Chaos Emeralds is my responsibility. Mine alone.
5712 I am the last of the echidnas, charged with the--
5714 I....
5716 All right, Sonic. But stay out of my way.
5717 Come let me know when you are. We almost have a plan figured out.
5742 We'll use these communicators to keep in touch.
5747 Yes. Let's get moving.
5756 Hi, I'm Sonic. Have we met?
5761 I say we split up. We can do both.
5763 I'll go with Knuckles.
5765 I'm not doubting you. But I want a piece of that Shade, too.
5770 What else do we know about the situation?
5773 How do we know Eggman won't just turn on us?
5777 Let's split up into two teams.
5778 Knuckles, you don't have to defend Angel Island alone!
5780 You're not the last anymore, Knuckles.
5784 No, not quite.
5787 We can't hold out here much longer, Sonic.
5788 We'll hold out as long as it takes!
5790 Valiant effort, dustlings. But I can see you're wearing down.
5791 I must say, I am impressed. Never before has a civilization failed to kneel before me.
5792 It won't be a complete waste to destroy you myself.
5793 Come, my Nocturnus! To me!
5795 We're not ready for this, Sonic....
5796 We have to be.
5798 Sonic!
5799 Tails! Just in time!
5800 More dust to sweep away. Very well, then. Let us see what you've got.
5802 Start shaking, Ix. Now you've got our full attention.
5810 We're going to need help on this one.
5812 Copy that! Tails out!
5813 Well, let's go.
5814 What are you doing?! We'll be killed!
5815 Maybe we can't beat them by ourselves, but we can definitely slow them down until Tails gets here.
5822 No!
5823 We'll never make it past the fleet without our main weapon!
5824 I have an idea.
5825 Tails! Come in, Tails!
5826 Tails here.
5827 Our main weapon is down! There's no way we can get past the Marauder fleet! We need ground support!
5828 Hang on, Sonic! We'll find a way to help!
5829 Hurry!
5830 There. The airship is ours.
5831 Let's go get those Marauder losers!
5832 Let's not celebrate yet. I think the captain hit some sort of alarm. The whole fleet knows we took this ship.
5833 Did you figure that out yourself? Or was that huge boarding party your big clue?
5834 We have to defeat those boarding parties before they bring the ship down!
5835 This is going to be fun!
5836 We've taken off. Now we just need to take control.
5837 It shouldn't be hard to get to the bridge and take out the captain. Then we can fly this thing ourselves.
5838 Sounds like a plan.
5839 Tails calling Sonic! Come in, Sonic!
5840 I'm here, Tails.
5841 We've got the parts and are building the weapon.
5842 Good. We're in the air now.
5843 Yay! Good luck, team! Tails out!
5844 He's so cheerful.
5845 Let's make sure he can stay that way.
5847 They're taking off!
5848 Quick! We might be able to catch that last one.
5849 Hurry!
5850 The airbase!
5851 Let's go inside! Hurry!
5852 Look, Sonic. It looks like airships are taking off from that airbase.
5853 We're too late.
5854 No, we're not. If we can stow away on one of the airships, we can get to Angel Island just as they do.
5855 If we're fast enough, that just might work.
5856 Fast enough? Did you forget who I am?
5857 Wow. We really did a number on this place.
5858 See anything?
5859 Let me... Oh.
5860 What is it?
5861 Angel Island. I see it. If Eggman is correct, it will be in place soon.
5862 Then let's go!
5868 This looks like the way out. Let's go.
5869 These tunnels look familiar.
5870 We've been through here before, I think. Last time we brought down Eggman.
5871 Listen. It sounds like we're not alone.
5872 Then let's change that.
5873 Don't worry, Sonic. I'll be ready when the time comes.
5874 Leave me alone, Sonic.
5875 Thanks.
5876 Don't worry. I'll be ready to fight when the time comes.
5877 I--I'm fine. It's just....
5880 I thought I was the last echidna. All my people died out, and I was the only one left.
5881 But now, here comes Shade. She's an echidna! And the Nocturnus Clan Marauders. All echidnas!
5882 I finally meet more of my kind, and they're villains.
5884 I guess. Maybe she just wants to bring her people back. I know I would.
5885 No doubt about that. I am the guardian of the Master Emerald. It doesn't matter who they are. I will stop them.
5886 Not much. Though....
5887 There is an old legend in echidna history about an echidna race called the Nocturnus Clan.
5888 Long ago, the Nocturnus Clan ruled much of the known world, crushing everyone in its path.
5889 They were rivaled only by my ancestors, led by their chief, Pachacamac.
5890 But at the height of their power, the Nocturnus Clan disappeared. The whole civilization.
5891 No one knows where they went, or even if they survived.
5892 Maybe. I don't know. But Shade said something about returning to this world.
5893 It made me think. That's all.
5981 I can't have you moping around, Knuckles.
5984 Are you okay, Knuckles?
5991 I'll leave you alone now.
5992 Maybe they're not so bad.
5993 If we meet them again, we will have to stop them.
5994 Do you know anything about this "Shade" person?
6000 I see. I'll leave you alone now.
6001 And you think they're coming back?
6003 Is that what's bothering you?
6004 Such adventure! I begin to see why you and Sonic do all this running and jumping and falling off things!
6005 Ha ha ha ha ha!
6006 Oh, come now. Angel Island isn't going anywhere! At least, not anymore!
6010 Here we go!
6012 Oh, yes, I know. Saving the world this and fighting evil that.
6013 It's all an excuse to run about and hop on things, is it not?
6014 Ha! I'm sure it is! The secret of this so-called "heroism" is mine! Ha ha ha ha!
6015 And stop me you did!
6016 It's thrilling and full of adventure! And it's rollicking good exercise! Ha ha ha!
6017 Sonic got himself into trouble again, did he?
6018 Yes. Come, let us return to the underground. There I will repair the teleporter and send us all straight to Angel Island!
6019 Ha ha ha! Again my genius overcomes all!
6020 Surely you considered that we could repair the teleporter in the underground and use it to travel to Angel Island.
6021 That couldn't possibly have slipped your mind, could it, Tails?
6022 I... er... I was busy!
6023 Yes, I see!
6024 We must return to the underground. There I will repair my transporter and send us all straight up to Angel Island!
6025 Great! Let's go. Sonic needs us!
6026 Surely you considered that we could use the tele-- Ah, yes.
6027 Again you surprise me, my furry friend. Clearly my genius is rubbing off!
6028 My lovely cannon! You're alive!
6029 We have to hurry!
6030 Wait... I seem to remember something about....
6032 Ah, yes. I placed a guardian here to protect the cannon! I impress even myself!
6033 No time to disable the guardian! We have to fight it!
6034 Pity.
6035 There. That ought to do it.
6036 I have attached our Beam Cannon to this old sky hopper I found.
6037 Never before has the world seen such a mighty weapon! Ha ha ha ha ha!
6038 Eggman, we have to help Sonic!
6039 What?!? Again?!?
6040 They can't get past the airship fleet. We need to sink those enemy ships from here!
6041 Yes. Well. As always, I know just the thing!
6042 Before you so rudely destroyed my city, I built a massive anti-aircraft cannon in the southern reaches of Metropolis.
6043 Of course, I never got a chance to use it, but I happen to know it's still there, and the Marauders have yet to discover it!
6044 Then we can use it to save Sonic!
6045 Yes. It isn't--what was it--"non-lethal"? But it will bring those ships down!
6046 South, you say? Let's go!
6047 Ah! My old weapons lab!
6048 How I've missed this place!
6049 Looks... ruined.
6050 *sniff* It pains my heart to see her this way....
6051 Let's get to work!
6052 Yes. Let's.
6053 Ah, yes! Lovely!
6054 Even I am impressed by my craftsmanship!
6055 What did you find?
6056 With these parts, I can assemble a Massive Blast Egg-Cannon the likes of which has never been seen before!
6057 A masterpiece of modern engineering! With this weapon, no one can withstand our might!
6058 I have a better idea!
6059 If we could somehow create a Beam Cannon that would teleport them back where they came from....
6060 We could send them home--wherever that is--without hurting them?
6061 Right!
6062 But they will suffer no injuries? Not even a little?!
6063 You can do it, Eggman! Just try!
6064 Not even a little tiny bit?
6065 On our team, we avoid violence when we can, Eggman.
6066 I see. Well, if your wacko "pain-free" machine works, I'll be very impressed.
6067 My weapons lab is to the south.
6068 Then let's get to work!
6069 My city!
6070 What have they done to... Argh!
6071 Those Marauder fools! Don't they know they've invited the wrath of Doctor Eggman?!
6072 Oh, they're in trouble now.
6073 Quiet, girl!
6074 We have to find that part and get to the lab.
6075 There! The ionic defragulator!
6076 What does that do, exactly?
6079 By itself, it is nothing. But coupled with my hypersonic compactor rod--and my own stupendous intellect--it's a weapon!
6081 Come! The hypersonic compactor rod must be on the surface. Shall we go find it?
6082 No! We have to wait for Sonic's signal.
6083 I just hope they're all right.
6086 Welcome, my flabbergasted friends, to the Metropolis Underground!
6087 Wow.
6088 I have to hand it to you, Eggman, you really saved us this time.
6089 Please. Don't remind me.
6090 There's no time to lose! We need a plan!
6091 We can rest here for a moment. My awesome fortifications ensure we'll have warning if the echidnas should come looking for us.
6092 Don't mind the teleporter over there. It hasn't worked for ages.
6093 Great. Everyone rest for a bit, and we'll come up with a plan when we're ready.
6094 Sonic, you might want to talk to Knuckles. He looks... unhappy.
6095 Come talk to me when you're ready to get moving.
6097 Quick! We have to get to Angel Island!
6104 It's not just for the fun of it, Eggman!
6107 We did it because we had to stop you!
6109 No time to talk. We have to help Sonic!
6111 There's no way we can get up there in time!
6119 If we could use the teleporter in the underground....
6188 Sure. I bet he has a lot on his mind.
6195 Oh no you don't! You stay away from him, witch!
6196 Please. I wish to be of use.
6200 With a little work, we could use the tracker I made to lock onto whatever signal we choose!
6201 We could fire it anywhere, but it would only hit what we tell it to hit!
6202 I hadn't thought of that. That's genius! Anywhere in the world, eh?
6203 We could take out the Marauders without hitting our friends!
6210 Whew. That was quite a welcome!
6211 We need to find the Chaos Emerald. Let's look around.
6212 And be on the lookout for more of these Kron!
6213 We did it! We're in the Twilight Cage!
6214 I've never heard anyone sound so happy to be here.
6215 We won't be here long, Shade. Not if I have anything to say about it.
6217 Switching to manual navigation. Grab hold, team. This could get rough.
6218 What's going on?
6219 Something's wrong. We didn't take into account the trans-spatial frequency. It's jamming our Dimensional Buffer!
6220 Pretend I have no idea what you're talking about, cutie. Because I don't.
6221 Stuff is happening, and we're losing power.
6223 I'll try to set down on that planetoid there, but it's going to be a hard landing!
6225 *pant* *pant*
6226 Is everyone all right?
6227 I think so.
6228 I'm fine.
6229 I think my eyes are broken. No, wait. They're just closed.
6230 Let's get out and look around.
6252 Technology overcomes all obstacles. Our warp belts create bubbles of space around us. Within that bubble, it's as if we never left the Twilight Cage.
6253 Unfortunately, it isn't perfect. Eventually the warp bubbles wear off, and we must return.
6254 To truly cross into this world, Ix needed to open the wormhole. And to do that, he needed the Master Emerald.
6255 Yes. We must.
6256 Your military had set up around the base of the island. To conquer Angel Island, Ix needed to bring it to him.
6257 He used the Chaos Emeralds to draw the island over Metropolis, where we had set up our base.
6258 The plan was to assault the island on our turf, rather than attacking it with legions of soldiers underneath.
6259 Why should we believe anything Shade says?
6260 But you and your people got here without the Master Emerald.
6263 We have to find a way to stop him.
6265 What about these "legends" you spoke about?
6266 Why did he need the other Chaos Emeralds?
6267 Why did he move Angel Island?
6270 How did the Marauders get here without the Master Emerald?
6271 We're not taking chances. We've posted soldiers in Mystic Ruins to watch over Angel Island.
6272 Vector the Crocodile and Team Chaotix have volunteered to scout for further clues. They're on the channel now.
6273 Yo, Sonic. It's about time you came back.
6275 They have been instrumental in pinning down these four locations. Now it's up to you to explore them for signs of Knuckles.
6283 And perhaps you can use my warp belt to put together a new Dimensional Buffer.
6284 I could, at that. And my instruments detect that there might be a Chaos Emerald here on this planetoid!
6285 It would, yes. But I don't deserve to live on your world. Not if I led a tyrant there to destroy it.
6286 I-- I'd be humbled if you'd bring me back with you. I, who led Lord Ix to your world.
6287 I can probably work the Dimensional Buffer to allow her through. I'll check it out!
6288 My people use warp belts to cross dimensions. The belts create a bubble of Twilight space around us.
6289 Like an astronaut in a space suit?
6290 I believe so, yes.
6292 Wouldn't that leave you stranded here, Shade?
6293 Maybe she can come back with us through the wormhole.
6295 What exactly is a warp belt?
6298 Let's go get that Chaos Emerald!
6299 I don't see any GUN soldiers here. Looks like the coast is clear.
6301 Yup, I was just fishing over there with Froggy. There was a bunch of guys in uniforms around but they weren't scaring the fish.
6302 All of a sudden, we heard all this noise and saw all these flashy lights! I looked over and saw the soldiers running, and the sneezy fog rolled in!
6303 This "fog" is actually some kind of gas. Someone must have used the gas to chase away the GUN soldiers!
6309 Sorry, Sonic. We can't let you through here. It's too dangerous.
6310 I think I have an idea, Sonic.
6311 There's an airfield on the other side of Mystic Ruins. Maybe we can get in from there.
6312 Wait... you mean...?
6313 Yes. Let's get back to the workshop, team.
6314 We'll take the Tornado!
6315 And our orders are to keep everyone out until the situation is normalized. That includes you, Sonic.
6316 We have a division there on high alert to defend Angel island from the Marauders. No one in or out, I'm sorry.
6317 Then we'll find a way around you.
6323 We have to get through here to find Knuckles!
6324 Why is it too dangerous?
6326 Sorry, Sonic. We can't let you through here. Commander's orders.
6327 Perfect Chaos was Pachacamac's doing. Your clan paid the price for unleashing its anger, but my clan was spared.
6328 With our greatest rivals gone, the Nocturnus Clan nearly colonized the rest of the world. Then we were exiled to the Twilight Cage.
6329 Wait... Shade is 4000 years old?
6330 You always were into older women, eh, Knuckles?
6339 Was that... a Gizoid?
6341 I have a bad feeling about this.
6347 If Ix values this factory so much, I can't wait to take it from him!
6355 Halt you! State you your business with the mighty Foreman of the Kron!
6356 Fought we have many Nocturnus. Not Nocturnus are you.
6357 Well. Shade is, but....
6358 Small creatures with fur. Look you like Nocturnus. If not you Nocturnus, then must be you Sonic the Hedgehog.
6359 Wish we to live peacefully upon this ground. But forced we were for Lord Ix to build weapons and ships.
6360 Enslaved us did Lord Ix. Stole he our precious ore.
6361 Angry became we. Decided we to fight.
6364 Help us you against Lord Ix? Mad gone you. Mad gone.
6365 We're here to defeat Ix. If we can help you, maybe Ix will be weaker!
6366 Then speak you with Foreman Krag. Go you now, before change mind I do.
6367 Go you through doors to the west. Follow you to Foreman Krag.
6368 Beware you my fellow Kron. See you as Nocturnus spies will they still.
6369 Crystal here. Brought here to power factory for weapons of war.
6370 Never saw did Foreman Krag this crystal. But heard of it has he.
6371 Maybe their foreman knows where it is? Or how to get it back?
6372 Allies! Never allies we were to Ix! Always slaves we were! Only now realized this did Foreman Krag.
6373 Realized too late city to save. Too late war to win.
6374 They attacked us because they thought we were Nocturnus! They obviously don't like the Nocturnus Clan around here.
6375 This is very strange. Last I knew, the Kron served Lord Ix.
6376 Speak we strangely? Perhaps listen you not so good.
6378 Halt, Nocturnus! Defile you shall not this ancient ground!
6379 Nocturnus?!
6380 They think we're Nocturnus! Why would they attack us? Could they be against the Nocturnus?
6381 This is certainly strange.
6382 Miss did you my meaning? Nocturnus goons, die you now!
6383 We're here to help you against the Nocturnus.
6384 We're here to speak with him about the Chaos Emerald.
6393 Maybe we can help each other against Ix.
6399 Do you know anything about the Chaos Emeralds?
6402 Why would Ix enslave his own allies?
6404 We're not here to fight you.
6405 I don't know. Why don't you tell me, Tails?
6408 Why do you speak so strangely?
6416 That did it! The forcefield should be down!
6418 What's that noise?
6419 The Kron must be through! We did it!
6420 That must be the generator! Let's shut it down!
6421 We're in! Now to find the generator and shut it down!
6429 Great job, Sonic! Now let's get to the factory!
6444 Return you have. State you your business!
6445 Look you like the Nocturnus. Thought I taller the great Sonic Hedgehog be.
6446 But let I the Foreman decide. Inside go you.
6447 Wow! The leader of an alien race! This is exciting!
6448 Let's go on inside. I can't wait to meet this Foreman Krag!
6449 This could be a trap.
6450 Right. Let's be careful in there, team.
6451 Is it weird that I'm starting to understand them?
6452 Think I it is... er... now they have me doing it!
6453 I like these people! I wonder if they have pie!
6454 Yeah. Rock pie. With rocks.
6455 Lost the crystal was. Speak more of it the Foreman will.
6456 Inside go you. Disrespect you not the Foreman.
6475 Brrrrm. Return do you. Not completed task have you.
6476 Go you. From the Nocturnus free us.
6477 Brrm. Come you closer. Let see you the mighty Foreman Krag.
6478 Mmmm. Yes. Heard of you I have. Wanted enemy Sonic the Hedgehog. Demanded has Lord Ix your capture.
6479 Capture Ix did our factory. Built we their tools, armor, and weapons unmatched in all the worlds.
6480 Suffer we without factory. Suffer must Nocturnus for taking it. But blocked are we; build Ix did a forcefield to keep us out from factory.
6481 Exists a loading platform beneath factory. Lowers a crane cargo there. Covers not does the forcefield there. Enter you there.
6482 Shut you down generator and bring down forcefield from inside. Then retake we will factory from outside... by force.
6483 Stand by will my soldiers. Ready to attack will they be. When fall does forcefield, meet you me in courtyard of factory.
6484 Wish I steady ground for you. Now go.
6485 Spans a conveyor arm from mine to factory. Reach you mine to west of here, and travel you along conveyor arm to factory.
6486 Use this does Nocturnus to enter factory. Too big and slow are Kron to enter this way.
6487 Care not I what happens to crystal once retaken is factory. Once shut down is generator, take you crystal and use you it as you wish.
6488 Brought did Lord Ix a crystal. Use it does he to power factory.
6489 Know nothing do I of it or its power. Care not I whether it stays or goes.
6490 Brmmm. Help us the Nocturnus to defeat, and keep do you the crystal. A gift consider it.
6491 Appeared in the Twilight Cage did Lord Ix. Brrm. Quickly expanded over all lands did he.
6492 Demanded did he that weapons of war we build. Weapons to conquer and enslave.
6493 Refused did we. And angered it did Lord Ix.
6494 Ruthless were we, once. Ruled did I with fists of iron over world of ore, rock, and mines. Until.
6495 Until taken were we from our world. Until came Lord Ix with soldiers and demands. Refused did I to follow Lord Ix's command. And conquered was I.
6496 Then learned I the gritty taste of servitude. And now... brrrm. And now, rule fairly do I. Meant not to be slaves, the Kron.
6498 Brrmmm. In ancient past, as reckon furred creatures. Taken were we just after conquered did we our world.
6499 Left were we to rot in cage filled with night, rot silently did we until came the Nocturnus.
6500 Right. We'll return once we're done.
6503 How can we help you against the Nocturnus?
6507 Then let's get to work, team!
6510 Do you know how we can get to the crane?
6512 You promise we can have the Chaos Emerald?
6513 Do you know anything about a Chaos Emerald?
6519 Why do you resist the Nocturnus?
6523 You were taken away from your world?
6525 Brrrm. Brought down was forcefield. Retaken factory we have.
6526 Take you the crystal. Guard it does the Nocturnus, deep inside factory.
6527 Go you. Guard do we factory from Nocturnus attack.
6528 Go you through this door to my right. Lead it will to rest of factory.
6529 Most certainly attack will they. Ruthless is Lord Ix. Ruthless and easily angered he.
6530 Saved you our factory. But declared we war against Nocturnus.
6531 Declared we war against Nocturnus long ago. Only latest battle is this.
6532 Strengthened we are, with factory recovered. Helped you us immensely today.
6533 Not warriors are Kron, but very strong. Fought we Nocturnus for very long. Learn we tricks to defeat them.
6536 Thanks, Foreman Krag. We won't be long!
6537 Do you think the Nocturnus will attack?
6539 The sooner we get the Emerald, the sooner we can help fight.
6540 Declared war? That wasn't our intention!
6542 Will your men be okay up here?
6543 Halt you. In conference is Foreman Krag. Not seeing visitors he.
6548 Is everyone ready to go?
6549 Right! All aboard!
6550 Right! Let's do it!
6551 That ought to do it. We're about ready to go!
6552 Wait you a moment, hero of Kron.
6554 Wish to thank you does Foreman Krag. Take you this as token of appreciation.
6555 Welcome we you to Kron anytime. Consider we you friend of the Kron.
6557 Wow. Friends with an alien race! Who would have thought?
6558 I think they're sweet.
6561 Sonic, when you're ready to go, just climb aboard the Cyclone.
6562 We got it! The Chaos Emerald!
6563 With this, I can definitely fix up the Cyclone's star drive!
6565 Let's go meet Foreman Krag in the courtyard!
6566 Yes, let's go.
6568 No, there's more here I want to do.
6585 Mrmmm. Nothing have I to sell you today.
6587 Go you now.
6590 Never mind!
6591 The Nocturnus will find out what happened here. They will send more patrols to find us.
6592 Let them come, we'll take care of them!
6595 And then what happened?
6596 Okay, team! We're ready to go!
6597 You've heard of him?
6598 Posted Lord Ix rewards for your capture. Know of you do all Kron.
6602 I'm picking up Chaos Emeralds from each of the "planetoids" in the area. Strange that none of these places is fully a planet; just fragments, really.
6603 The one in the middle is the Nocturne. That's Lord Ix's fortress. No one gets onto the Nocturne without Lord Ix's permission.
6604 Then we look somewhere else. Where else can we go?
6605 The other places are Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. We've detected Chaos Emeralds from both sectors... and both are staunch allies of Lord Ix.
6606 I don't like the sound of that.
6607 Sector Charyb has a psychic shield around it that protects it from invasion by the other colonies. There's no way we can land there.
6608 Sector Scylla is torn by war. The Zoah and the N'rrgal have fought almost nonstop for centuries.
6609 The Zoah are a warlike race of giants, driven to invade and conquer. They have tried to conquer the N'rrgal for ages.
6610 The N'rrgal use their overwhelming numbers to keep the Zoah invaders at bay. Both races are hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Lord Ix.
6611 Just choose where you want to go from the travel map!
6612 I can't wait to see what these aliens are like!
6614 Even the Nocturnus fear to visit Sector Charyb, for there live the psychic Voxai.
6615 The Voxai operate as one mind, each individual working as part of the greater whole. Even Nocturnus patrols have fallen under the control of the Voxai Overmind.
6616 There is little unrest in the Voxai colonies. But there is little free will, either.
6617 Ix has the Master Emerald, Sonic. There's no way we can defeat him if we don't have all seven Chaos Emeralds when we get there!
6618 Besides, Lord Ix knows you're coming. He put up a repulsor field and surrounded the Nocturne with starfighters. Even the Cyclone wouldn't make it through there.
6619 No. I am a realist. I'm trained to recognize a lost cause and to avoid wasting energy fighting the inevitable.
6627 Tell me more about Sector Scylla.
6630 Let's get going. The Emeralds won't recover themselves.
6635 I want to know more about Sector Charyb.
6638 Why not go straight to the Nocturne?
6640 You still admire Ix, don't you?
6642 Gross.
6643 No. This is an alien world! Look! Ooze! And that green energy....
6644 Look out!
6646 They're... they're eating the Cyclone!
6647 No, but I think they've absorbed its energy. I think we're trapped here.
6648 Should we stop them?
6649 They didn't attack us directly. Maybe it's safer not to bother them for now.
6650 Right!
6653 These are N'rrgal drones. The N'rrgal collect and absorb energy, so they're probably depowering your ship. But they won't attack unless you do.
6654 That's a wise choice. As long as you don't bother them, they won't bother you.
6655 But the N'rrgal are not entirely peaceful. They've been fighting the Zoah for a long time. Any physical contact will be seen as an attack.
6656 Right. So we stay out of their way. Got it.
6665 Let's stop them, team!
6668 Shade, what should we do?
6669 Then let's stop them, team!
6670 Let's leave them alone... for now.
6674 Innnvaderrrs!
6675 Nnno! Innnvaderrrs!
6676 Don't worry. Those are just drones. They won't fight.
6677 They might go alert the N'rrgal warriors, though. You might want to stop them before they can get away.
6678 Flee! Innnvaderrrs!
6683 Innnvaderrrsss...
6685 Zoah spies? Ha!
6686 Yeah! This is Sonic the Hedgehog!
6687 Ahhh... Sssonnnic. Yes. You will mmmeet with the Queennn....
6688 Thennn you will face the full mmmight of the N'rrgal, whommm even the mmmighty Zoah cannot conquerrr....
6689 I suggest you accept the Queennn's invitationnn....
6690 I don't think we have a choice! The N'rrgal have drained our ship. It's possible we can't leave without the Queen's help!
6691 I don't know much about the N'rrgal Queen, but I know enough. If she wanted us dead, we'd be swarmed by N'rrgal warriors by now.
6692 You ask nnno questionsss. The Queennn awaits....
6693 All in the Twilllight Cage knnnow Sonnnic. Yesss. The Queennn knowsss you....
6697 And if I say no?
6699 Very well. I'll speak with your Queen.
6700 What do we do here, team?
6702 Who is the Queen?
6703 Wait a minute. You know who I am?
6704 Have worrrk to do....
6705 Queennn speaks to outsidersss....
6706 Do nnnot touch me, invaderrr....
6707 Precious ennnergy....
6708 I smell ennnergy in you....
6709 The Queennn loves us alllll....
6710 Here we are safe frommm the Zoah....
6711 Away, innnvaderrrs....
6712 Stay back... invaderrrs....
6713 Lady Shade... you returnnn....
6714 We are nnnot afraid of you....
6715 The Queennn gives you honorrr.
6716 Do nnnot waste timmme....
6717 Onnne false ssstep....
6718 Keep movinnng....
6719 Onnne word from the Queennn....
6721 Smmmart crrreature. Come nnnow. I take to you herrr....
6722 Let's go in, but keep your eyes open. Be ready for anything.
6724 I knnnow you are Zoah spies. Make nnno suddennn moves....
6725 The Queennn will decide that whennn you are brought before herrr....
6726 Brutish giants filled with hate. But they try to kill usss with ennnergy annnd we devourrr it....
6727 Do nnnot keep the Queennn waitinnng, Zoah spiesss....
6733 We are not Zoah spies!
6734 What do you know about the Zoah?
6736 Give did Lord Ix a crystal. Had the crystal great power, but know not I what. Took he it back when fought we him.
6737 Could it be a Chaos Emerald?
6738 Saved you have the Kron. Take you the crystal.
6739 Do you this, and take you the crystal within the factory.
6740 Crystal? Maybe he means the Chaos Emerald!
6741 Wait... What crystal?
6746 Welcommme back....
6747 Welcommme here....
6749 Evennn innnvaders nnneed supplies....
6751 Returrrn later, friennnds....
6754 You're welcoming us?
6756 We have work to do. Goodbye.
6758 State your business, invaders! Or we'll assume you to be N'rrgal spies.
6759 You recognize me, don't you?
6760 Who dares-- Ah, yes. We recognize her, don't we boys? And she brought Sonic the Hedgehog, too!
6763 A traitor and Public Enemy Number 1, both right in front of us. This must be my lucky day.
6764 Let's bring them in, boys. I smell a promotion in my future.
6767 You shot us down, big guy. Did you expect us to go without a fight?
6769 Careful, Sonic. They appear to be using some kind of high-tech energy stun-beams.
6770 Sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog, Public Enemy Number 1. Yes. Ha ha ha! Listen to this, boys! This must be our lucky day!
6784 Yesss.... Sonnnic the Hedgehog.... Do commme innn....
6786 Mannny timmmes have we heard your name. You are annn ennnemy of Lord Ixxx, and thus annn ennnemy of the N'rrgal Hive....
6789 But nnnow you are here, annnd we have a nnnew way to ennnd the connnflict. A much... cleanerrr way....
6793 We have annn offer to mmmake you. Annn offer that winnns you your freedommm....
6794 The Zoah have a nnnew secret weaponnn, rumored to be powerfulll ennnough to destroy the N'rrgal race onnnce annnd for all....
6795 Innn his innnfinite wisdommm, Lord Ixxx gifted us with the Gemmm of Power, a gem so powerful that the Zoah dare nnnot attack us....
6796 Gem of Power? Could it be the Chaos Emerald?
6797 Nnnow nnneither race attacks the other, out of fear that both races will be destroyed. But we do nnnot trust the Zoah to be prudennnt....
6798 We do nnnot fear the Zoah. Their ennnergy weaponnns cannnot hurt us. But their secret weaponnn frightennns us....
6799 Go. Steal the Zoah weaponnn and returrrn with it in tow....
6800 We will forget that we captured you and givvve you this Chaos Emmmerald you so pathetically crrrave....
6801 Mmmy workers will recharge your ship annnd give coordinnnates to the Zoah Colony....
6802 Onnnce there, steal the weaponnn and returrrn it to us....
6803 This audiennnce is over. Leave us nnnow....
6804 Without their secret weaponnn, the Zoah would never conquerrr the N'rrgal....
6805 With nnno threat from the secret weaponnn, we have nnno nnneed for this Gemmm of Power to deter the ennnemy....
6806 If we sennnt N'rrgal warriors, it would be annn act of war. The Zoah would nnnot hesitate to use their weaponnn against us....
6807 Nnneed we reminnnd you, your freedommm is at stake....
6808 It glowsss with a pleasinnng light. And power flows frommm it, like starlight....
6809 That's a Chaos Emerald, all right.
6810 Chaos Emmerald, Gemmm of Power, yes. Lord Ixxx is a gennnerous ruler....
6811 He did.... Nnnot a surprise. Lord Ixxx protects his subjects....
6812 Lord Ixxx has givennn us the mmmeannns to defennnd ourselves: a Gem of Power with which we could elimmminnnate the hated Zoah. Should the nnneed arise....
6813 The Zoah are a warlike race that livvves on a nnnearby plannnetoid. Evvver sinnnce we arrrived here, the Zoah havvve tried to connquer usss....
6817 We're looking for a Chaos Emerald.
6828 So, what do you want from us?
6831 Then we're on our way.
6835 So you'll just give us the Chaos Emerald?
6837 Why don't you send your warriors to do this?
6839 Tell me more about the Gem of Power.
6841 Ix gave you a Chaos Emerald?
6842 Did you know he gave one to the Kron, too?
6843 Why would you work for Ix?
6844 That sounds like the Chaos Emerald we're looking for.
6845 Why do you hate the Zoah so much?
6848 What a bunch of meanies!
6849 Sonic, I think I can repair the ship, but they've locked her in a stasis field. We can't take off until we lower that field!
6850 We have to find that Zoah secret weapon, anyway. If we return to the N'rrgal Colony without it, we'll be captured and executed!
6851 If I ever thought I'd have sympathy for the Zoah, it's all gone now.
6852 Let's explore. There's definitely a Chaos Emerald here somewhere.
6853 I can see soldiers everywhere. It's a good bet they'll be looking for us.
6854 So! Where to now?
6855 It looks like the N'rrgal have locked the Cyclone onto the Zoah Colony. I can't change our navigation to anywhere else!
6856 Hm. So we're still her prisoners, then.
6857 Until we steal that Zoah weapon, it appears so.
6858 Then we know what we have to do. Let's do it!
6859 Sonic, I'm getting a reading... a Chaos Emerald! I wonder if that's the secret weapon the Queen was talking about!
6861 Why would Ix give both sides a Chaos Emerald if they're sworn enemies?
6862 Lord Ix is shrewd. It could be he wants to play them against each other.
6866 Coming in over the Zoah Colony now. T-minus--
6868 Why are they shooting at us?
6869 If I were coming with the Nocturnus, we'd have been cloaked. The Zoah are doing what the Zoah do best.
6870 Evasive maneuvers!
6872 We're going down!
6874 Ugh. I can't believe we have to ride in this ship after those... things were all over it.
6875 You'd rather stay here?
6905 Returrrn with the Zoah weaponnn and the Queennn will see you....
6906 Come, please! Out of the open!
6907 The soldiers are on the prowl today. Best be careful! Especially with that Night Stalker beast around!
6908 I am but a humble trader, licensed to sell to the military but forbidden to sell to anyone else.
6909 Let me tell you: a chance to deny General Raxos' dogs their quarry doesn't come along all that often. You're doing me a favor.
6910 Hm. Yes, I think I do.
6911 I remember the day it arrived. A large gem, right?
6913 That sounds like a Chaos Emerald.
6914 Do you know where we could find the Emerald?
6915 Oh, you can't. It's a personal treasure of General Raxos. The only way to get it would be to issue an official Challenge.
6916 Speak to the guards at the front gate of the base. Tell them you want to petition for the Right of Challenge.
6917 I can't beg you enough not to make a Challenge, though. Please reconsider.
6918 I--I'm afraid I've sent you to your deaths. If you must make a Challenge, then good luck.
6919 Yes. Anyway, I've enjoyed our talk. I'll miss you after the General sends you away for good.
6921 We were right! The weapon IS a Chaos Emerald!
6922 What?! I never said that! Who told you that?!
6923 Listen... you have to keep stuff like that to yourself. General Raxos' soldiers are good at... hearing things.
6930 Lord Ix Challenged General Raxos a long, long time ago, and Ix won. For his prize, Lord Ix demanded the Zoah's allegiance.
6931 In Zoah law, anyone who defeats the General in combat can make a demand on the General. Even if that demand is for control of the Zoah.
6932 Come back any time.
6936 He is the leader of the military here, and a generally unpleasant fellow. He's a great ruler, but he's gotten... unpredictable.
6937 When the Nocturnus arrived, he pledged allegiance to them, which was shocking. A Zoah hardly swears loyalty to his own mother, frankly.
6938 Still, Lord Ix did defeat him in an official Challenge, so I suppose there's no fighting it.
6939 What? Why would I do that? You're only the most wanted group of creatures this colony has ever seen!
6940 Yes, yes. Not so cheerful a place, this.
6943 Who are you?
6945 Do you know anything about a secret weapon?
6951 Tell me about official Challenges.
6952 How do I make an official Challenge?
6954 Don't worry. We can handle this.
6955 Yes, maybe challenging the General isn't the best idea.
6958 You don't seem to like the military very much.
6968 We have work to do.
6973 Who is General Raxos?
6976 Are you trying to hide us?
6978 Finally! A friendly face.
6982 I can't be seen talking to you.
6983 No. I have work to do.
6984 The General is tough, but fair.
6985 They're watching.
6986 When will this day be over?
6987 I wonder if it's like this everywhere.
6988 *sigh*
6989 I heard the N'rrgal are coming.
6990 Are the guards looking this way?
6991 Then we'll be careful.
6992 Let's go, team.
6996 I hear you issued a Challenge to General Raxos... and won!
6998 Many cheers for the heroes of the day!
6999 Of course! I'll not keep you!
7000 Welcome back, friends. How may I serve you?
7001 Of course. Come back any time.
7004 Thanks! We had better get going.
7006 We'd better be going.
7009 For the second time in the history of this colony, I have been defeated.
7011 We did it!
7013 Silence! I hoped you could defeat me. I hoped for a chance to escape Lord Ix's rule.
7014 But that required a champion powerful enough to defeat Lord Ix. I believe that Sonic and his friends are those champions.
7015 But sir....
7016 Silence, Syrax. Have the weapon brought to your champions.
7018 It is yours now. Do with it as you will. The Zoah welcome you, now. We no longer need fear Lord Ix.
7019 You have challenged and defeated me. There is nothing else but to give you my respect.
7020 We will do as we always have. We will let Lord Ix believe we serve him still, but when you are ready to defeat him, we will be there.
7021 My advisors and I will retreat to make plans for a future attack on Lord Ix. The Zoah Colony is open to you, and your ship has been released from the stasis field.
7022 We support you, but we cannot aid you. Not until it is clear that the tide will turn.
7023 Well done. Well done!
7024 Through great effort, you have won the right to be destroyed by the General of the Zoah.
7025 But there are four of you, and only one of me.
7026 So let's make this fair.
7027 So, what, should I tie my hands behind my back?
7029 Now, N'rrgal spy, enemy of Lord Ix. Let's see what you've got.
7031 Heed! I, General Raxos, answer the Challenge!
7032 But first, you must prove yourselves worthy. I will not waste my time on fools who are not worth the effort!
7033 Defeat my Champion, and you may face me! Ha ha ha!
7035 I have looked forward to this.
7036 Let the battle begin!
7037 I will enjoy taking you apart.
7039 Silence!
7040 Who's that?
7041 You have passed your test, scrappy little spies. But I understand you petitioned for the Right of Challenge.
7042 Heed, my Zoah! Before you stand enemies of Lord Ix! They have survived to win their citizenship, and now they dare to challenge me!
7044 Sonic the Hedgehog! Before you receive your defeat, you may name your terms.
7045 Ah! Then you ARE N'rrgal spies! Ha ha ha! And you managed to petition for citizenship! Well done.
7046 Our secret weapon is a great and powerful gem, a gift from Lord Ix to reward Zoah loyalty and to give us an edge against the hated N'rrgal.
7047 But you know that already, don't you, N'rrgal spy?
7048 The secret weapon is a gem? Then... Could it be the Chaos Emerald?
7049 You are weak, soft creatures. And you will not survive the Challenge. So the weapon remains mine.
7051 Very well. Let it begin.
7052 Oh, woe! If only you could Challenge me and win, then perhaps you could have it.
7053 Sadly, my tiny furry foes, you are not citizens. And so I will not have the pleasure of crushing you.
7054 Mighty General, I beg for the right to sponsor them as citizens. I would love nothing more than to see them destroyed.
7055 If my Champion wishes it, then it is so. You may face me for possession of our greatest weapon.
7056 The Emerald... Then you must be after our secret weapon!
7057 The mighty Lord Ix came to this land and petitioned for a Challenge. When he won, he sealed the loyalty of the Zoah race.
7058 Anyone who defeats me in a Challenge is free to make a single demand. Ix demanded that the Zoah bow before him.
7059 No. We fight. There is no way out.
7060 If we defeat him, he must give us what we ask. That is worth the risk.
7061 I can see several ways out for me. None for you.
7062 Maybe we could... no, I think we're stuck.
7063 Go for the face. I find boorish men hate it when you go for the face.
7064 I say we try. We can do it!
7065 I'm scared, Sonic!
7067 I have to go! Really really go!
7068 Name your terms!
7079 Thank you, Raxos.
7080 That's it? After all that, we're all just friends?
7081 What will you do now?
7083 Will you join us against Ix?
7105 We have come to take your secret weapon!
7110 We'll see about that!
7116 Then we challenge you for the Chaos Emerald!
7117 We are here for the Chaos Emerald!
7119 Why are you working for Ix?
7121 Then we challenge you for your secret weapon!
7122 Then we challenge you for the Chaos Emerald!
7123 Hey, team! Anyone see any other way out of this?
7133 Come this way.
7135 Just through these doors. A gentleman will be along to assist you.
7136 Ha ha ha ha ha!
7137 Well, well. If it isn't Public Enemy Number One.
7138 Come to turn yourself in?
7139 Oh, is that so? And on what grounds?
7140 We demand that General Raxos turn over the Chaos Emerald!
7141 Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! You guys get that, brothers! It wants a Challenge!
7142 Well, little spy, the Right of Challenge is the right of all citizens, so we can hardly deny you.
7143 Of course, you, little criminal, are NOT a citizen. You will have to apply for citizenship first.
7144 Ha ha ha ha ha!
7145 Excellent. Come with us.
7146 It's easy! Just come with us. We'll help you.
7147 Application for citizenship is a sacred process. We would never interfere in that.
7148 I hoped you'd say that. Boys! Let's take 'em!
7149 Oh, are you? And what would something like you do with such a powerful gem?
7150 Gem? Could he mean the Chaos Emerald?
7151 Chaos Emerald? Ah, you're after the secret weapon!
7152 How pleased General Raxos will be when he hears that Lord Ix's greatest foe is also a N'rrgal spy!
7153 Fight if you want. I will take you in anyway.
7155 Is that so? Then you will get your wish.
7156 The General will gladly speak with you once your trial date has arrived. If Lord Ix hasn't come to collect you by then.
7162 We're here to petition for a Challenge!
7168 Then we apply for citizenship.
7170 How do we do that?
7171 Why should we trust you?
7172 Forget it. We'll just take the Emerald from you.
7173 We're going to take your secret weapon.
7176 We're looking for a Chaos Emerald.
7181 We want to speak with General Raxos.
7184 Here come some more!
7185 What's going on?
7186 More bad guys. Let's get 'em!
7188 Where are we?
7189 I don't know.
7190 Mister Gentleman?
7191 Is there someone out there?
7193 What's all this about?
7194 No time! Get ready, team!
8010 Most impressive. I've never seen anyone defeat the General.
8011 Keep moving.
8012 We're against Lord Ix now. That doesn't seem right.
8013 One day, the Zoah will rule over the Nocturnus.
8014 With Lord Ix out of the way, the N'rrgal's days will be numbered.
8015 You took the weapon. We'll be watching you.
8016 General Raxos knows what he is doing.
8017 We know your weakness.
8020 We're back!
8023 What's that, friends?
8024 Apolllogies forrr the disssplay.... We are innn a hurry to knnnow what you founnnd....
8026 It isss a gemmm like our Gemmm of Power....
8027 Yes. This is a Chaos Emerald. Ix stole these from our world, and he gave one to both you and the Zoah.
8028 Thennn Lord Ixxx lied to usss....
8029 And everyone seems so surprised.
8033 Take thisss, our Gemmm of Power. Use it to destroy Lord Ixxx. He will pay for his liesss....
8034 Connnsider yourselves free to roammm our homelannnd. Nnno N'rrgal will attack you.
8035 Have cautionnn: We have heard the Nocturnnnus have lannnded. They will be lookinnng for you.
8039 I'll never get used to that.
8040 Way to go, team! Now we have three of the Chaos Emeralds!
8041 Our next destination should be Sector Charyb, home of the Voxai.
8042 We have time to take a breather, Sonic. If there's anything else we want to do here, we can take care of that now.
8047 All right! We have five of the Chaos Emeralds!
8048 When you're ready, we should meet on the Cyclone to talk about what to do next.
8049 Right! Let's put our heads together, team!
8050 We can do that! Let's go!
8051 There is nnno peace with the Zoah, but we will work to brinng hostilities to... mannnageable levelsss.
8052 The Nocturnnnus are too powerful for usss to fight, but we wish you llluck, annnd we will aid you the bessst we cannn.
8053 It looks like the stasis field has been lifted!
8054 We have to fly back to the N'rrgal Colony! Let's go!
8062 We have the Zoah secret weapon.
8071 Thank you.
8087 Let's do that now.
8089 I want to fly somewhere else.
8090 Will there be peace with the Zoah now?
8091 Will you fight with us against Ix?
8094 And here they are, the heroes of the moment!
8095 Just remember who helped you get there. If we hadn't shown you the way to citizenship....
8096 Yes. You really helped us out back there.
8097 Don't ever do it again.
8098 Er... right. Whatever you say.
8106 So, what do we do now?
8107 We need to get the Chaos Emerald back to the N'rrgal Queen. Until we do that, the Cyclone won't fly anywhere else!
8108 What if she tries to take the Emerald?
8109 I think we can make her see reason. If we tell her the Zoah have turned their backs on Ix, maybe she'll do the same.
8110 We should get moving. If there's anything else we need to do here, let's be quick about it.
8116 Go forth and defeat the Nocturnus.
8129 This seems to be the security room.
8130 If we close the security doors, we can cut the guards off from this part of the building. Unfortunately, we might lose access to other areas.
8131 I believe this is the main power room.
8132 If we shut down the main power, it should disable the security.
8133 Well done against those Zoah guards. But we'll have to be cautious here. There's no doubt the Zoah will have state-of-the-art security.
8134 The Zoah also know we're here. We will face many Zoah patrols while we're inside.
8135 Be on your guard.
8147 We'll be careful. Let's go.
8156 It wasn't his to give! He stole it from us!
8157 Give us the Chaos Emerald before we decide to take it!
8158 Our secret weapon--this "Chaos Emerald"--was a gift from Lord Ix to reward Zoah loyalty and give us an edge against the hated N'rrgal.
8159 Well then? What will it be? Will you face defeat in the arena, or the dishonor of execution?
8162 General Raxos, the prisoners are accused of sabotage. They were caught attempting to steal the weapon given us by the mighty Lord Ix!
8164 Ooh... Saboteurs! No one has had the nerve to try that in a while.
8165 In the name of the Zoah Empire and the powerful General Raxos, I propose that the accused be imprisoned to await execution!
8167 Has the condemned anything to say?
8168 Give us the Emerald, Raxos, and no one gets hurt!
8172 We challenge you for the Chaos Emerald!
8185 There it is! The Chaos Emerald!
8186 This seems too easy.
8189 Take another step. I want an excuse to hurt you.
8190 I would not be so sure.
8191 I am Commander Syrax, high dictator of the 5th Rampager Legion, and chief counsel to the great and powerful General Raxos.
8192 It's too late for that.
8193 You have attempted to steal the secret weapon of the Zoah, given by the mighty Lord Ix himself.
8194 The Chaos Emerald is their secret weapon?
8195 It gives me great pleasure to place you under arrest. Soldiers, set weapons to stun. Believe it or not, we want them alive.
8196 General Raxos may not be so kind.
8205 We're taking the Emerald, and you can't stop us!
8207 Who are you?
8209 We don't want trouble.
9847 (No! Turn back, outerminds! Turn back!)
9848 Who are you?
9850 (My name is Thebes. And you are Sonic the Hedgehog, and these are your friends. At least for now.)
9851 (Enemies of the Nocturnus are not welcome here! If you value your free will, leave now!)
9852 (What?! You're after the-- Ah, of course. The Great Emeralds--your Chaos Emeralds, I see--were stolen from your world. It is only natural to want them back.)
9853 (Such purpose... I envy you.)
9854 (I can't... I don't.... I'm sorry. I feel so lost!)
9855 (But you... such purpose. You seek powerful gems.... Yes, the Chaos Emeralds! The Great Emeralds that power the Overmind!)
9856 (I know the Overmind is hunting you, and your minds tell me of your deeds in Sector Scylla. The Zoah and N'rrgal, reconciled!)
9857 (I think we can help each other, to get you your Chaos Emeralds, and to bring freedom to the Voxai!)
9859 (Come to my home. We will make plans, and we will know what to do next!)
9863 (Be careful! The Overmind could act through any of the Voxai! You'll never know who is hostile until it's too late!)
9864 He's leaving! He's flying to the southeast. That must be where his home is!
9865 What a strange person-- er, manta-jellyfish... thing.
9866 He seems lonely.
9867 We should try to help him!
9868 He might be our best chance at getting the Chaos Emeralds.
9869 And our best chance at escaping the Overmind!
9870 (The Overmind knows you are here, but it can't find you... not yet. Maybe your own Emerald shields you from their power.)
9871 (It won't protect you forever, but you are far from the Overmind. You should be safe for now.)
9872 (Shh! Please! No one can know I am an outermind like you.)
9873 (I will explain when we meet in private. Until then, please, tell no one!)
9874 (The Overmind is hunting you, but your minds tell me of great deeds in your past. One named Eggman, defeated and befriended.)
9875 (I saw your names and faces in your minds. I'm sorry, I thought you had done the same to me, until I remembered you are outerminds.)
9876 (Your mind is outside the Overmind. You are outerminds.)
9877 (I understand how you feel. The loneliness, the fear, the silence....)
9878 (What am I--I'm sorry. Please, you must go now!)
9879 (Please. I don't... We don't have time! Even now it is probing, searching for your minds! You must leave!)
9885 We're not leaving without the Chaos Emeralds!
9888 What's going on here?
9895 We will meet you there!
9905 And if the Overmind comes after us?
9907 Then we will meet you at your home!
9908 How are you not controlled by the Overmind?
9911 How did you know my name?
9912 What is an "outermind"?
9915 Tell me about the Overmind.
9916 (Greetings, outerminds.)
9919 (Ah! You have met Thebes!)
9920 (Thebes came to me when I first become an outermind. I sought a purpose, and Thebes gave me one.)
9924 (He is a hero. His purpose is to find and protect those of us who become outerminds.)
9925 (I won't say much more. I don't know who might be listening.)
9926 (Oh, I couldn't say. One day I was inside, doing as the Overmind wished, and the next, everything is... silent.)
9927 (I dare not say more. Since I became an outermind, I have done my best to pretend I am otherwise.)
9929 (It's difficult, pretending to have purpose when all purpose is gone.)
9930 (It used to be I knew my purpose at all times. The Overmind wanted me to be a trader, so I was.)
9931 (The Overmind never forced us to do anything, but it was nice not to doubt my purpose in life.)
9932 (Now... Outerminds lose that. Now I feel conflict. What do I do next? Where is the voice to direct my life?)
9933 (I know. And I am frightened. What if I choose the wrong action? What... what if I choose no action at all?)
9934 (You must have dealt with this all your lives, outerminds. But it's all new to me.)
9936 (Very well. Good day.)
9937 (Friends! You have returned!)
9938 (Of course! Come back anytime!)
9941 Do you know a Voxai named Thebes?
9947 What can you tell me about Thebes?
9949 How did you become an outermind?
9954 What's all this about a purpose?
9957 But now you're free to decide for yourself!
9962 Nothing for now.
9964 We have work to do.
9966 (Oh no.... My friends!)
9967 (The Overmind must have moved the Emerald already! That must be how they took control of my friends!)
9968 (We have to act fast! I'll scout around and see who else has been turned against me.)
9970 (Good luck, my friends!)
9971 (Welcome. Welcome! I am so glad you came.)
9973 (Ugh. Sonic, it's horrible. We Voxai were once peaceful and carefree. For centuries, the Overmind urged us to build and accomplish great things.)
9975 (But not too long ago, the Great Emeralds arrived, and everything changed. The Overmind's urgings became irresistible commands.)
9976 (I hope with all my might that you can help us return things to the way they were.)
9977 (The Great Emeralds are kept in Colony Alpha, our main homeworld. But the Overmind plans to move one out here, to Colony Beta.)
9979 (If they do that, then we might lose our ability to resist them. But if we can stop them, we can recover the Emerald....)
9980 ...and protect the Betans from the Overmind's control!
9981 (They captured one of my friends. We can keep our secrets here, but faced with the power of the Overmind....)
9982 (I can't fault my friend for his failure. He had no choice but to tell them about us.)
9983 (The Great Emerald will be delivered to Colony Beta very soon. We must move quickly if we want to steal it back!)
9984 Hey... why are your friends changing color?
9987 (Oh no! Get out of here, Sonic!)
9992 (No. There's nowhere for your ship to land, and the teleporter to Colony Alpha is psychically locked.)
9993 (Even if you could get over there, you'd be vulnerable to Overmind control without a Great Emerald to protect you.)
9994 (You do. But the Overmind has psychically treated the Great Emeralds. You need one of the Great Emeralds on Colony Alpha.)
9995 (Before I became an outermind, I realized that the Overmind was trying to overwhelm our thoughts. They wanted to take over.)
9996 (In my mind, I saw thoughts of a world in ruin, with Lord Ix on its throne. I was terrified.)
9997 (Now I look into your minds, and I see that it was your world I saw. If we can stop the Overmind, maybe we can save your world, as well.)
9998 (Yes, of course. I see that they were stolen from your world. For all I care, they can go back there.)
9999 (The Overmind used to give us mental requests that showed us what to do each day. Each Voxai knew his purpose, and everyone worked together.)
10000 (But with the Great Emeralds, the Overmind has the power to completely control our minds! They no longer suggest; they command!)
10001 That's horrible!
10003 (I am. But more of us become outerminds each day. I think I'm slowly finding my new purpose.)
10004 (When the Overmind began to control our minds, some of us fought them.)
10006 (We Voxai have powerful minds. When we set our minds to something, we rarely fail.)
10007 (I guess freedom is more precious to some of us than to others. Those few are the ones who resist.)
10008 (Of course. I see that they were stolen from your world. For all I care, they can go back there.)
10009 (But the Great Emeralds are the source of the Overmind's power of domination. The Overmind won't give them up without a fight.)
10012 We'll go find the Emerald!
10015 What's going on around here?
10020 How can we help?
10024 We'll do it.
10025 How did the Overmind learn about the resistance?
10027 Let's get to work.
10037 Can't we just attack Colony Alpha directly?
10039 We have a Chaos Emerald already.
10040 Why should we help you against the Overmind?
10043 Great Emeralds? You mean Chaos Emeralds?
10045 What changed when the Emeralds arrived?
10049 You seem so lonely now, though.
10050 How do you resist the Overmind?
10054 We just want the Chaos Emeralds.
10056 Here we are. Sector Charyb.
10057 This is Voxai Colony Beta. To be honest, I never spent much time working with the Voxai. Lord Ix ordered us to keep our distance.
10058 Because he feared they might control your minds?
10059 Exactly.
10060 The Voxai Overmind keeps peace by controlling and tapping the minds of its people. Nocturnus patrols found themselves watched from all sides.
10061 Many of my brethren found themselves under the Overmind's control. We never saw them again.
10064 I think we can rely on the Chaos Emerald to protect us, but when we leave the ship, we might be vulnerable.
10065 Hey, last time the Zoah attacked us right when we left the ship. The way I see it, we're one step ahead already.
10066 We don't have a choice. To take on Ix, you need the Chaos Emeralds. And there were two here in this sector.
10067 My mind is strong. I am not worried.
10068 My friend, please.... I have seen powerful Nocturnus swayed by the Overmind's power. I do not wish to see you taken away.
10069 I will be fine.
10071 Let's get moving, team. There are two Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, and we have to find them both!
10072 Let's go!
10073 Let's get moving, team. We have to get the Chaos Emeralds!
10074 Let's go!
10075 Why is that?
10099 Hey! Look over there! Another teleporter!
10100 I wonder where it goes!
10107 Strange. No one will talk to us!
10108 The Overmind controls them. They move about, doing their jobs, without protest.
10109 That's... sad.
10110 But I suppose it's efficient, at least.
10111 Sonic, we have to end this.
10113 When has that ever happened?
10114 Let's just keep moving, team. And keep your eyes open.
10129 Let's see if we can find out more.
10171 (Good greetings, Thebes. These must be the outerminds you've been protecting, no?)
10172 (Thelxe!)
10173 Who's that?
10174 Thebes called it Thelxe, one of the Overmind's elite protectors. We may be in significant danger.
10175 (Have you come to submit to the Overmind, rebels?)
10176 (I... We....)
10177 (Such confidence... for an outermind.)
10178 (I sense... resistance. Protection. You possess an Emerald of your own. But it's not enough, is it?)
10179 (The power of the Overmind flows through this stone I carry. The power to control... to enslave.)
10180 (You will submit, my friends. The Overmind demands it!)
10183 (Yes. But the Overmind has them now. The Overmind has changed them.)
10184 (They are not the Chaos Emeralds you once knew. Now they are greater, more powerful!)
10185 (I don't fear you, outermind. I protect the greatest power the Twilight Cage has ever known!)
10186 (Thebes put himself in this situation the moment he resisted the will of the Overmind. He knows what he has done was wrong.)
10187 (I no longer need the Overmind to have a purpose!)
10198 We will not submit to you!
10205 We're here for the Chaos Emeralds!
10208 Back away now, Thelxe, and we won't hurt you!
10210 Just leave Thebes out of this.
10512 (My friends! You did it!)
10513 (I sensed concern in the Overmind, and I came to see. You really did it!)
10514 We did it together!
10515 (I never thought it could be done. You defeated the Overmind and freed us all!)
10516 (Please take both Great Emeralds. Return them to your world!)
10519 Your people will look to you to lead them, Thebes.
10520 (Yes. I see that now.)
10522 (I'll take what remains of the Overmind's power and lead my people fairly. The Voxai will be free to choose their own purpose, just as I have!)
10530 (I pledge to you the friendship of the Voxai race. If you ask, we will help you protect your world from the Nocturnus.)
10531 (Of course. It's the least I can do!)
10532 (Please, be careful. My people tell me that the Nocturnus have landed. They must have heard you were here!)
10533 (We have to pretend to be loyal to them, as the Overmind were. We're no match for them right now.)
10535 (Consider our colony open to you. Return whenever you like.)
10536 (For now, I have work to do! My people need me!)
10537 (Thanks to you, I have found my purpose!)
10538 (You have freed my people. We owe you everything.)
10539 (I won't.... Oh, ha ha ha, I get it!)
10561 Thank you, Thebes.
10569 We couldn't ask that.
10571 Don't let this go to your head, okay?
10591 (INTRUDERS!)
10593 (AS YOU WISH)
10595 (AS YOU....)
10597 (AS YOU WISH)
10609 (Fleebrabble....)
10610 (Corswatch....)
10611 (Gratsleck....)
10612 (Povmert....)
10613 (Talfrackle....)
10614 (Varismat....)
10615 (Tallstackle....)
10616 (Dunwist....)
10617 (Klimbral....)
10619 (Fleebwrabble....)
10620 (Corswatch....)
10621 (Gratsleck....)
10622 (Povmert....)
10623 (Talfrackle....)
10624 (Varismat....)
10625 (Tallstackle....)
10626 (Dunwist....)
10627 (Klimbral....)
10631 Out of my way!
10633 Goodbye!
10634 Fleebrabble!
10635 Go away!
10638 Sleep!
10641 Attack my enemy!
10644 Corswatch!
10645 Gratsleck!
10646 Povmert!
10647 Talfrackle!
10648 Varismat!
10649 Tallstackle!
10650 Dunwist!
10651 Klimbral!
10658 This must be the place, eh, team?
10659 ... team?
10661 Must... turn... back....
10662 Must... protect... Overmind....
10663 You... never... pay... attention... to me....
10664 Uhm... What's going on, Sonic?
10665 Can't... resist....
10666 Tired... of... listening... to you....
10667 I... betrayed... Lord Ix....
10668 My head hurts. Ow!
10673 No. You will not control me!
10677 Did you guys hear that?
10678 Hear what?
10679 I used a power on one of the Voxai, and it said something weird.
10680 That's strange.
10681 You can tell you've been in another dimension too long when....
10682 No, I really heard it!
10683 Well, the Emerald gives you psychic powers... maybe that's what this is?
10684 Maybe. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
10713 (What will we do now?)
10714 (Thebes is a good leader.)
10715 (What is my purpose?)
10716 (You freed us. Thank you.)
10717 (I feel strange. I feel... free.)
10718 (I must have slept a long time.)
10719 (My mind is clear!)
10720 (Thebes will tell us what to do!)
10722 (What can I do for the heroes of the Voxai?)
10723 (The Overmind is defeated!)
10724 (I knew you could do it. Thebes had such faith in you!)
10725 (We will all be fine. We're free now, thanks to you, and Thebes will make sure we all find a purpose.)
10727 (I've chosen to keep being a trader. It was nice to have the choice!)
10728 (I did. I was an outermind like he was. But now we don't have to hide, thanks to you!)
10729 (Clear thoughts to you, my friends!)
10730 Nothing for now!
10732 Will you be okay now?
10735 Thanks! Goodbye.
10736 Did you know about Thebes?
10737 We have to go.
10776 Let's go talk to the N'rrgal Queen!
10820 (My friends! You did it!)
10823 (What will we do now?)
10824 (Thebes is a good leader.)
10825 (What is my purpose?)
10826 (You freed us. Thank you.)
10827 (I feel strange. I feel... free.)
10828 (I must have slept a long time.)
10829 (My mind is clear!)
10830 (Thebes will tell us what to do!)
10831 (....)
10833 Brrrm! Bicker you not over old rivalries! Not this the time for argument!
10834 (He's right! We have to come together for a unified purpose!)
10835 Says the new Overmind of the Voxai! Tell me, kid: How long before you had your old friends cleaning out your closets, eh?
10836 (I didn't....)
10837 Donnn't put your annnger on the nnnew onnnes, Zoah. Your problemmms are with usss.
10838 (Sonic!)
10839 Ah! You're finally here. Tell this N'rrgal slimeball that--
10840 Slimmmeball! Go launnnch an armmmada, you battle-hunnngry beast!
10841 Sonic! You have to do something!
10842 QUIET!
10843 ....
10844 ....
10845 ....
10846 (....)
10847 That's better.
10849 We're all here because we want Ix defeated. And the only way to do that is to take away his power source.
10850 Ix stole from our world seven Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald. He gave Chaos Emeralds to each of you; we're not sure why.
10851 But he still has two of them, as well as the Master Emerald, which is a very old and powerful relic. With it, I imagine he could enslave you all and destroy our world.
10853 Nocturne has a repulsor field around it. We've tried for ages to get through it, but it's unbreakable.
10854 There has to be a way through it. If we all work together, then we can find a way.
10857 If we could get up there, mmmy dronnnes could eat through the energy field. We could mmmake a hole big ennnough for a small ship to pass through.
10858 We've fired rockets at Nocturne before. They reached the repulsor field and blew up. Nothing could survive hitting the energy field.
10859 Brrm. Mine we an ore that deflects energy. Send we a ship made of such ore. Brmmm. Lodge it we could into repulsor field until chew through it the N'rrgal can.
10860 The problem is knowing where to hit the field. We'll have to hit a weak spot, or we won't have enough time.
10861 (We can extend our senses to Nocturne and detect the weak spots in the field. Then we can send thoughts to the Zoah to help target the weak spots.)
10863 If this works, there would be a small hole in the repulsor field just large enough for the Cyclone to fly through!
10864 Formed we a plan! Brrrm! Go we now to prepare!
10865 Once everything is in place, we'll wait for your mark to fire, Hedgehog.
10866 (Good luck, everyone! We go to fulfil our purpose!)
10867 Trust you can.
10868 (We've fought among ourselves for thousands of years. We're all here and no one has died: that is a sign that we all want peace.)
10869 If it gives us a crack at the Nocturnus, then we're in.
10870 We are trustworrrthy.
10871 I have a good feeling about this, Sonic!
10872 These four races are working together for the first time ever, just to help us defeat Ix!
10873 This is incredible. I never would've imagined the Kron, Zoah, N'rrgal, and Voxai working together for a common cause.
10874 No doubt Ix worked to keep them at each other's throats on purpose. He knew if they teamed up, he'd be doomed.
10876 Enslaved us did Ix. Defeat him will we.
10877 We've wanted to be free from Lord Ix for a long time. You can't count us out now.
10878 We will listennn. You have earnnned that much.
10879 (You saved my people. We will follow you.)
10880 (Do this.... No! You'll die!)
10881 It's foolishness to take the Nocturnus head on. If it weren't, we'd have done it ages ago!
10882 You cannn't do this alonnne.
10883 Propose you a plan. Listen we will.
10884 I had a feeling this would happen.
10885 We have to get them to listen!
10886 We had no choice! Maybe we can reason with them.
10891 Quiet! Everyone!
10895 Everyone! Listen up!
10917 Then let's do it!
10921 Can we trust you to work together?
10925 I want to speak with my team for a moment.
10930 If they don't want to defeat Ix, then why force them?
10934 We don't need them. We can do this ourselves.
10938 What's going on here?
10941 Oh no, I had a feeling this was a mistake.
11013 I was right. These are Eggman robots.
11015 Could Eggman be back? Is that possible?
11017 Right!
11018 GUN will want to know about these robots. Let's go tell them now!
11019 Oh, I hope we're wrong about Eggman.
11020 Me too, Amy. Me too.
11021 Yeah. These ARE Eggman robots, but they're old models. Damaged. Eggman would never use old, run-down robots. Unless....
11023 Unless he's desperate! Maybe he doesn't have anything better than this!
11025 We've beaten him a lot of times before, and every time he's found some way to come back.
11026 I hate to say it, but maybe he found some way to survive the carrier crash!
11027 Me too! Those beady little eyes. That great big broom of a moustache!
11028 We don't know for sure that he's back. But if he is....
11030 These look like Eggman's robots! But there's something... odd about them.
11031 But I thought we defeated Eggman for good!
11032 Who cares? Let's smash 'em!
11037 I wanted to talk to you, too, Sonic! It feels like forever since you left on your trip.
11040 I was happy when Knuckles asked for my help. Between you and me, I was getting bored working by myself.
11042 Everything was pretty calm while you were gone. Until the Marauders showed up, that is.
11044 I've been pretty good. Without you around, I've had to handle a few things on my own.
11045 Nothing big, but a rampaging bear here, a power outage there. I guess without you, I had to grow up a little bit.
11046 But now you're back! It'll be just like old times!
11047 Sonic! I'm so glad you made it! We have to save Knuckles from those Marauders!
11050 We don't know where they're keeping him. If we just go out there without a plan, we'll waste whatever time Knuckles might have left.
11051 Luckily, we're not in this alone. GUN has some ideas where we might look.
11052 We're supposed to go into the city and meet with the GUN Commander and work out a plan.
11053 Yeah! Hold on, Knuckles! Here we come!
11057 As you know, GUN is the Guardian Units of Nations. They're the military, Sonic.
11058 They helped us when we defeated Eggman, and they're willing to help again.
11059 Not too long ago, Knuckles came to me for help. Six of the seven Chaos Emeralds had been stolen, and he wanted to set up a trap.
11060 When the Marauders came to take the last Emerald, they somehow jammed my trap and overcame Knuckles with sheer numbers!
11062 By the time I could get the trap working, they were gone!
11063 Once they were gone, I came back here and immediately called you, Sonic.
11064 And here we are.
11065 They had some crazy machines, Sonic. More advanced than anything I could put together.
11066 They just pointed at my trap, and it broke! Then they turned on Knuckles!
11067 He's strong, but there were too many! In the end, they overpowered him.
11070 If you'd seen him, you wouldn't say that, Sonic. He knocked out a lot of Marauders before they finally beat him.
11072 You might not like to say it, but anyone who can beat Knuckles in a fight is bad news.
11074 Yes. So you know how strong the Marauders must be!
11076 Sonic! What happened?
11078 Why would someone do that? I'm getting a bad feeling about this, Sonic.
11079 Good luck, Sonic!
11087 That's strange. The animals in Green Hill Zone aren't usually that mean! I wonder why that armadillo was so mad?
11092 Ahh. Green Hill Zone. We've had some good times here, haven't we, Tails?
11093 There's an armadillo ahead, and it looks angry.
11095 It's strange. The animals in Green Hill Zone usually won't attack you. I wonder why this one is so mad!
11096 Well, there's no word from Amy yet, so you're on your own, Sonic. Be careful!
11113 Sonic, you made it! I'm so glad to hear from you!
11123 We're in big trouble, Sonic. I don't know if you heard, but Knuckles has gone missing. And so have the Chaos Emeralds!
11127 A group of criminals called the Marauders took him. Please, Sonic! We need your help!
11128 I knew you would! I knew it!
11129 Amy Rose is on her way to meet you. Once you find her, meet me at my workshop near Central City.
11130 Great! Thanks, Sonic. With you on the team, I know we'll save Knuckles!
11134 Well, you know how she is. She wanted to meet you halfway and make sure you got here safely.
11140 Knuckles was fighting against the Marauders when he disappeared. We're not really sure who they are, but they're big trouble!
11141 Please, Sonic. I'll tell you more when you get here!
11149 If he's back, we have to take him out.
11154 There's something strange about these robots.
11158 Then let's take him out while he's still weak!
11159 I don't believe it. How could Eggman have survived?
11162 I had hoped I'd never see Eggman again.
11174 I wanted to talk to you for a bit, Tails.
11181 We should go speak with GUN.
11183 It seems like you've been doing well, Tails.
11188 Let's go get him!
11191 Then let's go now. No sense in wasting time.
11196 Why do we need to work with GUN?
11198 How did he get captured?
11202 Then what happened?
11204 Then why are we standing here? Let's go save Knuckles!
11205 How could they jam your trap AND defeat Knuckles?
11210 Ha! Some guardian Knuckles turned out to be!
11213 I know. I've beaten him before.
11253 I'm here, Tails. What's going on?
11267 Of course I'll help!
11269 Sounds like a plan. I'll be there in no time!
11276 Amy? Ugh! Why do I need to meet up with her?
11287 Don't you know anything about what happened?
11296 Since you're a famous hero, people will come to you for help.
11297 It's up to you if you want to help them out.
11298 Let's keep moving!
11299 There's the wood, Sonic!
11300 To cut the wood, just walk up to it and touch the icon over it, or press the L Button or R Button, just like you did to Dash through the loop!
11301 I think there's time to help the poor man out, Sonic. It shouldn't take too long!
11302 Wow. That woodsman looks tired. Maybe we could help him out!
11303 To talk to him, walk over and touch the icon over his head, or press either the L Button or R Button. I hope everything is all right!
11373 What was that?
11374 Sounds like... robots?
11375 Robots? Here?
11376 Let's go see what's going on.
11377 Right!
11378 Hi, Sonic. I'm not quite ready to go, but I will be soon.
11379 Hi, Sonic. I'm not quite ready to go, but I will be soon.
11380 I'll be ready. I promise.
11381 Oh? You should be careful, Sonic. I don't want Dexter to see us spending too much time together!
11383 Really?! I mean, sure, Sonic. But be careful, I don't want Dexter to see us together!
11385 Yes. My boyfriend. He is very jealous. He's not worried about Tails, though, because, well, Tails is Tails, you know?
11390 Oh, are we jealous, Sonic? Ha! I knew it!
11391 Well, you had your chance, mister!
11393 I do say so! I do say so! Ha!
11396 Oh, Dexter. My sweetest love.
11397 Do you really think so? Really?!
11398 I mean, he knows. Did I tell you he always sends me flowers? They're so beautiful.
11399 He has a lot of money, you know. And he's the most polite man in the world.
11400 He treats me just like a princess!
11402 Central City. We made it! Even with Marauders trying to stop us!
11403 That Marauder wasn't so tough.
11404 We did it!
11405 We make a great team, Sonic! Don't you think so?
11406 Y-yeah, sure. I just thought....
11407 You're right. We have things to do. Let's go!
11408 Now that you're back, we can be together all the time! Think how much fun that will be!
11409 I missed this, Sonic. Once we find Knuckles, I hope you'll stay around!
11410 Er, not that I care. I have my beloved Dexter, after all!
11412 Hey, where are you going?
11414 Well, maybe next time you're in danger, I won't "get in your way!" See how you like it!
11417 Sonic! Boy, are you lucky I happened to come along!
11418 I'm so glad to see you, Sonic. But not THAT glad. I do have a BOYFRIEND now, you know. His name is Dexter!
11422 Tails' workshop is still in the northeastern area of Central City. Let's go!
11423 Just don't get any ideas! I have a boyfriend now, you know.
11424 I'm not exactly sure. The animals around here are usually so cute and nice, but they attacked me on my way out here!
11425 And those falling blocks.... Someone pushed them over to stop you!
11427 Tails says the Marauders got him, but no one knows who they are.
11428 I hope he's all right! Without him to protect the Master Emerald, we could all be in danger!
11429 Oh, I've been just wonderful! Dexter is so sweet. He always buys me flowers, and he is always nice to me, unlike SOME people I know.
11432 Oh yes, my Dexter.
11433 Oh, he doesn't live around here. And he's very busy, you see. So I'm not sure when he could meet you.
11434 I'll let him know you want to meet him, though! I'm sure he'll squeeze you in somehow!
11435 What?! Good for me?! I thought you'd at least be a little jealous, after all we had together!
11436 Well, that's just fine. What do I care? I have a boyfriend now!
11505 Good. We'll be leaving very soon.
11507 I'm not rushing you, Amy, I promise.
11509 We'll be leaving soon.
11510 I wanted to talk to you for a bit.
11517 Ugh. I'm going to go away now.
11519 If you say so, Amy.
11524 Tell me more about Dexter.
11526 He's a lucky man, that Dexter.
11535 Let's just keep moving, okay?
11538 I had forgotten how much fun working as a team can be.
11544 You kept getting in my way.
11549 We have to get to Tails, Amy. There's no time for this.
11554 Do you know anything about what's happening?
11556 We don't have time to stand around and talk. Let's go!
11557 Do you know anything about Knuckles?
11560 Then let's stop wasting time here!
11561 How have you been, Amy?
11565 That's quite enough of that. Let's go find Tails.
11566 When can I meet this "Dexter"?
11568 Well, good for you, Amy.
11570 We're wasting time! Let's just go find Tails!
11593 Hello, boss. Someone here to see you.
11594 Ah! Tails! There you are. And you brought Sonic! Brilliant!
11595 Actually, Sonic was nice enough to--
11596 That's lovely. Have a glass of milk and sit down.
11597 But I--
11598 Tails probably briefed you on the situation, so let us begin.
11600 We don't know why the Marauders wanted the Emeralds, but now that they have them, they're likely to go after the Master Emerald next.
11602 What about Knuckles?
11603 Knuckles is the only one who has seen the Marauders up close. He knows more about them than anyone in the world.
11604 I believe that to stop the Marauders, you need to extract your friend Knuckles and learn everything you can about them.
11605 But Knuckles could be anywhere! We have no idea where to look!
11606 Ah yes. Where to look.
11607 We have just the thing.
11608 Mmm. Hey there, sweetie.
11609 I still can't let you in, handsome. Go get your friend Tails, and I'll see what I can do for you.
11610 Well, well, well. Sonic the Hedgehog. And better looking than ever, I see. You look like you've been working out.
11613 Leave him alone!
11614 Oh, I'm sorry, am I flirting with your man? But here I thought you had a boyfriend!
11615 I... I just don't want you to embarrass Sonic, that's all.
11616 Mmm-hmm.
11620 I see the gang's all here. Let's go see the Commander.
11621 Try to keep up, now.
11622 Because I'm the only reason you're getting in to see the Commander, and the Commander is the one who can help you.
11625 Absolutely not!
11626 We don't have much choice. Rouge is a sneak, but she's our link with GUN. This is our only hope.
11628 That doesn't mean we have to like it.
11629 I hate to say it, darlin', but I can't let you in here yet. I'm on strict orders to wait until you have that sweet little fox with you.
11630 Hurry back, Big Blue. A girl like me can't wait forever.
11631 This is Tails' show, darlin'. I can't let you in without him to give authorization.
11632 You've been gone a long time, Big Blue. Tails had to learn to do things without you.
11633 He's come a long way, the scruffy little thing.
11634 I'll gladly tell you all about it once you're back here with Tails. Until then, I'm afraid I have to remain alluringly mysterious.
11677 Thanks, Amy.
11682 Right behind you.
11684 Why should we follow you, Rouge?
11687 Then let's go.
11688 Are you guys sure we should trust her?
11692 Then we'll go get Tails and come back.
11694 Why do we need Tails? Can't we just go inside?
11695 Tails' show? Really? Since when?
11697 Who gave you orders not to let me in?
11698 Who gave you those orders?
11699 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first hideout was empty, but Tails thinks a strange device he found is a communicator of some kind.\n\nThe team found the second hideout. Now they must search inside for Knuckles!
11700 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first two hideouts were empty, but Tails collected two strange communicators. Tails thinks if he can find more, he can use them to find the communication's source.\n\nThe team found the third hideout. Now they must search inside for Knuckles!
11701 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first three hideouts were empty, but Tails collected three strange communicators. Tails thinks if he can find one more, he can use them to find the communication's source.\n\nThe team found the fourth and final hideout. Now they must search inside for Knuckles!
11705 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first hideout was empty, but Tails thinks a strange device he found is a communicator of some kind.\n\nThe team must find the other hideouts and search them for signs of Knuckles!
11706 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first two hideouts were empty, but Tails collected two strange communicators. Tails thinks if he can find more, he can use them to find the communication's source.\n\nThe team must find the other hideouts and search them for signs of Knuckles!
11707 GUN Commander gave Sonic a map showing the locations of four Eggman hideouts. The first two hideouts were empty, but Tails collected three strange communicators. Tails thinks if he can find one more, he can use them to find the communication's source. He also wonders if there might be a fifth hideout that GUN couldn't find.\n\nThe team must find the other hideouts and search them for signs of Knuckles!
11708 In the fourth hideout, Tails found one last communicator. He connected them together, tracked the signals, and discovered that they are all communicating with a secret base in Mystic Ruins!\n\nSonic and the team must go to Mystic Ruins, south of Central City, to find the secret base... and, hopefully, Knuckles!
11711 Blocked!\n\nGUN set up a roadblock to keep anyone, including Sonic and his friends, from going into Mystic Ruins. Luckily, Tails has an ace up his sleeve: The Tornado!
11712 Blocked!\n\nGUN set up a roadblock to keep anyone, including Sonic and his friends, from going into Mystic Ruins. Luckily, Tails has an ace up his sleeve: The Tornado!\n\nThe Tornado is about ready to fly. Sonic can go speak with any of his friends, but he should talk to Tails when he's ready to go.
11717 Thanks to Tails and the Tornado, the team is in Mystic Ruins!\n\nNow Sonic and his friends must find the secret hideout and save Knuckles before it's too late!
11718 A gas cloud blocks Sonic and team, but it doesn't seem to bother Big the Cat.\n\nIf Sonic gets past the cloud, he can search for the secret base... and Knuckles!
11721 After Sonic and friends rescued Knuckles, they looked up to see that Angel Island was gone!\n\nWho could have moved the floating island, and why? Could Eggman be behind this?
11724 Tails' tracking device detected an Eggman signature coming from a shop in Central City. What in the shop could have set off the tracker?
11725 Tails' detector picked up an Eggman signal coming from a device in a shop in Central City. The shopkeeper thought the device was a coffee machine. Why would a coffee machine set off the Eggman tracker?\n
11726 A device in a Central City shop set off Tails' Eggman tracker. A shady salesman named Sal told the store's shopkeeper the device was a coffee machine and traded it for the shopkeeper's own prized stapler. But the machine doesn't make coffee, and the shopkeeper feels cheated.\n\nThe shopkeeper promised to give Sonic the device if the team can track down Sal the salesman in Green Hill Zone and get the stapler back.
11729 A device in a Central City shop set off Tails' Eggman tracker. A shady salesman named Sal told the store's shopkeeper the device was a coffee machine and traded it for the shopkeeper's own prized stapler. But the machine doesn't make coffee, and the shopkeeper feels cheated.\n\nSonic found Sal the Salesman in Green Hill Zone and persuaded him to give the stapler back. Now he must return it to its rightful owner!
11730 Buyer Beware!
11731 Sonic and the team found a forgetful Swatbot! It seems to have forgotten its function.
11732 Sonic reminded the forgetful Swatbot that its function was to serve Eggman. Remembering that Sonic was its enemy, the Swatbot attacked!\n\nThe team put the Swatbot out of its misery.
11733 The Forgetful Swatbot
11735 Sonic and the team met Shadow the Hedgehog in Mystic Ruins, but Shadow didn't want to talk. He sped off without saying anything useful about Eggman.\n\nThis probably isn't the last that Sonic will see of Shadow.
11736 As Sonic and the team crossed into Mystic Ruins to search for Eggman, Tails' detector picked up an Eggman signal traveling at high speed... then, a black blur sped by. Shadow!\n\nBut what is he up to, and why would he set off the Eggman tracker? To find out, Sonic can search for Shadow in Mystic Ruins.
11737 Sonic and his friends defeated Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow was carrying a strange Eggman device that set off the Eggman tracker. \n\nShadow ran off on an unknown task, but this isn't the last Sonic will see of Shadow.
11738 Chasing Shadow
11739 The team encountered roboticized animals in Mystic Ruins. This surely means that Eggman is back!\n\nIf Sonic looks around the area where he first fought the robot animals, maybe he can see where they came from.
11740 The team defeated the roboticized animals' leader and claimed the machine that turned the animals into robots.
11741 Attack of the Roboarmadillos
11742 When tracking an Eggman signal, Tails found a strange device. He isn't sure what it is.\n\nIf Sonic can find more, maybe Tails can figure out what they do!
11743 When tracking an Eggman signal, Tails found a second strange device. He still isn't sure what it is.\n\nTails noticed that this new device interacts with the other device the team found. If Sonic can find more, maybe Tails can figure out what they do!
11744 When tracking an Eggman signal, Tails found a third strange device. He thinks the devices have a few things in common.\n\nIf Sonic can find more, maybe Tails can figure out what they do!
11745 When tracking an Eggman signal, Tails found another strange device. He thinks he's just about figured out what the devices do. \n\nHe suggests the team look for one more device.
11746 You've found five Eggman devices, and Tails combined them into one machine! According to Tails, the machine is some kind of pattern generator.
11747 Strange Eggman Devices
11749 Sonic and friends saved a young boy from a giant scorpion!\n\nTake the boy home to his father, who lives in Emerald Town in Central City.
11750 The team heard a child screaming for help in a cave in Green Hill Zone. Maybe Sonic should help him!
11751 The young boy's father was so grateful to see his son, he gave Sonic a gift!
11752 A Young Boy in Trouble!
11753 Eggman will pay for what he has done!\n\nTails rigged the communicators he found to detect Eggman's electronic signature. Now the team can track down and confront Eggman before he does any more serious damage.\n\nSonic and his friends must explore Green Hill Zone, Central City, and Mystic Ruins to find Eggman signatures. If they find an Eggman signature, Eggman can't be far behind!
11761 Tails' detector tracked an Eggman signature coming from a ruin in Green Hill Zone, but the way in was sealed. When the team unlocked the entrance, laser sentinels attacked! Eggman must be inside!\n\nThe team must enter the ruin and defeat Eggman!
11762 Sonic and his friends found Eggman... who says he has reformed!\n\nBut if Eggman isn't behind the evil deeds, who is? Should Sonic trust his nemesis to help find the true culprit?
11763 Egghunt
11764 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. No wonder the old man couldn't get it to make coffee!
11765 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. No wonder the old man couldn't get it to make coffee!
11766 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
11767 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
11770 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. Maybe that's what set off those animals!
11771 Look, Sonic! It's another Eggman device. Maybe that's what set off those animals!
11780 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
11781 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
11782 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
11787 A Wolf in the Shadows
11788 It looks like another Eggman device!
11789 It looks like another Eggman device!
11790 It looks like an Eggman device!
11793 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it forgot its programming!
11794 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it forgot its programming!
11802 Whew! That was a close one!
11804 I hate to say it, but the repulsor field closed up behind us. I think we're stuck here.
11805 Oh, great. Mama always told me that one day I'd get stuck in an alien dimension without a change of clothes.
11806 We have to stop Ix. And then, find a way home.
11807 But how do we--
11809 The island! It's moving!
11810 Lord Ix is using the power of the Master Emerald to move the Nocturne toward the wormhole!
11813 I don't think so! Hee hee hee hee!
11814 Who said that?
11816 The mighty Lord Ix has set his plan into motion! Your world will quiver in fear! Hee hee hee hee!
11817 And you, Shade, princess of traitors. Don't think Lord Ix has forgotten you.
11819 Come face us! If you dare! Hee hee hee hee!
11821 Who were they?
11822 Scylla and Charyb: the twin prefects of the Nocturnus Army. They must have the last two Chaos Emeralds.
11824 If we can get the last Chaos Emeralds from them, we should be able to stop the Nocturne before it reaches the wormhole.
11826 Let's split up. I'll take one team and go after Scylla. Sonic, your team can go after Charyb.
11827 I guess we're really doing this.
11828 Scylla's rock is to the northeast. Charyb's lair is to the northwest.
11829 Then we'll go northeast.
11830 Be careful, team!
11831 We don't have time to argue! There's no other way we can get both Emeralds before Nocturne reaches the wormhole!
11832 Sonic!
11833 You dare accuse me of being a traitor?!
11834 Maybe I think Ix can be redeemed. Maybe I want to see my people returned to the world.
11835 But not like this. I want family and friends, not a conquering army.
11837 Whatever. I have a job to do.
11838 Not much. A lot has changed even since I left to go to your world.
11839 But I will say this: Do not underestimate Scylla and Charyb. They are Lord Ix's most prized warriors, more than a match for any number of Nocturnus soldiers.
11840 And they know we're coming. There's no telling what sorts of traps and tests they have devised.
11889 We can do it!
11903 Sounds good. Let's go!
11908 I'm not sure this is such a good idea.
11909 Knuckles... Are you sure you're not trying to help Ix?
11913 I'm keeping an eye on you, Knuckles.
11915 After you.
11916 Shade, do you have any advice about this place?
11919 Well, let's get started, then.
11963 Okay. We're very close to Scylla's rock. We should be careful. Scylla is very tricky.
11964 Hee hee hee!
11965 Scylla! Come out and fight!
11966 Patience, my pugnacious porcupine! Always in such a hurry to be defeated!
11967 Porcupine?
11968 Well... I mean, with the spines, and the.... Who cares?
11969 Why not savor your defeat? Stop and soak in the pain!
11970 You've always been a madman, Scylla!
11971 Madman! Hee hee hee!
11972 Foolish Shade, I am not a man!
11974 I am your destroyer! Hee hee hee hee hee!
11975 Come on! Let's see what you've got!
11976 Scylla lives on a rocky outcropping above us. He'll be heavily defended. We have to be careful.
11977 Right. Let's keep moving.
11993 Hold on, team.
11994 Come in, Shade. This is Sonic.
11995 Sonic, we've run into some trouble. We need your help.
11996 What's wrong?
11997 We've got a laser turret here. We can't get by it.
11998 There should be some Zoah and Kron fighters in orbit around the Nocturne, but they can't get in because of the repulsor field!
11999 The shutdown for the repulsor field should be near you. If you can find the controls, you can bring down the repulsor field!
12000 We'll see what we can do. Sonic out!
12001 I don't trust that Shade. I bet she's trying to turn Knuckles against us.
12003 You heard Shade, team. Let's get it done!
12015 Sonic! We're done for if we don't find a way to get rid of this water!
12016 That's close enough. I can't let you take the Emerald.
12017 Out of our way, Charyb, or we'll go through you.
12018 You're out of your element, Sonic the Hedgehog. Down here, I am invincible!
12019 Sonic, he's right! If we can't beat him, we'll drown!
12020 We have to do our best. We can do this!
12021 Okay, Charyb! Let's see what you've got!
12026 Sonic! Quick! There's a pocket of air!
12027 We can use these to breathe! Maybe we won't drown down here, after all!
12030 You've done well to make it this far, Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm rather impressed.
12031 Charyb!
12032 But you've entered my lair now. I'm afraid you'll have to fight on my terms.
12034 Sonic! He's flooding the corridor! This is horrible!
12035 Shh! I need to think!
12036 Tails calling Knuckles! Come in, Knuckles!
12037 *ksshhh* I'm a little busy right now, Tails!
12038 We'll get through this, Tails. Come on!
12039 Sonic, I'm picking up powerful energy fluctuations ahead. We must be on the right track!
12040 Let's go!
12042 Here goes nothing!
12044 It worked! I took down the shielding!
12045 Tails calling Knuckles! Come in, Knuckles!
12046 What... Did you...?
12047 Tune your wrist communicator to alert frequency! And cover your ears!
12048 I... I'll try....
12049 So now I set this to broadcast, and I up the amplitude... a little tuning there....
12051 I think that did it!
12052 They shimmered a moment, and then stopped! I think it worked!
12053 Good luck, Knuckles! Tails out!
12054 This Gizoid seems different. Hmm....
12055 It's a kind of sonic frequency! That's it! If I can attune the... and then....
12056 What is it?
12058 Yes! I think I got it! Now to test it one more time, just to be sure.
12059 Let's find one more Gizoid!
12060 Another Gizoid. Hmm....
12061 It's a sort of forcefield, but it's not like the repulsor field outside. Some sort of invisible wavelength?
12062 Figured it out?
12063 Not yet, but I think I have some ideas. Let's keep looking!
12064 A Gizoid Centurion! If I can take a moment to....
12065 Yes! It seems as if they have some type of shielding around them. No wonder Knuckles couldn't hurt them!
12066 Let's keep looking. I think we can help them!
12067 Look, Sonic! A Gizoid! I think it's one of those Gizoid Centurions Knuckles mentioned!
12068 Hmph. That thing doesn't look so tough.
12069 If I can study a few of these inactive Gizoids, maybe I can come up with a way to help Knuckles!
12070 Let's look around. There have to be more inactive Gizoids around!
12071 We haven't heard from Knuckles in a while. I hope he's okay.
12072 Ugh... Sonic... Come in...
12073 Knuckles!
12074 Gizoid... Centurions... we can't fight them... too strong....
12075 Knuckles ran into more trouble, huh?
12076 We have to help! Be on the lookout for anything that might help Knuckles!
12078 We're getting closer. I can feel it!
12079 Keep your eyes open, team. Let's go!
12080 There's the switch!
12082 Sounds like that did it!
12083 Let's keep moving, team. Charyb's still out there!
12084 Right!
12089 We made it!
12090 Take a breather, team. We have a lot of work to do.
12091 I wonder how Knuckles is doing.
12092 A switch! Maybe that will open the door Charyb ran through!
12093 Rats! Still locked! There has to be a switch somewhere. We need to find it!
12094 I hope the others will be all right!
12095 I guess we'd better get moving!
12096 Sonic the Hedgehog. I knew you were coming.
12097 It's Charyb!
12098 You're too late. I have a Chaos Emerald of my own. Even if you could find me, you'll never get it from me.
12099 Quit hiding and bring it on, Charyb!
12100 Patience, Sonic. That time will come. But first, I want to see you dance.
12102 Ha ha ha ha ha!
12103 He's triggered an alarm! What'll we do?
12104 Let's go!
12193 We'd better release that valve quickly or Sonic is done for!
12194 It should be right through that door.
12195 I had no doubt we could do it.
12196 The valve control for Charyb's lair should be through that door over there.
12198 I haven't knocked out an echidna in ages! This ought to be fun! Hee hee hee!
12199 Don't waste my time, Scylla! Come and fight me!
12200 Hee hee hee! As you wish!
12201 Everyone all right?
12202 We did it.
12203 We did.
12204 We're very close to Scylla's lair. We have to press on.
12205 Right. Let's go.
12206 That ought to even things out some.
12207 Impossible! How did you remove our shields?
12208 It's called teamwork. Try it sometime.
12209 Even if you get past us, you have an army of Gizoid Centurions ready to stop you.
12210 Then I guess we'd better get started.
12213 Ngh... No... I....
12217 Gizoid Centurions! Lord Ix must really want us stopped.
12218 Gizoid Centurions?
12219 Gizoid Centurions are the elite guards of the Nocturne. They are advanced Gizoids. Far stronger than the run-of-the-mill Gizoids.
12220 We have to get past them. There's no other option.
12221 We have to fight!
12223 That did it. Let's move!
12224 Hold on to me! We have to fly!
12226 Sentry turrets! We have to get past them!
12227 I have an idea.
12228 Sonic! Sonic, this is Shade. Come in!
12229 Keep moving! We have to find Scylla!
12230 Knuckles, Why did you split up the team back there? We could have stolen the Chaos Emeralds and stopped Ix with plenty of time to spare!
12235 You don't get it. No one does.
12236 Ix isn't just some villain. He is an echidna like you and me.
12237 If we can talk some sense into him, he can help you and the others return to our world! And I won't be the last. Not anymore.
12239 Knuckles....
12240 Sonic wants to rush in there, spines flashing, and bring Ix down. He can't see anything but the bad in Ix.
12242 Knuckles... Lord Ix can't be reasoned with. He's gone mad over our time in the Twilight Cage. You can't--
12243 I can't just give up on him. If there's even a chance he can be redeemed....
12244 But we have to get there before Sonic does. Otherwise, we won't even have the chance to try.
12245 I see. Then we'd best get moving.
12246 Thank you. Let's go.
12301 Whew! We're safe!
12302 Good flying, Tails!
12303 Thanks. I knew we would make it.
12304 Hey...
12305 Yeah?
12306 We did it! We stopped Ix!
12307 Yeah. Yeah, we did.
12308 I'm sorry, Knuckles. If we could have found a way....
12309 It's okay. If there's a way, we'll find it.
12311 Good work, team. We really did save the world this time.
12312 We're going home!
12313 Uh, Sonic?
12314 What is it, Tails?
12315 Shouldn't there be, you know, ground beneath us?
12316 What?!
12318 What's going on here?
12320 What was that?
12321 Someone's firing at us!
12322 We're hit! We're going down!
12323 Brace yourselves!
12327 Is everyone all right?
12328 Where are we?
12329 Look alive, team!
12331 Aw, man....
12366 No! It can't be!
12367 Not yet, Sonic the Hedgehog. This old man still has one more trick!
12372 Fools! You dare defy me, Lord Ix?! I who led the Nocturnus into world domination and united the warring peoples of the Twilight Cage?
12373 No... I'd say that was Sonic who did that....
12374 Silence!
12375 Motes of dust! Meaningless flies! I will wipe you from the face of this dimension!
12376 Something around here needs wiping!
12377 Who...?
12380 I never meant for it to come to this.
12381 Well, it's too late for regrets, Ix.
12382 Oh, it's long past too late.
12386 The Kron? The Voxai? All the others?
12387 I managed to unite them all under my leadership with the promise that one day, we all would be free.
12388 My echidna brother, you have lived many years alone, knowing that your people were lost to time.
12389 But here I have the power to return them to you, to give you a family once more! I can return the echidnas to the place of power they deserve!
12391 You have a point.
12393 Yes! My friend, you must understand where your friend Sonic does not! I have only the best of intentions. I work to reunite you with your people!
12396 Join me. Join me, and free your people from imprisonment!
12398 I...
12399 I don't think so.
12400 What?!
12401 You stole the Master Emerald. Maybe you forgot that the Master Emerald had a guardian.
12403 I swore to keep the Master Emerald safe from maniacs like you.
12404 If there is a way to save Shade's clan, then I will find it. But you don't get to keep the Master Emerald. It's not yours to have.
12405 Then you have chosen your path.
12406 I have.
12407 And you will die.
12408 I'm afraid so, Ix. It's over.
12449 Everyone make it aboard?
12450 We're all here.
12451 Brilliant, Tails! I didn't know the Cyclone could do that!
12452 Hey, Eggman and I designed this ship ourselves! She'll surprise you!
12453 Well done!
12454 Yay!
12455 And we stopped Ix! Our world is saved!
12456 Yeah, now we just have to get back there.
12457 Everyone hang on. I'm working on that!
12459 A dead end!
12460 I'm not so sure. Look!
12462 Knuckles! And he's talking to Ix!
12466 An elevator! Maybe this leads up to Ix's chamber!
12467 Then what are we waiting for?
12468 Knuckles, this is Tails! Come in, Knuckles!
12469 Oh no! They're not answering! Sonic, they could be in trouble!
12470 Right! Let's hurry!
12471 Well, yes. But what if something is jamming the communicator?
12472 They could be in real danger!
12473 But... I... I guess. Once we stop Ix, we can go look for Knuckles.
12474 If that's the case, we have to hurry! Let's go!
12475 We did it!
12476 And there's the Chaos Emerald!
12477 Knuckles, this is Sonic. We got the Chaos Emerald.
12478 You took down Charyb?
12479 Yeah. Consider him beached.
12500 Then let's go find them.
12502 If Knuckles was in danger, wouldn't he have called us?
12504 Knuckles can take care of himself. We have to find Ix!
12511 It's over, Ix. You've lost.
12512 Yes, you have defeated me. You have won the day.
12513 But if I can't leave this nightmare prison... then neither will you!
12515 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
12517 What did he do?
12518 What's happening?
12520 Lord Ix activated the shutdown sequence! He's closing the wormhole!
12521 Everyone! Grab hold of something!
12522 Knuckles!
12524 What do we do? We're doomed!
12525 Maybe not!
12527 Our ride's here!
12528 Everyone! To the Cyclone!
12530 Hold it, Ix!
12531 You think you've won... you think you've defeated me....
12532 Look at you. You can hardly walk. End this now, Ix.
12533 Never!
12557 Where... are we...
12559 Shh! Quiet! He hasn't noticed us yet!
12560 Ha ha ha. No such luck, my precious friends.
12561 Ix!
12562 I would like to welcome you to my chambers. You've come a long way.
12563 We have the Chaos Emeralds, Ix. There's no more you can do.
12564 Then please. Have a seat.
12565 Let us talk a moment, yes?
12575 This is useless! There are no exits here!
12576 But I remember it was here! It was right here!
12577 They must have changed things around. They must have--
12579 Knuckles!
12581 So Scylla and Charyb are both down, and we've recovered both of their Chaos Emeralds.
12582 That means the Nocturne should....
12584 You were right, Shade. We've stopped moving.
12585 There should be an entrance to Lord Ix's chamber nearby.
12586 Then let's look around. We have to hurry.
12599 Lay down your arms, heroes. You have no chance.
12600 Stop blubbering and bring it on, Charyb!
12601 Sonic, Knuckles here. Everything okay there?
12602 We're here with Charyb, Knuckles. We're a little busy.
12603 We've defeated Scylla. There's a valve here that should drain the water from Charyb's lair.
12604 Who's that? Is that one of your little friends?
12605 Shh! I'm talking here.
12621 Has Eggman really reformed?\n\nSonic and friends have no choice but to trust him if they want to find Angel Island and stop the Marauders. Eggman tracked Angel Island and discovered it was heading for the sky over Metropolis, Eggman's old headquarters.
12622 Has Eggman really reformed?\n\nSonic and friends have no choice but to trust him if they want to find Angel Island and stop the Marauders. Eggman tracked Angel Island and discovered it was heading for the sky over Metropolis, Eggman's old headquarters.\n\nEggman and Tails are preparing the Tornado for a long-distance flight to the Blue Ridge Zone. Sonic should activate the Tornado outside when he's ready to go to Blue Ridge Zone.
12623 Has Eggman really reformed?\n\nSonic and friends have no choice but to trust him if they want to find Angel Island and stop the Marauders. Eggman tracked Angel Island and discovered it was heading for the sky over Metropolis, Eggman's old headquarters. \n\nThe team has landed in Blue Ridge Zone. Sonic and friends must go north to Metropolis and get inside Eggman's ruined headquarters.
12626 As the team approached Metropolis, Marauders ambushed them! The Marauders were led by a girl named Shade, an echidna of the mysterious Nocturnus Clan. Knuckles is not the last echidna, as he thought!\n\nThe Marauders have destroyed the entrance to Metropolis! Luckily, Eggman knows a secret way into his old fortress: an abandoned subway tunnel to the west of the Metropolis entrance in Blue Ridge Zone.
12627 Thanks to Eggman, Sonic and the team found an abandoned subway tunnel and are inside the ruins of Metropolis. \n\nNow the assault against the Nocturnus Clan begins!
12633 Sonic and friends reached the Metropolis Underground, Eggman's secret base under his old fortress. From here, they will stage their attack on the evil Nocturnus Clan in the city above.\n\nAs they prepare, Sonic can speak with his team. Tails noticed that Knuckles seemed unhappy.\n\nSonic should let Tails know when everyone is ready.
12636 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and Knuckles' team must escape the Underground and get to the surface to clear the way for Tails and Eggman's team.
12637 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and Knuckles' team found a way out of the Underground! Now they must leave the tunnels.
12640 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman must find Eggman's old weapons lab. A weapon there will help them fight the Nocturnus Clan! \n\nBut for now, they must get through the ruined tunnels....
12641 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman have found part of Eggman's old weapon. If they can find one more piece, Eggman can make a weapon to fight the Nocturnus Clan.
12643 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nWhen they left the Underground, Sonic and Knuckles noticed airships rising from an airbase in the east. The team must reach that airbase and stop the Nocturnus Clan before the evil Marauders reach Angel Island!
12644 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and Knuckles' team reached the airbase, but the Nocturnus Clan was already leaving for Angel Island! Sonic and Knuckles must get inside!
12645 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team split up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and Knuckles' team reached the airbase, but the Nocturnus Clan is already leaving for Angel Island! Sonic and Knuckles must sneak onto one of the airships before it's too late!
12648 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman's team heard the airships taking off, and Sonic radioed to tell them that the surface is clear. They must find the exit and leave the Underground!
12649 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman left the Underground and emerged in Metropolis. With the Marauders leaving to invade Angel Island, the streets were clear for Tails and Eggman to search for the other piece of Eggman's weapon!
12650 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nEggman found the last part needed to build his mighty weapon. The team must get to Eggman's old weapons lab and create the weapon that will stop the Nocturnus Clan!
12652 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nThe team found Eggman's weapon. With all the parts, Eggman and Tails started building a weapon to banish the Nocturnus Clan once and for all!
12653 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and his team stowed away on a Nocturnus Clan airship. They must fight their way to the bridge and take control!
12654 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic and Knuckles led their team to the bridge and defeated the airship's captain, but Nocturnus Clan boarding parties landed on the airship! The team must defeat the sky-raiders!
12656 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nNocturnus Clan sky-raiders destroyed the airship's anti-aircraft cannon! Sonic called Tails for help.
12657 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman completed the Beam Cannon, but Sonic is in trouble! Eggman once controlled a massive anti-aircraft cannon in Metropolis. If Tails and Eggman find that cannon, they can help Sonic and his team! Maybe there is a path available from the top of the escalator.
12660 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nTails and Eggman reached the anti-aircraft cannon, but it was protected by a guardian robot! The two geniuses destroyed the robot, so now they can repair the cannon and clear the skies for Sonic and Knuckles!
12661 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nThanks to Tails and Eggman's quick work, Sonic's team landed safely on Angel Island. But now they face the mighty assembled Nocturnus Clan!\n\nWith Tails and Eggman's help a few minutes away, Sonic and Knuckles must occupy the Nocturnus Clan so they don't take the Master Emerald before the rest of the team can arrive with the Beam Cannon!
12662 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic, Knuckles, and team battled the Nocturnus Clan, including their mysterious leader, Lord Ix! Now they must keep the Clan busy so Tails and Eggman can find a way to reach Angel Island... and bring the Beam Cannon with them!
12663 The assault on the Nocturnus Clan has begun! The team splits up: Sonic and Knuckles lead one group, and Tails and Eggman lead another.\n\nSonic, Knuckles, and team were fighting for their lives on Angel Island and called for help! The teleporter in Eggman's Underground base can be reconfigured to send the team to Angel Island... but they must get back there and make it work!
12666 Sonic and his friends reunited to defeat Lord Ix, but at the end of the fight, Ix unleashed a terrifying power blast and ran towards the Master Emerald. Before the team could react, the Master Emerald was gone!\n\nWithout the Master Emerald's power to keep it aloft, Angel Island crashed down into Metropolis!\n\nThings don't look good for our heroes!
12667 The Battle for Angel Island
12674 What do you want, Sonic?
12677 Norton is Missing!
12686 Good luck, Sonic!
12705 Look out!
12706 You're not fighting alone anymore, Sonic! I can help you!
12707 You need to choose commands for everyone in your team at the same time. Keep choosing commands until everyone is out of actions!
12708 Once that's done, everyone will perform their actions at the same time. Sit back and enjoy the show!
12709 Let's get 'em!
12710 [See Team Combat Tutorial]
12715 [Skip Instructions]
12721 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nEggman has a rocket ship that could get our heroes up to the wormhole, but the Angel Island crash knocked out power all over Metropolis. Sonic must lead a team to find and recharge three generators and supply power to Eggman's lab!\n\nOf course, with him is the ex-leader of the Marauders, Shade the Echidna. Has she really changed, or is this another part of Ix's evil plan?
12722 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nEggman has a rocket ship that could get our heroes up to the wormhole, but the Angel Island crash knocked out power all over Metropolis. Sonic must lead a team to find and recharge three generators and supply power to Eggman's lab!\n\nSonic and his friends have found and activated the first generator. If they can turn on the other two generators, they will restore power to Metropolis!
12723 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to mount a mission into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nEggman has a rocket ship that could get our heroes up to the wormhole, but the Angel Island crash knocked out power all over Metropolis. Sonic must lead a team to find and recharge three generators and supply power to Eggman's lab!\n\nSonic and his friends have found and activated the second generator. If they can turn on one more generator, they will restore power to Metropolis!
12726 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to mount a mission into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nSonic and his team were able to restore power to Eggman's lab, enabling Eggman and Tails to begin work on a rocket that can travel through the wormhole. Of course, before the rocket can survive travel to another dimension, Eggman and Tails must install a dimensional buffer. Eggman has one hidden away in his Hazard Vault. Since the dangerous inhabitants of the Hazard Vault have already escaped, it should be an easy task to go inside and find the part.
12728 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nEggman has a rocket ship that could get our heroes up to the wormhole. Of course, before the rocket can survive travel to another dimension, Eggman and Tails must install a dimensional buffer. Eggman has one hidden away in his Hazard Vault. Unfortunately, it seems that not all the most dangerous robots escaped the Hazard Vault after the crash. Sonic and his team could be in danger.
12730 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nSonic and his team have defeated the terrifying Eggbot and retrieved the dimensional buffer! Now to return the part to the lab and get that rocket working.
12732 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nEverything is in place for the trip into the wormhole! The dimensional window will cycle around in a few minutes, but until then, Sonic is free to speak with his friends. Sonic should speak to Tails when he is ready to go.
12733 Angel Island has fallen from the sky, and now a giant wormhole threatens to blot out the sun over Metropolis! Our heroes' only hope is to go into the wormhole to recover the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from the evil Ix!\n\nSonic and friends boarded the interdimensional rocket, while Eggman stayed behind so he can be there to guide their landing when they return. The mission to retrieve the Emeralds from Ix has begun!
12734 Black Hole Sun
12741 This must be the place. But I don't see a door.
12743 Well. There's something you don't see every day.
12747 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid. Luckily, Tails detected a Chaos Emerald nearby. If the team can recover it, Tails can use the Emerald to power the Cyclone and leave the planetoid.
12748 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid! Luckily, Tails detected a Chaos Emerald nearby, and if the team can recover it, Tails can use the Emerald to power the Cyclone and leave the planetoid.\n\nIt turns out that Sonic and friends are not alone. This strange world is inhabited by the Kron, stone-like beings who are allies of Ix, and they're not happy that the team crash-landed on their homeworld.
12755 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron! \n\nLuckily, Tails detected a Chaos Emerald nearby. If the team can recover it, Tails can use the Emerald to power the Cyclone and leave the planetoid.\n\nAccording to the Kron, Ix has enslaved the stone-like people and forced them to mine their own homeworld for precious ore and build weapons of war for the Nocturnus Clan. Before they can leave this colony, Sonic and his friends must speak to the Kron leader, Foreman Krag. \n\nThe door leading to Foreman Krag's home is to the west of the ruins where Sonic learned of Ix's betrayal of the Kron.
12758 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron! \n\nLuckily, Tails detected a Chaos Emerald nearby. If the team can recover it, Tails can use the Emerald to power the Cyclone and leave the planetoid.\n\nAccording to the Kron, Ix has enslaved the stone-like people and forced them to mine their own homeworld for precious ore and build weapons of war for the Nocturnus Clan. Before they can leave this colony, Sonic and his friends must speak to the Kron leader, Foreman Krag. \n\nThe team has found its way to Foreman Krag's home. Now they must speak to him about how the team can help free the Kron from the tyranny of the Nocturnus.
12759 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power. Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the stone-like Kron's homeworld!\n\nThe Kron leader, Foreman Krag, says that the Nocturnus Clan has taken over their factory, and forbade the Kron to enter. Foreman Krag has asked Sonic and friends to find a way inside the factory and shut down the forcefield that keeps the Kron outside. In return, the team can keep the strange crystal the Nocturnus gave to the Kron.\n\nStrange crystal... could it be the Chaos Emerald?
12764 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron!\n\nThe Kron leader, Foreman Krag, says that the Nocturnus Clan has taken over their factory, and forbade the Kron to enter. The Foreman has asked Sonic and friends to find a way inside the factory and shut down the forcefield that keeps the Kron outside. In return, the team is welcome to keep the strange crystal the Nocturnus are keeping inside the factory.\n\nThe team has found a way inside the factory! Now they must find and shut down the generator powering the forcefield so the Kron can retake their factory.
12765 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron!\n\nThe Kron leader, Foreman Krag, says that the Nocturnus Clan has taken over their factory and has forbidden the Kron to enter. The Foreman has asked Sonic and friends to find a way inside the factory and shut down the forcefield that keeps the Kron outside. In return, the team is welcome to keep the strange crystal the Nocturnus are keeping inside the factory.\n\nThe team has found the generator. Now, to shut it down so the Kron can retake their factory!
12766 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron!\n\nThe Kron leader, Foreman Krag, says that the Nocturnus Clan has taken over their factory, and forbade the Kron to enter. Now that the team has shut down the generator, the Kron are free to enter the factory and retake it from the Nocturnus Clan! \n\nThe team must return to the front entrance of the factory and speak with Foreman Krag.
12767 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron!\n\nThe Kron have retaken their factory, and Sonic and friends have recovered the first Chaos Emerald. Now Tails must connect the Chaos Emerald to the Cyclone, so the team can take off and search for the other six Chaos Emeralds!
12769 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power, and Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the homeworld of the stone-like Kron!\n\nThe Kron have retaken their factory, and Sonic and friends have recovered the first Chaos Emerald. Tails connected the Chaos Emerald to the Cyclone, so the team should be able to fly anywhere within the Twilight Cage.\n\nUnfortunately, Shade says that Ix will hear what happened on the Kron colony, and he will send Nocturnus Clan troops to keep the peace. It looks like Ix knows Sonic is here.
12772 Journey Into the Unknown
12784 Sector Scylla
12785 The Voxai have mind control! Look out!
12819 Steady ground. Depend we on you now.
12820 In conference is Foreman Krag. Not seeing visitors he....
12821 Ah. Expecting you is he.
12822 Follow you in. Begin will the Twilight Congress.
12823 Return you when ready to enter. Go you now.
12824 Arrived did all races.
12825 Had us no riots or explosions of any kind.
12826 Agreed.
12828 Let's go inside, team!
12830 We're not quite ready to go inside.
12832 Did everyone show up?
12833 And everyone's getting along?
12834 That's a good thing.
12836 Maybe help you more than help the Kron.
12840 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. Locked in a state of constant cold war, the two races are both hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Ix. Upon landing on the N'rrgal colony, the Cyclone was attacked by N'rrgal workers who began absorbing energy from the ship. It looks like the team will have to find a way to remove them without forcing open war against the N'rrgal!\n\nA N'rrgal swarm appeared to speak with the team, believing them to be spies for the Zoah. It seems the N'rrgal Queen wants to speak with Sonic and his friends. If the team refuses, they will face the entire might of the N'rrgal race!
12841 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. Locked in a state of constant cold war, the two races are both hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Ix. Upon landing on the N'rrgal colony, the Cyclone was attacked by N'rrgal workers who began absorbing energy from the ship. Now the N'rrgal Queen herself has given the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nSonic and the team must travel to the Zoah Colony and begin the search for the giants' secret weapon... or be branded traitors against the Nocturnus and handed to Ix as prisoners!
12846 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. Locked in a state of constant cold war, the two races are both hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Ix. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nWhen the team reached Zoah space, however, the Zoah shot down the Cyclone and surrounded it in a stasis field, and the team battled against a squad of Zoah solders! Now the team must explore the hostile Zoah colony and steal their secret weapon, all while searching for the Chaos Emerald that Tails detected!
12850 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nSpeaking to a shopkeeper on the Zoah Colony, Sonic discovered a way that they might gain access to the Zoah's secret weapon. If Sonic challenged the Zoah leader, General Raxos, and won, then Sonic could make one request of the Zoah leader! The team wouldn't have to sneak around inside the Zoah base.\n\nTo issue a challenge, Sonic should speak with the guards at the gate to the Zoah base.
12851 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nThe team made it past the guards at the gate, and now they must find a way through the doors and into the Zoah base, where they hope to find the Zoah's secret weapon!
12852 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nSonic and friends applied for Zoah citizenship, which would grant them the right to challenge General Raxos, the leader of the Zoah, for the Chaos Emerald. Of course, the path to Zoah Citizenship is a dangerous one indeed!
12860 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nNow the team has only to return to the N'rrgal Queen and present her with the Chaos Emerald. Then, hopefully, they can leave Sector Scylla behind with two more Chaos Emeralds in tow!
12861 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice, and now the team has recovered the Zoah's secret weapon: a Chaos Emerald that Ix gave to the Zoah as a gift! \n\nNow the team has only to return to the N'rrgal Queen and present her with the Chaos Emerald. Then, hopefully, they can leave Sector Scylla behind with two more Chaos Emeralds in tow!
12863 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSonic and his friends have recovered Chaos Emeralds from both the N'rrgal and the Zoah and turned both races against Ix! The team is that much closer to defeating Ix and recovering the Master Emerald!
12865 Citadel Showdown
12869 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. Even setting foot in Sector Charyb could be dangerous. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will.
12870 Sector Charyb
12871 Shade suggested that the final two Chaos Emeralds are likely being kept on Nocturne, the fortress of the Nocturnus Clan. Unfortunately, there's a repulsor field around the fortress, and the team can't get through to land on Nocturne!\n\nLuckily, Sonic has made a few friends among the free peoples of the Twilight Cage. The Voxai, Kron, Zoah, and N'rrgal may be willing to help. Their leaders have agreed to meet for a Twilight Congress in Foreman Krag's chamber on the Kron colony. There, the four races will hatch a plan to help Sonic... or argue their way back into open war!
12872 Uh, no. Let's just go.
12877 You did it!
12879 I knew you could do it. Just keep your eye open for more places where you can do special actions!
12880 Hey Sonic, slow down a sec.
12881 What's up, Tails?
12882 Sometimes when you go near certain things, places, or people, you'll see a picture floating over them. This means you can do an action!
12883 The bubble shows what action you can do! Sometimes you can jump, sometimes you can talk to people. Different teammates can do different things!
12884 If you can't do the action, the picture will be dark. You'll have to find someone to help you, or wait until you've learned new special moves.
12885 Try jumping across those boulders. When the Jump bubble appears, touch the bubble or use the L Button or R Button to Jump to the next stone!
12886 Then when you reach the loop, the Dash bubble will appear. When it does, touch the bubble or use the L Button or R Button to Dash through the loop!
12887 You've been out of action for a little while, Sonic. Would you like me to give you some helpful tips as you go?
12888 Okay. I can see you on my viewscreen, so I'll call you from time to time with helpful hints. I know you probably remember this stuff, but it never hurts to practice!
12889 I figured you would! You're Sonic!
12890 I can see you on my viewscreen, so I'll keep in touch as you go!
12902 Sure! That's a good idea.
12904 No, I know what I'm doing.
12914 Nice job, Sonic! It's always good to take a little time and help people out!
12916 Ugh! Why are you being like that? I just saved you!
12918 Sonic, you move a lot faster than the rest of us do, so it makes sense that you might be a little impatient, even when talking to people.
12919 The first response in your list, with the little picture of Sonic next to it, will always be the fastest way to get you back to the action!
12920 Sometimes you can see little tabs on the side of your speech bubble. Touch on the tabs to see what else you can say!
12922 What are you talking about?
12932 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will. Even setting foot in Sector Charyb could be dangerous.\n
12935 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. Even setting foot in Sector Charyb could be dangerous! The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will. The individual Voxai are so focused on their tasks that they seem oblivious to the team's presence.\n
12938 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will... or so it was believed. It seems that a Voxai named Thebes has broken free of the Overmind's control and seeks to free his people. If Sonic helps him, Thebes will make sure Sonic and his friends leave with the Chaos Emeralds that are somehow powering the Overmind!\n\nThebes asked the team to meet him at his home in the eastern areas of Voxai Colony Beta.
12945 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will... or so it was believed. It seems that a Voxai named Thebes has broken free of the Overmind's control and seeks to free his people. \n\nUnfortunately, the Overmind found Thebes and psychically turned his own friends against him! Thebes says that the Overmind must have moved one of the Emeralds to Colony Beta, seeking to complete their control over the Voxai.\n\nSonic and the team must stop the Overmind's agents before they can plant the Emerald on Colony Beta and turn the remaining Voxai into mental slaves!
12948 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will... or so it was believed. It seems that a Voxai named Thebes has broken free of the Overmind's control and seeks to free his people. \n\nUnfortunately, the Overmind found Thebes and psychically turned his own friends against him! Good thing Sonic and his friends defeated Thelxe, a lieutenant of the Overmind. They took the Chaos Emerald and saved the Voxai Colony Beta!\n\nNow Sonic and the team must teleport to Colony Alpha and face the psychic powers of the terrible Voxai Overmind!
12949 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nSector Charyb houses the psychic Voxai, feared even by the Nocturnus Clan for their ability to conquer minds. The Voxai operate as one mind, and while there is little unrest, there is also little free will... or so it was believed. It seems that a Voxai named Thebes has broken free of the Overmind's control and seeks to free his people. To help Thebes, Sonic and his friends defeated Thelxe, a lieutenant of the Overmind. They took the Chaos Emerald and saved Voxai Colony Beta! \n\nThe team has arrived on Voxai Colony Alpha, where the mind control powers of the Overmind are the strongest. Sonic and his friends must defeat the Overmind and take the remaining Chaos Emerald that powers them!
12967 Having recovered three of the seven lost Chaos Emeralds, turns its attention to Sector Charyb, where according to Tails' sensors, two more Chaos Emeralds are hidden.\n\nBy defeating the evil Voxai Overmind, Sonic and his friends freed the Voxai from the tyranny of mental domination. Now Thebes, the new Voxai Overmind, must lead his confused and newly free people and build a new Voxai nation based on independence and cooperation.
12969 The Voxai have mind control! Look out!\n\nThey are so powerful, even Ix fears to let his minions hang out on the Voxai Colonies.
12973 Shade suggested that the final two Chaos Emeralds are likely being kept on Nocturne, the fortress of the Nocturnus Clan. Unfortunately, there's a repulsor field around the fortress, and the team can't get through to land on Nocturne!\n\nThe leaders of the free peoples of the Twilight Cage have come to an agreement: They will set their differences aside and work with Sonic to defeat the Nocturnus! The Kron will donate their energy-resistant ore to build a small rocket that will carry a small group of N'rrgal workers. With psychic aiming assistance from the Voxai, the Zoah will fire the rocket at a weak point in the repulsor field. The N'rrgal will jump out from the rocket and chew a hole in the field! Brilliant!\n\nThe whole operation is waiting on word from Tails to set the plan into motion. Sonic should speak to Tails when it's time to begin the attack on Nocturne.
12976 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nSonic, Tails, and their team must find and defeat Charyb before Nocturne is propelled through the wormhole and into Sonic's world!
12980 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nKnuckles and Shade must lead their team to track down Scylla and take his Chaos Emerald before the Nocturne travels through the wormhole and into their world! Knuckles has another interesting motive for splitting up the team: He wants to try to talk Ix into abandoning his evil plan! Knuckles must reach Ix before Sonic does!
12983 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nSonic receives a call from Shade: Knuckles' team is in trouble! Sonic and his team must find the shutdown switch for the repulsor field so Zoah and Kron starfighters can swoop in and take out the laser turrets that are blocking Knuckles' way.
12985 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nKnuckles and Shade must lead their team to track down Scylla and take his Chaos Emerald before the Nocturne travels through the wormhole and into their world! Knuckles has another interesting motive for splitting up the team: He wants to try to talk Ix into abandoning his evil plan! Knuckles must reach Ix before Sonic does!
12990 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nSonic, Tails, and their team must find and defeat Charyb before Nocturne is propelled through the wormhole and into Sonic's world!
12991 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nSonic receives a call from Knuckles: he and his team are in danger! On their way to find Scylla, they were attacked by Gizoid Centurions that they couldn't defeat! Knuckles asks Sonic and his team to find a way to defeat the Gizoid Centurions!
12993 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nSonic receives a call from Knuckles: he and his team are in danger! On their way to find Scylla, they were attacked by Gizoid Centurions that they couldn't defeat. If Tails can study a few inactive Gizoid Centurions, he might be able to find a way to defeat them!
12994 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nTails has discovered that the Gizoid Centurions have some kind of shielding around them. He thinks that if he can study more Gizoid Centurions, he can find a way to defeat them!
12995 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nTails has figured out that the Gizoid Centurions' shields work on some sort of invisible wavelength. He thinks that if he can study more Gizoid Centurions, he can find a way to defeat them!
12996 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nTails has learned that if he tunes his communicator to emit a particular frequency, he can disrupt the shields on the Gizoid Centurions! Now he wants to find one more Gizoid Centurion so he can test out his theory!
12998 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nThanks to Tails' ingenuity, the Gizoid Centurions were no match for Knuckles and his team. Now to find Scylla and recover the Chaos Emerald!
13001 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb. \n\nTails has picked up energy fluctuations up ahead. Charyb can't be too far away!
13003 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nShade had suggested that recovering the Chaos Emeralds from Scylla and Charyb might stop Nocturne from moving. Fearing that the team might not be able to recover the Emeralds in time, Knuckles proposes that they split up. One team goes after Scylla, and the other tracks down Charyb.\n\nAs Sonic and his team entered Charyb's lair, water began rushing in from outside, flooding the corridor! Now the team must fight their way to Charyb without drowning first!\n\nTo avoid drowning, the team must look out for air bubbles coming from cracks in the corridor walls.
13012 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nWith both Scylla and Charyb defeated, the team has all seven Chaos Emeralds! Now to find Ix and take back the Master Emerald before it's too late!\n\nWith Shade's help, Knuckles hopes to find the entrance to Ix's chamber before Sonic does. Knuckles still hopes Ix can be redeemed and the Echidnas returned from the Twilight Cage in peace, but he knows Sonic will just want to destroy Ix, no questions asked!
13014 Thanks to a little help from their new friends, the team has landed on Nocturnus, just before Ix used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to start moving Nocturne toward the wormhole. Moments later, they were met with holoprojections of Ix's most prized warriors: the psychotic Scylla and the cold-hearted Charyb! \n\nWith both Scylla and Charyb defeated, the team has all seven Chaos Emeralds! Now to find Ix and take back the Master Emerald before it's too late!\n\nTails lost contact with Knuckles, and now he's worried. Now Sonic and his team must not only find Ix but also make sure Knuckles and his team are safe!
13030 Those logs won't chop themselves, Sonic!
13037 What was that?!
13040 Ssstop, invaderrrs! Zoah spies arrre nnnot welcome here....
13050 Sonic and friends found Knuckles--the mysterious Marauders were holding him prisoner!\n\nNow that he's free, the team must get to Angel Island quickly to stop the Marauders from stealing the Master Emerald!
13051 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
13052 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
13053 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
13057 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
13058 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
13059 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
13063 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
13064 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
13065 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
13074 Sonic and friends saved a young boy from a giant scorpion!\n\nThe boy returned to his family safely.
13075 Sonic told the Swatbot that its duties were complete, so the Swatbot deactivated itself in peace.
13076 A device in a Central City shop set off Tails' Eggman tracker. A shady salesman named Sal told the store's shopkeeper the device was a coffee machine and traded it for the shopkeeper's own prized stapler. But the machine doesn't make coffee, and the shopkeeper feels cheated.\n\nSonic returned the shopkeeper's stapler, and the shopkeeper gave him the "coffee machine"... which is really an Eggman device!
13082 Here we are again. And the tunnel is still here! A marvel of engineering!
13083 Shall we go inside and put an end to these Marauders?
13084 If there's anything you want to do outside of Metropolis, I suggest you go and do it now. Once we're inside, there's no coming back.
13085 Come on! They're crawling all over my city!
13086 Hmph. Very well. Go and do your little side quests. I suppose Metropolis will still be ruined when we get back.
13087 We have a little time, but not much. When we're ready to stop the Marauders, we should come back here.
13088 Let's go!
13090 Yes. We're done with everything out here.
13091 Let's go. I'm done with everything out here.
13092 I have a few things I want to do first.
13097 Sonic and friends reached the abandoned tunnels leading to the ruined fortress in Metropolis, but Sonic wanted to finish things outside Metropolis first. \n\nTo enter Metropolis and begin the quest to save Angel Island, return to Blue Ridge Zone and enter the abandoned tunnel.
13099 Tails! Get up here now!
13101 Tails launched and piloted the Cyclone through the wormhole and into the Twilight Cage, a mysterious dimension. Moments later, the Cyclone lost power. Tails was forced to crash-land on a strange planetoid: the stone-like Kron's homeworld!\n\nThe Kron leader, Foreman Krag, says that the Nocturnus Clan has taken over their factory, and forbade the Kron to enter. Now that the team has shut down the generator, the Kron are free to enter the factory and retake it from the Nocturnus Clan! \n\nTo get the Chaos Emerald, the team will have to find it. They must charge through a raging battle to get deeper into the upper levels of the factory!
13103 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. Locked in a state of constant cold war, the two races are both hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Ix. Upon landing on the N'rrgal colony, the Cyclone was attacked by N'rrgal workers who began absorbing energy from the ship. It looks like the team will have to find a way to remove them without forcing open war against the N'rrgal!\n\nOf course, the team ended up fighting the N'rrgal, and now the whole race is hostile!
13104 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. Locked in a state of constant cold war, the two races are both hardened by battle and fiercely loyal to Ix. Upon landing on the N'rrgal colony, the Cyclone was attacked by N'rrgal workers who began absorbing energy from the ship. It looks like the team will have to find a way to remove them without forcing open war against the N'rrgal!
13109 Scylla or Charyb?
13110 The Chaos Emeralds are powerful gems, Sonic. Someone who knows how to use them could do just about anything with their power!
13111 Remember when you had all seven Chaos Emeralds? You used their power to become Super Sonic! You were pretty much unbeatable!
13112 Without knowing who the Marauders are, there's no telling what they'll do with the Chaos Emeralds. We have to stop them!
13113 Why would they take the Chaos Emeralds?
13115 I remember. Good times.
13120 (The voices! I can hear them again!)
13121 (But they sound... different. I hear harsh commands where I once heard gentle suggestions.)
13122 (You have saved my family from the unbearable silence!)
13125 (I can't... I can't hear the voices....)
13126 (My name is Croesus. I can't... I can't hear the Overmind!)
13127 (Their voices... giving me purpose. My family and I have all lost their voices!)
13128 (Thebes... Did something happen? Why would Thebes help us?)
13129 (No. It's not the same. The others have become outerminds. I hear nothing but static in my mind, as if our minds were... jammed.)
13130 (We... I hear nothing but static in my mind. As if the Overmind's signals were being jammed.)
13131 (We saw Nocturnus scouts skulking around the colony, but we were distracted. We didn't think to wonder what they were doing!)
13132 (We are not outerminds. We are Voxai! But this silence... it's unbearable!)
13133 (Thank you! Oh, to think that it would fall to outerminds to save the thoughts of a Voxai!)
13134 (Hm. Let me ask them... oh. I can't. I don't know, and I can't get the answer!)
13135 (I-- I don't know. I just know that we can't hear the Overmind think. It's... horrible!)
13136 (Questions.... You have questions.... But you aren't them! You... You're outerminds!)
13137 (You can help me... help us! Please, you have to help!)
13139 (Please. Come back and help us!)
13140 (Bring them... Bring them back....)
13142 We're working on that.
13146 So everything is well again?
13147 Glad we could help!
13148 What's wrong?
13150 Don't worry. Thebes will help you.
13152 You're not alone. We're working on that.
13156 We'll see what we can do.
13158 How could the Overmind be jammed?
13159 Why would the Nocturnus want to jam the Overmind?
13160 What do you mean?
13161 Might I ask you a few questions?
13163 What can we do to help you?
13165 Sorry. We have too much to do.
13167 Me either. Moving along.
13169 They weren't so tough!
13171 I think this machine could be what was causing Croesus and his family so much trouble!
13174 That ought to take care of it. Let's go tell Croesus the news!
13175 I don't think so. It seems to have been rooted to the spot!
13176 Right!
13182 Wait, Sonic. Are those Nocturnus scouts?
13183 Maybe they're the ones Croesus saw before. I wonder if they have anything to do with his family's problem!
13185 What does it do?
13190 Could we take it with us? It could be handy.
13191 Shut it down.
13200 (I still can't hear them. Please, help me!)
13201 (Please... Won't someone help me?)
13202 How can we help you?
13205 If you don't have your Haniman charms, you're Night Stalker food!
13208 Not much other than the stories. I'm glad my friend Haniman gave me a discount on a protective charm.
13209 Such a horrible mess, it is. Strange that the military isn't acting to stop the beast. General Raxos must have more important things to do.
13210 What can you tell us about the Night Stalker?
13219 Good day, friends. It's good to see friendly faces in such terrible times.
13220 Might I interest you in a protective charm?
13221 Bless you that you haven't heard! These parts are the hunting grounds of the deadly Night Stalker, my friend.
13222 Few have seen the beast, but there are tales of good Zoah citizens taken in the night.
13223 Ahh. Such horrible days that a name such as mine should be known throughout the colony.
13225 What's so terrible about these times?
13227 Why would I need a protective charm?
13228 You must be this "Haniman" I've heard about.
13230 No, thanks. We'll be going now.
13231 Don't think I won't call the guards!
13232 What are you doing in my home? Go! Get out!
13233 Night Stalker! Everyone's talking about the Night Stalker. Everyone's saying, "Sorry for your sons, Telra!"
13234 Ha! Those kids got what they deserve!
13235 How can she say that?!
13236 Good riddance, I say!
13237 What? No! They weren't taken by some Night Stalker!
13238 They were arrested! For vandalism, no less! Stupid boys, with no respect for public property!
13239 And then this Night Stalker thing popped up, and I figured, why not let people think the boys were taken?
13240 People keep giving me things and saying they're sorry. Beats being shunned for having no-good sons!
13241 Ha! I like her!
13242 And don't you go telling anyone! I don't need this hassle!
13243 Good. Now get out of my house!
13244 For what? They're the ones committing stupid crimes. Why shouldn't they learn a lesson in the General's prison?
13245 No, they're fine where they are, thanks.
13246 Now get out! I know who you are, and don't think I won't call the guards!
13247 Finally. Someone keeps to their own business. Good. Now get out of my house!
13248 Right! And stay out!
13249 What happened to your sons?
13250 I wanted to ask you about the Night Stalker.
13254 They deserved to be taken by the Night Stalker?
13260 Fair enough. We'll be going now.
13261 Don't you want them out of jail?
13265 What happened to them?
13266 If she doesn't care, I don't care.
13268 Sorry. We'll be leaving.
13270 I heard the Night Stalker was a fake!
13272 I don't want to be like Telra! The Night Stalker took her sons!
13276 Welcome back, friends. I understand you put an end to my friend Haniman's little scam.
13277 I still can't believe he'd do something like that. I hope he gets what he deserves.
13278 Is there something I can do for you?
13279 He is an old friend of mine. He was an engineer not too long ago, but he began selling protective charms when the Night Stalker first attacked.
13280 He makes a tidy profit from the charms, but rightfully so. Those charms are keeping people safe from the Night Stalker!
13281 No idea. You could ask him, but I doubt he'd tell you. He has a good thing going there, and he wouldn't reveal his source!
13282 The soldiers are on the prowl today. Best to be careful!
13285 What do you know about Haniman?
13287 Where did he find the charms?
13288 My friends! You return!
13289 Has something happened? You finally see the need for one of my protective charms?
13290 You... How could you... I mean-- Oh, happy day!
13291 We know all about your holographic "monster", Haniman.
13292 Oh, do you? But who will the guards believe? You, a non-citizen, or me, a well-liked merchant out to save the people from evil?
13293 Sonic, I think that machine in the corner is the holo-emitter!
13306 Perhaps you feel a need for a protective charm?
13307 A terrible beast known as the Night Stalker prowls these streets, taking families and children from their homes!
13308 Why, it took young Telra's family just the other night! A sad, sad occurrence!
13309 Terrible, terrible that I am forced to sell these trinkets of protection to stave off the hungry beast.
13313 You spoke to her, eh? I--I only know what I was told. I don't know why she would hide the truth like that.
13314 I suppose in the face of such tragedy, she must handle it the best she can.
13316 What's that? Oh no! Everyone, run! The Stalker approaches!
13318 We're doomed!
13321 What? Why would you... Oh, no one finds the Night Stalker. It finds you! Few who have seen it lived to tell the tale.
13322 Of course. Do be careful out there, my friends.
13323 Please, consider your safety. Should you feel threatened, return here for your protective charms!
13324 Yes... yes, I was. But I became a merchant when I found that I could do some good selling these charms to the people!
13328 Well... I... Of course! I have to eat, don't I? We all must make our way in these dangerous times.
13329 Oh, such a tragedy. The Night Stalker plucked away her sons in the prime of their youth!
13331 Of course. This one's on the house, my friend. One's safety is important!
13332 Of course. Be safe, my friends.
13334 We defeated your "Night Stalker", Haniman.
13356 Telra says her sons were arrested for vandalism.
13361 Where could I find this Night Stalker?
13368 We'd better be going.
13371 I've been told you were once an engineer.
13372 You're making a profit from these charms, yes?
13376 Can you tell me anything about Telra's family?
13377 I'll take one of the charms.
13379 Sonic! There's something wrong! This so-called Night Stalker is a fake!
13380 Wait. There's something not right about that creature! Let me just scan it for a second....
13382 Just as I thought! This so-called Night Stalker is a fake!
13384 A hologram!
13385 I don't.... I think I can trace the signal....
13386 Yes! It seems to be coming from the merchants' area... close to where we spoke to Haniman!
13387 I knew he sounded shifty when we spoke to him.
13388 And it attacked even though Sonic had one of those charms!
13389 This Haniman has a lot of explaining to do.
13390 No, apparently not. But I think I can detect the source of the signal.
13391 Wait. Something's not right here. I'm detecting a weird energy flux.
13392 Could it be the Night Stalker?
13393 Be careful, team!
13402 Where's it coming from?
13408 So the Night Stalker doesn't exist?
13410 Ha. I wonder if that Haniman is involved.
13411 Hold steady, team.
13417 You've returned! Have you found anything for ol' Nestor?
13418 Oh, that's lovely. A portion of tectonic plating! Ah, just like mother used to forge!
13419 Wonderful! It just takes me back to a happier time.
13420 I think that's all I need! My home is getting filled up with knick-knacks!
13421 So. As promised, some information. I just finished decoding the Precursor script on this tablet I found.
13422 It says that Precursors studied the other races in the Twilight Cage at the time and realized that they were all powerful and dangerous.
13423 When I think about it, my clan was at the height of our power when we were brought here. And the Kron, the N'rrgal, the Zoah, and the Voxai....
13424 All are dangerous in their own way. It seems odd that we'd all wind up here together, doesn't it?
13427 I'll hang on to this and see what else I can learn.
13433 I thought I'd never see anything like this again!
13434 Let's see... got anything else?
13435 I suppose that's it. Well, thank you, my friend. Just seeing these bits of my home raises my spirits!
13436 Is there anything else I can do for you?
13437 All right. Be careful out there!
13438 I... I'm sorry. I'm getting emotional.
13439 Oh, oh my. I seem to have something in my eye....
13440 Here. Take this for your troubles. And thank you!
13441 Is that--? Yes! A Mark I Gizoid Body Shell!
13442 Ah, I remember. There used to be Gizoids all over the place. I even called one of them friend!
13443 Too bad, though. After we were stranded here, I couldn't find him. I guess he never made it through the wormhole.
13445 The ultimate in technological achievement! Powerful androids, essentially. For most things, they are fantastic. In battle, they are unbeatable!
13446 Emerl? You know a Gizoid named Emerl? We never named them.
13447 I suppose if he was in your world, and you met him, then it must be him! All others were accounted for!
13448 Such a sad story. He was our finest creation, but he had such a temper....
13449 Wait... I thought the Fourth Great Civilization built the Gizoids!
13451 Fourth Great Civilization? Really? Impressive. Lord Ix will be pleased to know the Nocturnus went into the history books.
13452 But didn't Emerl destroy the Fourth Great Civilization?
13453 Oh, he did destroy us, from a certain point of view.
13454 The Gizoids were the pinnacle of our technological achievement. And your "Emerl" was the best of them all!
13455 With the power of the Gizoids, no one could defeat Ix. Not even the mighty Pachacamac could do more than stall him.
13456 Lord Ix led us to conquest and battle, with the Gizoids at the head of the army. Such violence and death!
13457 And then, suddenly, we were gone, whisked away to this place. Coincidence? Maybe. But perhaps there's more to it.
13458 Maybe we shouldn't tell him.
13459 Why, we created them, of course! Built in the very labs that function within the Nocturne to this day!
13460 Ah! What a lovely B-level coupler! It will look great on my mantle!
13461 Hm. I haven't seen a force-spanner like this in a long while! I almost forgot what they looked like!
13462 Excellent! You know, a good Y-button conducer always brings a smile to my face.
13463 I don't see anything. Oh, well. Bring me Nocturne Relics, and I'll make it worth your while!
13464 Oh? Interesting. What is it?
13465 Wow. This is Precursor script! This is very old indeed!
13466 Well, this works with my own theory, but I can't believe it could be true!
13467 Interesting. The Precursors wrote that they spoke with the other races here in their time. They were trying to get an idea how long they'd all been here.
13468 Strange. There isn't much written on this one. Or rather, what is written is just repeated over and over!
13470 Oh, hello. Sorry, ol' Nestor's just feeling a little homesick. It'll pass.
13471 I heard there were outworlders here on the Kron colony, but I didn't believe it!
13473 I am Nestor, historian and scholar of the Nocturnus Clan. You have nothing to fear from me, I swear it!
13474 No.... Impossible! How could you be Nestor the Wise?
13475 Nestor the Wise? Ha! That's interesting. I'll have to write that down.
13477 Ever since the Argus Event, all Lord Ix cares about is conquest and battle. Making machines of war, conquering the Twilight Cage for his own ends.
13478 I was exiled for speaking out against this attitude. And I think I got off easy.
13479 But I heard the Kron were mounting a rebellion against Ix, so I thought this might be the safest place.
13480 Ah. A history buff, are you? What if I said I won't tell you? Or rather, I'll tell you what I do know... for a price?
13481 I--I miss the Nocturne. Time spent on this rock has made me homesick.
13482 If you could bring me objects, things that would remind me of the Nocturne, I would be glad to reward you with the finest gift of all: knowledge.
13483 Wonderful! I feel better already!
13484 Search each of the Twilight Cage colonies for cast-off remnants of the Nocturne. I'll see what I can scrape together to reward your efforts!
13485 Hope to see you again soon!
13486 That's the thing. When the Nocturne was brought into the Twilight Cage, parts of it broke off and landed on the other colonies.
13487 If you would search the other colonies for those parts and bring them to me, I could use them to decorate my house and remember my home.
13491 Interested in Ix's motivations, are you? What if I said I won't tell you? Or rather, I'll tell you what I do know... for a price?
13492 Nestor the Wise was the most famous echidna historian of all time! His chronicles of the ancient times are legendary.
13493 I suppose I should feel honored! Though I certainly don't feel like a legend! Ha!
13494 Sure, sure. But if you're ever interested in a little search for history, let me know!
13495 Of course. Stay safe!
13496 This is Nestor the Wise, Sonic. I doubt we have anything to worry about with him. His histories were often critical of the Nocturnus leaders.
13497 Ha! You have read them!
13498 No.... Impossible! How could he be Nestor the Wise?
13499 We found something for your home.
13520 Nothing for now.
13528 I'm sorry to hear that. Moving on!
13529 What is a Gizoid?
13530 Let's move on.
13531 A lost Gizoid? Could that have been Emerl?
13543 Where did the Nocturnus get Gizoids?
13549 Could you take a look at this tablet we found?
13551 You mentioned an "Argus Event" before. What's that?
13552 Why would Ix want to conquer the Twilight Cage?
13557 What are you doing here, Nestor?
13561 Is there any way we can help you?
13562 Wait. What is "the Argus Event"?
13565 We'll see what we can do.
13569 What kinds of objects do you need?
13574 Why would Ix want to conquer the Twilight Cage?
13576 Do you know him, Knuckles?
13578 We should be going.
13579 A search for history?
13580 Maybe some other time.
13582 I don't trust you.
13585 A factory worker in Station Square left the breakers open at the factory in Blue Ridge Zone! If the factory's foreman starts up the machinery while the breakers are open, the factory could explode!\n\nThe worker asked Sonic to warn the foreman and save the factory!
13592 A factory worker in Station Square left the breakers open at the factory in Blue Ridge Zone! If the factory's foreman had started up the machinery while the breakers were open, the factory would have exploded!\n\nThankfully, Sonic reached the foreman in time. Now the team should speak with the worker!
13593 Deliver the Warning!
13594 A factory worker in Station Square left the breakers open at the factory in Blue Ridge Zone! If the factory's foreman had started up the machinery while the breakers were open, the factory would have exploded!\n\nIt's a good thing Sonic reached the foreman in time. The worker gave Sonic a reward for his help and hurried off to work!
13595 You aren't authorized to be here! Get lost!
13597 A gang of vicious muggers is running wild in Central City!\n\nA GUN agent chased the gang, but they escaped him. When Sonic and friends came along, the GUN agent asked them to capture the gangsters.\n\nThe gangsters are somewhere in Central City. Sonic must find them, defeat them, and turn them in to the authorities!
13598 A gang of vicious muggers is running wild in Central City!\n\nA GUN agent chased the gang, but they escaped him. When Sonic and friends came along, the GUN agent asked them to capture the gangsters.\n\nSonic couldn't help the GUN agent this time, but the team can assist him later.
13600 A gang of vicious muggers was running wild in Central City!\n\nA GUN agent chased the gang, but they escaped him. When Sonic and friends came along, the GUN agent asked them to capture the gangsters.\n\nThe team quickly nabbed the muggers, and the GUN agent rounded them up. Central City's streets are safe again!
13601 Mechanical Muggers
13603 Sonic met a man who was worried about his son, Timmy. It seems Timmy fell down a well in Blue Ridge Zone and hasn't been seen since.\n\nThe man asked Sonic and friends to save Timmy!
13604 Sonic and friends searched for Timmy, who had fallen down a well. Timmy's dad was very worried about him!\n\nThe team found Timmy--actually Timothy, a grown man whose job is to clean and preserve the inside of the well. Since Timothy was done working for the day, he agreed to go back to his father with Sonic.
13605 Timmy fell into a well, and his worried father asked Sonic and team to rescue Timmy and bring him home. \n\nTimmy was actually Timothy, a grown-up who works inside the well. His father is just getting a little crazy!\n\nThe team brought Timothy to his father, who was very happy to see him.
13606 Timmy's in Trouble!
13608 Whoa. Who are you?
13609 Rescue? I didn't ask to be rescued. Oh, no. Have you been speaking to my father?
13610 Oh, really? Cool. I've never met a celebrity. Oh, no. Have you been speaking to my father?
13612 Timmy? No... Oh, no. Have you been speaking to my father?
13613 My name is Timothy. My father's getting on in age. He seems to think I'm still ten years old.
13615 I work down here. I seal cracks and keep animals and stuff out of the well.
13616 Fine. I was more or less done here, anyway. You can help me carry my stuff.
13617 Let's go.
13618 It means I wasn't in any danger. My father's just a kook.
13619 Anyway, I was more or less done here, so I'll just go with you. You can help me carry my stuff.
13620 I'm the guy who's rescuing you. Come on!
13622 I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
13625 Are you Timmy?
13629 Well, you're coming with us, anyway.
13632 Does that mean you want to stay here?
13635 Are you all right, son?
13636 Yes, Father. I'm fine. Just like I am every day when I get home from work.
13637 Thank you so much, Sonic. Please, take this. It's not much, but it may come in handy.
13638 Now, let's go home, Timmy! Your mother is so worried!
13639 For the last time, Father, it's TIMOTHY!
13641 You have to do something!
13642 Great! He fell into a well to the north. He must be so scared!
13644 Thank you!
13645 I don't know. I always tell him not to play out there, but the one moment I'm not watching, there he goes!
13646 I was mad at first, but now I'm just worried. Please help him!
13647 I understand you must be busy, but....
13648 If you change your mind, please help him. He's in a well to the north!
13652 You're welcome!
13656 Of course we'll help!
13660 How did Timmy fall in the well?
13662 There's no time for this.
13664 You shouldn't laugh at the poor man!
13665 Hey! He was really scared!
13666 Thank you, thank you! You've come back to save me!
13667 You can't just leave me out here like this! I'm too important to die!
13671 Yes, we have. Come on.
13672 Nope. Sorry.
13674 Marauders attacked a GUN patrol in Blue Ridge Zone, and now a lone GUN official is stranded there!\n\nSonic and friends agreed to escort the official back to the Station Square airstrip.
13675 Marauders attacked a GUN patrol in Blue Ridge Zone, and now a lone GUN official is stranded there!\n\nSonic and friends could not escort the official back to the Station Square airstrip, but the team can return later and help him get home safely.
13677 Marauders attacked a GUN patrol in Blue Ridge Zone, and now a lone GUN official is stranded there!\n\nSonic and friends escorted the official back to Station Square's airstrip, where he thanked them and promised countless rewards. Will the team really get what the official promised them?
13678 GUN Escort
13679 Sonic and friends met Dr. Madden, a scientist who believed the animals in Green Hill Zone were so aggressive because someone was controlling them. He was searching for signal projectors in Green Hill Zone, but animals kept attacking him!\n\nThe team destroyed all three signal projectors! Dr. Madden will want to hear about this!
13680 Sonic and friends met Dr. Madden, a scientist who believed the animals in Green Hill Zone were so aggressive because someone was controlling them. He was right! \n\nThe team destroyed the three signal projectors, freeing the animals and saving Green Hill Zone. \n\nDr. Madden thought the mind-control signal was a Marauder plot. If it's true, the Marauders must be stopped!
13681 Sonic and friends met Dr. Madden, a scientist who believed the animals in Green Hill Zone were so aggressive because someone was controlling them. He was searching for signal projectors in Green Hill Zone, but animals kept attacking him!\n\nHe asked the team to find and destroy the signal projectors, which will free the animals from the control of whoever is sending the signals!
13684 Sonic and friends met Dr. Madden, a scientist who believed the animals in Green Hill Zone were so aggressive because someone was controlling them. He was searching for signal projectors in Green Hil Zone, but animals kept attacking him!\n\nThe team found the first of three signal projectors. There are two more to find!
13685 Sonic and friends met Dr. Madden, a scientist who believed the animals in Green Hill Zone were so aggressive because someone was controlling them. He was searching for signal projectors in Green Hill Zone, but animals kept attacking him!\n\nThe team found the second of three signal projectors. There is one more to find!
13686 Stop the Signal
13688 Giant wasps swarm over Central City's rooftops! A queen wasp is leading them; if she is defeated, the wasps will flee.\n\nA man asked Sonic to defeat the queen and frighten away the wasps!
13689 Giant wasps swarm over Central City's rooftops! A queen wasp is leading them; if she is defeated, the wasps will flee.\n\nA man asked Sonic to defeat the queen and frighten away the wasps, but the team didn't have time. The wasps are still there, so Sonic can get rid of them later.
13690 Giant wasps swarmed over Central City's rooftops, but Sonic and his team defeated the wasp queen!\n\nThe rooftops of Central City are saved!
13691 Giant wasps swarmed over Central City's rooftops, but Sonic and his team defeated the wasp queen!\n\nThe man who asked Sonic to defeat the wasps will want to hear about this!
13692 Queen of the Swarm
13695 Plllease helllp usss....
13696 Yesss.... Plllease helllp usss....
13697 The Zoah have poisonnned the spawnnning pools! Nnnow it is full of monnnsters!
13698 Someonnne mmmust ennnter the spawnnning pools and finnnd the source of the poisonnn! All who have trrried have faillled!
13699 You cannn ennnter the spawnnning pools by jumpinnng innnto the slime riverrr and goinnng through the entrrrance to the wessst.
13700 Returnnn here whennn you have finished. We will rewarrrd you.
13701 Who else would do sommmething like that? The Zoah have been tryinnng to destroy usss for years!
13702 Plllease.... You mmmust helllp usss!
13703 We N'rrgal depennnd on the spawnnning pools! Without themmm, we cannot multiply, and we would slowly die out!
13704 The Zoah know thisss! They have poisonnned the pools to destroy usss!
13705 Someonnne mmmust helllp us!
13706 What's wrong?
13708 We'll take care of it!
13711 How do you know the Zoah did this?
13713 Maybe some other time.
13714 What is a spawning pool?
13716 Sorry, there's no time.
13723 Plllease... clear the spawnnning pools!
13729 We'll take care of the spawning pools!
13730 The pools are clearrr! You have donnne it!
13731 We arrre saved!
13732 Take thisss, a tokennn of our appreciationnn....
13733 I will returrrn to raising our spawnnn. Be wellll....
13734 There was a robot down there, one that crashed here when Ix opened his wormhole.
13735 Lord Ix was behinnnd thisss? I am sure he had a good reasonnn....
13736 You are not kidding.
13737 Hm. I wonder how a swatbot could have gotten here. Maybe it was sucked into the wormhole, and just crash-landed on this colony!
13738 Anyway, now that it's destroyed, it can't poison the pools with its exhaust anymore!
13740 *Bzzrt* Nemesis detected... begin *bzrt* combat protocol....
13741 Sonic! It's a swatbot!
13742 Let's bring it down, team!
13743 These N'rrgal spawn don't seem quite right.
13744 They're corrupted in some way. Some kind of black liquid.
13745 Is that... oil? How would oil get here, of all places?
13746 Let's check it out!
13748 It was our pleasure.
13751 This wasn't the Zoah's fault.
13754 Time for a shower.
13757 Let's go tell them we've done it!
13767 (I hear pirates have been raiding merchant shipments. I hope Aequi is all right.)
13768 (I hear pirates have been raiding merchant shipments. I hope Aequi is all right.)
13770 Saved you the Kron. A hero you are.
13771 Led us has Foreman Krag to a new dawn.
13772 Raided have pirates the merchant convoys. Stop it someone should.
13773 Return you any time. Welcome we you to our home.
13775 Led us Foreman Krag has for decades. Trust we him.
13776 Used us Lord Ix did. Pay he will for that.
13777 Stole did Lord Ix our factory. Destroyed he everything else.
13778 Want I to build good things. Not weapons.
13779 Watch us scouts do. Untrusting are the Nocturnus.
13780 Ignore us do our neighbors in the Twilight Cage. Fear us do they.
13781 Frightened we are that Lord Ix will destroy us.
13784 The pirrrates... attackinnng merrrchants....
13785 The piratesss are starrrving the merchannnts....
13787 When will the military stop those pirates from raiding merchant ships?
13790 (Pirates... yes! I have heard tales of pirates in the spaces between the colonies, attacking supply ships and taking their cargo.)
13791 (I seem to remember that the Kron were the last ones hit. A shipment of ore meant for the Zoah, if I recall.)
13792 (Maybe speaking with the trader on the Kron colony will bring you more information.)
13793 Do you know anything about pirates?
13796 Ha. Of course I do. I was expecting a shipment from the Kron colony when it was attacked by these so-called "pirates."
13798 Do you know anything about pirates?
13801 No one knows who they are, just that they attack cargo ships carrying certain types of cargo.
13802 No merchant vessel will fly between colonies anymore, for fear the pirates might get them. It's terrible.
13803 Oh, no. I'm not sending anything out. Not with you, not with anyone!
13804 Someone has to have a shipment they need to send. I have nothing worth the risk of a pirate attack.
13807 Where could we get the right kind of cargo?
13809 Pirrrates... They attack merchannnt ships, steal valuable supplllies....
13810 We have a shipmmment of N'rrgal sweat for Kronnn. We're afrrraid to sennnd it....
13811 Why would you do that?
13812 We can defeat those pirates! The shipment will get there, we promise!
13813 Mmmaybe you are the onnnly channnce. Nnno othersss have faced themmm and wonnn....
13814 We will trussst you. If you mmmake the shipmennnt, brinnng back the paymmmennnt from the Kronnn, we willll give you a cut....
13815 We look forwarrrd to your returnnnn....
13816 Do you know anything about pirates?
13818 We'll deliver the shipment for you!
13822 We'll take care of it.
13823 Arrr. Ye got us. Turn 'er 'round, boys.
13824 Wait. You're echidnas, from the Nocturnus Clan, right? Why were you attacking merchant ships?
13825 We don't approve of Lord Ix's methods, aye. He's tryin' t'unite the colonies, he is, plannin' t'leave the Twilight Cage and hitch ship to the old country.
13826 We rather like it here. Lots of space. So we figured we'd spread a little chaos. Keep the lubbers distant, as it were.
13828 Aye. And ye'll do it better, I reckon.
13829 Arr. If ye'll let us go, we'll leave ye to it. We won't be gettin' in the way no more.
13830 Promise?
13831 Aye. Me word is me bond. But here, take this as a token of me goodwill.
13832 Rally 'round, boys! We're settin' sail!
13834 Sheesh. What a ham.
13837 Let's go!
13838 Aye. I see that now.
13839 Why waste fuel stealing from the colonies? We could go out, explore! Arr! A great adventure t'be had!
13841 What was that?
13842 Must be those pirates. Everyone, get ready!
13844 Harr! Give up yer booty, yer cargo is ours now!
13845 Why is he talking like that?
13846 Who knows? Just go with it.
13847 Hand it over, lubbers! Or ye'll be forced to walk the plank!
13848 Seriously. Why would a pirate from another dimension talk like that?
13849 Arr, this be just how I talk! Now--
13850 This is stupid.
13851 Aye. A speech impediment it be.
13853 We gonna fight, or not?
13854 Yeah. Bring it on!
13859 That's almost what we're trying to do.
13870 You're going about this the wrong way.
13872 Just hand over any other shipments you have.
13888 And we have the payment from the Kron!
13889 The pirrrates arrre nnno mmmore! We arrre... surrrprised... but pleasssed....
13890 Take thisss as paymmment for your effortsss.... For makinnng the starrrs safe againnn....
13891 You did? Wonnnderful! Annnd where is mmmy paymennnt?
13892 Take the shipmmment to the Kronnn and brinnng back mmmy paymennnt. That was the deal....
13894 We took care of the pirates.
13899 Move more smoothly do things since stopped you the pirates.
13900 Welcome I you back. Survived you the pirates, suppose I.
13901 Then defeated have you the pirates? Done you have the impossible!
13902 Give I you the payment for shipment. And... give I you discount!
13903 Tell I everyone! Defeated are the pirates!
13904 Hope you that you won't. Nasty creatures they.
13905 Know I that take advantage some people do of others.
13906 Raid they shipments through the Cage. Steal they valuable equipment.
13907 Detect they cargo somehow. Attack they only ships carrying valuable supplies. Ore, water, and the like.
13908 Expect I a shipment from a trader on N'rrgal colony. Send he will a cargo of N'rrgal sweat. Good fuel is that.
13909 But afraid he is to send it. Afraid he is that attack pirates will.
13910 Unsure I of your chances. But better it is than nothing.
13911 Hope I that someone stops them.
13912 Steady ground.
13913 Pirates. Hear I once more that word, and destroy I this shop.
13914 We have a shipment from the N'rrgal.
13917 We haven't yet met any pirates.
13918 Do you know anything about pirates?
13921 Where can I get such supplies?
13923 We'll get the shipment and bring it here safely.
13924 That's interesting. Thanks!
13925 We'll be going now.
13926 Thanks. We'll be going now!
13928 I hear you've had some trouble with pirates.
13931 Wait, Sonic. I think I... yes! There's a Precursor tablet down here!
13932 It must have been hidden in the spawning pools for decades! The swatbot must have disturbed it!
13933 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
13934 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
13935 Wait, Sonic. There's some kind of strange tablet down here!
13952 (The voice, so comforting. Is that... Thebes? Did something happen to the Overmind?)
13953 (Ah, yes. I see. You defeated the Overmind! And you saved my family from the unbearable silence!)
13954 (Now that I'm connected again, I know everything the Voxai know. I might have something else for you!)
13955 (Yes! The Overmind is concerned that Thebes is hiding something in his house... something you might like to have! If you want it, go look around in Thebes' home!)
13957 (I cannot thank you enough for your help. Good luck against Lord Ix, and keep an eye out for bubbles!)
13963 Hm. I don't think there's anything....
13964 No, wait! There! Thebes has a Precursor tablet! He wanted us to have it!
13965 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
13966 Weird writing.
13967 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
13968 No, wait. There's some kind of strange tablet here. Why would Thebes want us to have that?
13975 They left us a Precursor tablet! But why would that pirate have it?
13976 The pirates left us some kind of strange tablet! But why would that pirate have it?
13977 Must have been part of his booty.
13978 Rouge!
13979 What? It's a word.
13980 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
13981 We have to take this shipment back to the Kron colony, anyway.
13982 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
13983 Let's get this shipment back to the Kron colony as soon as possible!
13994 And as promised, some information. I just finished decoding the script on this tablet I found.
13995 After we ended up here, I did some research and learned of a race who lived here long before the others got here.
13996 I called them the Precursors. I found a cipher for decoding their script, but I haven't learned much else about them.
13997 There are Precursor tablets in all lands of the Twilight Cage. You should consider yourself lucky to have found this one!
13998 It says, "The will of Argus, must escape Argus." I wonder... hmm....
13999 Could Argus be the name of the higher being that created this place? Could this Argus be a god?
14000 Imprisoned by a god in another dimension. This is worse than I thought!
14001 Go, my friends. Find a way out, before it's too late! I--I have nothing left to learn. Nothing left but to accept my fate!
14002 There has to be a way out for you!
14003 We were put here for a reason. No, my friends, I must go and... think.
14005 I will be fine. Here in Argus' Cage.
14006 It says that from what they could tell, time works differently here. A day here could be years in one world, or seconds in another!
14007 That explains a lot, including why I'm a legend in your world when, as far as I can tell, we've only been here a few years!
14008 Can I keep this? It could have a serious effect on my scientific studies!
14009 It says here that the Precursors believed there is a higher being that created the Twilight Cage!
14010 Perhaps that being is the one that brought everyone here. Perhaps that being is behind the so-called Argus Event!
14011 When we were brought here, no one knew what had happened. One moment we're all living in our world, and suddenly we're all here.
14012 The weird thing was that we all remembered hearing a strange word in our minds. The word sounded like "Argus."
14013 Lord Ix took to calling it the Argus Event.
14014 I'd like to keep this. I'll see if there's anything else I can learn.
14015 This seems to say that the Precursors thought the Twilight Cage was a kind of prison, and that they were brought here to suffer.
14016 I suppose that makes sense. This certainly isn't a paradise, by any means.
14017 Interesting. I'd like to hold on to this, see if I can get anything else out of it.
14018 Is there anything else I can do for you?
14019 If you find any more of these tablets, please bring them to me. There's much we can learn from the Precursors!
14020 Is there anything else I can do for you?
14021 Is there anything else I can do for you?
14022 Is there anything else I can do for you?
14023 Is there anything else I can do for you?
14024 Oh? Interesting. What is it?
14025 Oh? Interesting. What is it?
14026 Oh? Interesting. What is it?
14027 Oh? Interesting. What is it?
14029 What does it say?
14030 What is Precursor script?
14048 Interesting.
14049 What is the Argus Event?
14053 So, tell me: What was the Argus Event you mentioned?
14057 I have another tablet for you.
14058 Nothing at the moment.
14061 Find the source of the poison in the spawning pools on the N'rrgal Colony.\n\nThere's a problem in the N'rrgal spawning pools: someone has poisoned them, ruining the N'rrgal's ability to make more N'rrgal! The N'rrgal blame the Zoah, of course, and if that's true, then the long period of cease-fire could be over!\n\nThe N'rrgal need someone to enter the spawning pools and discover the source of the contamination!
14062 Find the source of the poison in the spawning pools on the N'rrgal Colony.\n\nThere's a problem in the N'rrgal spawning pools: someone has poisoned them, ruining the N'rrgal's ability to make more N'rrgal! The N'rrgal blame the Zoah, of course, and if that's true, then the long period of cease-fire could be over!\n\nSonic promised to enter the spawning pools and discover the source of the contamination!
14066 Speak with the N'rrgal Swarm at the entrance to the spawning pools.\n\nThere's a problem in the N'rrgal spawning pools: someone has poisoned them, ruining the N'rrgal's ability to make more N'rrgal! The N'rrgal blame the Zoah, of course, and if that's true, then the long period of cease-fire could be over!\n\nSonic discovered the source of the contamination: a Swatbot was pulled into the Twilight Cage through the wormhole, and it landed in the spawning pools!
14068 Sonic and friends investigated the contamination in the N'rrgal spawning pools. They discovered that it wasn't the Zoah who poisoned the pools, but rather a Swatbot pulled into the Twilight Cage when the wormhole opened over Metropolis.\n\nThanks to the team's quick work, the spawning pools are back in operation.
14069 Poisoned the N'rrgal Supply
14070 Keep an eye out for more of these strange tablets and bring them to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nA race known as the Precursors lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Nocturnus Clan arrived, and the Precursors left behind tablets that contain notes about their studies of the Twilight Cage. Nestor deciphered the first Precursor tablet and discovered that the Precursors realized that all the races in the Twilight Cage were powerful and dangerous. Not much has changed since then...
14071 Find a historian who can decipher the strange tablet. \n\nSonic and friends found a strange tablet covered in writing they can't figure out. Maybe there's a historian somewhere who could decipher it!
14072 The Argus Event
14074 Sonic and his friends defeated the pirates that were raiding merchants in the Twilight Cage. The pirates hoped to sow chaos among the colonies and dismantle Ix's plans to unite the Twilight Cage. They agree that Sonic and the team will do a much better job at bringing down Ix than they could. \n\nThanks to Sonic, the "pirates" are now peacefully sailing the skies of the Twilight Cage, exploring rather than raiding. The lanes should be safe for trading once again.
14075 Find someone who could tell you about the pirates.\n\nThe team is hearing rumors about pirates attacking merchant shipments between colonies. Perhaps the merchants of the various colonies know something about it.
14078 Take the N'rrgal shipment to the merchant on the Kron Colony.\n\nThe team has volunteered to take a shipment of N'rrgal sweat to the Kron Colony, knowing well that the pirates might attack. Maybe this is an opportunity to meet these so-called pirates!
14080 Speak with the merchant on the Kron Colony to learn more about the pirate attacks.\n\nSonic and friends have learned that pirates are attacking merchant vessels that carry certain types of cargo: water, food, and other bulk shipments. Not only that, but the last shipment attacked came from the Kron Colony. Maybe the merchant there will know more about the attacks!
14083 Find out more about the pirates that are attacking merchants in the Twilight Cage.\n\nSonic and friends have learned that pirates are attacking merchant vessels that carry certain types of cargo: water, food, and other bulk shipments. \n\nPerhaps other merchants know more about these pirates!
14084 Speak with the merchant on the N'rrgal Colony to learn more about the pirate attacks!\n\nSonic and friends have learned that pirates are attacking merchant vessels that carry certain types of cargo: water, food, and other bulk shipments. The merchant on the Kron Colony is expecting a shipment from the N'rrgal Colony. Could the pirates be planning to attack that shipment?
14085 Pirates of the Twilight Cage
14087 The team ended Haniman's sinister plan to profit by selling "charms" to ward off a fictional monster. \n\nNow the Zoah Colony is safe from the "Night Stalker", and from the real monster: Haniman himself!
14089 The Night Stalker
14091 Relics of the Past
14098 The commander is busy. You have your orders.
14124 Speak with the Voxai Croesus on Voxai Colony Beta.\n\nSomething is wrong with the family of a Voxai named Croesus. He says they have somehow "lost their voices." He seems very upset!
14126 Quick action by the team solved the problem for Croesus and his family. Now they are connected to the Overmind and happier than ever, thanks to Sonic!
14128 Return to Croesus and see if defeating the Nocturnus agents fixed his problem.\n\nA Voxai named Croesus has a problem. Somehow, he and his family have been cut off from the Overmind! Instead of voices urging them to go about their lives, they hear nothing but static in their minds, and they are panicking!\n\nThe Nocturnus agents were operating a machine that broadcasts a signal. Tails thought the machine might be what was causing the interference! With the machine now out of operation, Croesus and his family should be fine once again!
14129 Confront the Nocturnus agents on Voxai Colony Beta and see what they're up to!\n\nA Voxai named Croesus has a problem. Somehow, he and his family have been cut off from the Overmind! Instead of voices urging them to go about their lives, they hear nothing but static in their minds, and they are panicking!\n\nSonic and the team spotted a small group of Nocturnus agents. Maybe the agents have something to do with Croesus and his family's mental interference!
14131 Investigate Voxai Colony Beta to find out how Croesus' family's connection to the Overmind was jammed.\n\nA Voxai named Croesus has a problem. Somehow, he and his family have been cut off from the Overmind! Instead of voices urging them to go about their lives, they hear nothing but static in their minds, and they are panicking!\n\nCroesus says that he saw Nocturnus agents sneaking about on Voxai Colony Beta. Maybe they have something to do with this!
14132 Overmind Interference
14133 (Oh no! Did this happen to Thebes? Such a good man. I hate to hear that he's suffering like we are!)
14134 (This static... I know others who have become outerminds, lost contact with the Overmind. But we still get a signal... it's just all static.)
14135 (We thought maybe something had happened to the Overmind! But our neighbors are still connected....)
14136 This is like what happened to Thebes!
14139 (Pirates... yes! I have heard tales of pirates in the spaces between the colonies, attacking supply ships and taking their cargo.)
14140 (I seem to remember that the Kron were the last ones hit. A shipment of ore meant for the Zoah, if I recall.)
14141 (Maybe you should talk to a trader on the Kron colony.)
14142 Do you know anything about pirates?
14145 Deliver the N'rrgal Shipment to the merchant on the Kron Colony.\n\nSonic and his friends promised to deliver a shipment of N'rrgal sweat to the merchant on the Kron Colony, knowing well that they could be attacked by pirates on the way.
14146 Return to the N'rrgal merchant for a reward.\n\nThe team braved a pirate attack to deliver the shipment of N'rrgal sweat to the Kron, and now they must return to the N'rrgal Colony for their reward.
14147 Sonic and friends have successfully delivered the shipment of N'rrgal sweat to the Kron and returned for their reward!\n\nSure, they had to brave a pirate attack to do it, but it's all in a day's work for Sonic!
14148 Pirates: The N'rrgal Shipment
14149 Ye can have everything we've got. We won't be needin' it n'more, aye.
14153 Find someone who has more information about the Night Stalker.\n\nThe team heard rumors of a monster, a Night Stalker, that has been terrorizing the people of the Zoah Colony. Maybe someone knows something more about this terrible beast!
14161 Track down the Night Stalker and defeat it for good!\n\nThe team spoke to Haniman about the Night Stalker, but he wasn't of much help. The Night Stalker has to be around somewhere, though. Maybe the team could search the Zoah Colony for signs of the Night Stalker!
14170 Find Telra and see if she knows more about the Night Stalker.\n\nTragedy has befallen a woman named Telra. Rumor has it her son was taken by the Night Stalker! Maybe speaking with her will shed some light on this terrible beast.
14171 Well, that was an interesting visit with Telra.\n\nTelra's son did vanish, but he wasn't taken by a hideous monster. Instead, he was arrested for vandalism, and his mother isn't the least bit sorry about his fate. \n\nStrange, though. Why would there be rumors that the Night Stalker took her boy?
14174 Well, that was an interesting visit with Telra.\n\nTelra's son did vanish, but he wasn't taken by a hideous monster. Instead, he was arrested for vandalism, and his mother isn't the least bit sorry about his fate. At least someone gained something from the boy's disappearance, though. Haniman must have used the disappearance to create paranoia and drive sales of his anti-Night-Stalker charms.
14175 The Night Stalker: Telra
14176 Find someone who has more information about the Night Stalker.\n\nRumor has it that a man named Haniman is selling charms to ward away the Night Stalker. Maybe this Haniman knows something about the terrible beast!
14177 Find someone who has more information about the Night Stalker.\n\nIn the Zoah Colony, Sonic spoke with a merchant who knows Haniman, the one selling charms that ward away the Night Stalker. The merchant was friends with Haniman back when Haniman was an engineer, and he says that Haniman is making a tidy profit from the charms.
14179 It turns out that Haniman was behind the appearance of the Night Stalker all along. \n\nThanks to Sonic and his friends, Haniman won't cheat anyone else ever again.
14180 The Night Stalker: Haniman
14182 Confront Haniman about the "Night Stalker."\n\nWhen the team met up with the Night Stalker, it turned out to be a hologram! Tails traced the signal back to a location in the merchants' area of the Zoah Colony, near where the team spoke to Haniman originally.
14183 Of course! It's a hologram!
14185 Why, you've defeated the mighty Night Stalker! But I fear it may return....
14186 We know all about your holographic "monster", Haniman.
14187 Oh, do you? But who will the guards believe? You, a non-citizen, or me, a well-liked merchant out to save the people from evil?
14188 Sonic, I think that machine in the corner is the holo-emitter!
14189 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
14191 This is definitely the machine, Sonic. I've pulled out its visual relay circuits.
14192 My machine!
14195 No! How could you...
14196 Now they'll all hate me! You've ruined me!
14197 Curse you!
14198 Sonic! It looks like Haniman had a Precursor tablet in his shop!
14199 Sonic! It looks like there's some kind of strange tablet here in Haniman's store!
14200 Weird writing. I wonder where it came from?
14201 Maybe someone used it as payment for a Night Stalker charm.
14202 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
14203 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
14204 I was out of a job! The military said they had no use for a "simple" holo-emitter, so I decided to show them!
14205 And I figured I could make some money on the side selling these trinkets to gullible citizens. It was a perfect plan!
14206 I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling heroes!
14207 What's going on here, Haniman?
14213 Heh. Don't we?
14218 I guess your Night Stalker is shut down for good.
14228 Why did you do it, Haniman?
14232 I think now YOU will need the protective charms!
14233 Keep an eye out for Nocturne Relics on each of the colonies in the Twilight Cage.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home. He says that when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage, relics from the fortress likely broke off and landed on the other colonies. He's willing to reward the team for each relic they bring back to him.
14239 Keep an eye out for Nocturne Relics on each of the colonies in the Twilight Cage. Four relics remain.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home. He says that when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage, relics from the fortress likely broke off and landed on the other colonies. He's willing to reward the team for each relic they bring back to him.
14240 Keep an eye out for Nocturne Relics on each of the colonies in the Twilight Cage. Three relics remain.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home. He says that when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage, relics from the fortress likely broke off and landed on the other colonies. He's willing to reward the team for each relic they bring back to him.
14241 Keep an eye out for Nocturne Relics on each of the colonies in the Twilight Cage. Two relics remain.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home. He says that when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage, relics from the fortress likely broke off and landed on the other colonies. He's willing to reward the team for each relic they bring back to him.
14242 Keep an eye out for Nocturne Relics on each of the colonies in the Twilight Cage. One relic remains.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home. He says that when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage, relics from the fortress likely broke off and landed on the other colonies. He's willing to reward the team for each relic they bring back to him.
14244 Sonic and the team found five Nocturne Relics and brought them to Nestor the Historian, who used them to decorate his home. Now, even though he's an exile, Nestor the Wise will feel less homesick when he looks at these relics of his old home.
14249 Speak to Nestor to accept his quest.\n\nSonic and friends have met an echidna named Nestor (or, as Knuckles calls him, "Nestor the Wise") on the Kron Colony. Nestor is an exile from the Nocturne, and he's looking for someone to collect Nocturnus trinkets for him to use to decorate his home.
14251 Keep an eye out for more of these strange tablets and bring them to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nA race known as the Precursors lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Nocturnus Clan arrived, and the Precursors left behind tablets that contain notes about their studies of the Twilight Cage. Nestor deciphered the first Precursor tablet and discovered that the Precursors realized that all the races in the Twilight Cage were powerful and dangerous. Not much has changed since then...\n\nThen, from another tablet, Nestor learned that the Precursors thought the Twilight Cage was a prison of sorts, and that the races were brought there to suffer.
14252 Keep an eye out for more of these strange tablets and bring them to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nA race known as the Precursors lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Nocturnus Clan arrived, and the Precursors left behind tablets that contain notes about their studies of the Twilight Cage. Nestor deciphered the first Precursor tablet and discovered that the Precursors realized that all the races in the Twilight Cage were powerful and dangerous. Not much has changed since then...\n\nAnother tablet stated that the Precursors thought the Twilight Cage was a prison of sorts, and the races were brought there to suffer. Yet another revealed that the Precursors believed the races were brought there by some kind of supreme being. Perhaps it was the being behind the so-called Argus Event that brought the Nocturnus to the Twilight Cage!
14253 Keep an eye out for more of these strange tablets and bring them to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nA race known as the Precursors lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Nocturnus Clan arrived, and the Precursors left behind tablets that contain notes about their studies of the Twilight Cage. Nestor deciphered the first Precursor tablet and discovered that the Precursors realized that all the races in the Twilight Cage were powerful and dangerous. Not much has changed since then...\n\nAnother tablet stated that the Precursors thought the Twilight Cage was a prison of sorts, and the races were brought there to suffer. Yet another revealed that the Precursors believed the races were brought there by some kind of supreme being. Perhaps it was the being behind the so-called Argus Event that brought the Nocturnus to the Twilight Cage!\n\nNestor learned from another tablet that time works differently in the Twilight Cage. A day in the Twilight Cage could be a year in one world, or a second in another. That explains how the Nocturnus Clan can exist in the Twilight Cage, even though they vanished millennia ago from Sonic's world!
14254 Keep an eye out for more of these strange tablets and bring them to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nA race known as the Precursors lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Nocturnus Clan arrived, and the Precursors left behind tablets that contain notes about their studies of the Twilight Cage. Nestor deciphered the first Precursor tablet and discovered that the Precursors realized that all the races in the Twilight Cage were powerful and dangerous. Not much has changed since then...\n\nAnother tablet stated that the Precursors thought the Twilight Cage was a prison of sorts, and the races were brought there to suffer. Yet another revealed that the Precursors believed the races were brought there by some kind of supreme being. Perhaps it was the being behind the so-called Argus Event that brought the Nocturnus to the Twilight Cage!\n\nNestor learned from another tablet that time works differently in the Twilight Cage. A day in the Twilight Cage could be a year in one world, or a second in another. That explains how the Nocturnus Clan can exist in the Twilight Cage, even though they vanished millennia ago from Sonic's world!\n\nThe fifth tablet was the most disturbing. Nestor says that this tablet just contained the words "The Will of Argus, must escape Argus" over and over. Could this Argus be a god, the being that created the Twilight Cage?\n\nIt seems this information was too much for Nestor, who retreated into seclusion. It's likely that even if you found more tablets, Nestor won't be available to translate them.
14255 Take the strange tablet to Nestor the Historian on the Kron Colony.\n\nSonic and friends found a strange tablet covered in writing they can't figure out. Nestor the Wise should be able to decipher it!
14259 The Nocturnus Clan
14260 Gizoids
14261 Chao
14262 The Argus Event
14263 "Argus"
14264 Perfect Chaos
14265 Knuckles Clan
14266 Prof. Gerald Robotnik
14267 The Fourth Great Civilization
14268 Chaos Emeralds
14269 The Master Emerald
14270 The Voxai
14271 The N'rrgal
14272 The Zoah
14273 The Kron
14274 The Twilight Cage
14275 Angel Island
14276 Imperator Ix of the Nocturnus
14277 Eggman
14278 Shade of the Nocturnus
14279 Shadow the Hedgehog
14280 E-123 Omega
14281 Cream the Rabbit
14282 Big the Cat
14283 Rouge the Bat
14284 Amy Rose the Hedgehog
14285 Knuckles the Echidna
14286 Sonic the Hedgehog
14287 Tails the Fox
14290 Green Hill Zone
14291 Central City
14292 GUN HQ
14293 Mystic Ruins
14294 Cave
14295 Knuckles' Prison
14296 Tails' Workshop
14297 Abandoned Base Sewer
14298 Abandoned Base Alley
14299 Shop
14300 Abandoned Base with vines
14301 Abandoned Base no vines
14302 Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald and the last living echidna on Sonic's world. As a result, he is independent and headstrong, though he is also jealous of Sonic's freedom and self-reliant nature. Knuckles has helped Sonic and friends a lot in the past, including taking a major role in the final battle against Eggman some time ago. \n\nKnuckles is very strong and powerful, and he will do anything to defend the Master Emerald and protect his friends. While most think Knuckles is a quiet loner, he enjoys helping Sonic, especially when the Master Emerald is threatened. He and Sonic don't always see eye to eye, but Sonic knows he can count on Knuckles to do what is needed to succeed.\n\nIn addition to his incredible strength, Knuckles has the ability to climb using the claws on his knuckles, and he can glide for short distances. \n\nIn combat, Knuckles has the second-highest damage power and armor in the game, and he is fast enough to attack twice per round. He is a bruiser with many ways to weaken and defeat an opponent.
14309 Shadow was created more than 50 years ago by Prof. Gerald Robotnik to be the ultimate life form. When Eggman freed him from stasis in a GUN base on Prison Island, Shadow agreed to help him take over the world. Shadow once sought revenge for the death of his friend, Maria Robotnik, but Amy Rose helped him realize that Maria's true wish was to save humanity. Soon after Shadow teamed up with Sonic to defeat Eggman, he disappeared and was presumed dead. Rouge the Bat discovered him and he joined her and E-123 Omega to form Team Dark. \n\nWhereas Sonic is free-spirited and independent, Shadow is a brooding loner, always serious and a little difficult to get to know. Whereas Sonic will do anything to help save the world, Shadow will stop at nothing to get what he wants or to do what he thinks is best. He tends to see enemies as obstacles rather than actual threats, and anyone who gets in his way becomes his enemy. \n\nStill, his friendship with Maria Robotnik showed that Shadow has compassion, and he has formed a close friendship with Rouge and Omega, his Team Dark teammates. Outside of Team Dark, however, he is rarely willing to get close to anyone. \n\nIn combat, Shadow has medium damage power and medium armor, and he is just as quick as Sonic, giving him three attacks per round!
14310 Rouge the Bat is an enigma. As a a spy, a freelance treasure hunter, and a member of Shadow the Hedgehog's Team Dark, Rouge's motivations are always in question. In truth, she's usually just out for herself.\n\nRouge is a confident, fearless, and flirty young woman, the only member of the team who uses her looks to get what she wants. Her carefree and playful attitude is fun for some and annoying to others, but she has been known to set it aside to help Shadow and Team Dark achieve their objectives. She gets along with Sonic well enough, but she always had a sort of rivalry with Amy Rose. There's a sort of unstated connection between Rouge and Knuckles that neither is overly willing to explore.\n\nRouge can fly as quickly as Tails or Knuckles, but not as quickly as Shadow or Sonic can run. She is also skilled at the art of stealth, always on the lookout for gems and other valuable things to make her own. As a spy, Rouge is trained in combat and infiltration, which she uses to help her less stealthy friends.\n\nIn combat, Rouge has low damage power and low armor, but she gets to attack twice per round, thanks to her innate quickness. Rouge's abilities to weaken and distract foes, along with her skills at stealing items from enemies, make her an asset in combat.
14311 Sonic the Hedgehog is the world's fastest supersonic hedgehog! Sonic can race faster than the wind and use his fantastic speed to overcome his enemies. Independent and carefree, Sonic never hesitates to charge into danger when the fate of the world is at stake!\n\nSonic enjoys being free and unfettered, and he often travels off to adventure whenever he can. Still, he is always available when trouble rears its ugly head, and his friends always know they can count on him to do what's right. Sonic can be a little impatient and impulsive, but his confidence is unbreakable, even in the most dire circumstances. \n\nAfter the last battle against Eggman, Sonic decided to search the world for adventure. He has been gone for quite a while by the time Tails contacts him to help rescue Knuckles.\n\nIn combat, Sonic has low damage power and low armor, but he gets three attacks per round thanks to his amazing quickness. With his speed, Sonic almost always goes first and can damage enemies before they get a chance to react!
14312 Miles "Tails" Prower is Sonic's most faithful and loyal friend. Whenever Sonic is on an adventure, Tails isn't far behind. \n\nAs smart as Sonic is fast, Tails is an engineering genius, able to invent fantastic machines and outsmart even Eggman. His inventions, including the flying Tornado, have helped Sonic on multiple occasions. Tails can also fly by twirling his two tails like the blades of a helicopter, allowing him to go where Sonic and the team couldn't reach otherwise. \n\nSince Sonic left to seek adventure elsewhere, Tails has spent time alone, building new machines and helping Knuckles protect the Chaos Emeralds. As a result, he has become much more independent and confident in his abilities than he was the last time he saw Sonic. Now Tails is almost the field commander of the team, keeping track of their objectives and proposing clever plans that help the team get through difficult situations.\n\nIn combat, Tails has low damage power and low armor, but he is quick enough to attack twice in each round. Tails relies on his team to protect him while he supports them with his special abilities.
14319 Amy Rose the Hedgehog is one of Sonic's most loyal friends. She considers herself Sonic's girlfriend, much to Sonic's dismay. But even if Sonic doesn't like her "like that," she's still a valuable addition to Sonic's team.\n\nAmy is generally a very sweet and caring girl, and she is usually optimistic, even when she's not particularly confident. On the other hand, she can be quite aggressive if provoked, and it's sometimes not all that hard to provoke her. All you have to do is threaten or flirt with Sonic, and you can count on getting a giant Piko-Piko Hammer to the head!\n\nAs a member of Sonic's team, Amy lends both speed and strength to the group, using her innate hedgehog speed and her immensely powerful Piko-Piko Hammer to good effect. She teams up with her friend Big the Cat and her best friend, Cream the Rabbit, to form Team Amy. Since the last time they defeated Eggman, Amy has started a club where she teaches young girls how to protect themselves from bullies.\n\nIn combat, Amy Rose has the second highest damage power in the game, and medium armor. She is quick enough to attack twice per round, and her special abilities are valuable for weakening enemies and strengthening her teammates.
14320 One of the strongest and toughest friends Sonic has, Big the Cat definitely lives up to his name!\n\nBig the Cat lives in a hut in Mystic Ruins with his best friend, a pet frog named Froggy. He is a fisherman by trade, and he carries his fishing rod wherever he goes. Despite his immense size and powerful strength, Big is humble, gentle, and kind. Some would call him slow or dim-witted, but... well, those people would be right, but behind his slow wit is a heart as big as he is.\n\nAs a member of Sonic's team, Big is most useful for his toughness, which allows him to withstand dangerous conditions that might be very dangerous for other people. He teams up with his friends Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit to form Team Amy, and he would do anything to please and protect his friends.\n\nIn combat, Big has medium damage power, but he has the second highest armor in the game. He's too slow to attack more than once per round, but his powerful abilities make him difficult to damage and even harder to defeat!
14321 Cream the Rabbit is a sweet young girl who loves adventure. She can fly by flapping her large ears to lift herself off the ground. With her best friend, a bow-tie-wearing Chao named Cheese, she is always willing to join Sonic on his quests to save the world from Eggman. \n\nCream is polite and generally happy, but as the youngest member of Sonic's team, she is also a little naive. While she is always eager to charge off into adventure, she sometimes gets in over her head, and she must rely on Cheese or Sonic and his friends to rescue her. Over the years, she has built a sister-like friendship with Amy Rose, much as Sonic and Tails have become almost like brothers. In fact, she joins Amy and Big the Cat to form Team Amy. She is very caring and innocent, and she even helped Emerl learn about sadness and emotions after his violence made her cry.\n\nCream hates violence, but she has learned to fight so she can help out Sonic and his friends. With Cheese's help, she can stand in battle next to the other characters and cheer them on to fight even harder. Even though she's young, she can still help Sonic save the world!\n\nIn combat, Cream has low damage power and low armor, and her inexperience means she can only attack once per round. Her cheers are powerful, however, and help her teammates become stronger in battle!
14322 E-123 Omega is the last of Eggman's E-series robots. Rouge released him when she released Shadow from his stasis pod, at which point Omega, believing the hedgehog to be another one of Eggman's creations, attacked Shadow. Rouge managed to end the fight long enough to find out that Omega was angry at Eggman for imprisoning him in the abandoned base with Shadow. At that moment, Omega joined up with Rouge and Shadow to form Team Dark. Since then, he has longed for a chance to take vengeance on Eggman and prove that he is the strongest of Eggman's machines.\n\nOmega can be harsh and ruthless, but he does have free will, something that Eggman's robots tend to lack. While he rarely shows emotion beyond hatred and desire for revenge, Omega is capable of feeling loyalty and friendship, as he considered his Team Dark teammates to be friends. Whenever he teams up with Sonic, it's not because he likes Sonic, but because Shadow is part of the team.\n\nIn combat, Omega has the highest damage power and armor of all characters in the game. He is so slow, however, that he only gets one attack per round.
14323 Shade the Echidna is the mysterious leader of the Marauders on Sonic's world. She is a skilled and deadly member of the Nocturnus Clan, charged with stealing the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald and using them to return the Nocturnus Clan to Sonic's World!
14324 Shade the Echidna was once the leader of the Nocturnus Clan forces sent to collect the Master Emerald for the evil Ix. Now, disgraced and forsaken by her old master, she has pledged to help Sonic and his friends return the Emeralds to their rightful place. \n\nShade is a tough and businesslike woman, the polar opposite of Rouge the Bat. Trained in the arts of stealth and the use of powerful, high-tech weaponry, Shade is a deadly force in combat. As a former denizen of the Twilight Cage, she is very knowledgeable about the races and places in that alternate dimension, and she is willing to help the team by telling them what she knows of Ix's secrets. She is quite impressed with both Sonic and Knuckles, and she fights alongside them to redeem herself for unknowingly contributing to Ix's plans for world domination.\n\nIn combat, Shade has medium damage power and low armor, and she gets two attacks per round. Shade relies on trickery and technology to win in combat, with her deadly Leech Blade and her powerful Cloaking Device.
14327 Cave_Chapter3
14332 Little is known about the mysterious being known as Argus. The Nocturnus Clan historian Nestor the Wise theorizes that Argus is the super-powerful being that created the Twilight Cage and imprisoned the races within. The only source of information about Argus are tablets left behind by the Precursors, thought to be one of the first races imprisoned in the Twilight Cage.
14333 The "Argus Event" is the name given to the mysterious disappearance of the Nocturnus Clan and their appearance in the Twilight Cage. It was coined by a Nocturnus historian named Nestor the Wise soon after the Nocturnus arrived in the Twilight Cage.\n\nThe term refers to a strange phenomenon that all Nocturnus echidnas experienced when they first arrived. At the moment the Nocturnus disappeared, all members of the Nocturnus Clan heard a voice in their minds say something that sounded like "Argus." No one has yet been able to explain what this meant.
14334 The "Argus Event" is the name given to the mysterious disappearance of the Nocturnus Clan and their appearance in the Twilight Cage. It was coined by a Nocturnus historian named Nestor the Wise soon after the Nocturnus arrived in the Twilight Cage.\n\nThe term refers to a strange phenomenon that all Nocturnus echidnas experienced when they first arrived. At the moment the Nocturnus disappeared, all members of the Nocturnus Clan heard a voice in their minds say something that sounded like "Argus." No one has yet been able to explain what this meant.\n\nAfter studying tablets left behind by the Precursors, Nestor has theorized that the Argus Event was caused by a powerful, mysterious being called Argus, who seems to be collecting (or imprisoning) dangerous, powerful races from other worlds.
14335 According to the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise, the Precursors were a race of beings that lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Kron, Voxai, Zoah, N'rrgal, and Nocturnus arrived. By deciphering their ancient script, Nestor has learned a few things about the nature of the Twilight Cage. \n\nNot much is known about the Precursors themselves except that they lived in the Twilight Cage long ago and that they no longer exist there.
14336 According to the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise, the Precursors were a race of beings that lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Kron, Voxai, Zoah, N'rrgal, and Nocturnus arrived. By deciphering their ancient script, Nestor has learned a few things about the nature of the Twilight Cage. \n\nNot much is known about the Precursors themselves except that they lived in the Twilight Cage long ago and that they no longer exist there. Nestor has also discovered that the Precursors were interested in the nature of the Twilight Cage itself, and they studied the other races that lived around them.
14337 According to the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise, the Precursors were a race of beings that lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Kron, Voxai, Zoah, N'rrgal, and Nocturnus arrived. By deciphering their ancient script, Nestor has learned a few things about the nature of the Twilight Cage. \n\nNot much is known about the Precursors themselves except that they lived in the Twilight Cage long ago and that they no longer exist there. Nestor has also discovered that the Precursors were interested in the nature of the Twilight Cage itself, and they studied the other races that lived around them. They believed that the Twilight Cage was a kind of prison, designed to keep the races sealed within.
14338 According to the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise, the Precursors were a race of beings that lived in the Twilight Cage long before the Kron, Voxai, Zoah, N'rrgal, and Nocturnus arrived. By deciphering their ancient script, Nestor has learned a few things about the nature of the Twilight Cage. \n\nNot much is known about the Precursors themselves except that they lived in the Twilight Cage long ago and that they no longer exist there. Nestor has also discovered that the Precursors were interested in the nature of the Twilight Cage itself, and they studied the other races that lived around them. They believed that the Twilight Cage was a kind of prison, designed to keep the races sealed within. The Precursors were also the first to propose that there was a higher power, a sentient being of some sort, that created the Twilight Cage for that purpose.
14339 The Precursors
14340 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is a dimension that operates on a different frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14341 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14342 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nBased on his translations of ancient Precursor tablets, the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise has theorized that the races of the Twilight Cage are there because they are dangerous and powerful. He can't say much more than that. \n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14343 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nBased on his translations of ancient Precursor tablets, the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise has theorized that the races of the Twilight Cage are there because they are dangerous and powerful. It's possible that the Twilight Cage is a kind of prison for all the races brought there. He can't say much more than that. \n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14344 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nThe Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise has postulated, based on his translations of ancient Precursor tablets, that the races of the Twilight Cage are there because they are dangerous and powerful. It's possible that all the races were brought to the Twilight Cage on purpose by a mysterious higher power that created the Twilight Cage as a prison of sorts. He can't say much more than that. \n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14345 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nBased on his translations of ancient Precursor tablets, the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise has theorized that the races of the Twilight Cage are there because they are dangerous and powerful. It's possible that all the races were brought to the Twilight Cage on purpose by a mysterious higher power that created the Twilight Cage as a prison of sorts. It also seems as if time moves differently there, such that a day in the Twilight Cage is like a year in some worlds and a minute in others. He can't say much more than that. \n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14346 The dimension known as the Twilight Cage has been home to the Nocturnus since their disappearance from Sonic's world 4000 years ago. The Nocturnus Clan leader, Ix, has tried for a long time to find a way out of the Twilight Cage. Part of his plan was to bring all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald inside the alternate dimension, where he could use their power to escape.\n\nThe Twilight Cage is home to many strange races, including the Kron, the Zoah, the Voxai, and the N'rrgal. Each race lives on a floating planetoid, or colony, separated by a space-like dimensional void. The Nocturne, the stronghold of the Nocturnus Clan, stands on a colony in the center of the Twilight Cage. The Twilight Cage is further divided by the zones of Sector Scylla and Sector Charyb. \n\nBased on his translations of ancient Precursor tablets, the Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise has theorized that the races of the Twilight Cage are there because they are dangerous and powerful. It's possible that all the races were brought to the Twilight Cage on purpose by a mysterious higher power that created the Twilight Cage as a prison of sorts. It also seems as if time moves differently in the Cage, such that a day in the Twilight Cage is like a year in some worlds and a minute in others. Signs point to a being named "Argus" as the supreme creator and ruler of the Twilight Cage. Nestor seemed to go a little mad and locked himself in his home when he read that last Precursor tablet.\n\nThe Twilight Cage operates on a different dimensional frequency from Sonic's world, so it can only be entered through the use of warp generators or wormholes. Thankfully, a wormhole to the Twilight Cage requires a level of power that only a relic such as the Master Emerald could generate.
14348 Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) is an evil genius bent on world domination, a career choice that has brought him into conflict with Sonic and his friends many, many times. His first plan involved imprisoning animals inside robots to serve his every whim, but when Sonic thwarted that evil plan, he moved on to bigger, deadlier pursuits. An engineering genius with an IQ of 300, Eggman is a master at building disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, and diabolical robots that could have conquered the world many times over. \n\nThankfully, every time Eggman has hatched an evil plan, Sonic and his friends have been there to stop him! Following their last battle in the skies of Metropolis, Eggman disappeared and was presumed dead. Recent events, however, have led Tails to wonder if perhaps Eggman survived the crash of his Egg Carrier and has been biding time for a chance to resume his evil ways.
14349 Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) is an evil genius bent on world domination, a career choice that has brought him into conflict with Sonic and his friends many, many times. His first plan involved imprisoning animals inside robots to serve his every whim, but when Sonic thwarted that evil plan, he moved on to bigger, deadlier pursuits. An engineering genius with an IQ of 300, Eggman is a master at building disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, and diabolical robots that could have conquered the world many times over. \n\nThankfully, every time Eggman has hatched an evil plan, Sonic and his friends have been there to stop him! Following their last battle in the skies of Metropolis, Eggman disappeared and was presumed dead, but the team found him hiding out in a secret base in Green Hill Zone. Could Eggman be telling the truth when he says that he has reformed?\n\nIn combat, Eggman has medium damage power and medium armor, but his ponderous nature makes him only attack once per round.
14350 Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) was once an evil genius bent on world domination, a career choice that has brought him into conflict with Sonic and his friends many, many times. His first plan involved imprisoning animals inside robots to serve his every whim, but when Sonic thwarted that evil plan, he moved on to bigger, deadlier pursuits. An engineering genius with an IQ of 300, Eggman is a master at building disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, and diabolical robots that could have conquered the world many times over. \n\nThankfully, every time Eggman hatched an evil plan, Sonic and his friends were there to stop him! Now Eggman seems to have truly reformed, and he has joined with Sonic and friends in their fight against the Marauders. His engineering genius should prove invaluable, especially combined with Tails' fantastic skill with machines!\n\nIn combat, Eggman has medium damage power and medium armor, but his ponderous nature makes him only attack once per round.
14351 Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) was once an evil genius bent on world domination, a career choice that has brought him into conflict with Sonic and his friends many, many times. His first plan involved imprisoning animals inside robots to serve his every whim, but when Sonic thwarted that evil plan, he moved on to bigger, deadlier pursuits. An engineering genius with an IQ of 300, Eggman is a master at building disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, and diabolical robots that could have conquered the world many times over. \n\nThankfully, every time Eggman hatched an evil plan, Sonic and his friends were there to stop him! The newly-reformed Eggman helped the team find a way to enter the Twilight Cage, making friends with Tails in the process. He stayed behind when the team took off to prepare for an impending Nocturnus invasion should the team fail.
14352 Angel Island is the home of the Master Emerald, the most powerful relic in Sonic's world, and the Emerald's guardian, Knuckles. The island itself floats in midair over the land, held aloft by the power of the Master Emerald. \n\nAround four thousand years ago, Angel Island was part of the city now known as Mystic Ruins. On Angel Island stood a shrine to the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds. Pachacamac, the chief of Knuckles' clan, tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds and angered its guardian spirit, who became Perfect Chaos. This god-like being virtually destroyed Knuckles' clan in revenge. \n\nThe actions of Perfect Chaos resulted in an energy backlash that ripped Angel Island from the ground, causing it to float above what is now Mystic Ruins. Before Perfect Chaos could do any more damage, Pachacamac's daughter, Tikal, managed to seal it and herself inside the Master Emerald. Over the centuries, the few surviving members of Knuckles' clan became even fewer. Knuckles is, at present, the last of his kind.\n\nTo this day, Knuckles the Echidna protects Angel Island and the Master Emerald at all costs.
14356 Angel Island is the home of the Master Emerald, the most powerful relic in Sonic's world, and the Emerald's guardian, Knuckles. The island itself once floated in midair over the land, but with the Master Emerald gone, Angel Island fell into the ruins of Metropolis. \n\nAround four thousand years ago, Angel Island was part of the city now known as Mystic Ruins. On Angel Island stood a shrine to the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds. Pachacamac, the chief of Knuckles' clan, tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds and angered its guardian spirit, who became Perfect Chaos. This god-like being virtually destroyed Knuckles' clan in revenge. \n\nThe actions of Perfect Chaos resulted in an energy backlash that ripped Angel Island from the ground, causing it to float above what is now Mystic Ruins. Before Perfect Chaos could do any more damage, Pachacamac's daughter, Tikal, managed to seal it and herself inside the Master Emerald. Over the centuries, the few surviving members of Knuckles clan' became even fewer. Knuckles is, at present, the last of his kind.\n\nUnfortunately, the Marauders recently captured Knuckles, and when Sonic and friends freed him, they all noticed that Angel Island was missing! Eggman told the team that the Marauders had somehow pulled Angel Island away from Mystic Ruins and put it on a course to the skies over Metropolis. When the Marauders' leader, Ix, stole the Master Emerald, Angel Island quickly fell into the ruins of Metropolis, where it now lies, drained of all its magic.
14357 Ancient, powerful, and mysterious, the Chaos Emeralds are seven mystical relics tied to the Master Emerald. Each Emerald can float on its own power, but anyone who combines all seven of the Chaos Emeralds can command ultimate power. Many, including Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and others, can even use the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super versions of themselves!\n\nNo one knows where the Chaos Emeralds came from, but the ancient echidna civilizations knew of them and sought their secrets. Even the Fourth Great Civilization, the mysterious civilization that created Emerl and the Gizoids, experimented with Chaos Emeralds. Until recently, the Chaos Emeralds were locked away in hidden places in Sonic's World, but the sinister Marauders stole them for their own evil purposes.
14358 Ancient, powerful, and mysterious, the Chaos Emeralds are seven mystical relics tied to the Master Emerald. Each Emerald can float on its own power, but anyone who combines all seven of the Chaos Emeralds can command ultimate power. Many, including Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and others, can even use the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super versions of themselves!\n\nNo one knows where the Chaos Emeralds came from, but the ancient echidna civilizations knew of them and sought their secrets. Even the Fourth Great Civilization, the mysterious civilization that created Emerl and the Gizoids, experimented with Chaos Emeralds. Until recently, the Chaos Emeralds were locked away in hidden places in Sonic's World. The sinister Nocturnus Clan Echidnas, led by Ix, stole them and took them into the Twilight Cage, an alternate dimension where the clan has been imprisoned, never aging, for thousands of years.
14360 The Knuckles Clan was a race of echidnas that lived in Sonic's world thousands of years ago. They were in constant bloody conflict with the Nocturnus Clan, another clan of echidnas that lived at that time. \n\nThe mystic Knuckles Clan lived in what is now known as Mystic Ruins. Their chief, Pachacamac, tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds, which unexpectedly unleashed Perfect Chaos and virtually wiped out the entire clan. His motives for stealing the Master Emerald are unknown, though many believe he was simply on a quest for power. \n\nKnuckles the Echidna is the only surviving member of the Knuckles Clan. The rest of his people died out in the centuries since Pachacamac's disaster.
14361 The Master Emerald is older than recorded time, a powerful relic created by the gods as a balance against the power of the Chaos Emeralds. The one who controls the Master Emerald can nullify and control the Chaos Emeralds, making the Master Emerald a very valuable gem. Many people have tried to steal the gem throughout history, and each time, they were thwarted.\n\nThe Master Emerald rests in a shrine on Angel Island, protected by Knuckles, the last of the echidnas. While the Master Emerald remains in place, Angel Island will continue to float over the land.
14362 The Master Emerald is older than recorded time, a powerful relic created by the gods as a balance against the power of the Chaos Emeralds. The one who controls the Master Emerald can nullify and control the Chaos Emeralds, making the Master Emerald a very valuable gem. Many people have tried to steal the gem throughout history, and each time, they were thwarted.\n\nRecently, the Nocturnus Clan and their chief, Ix, stole the Master Emerald and the seven Chaos Emeralds and took them back to their home in the Twilight Cage. When the Master Emerald was removed from its shrine on Angel Island, the floating mass plummeted to the ground, crash-landing in the middle of the ruins of Eggman's city, Metropolis.
14363 Perfect Chaos is a powerful and mysterious higher being, which Eggman refers to as the "god of destruction". Perfect Chaos is actually only the most recent form of the being, taken by Chaos after it absorbed the negative energies of all seven Chaos Emeralds.\n\nSummoned by Pachacamac's attempt to steal the Master Emerald, Chaos attacked the echidnas and nearly wiped them all out. A peaceful echidna named Tikal, Pachacamac's daughter, soothed Chaos and managed to seal it, along with herself, inside the Master Emerald. The energy surge threw Angel Island into the air, causing it to hover over the land now known as Mystic Ruins. \n\nLater, Eggman released Chaos from the Master Emerald to help him in his plans for world domination. When Eggman's plans fell through thanks to Sonic and his friends, Chaos decided to take the Chaos Emeralds for himself. Chaos absorbed the negative energies from the Chaos Emeralds, becoming Perfect Chaos once more. To fight Perfect Chaos, Sonic absorbed the positive energies of the Chaos Emeralds and transformed into Super Sonic to defeat the powerful god. Defeated, Perfect Chaos transformed back into Chaos once more, and Tikal appeared to take Chaos away in a blinding flash of light. \n\nNeither Perfect Chaos nor Tikal have been seen since.
14364 Chao are small creatures indigenous to Sonic's world. Their origins are mysterious, but anyone who knows where to look and what to look for can find a Chao. \n\nThe most famous Chao is Cheese, Cream the Rabbit's best friend. As Cream and Cheese show, people in Sonic's world can bond with Chao to gain special powers or boost their abilities.\n\nThere are a lot of different kinds of Chao in the world, each giving different powers when bonded. All Chao, however, begin as eggs and must be hatched in a Chao Garden. Chao love to meet other Chao, and interaction with others tends to make them more powerful and even cause them to mate, creating new Chao eggs.
14366 The Fourth Great Civilization was an ancient civilization that existed thousands of years ago. Prof. Gerald Robotnik first proposed that it existed; he also believed that Emerl the Gizoid was behind its destruction.\n\nLittle is known about the Fourth Great Civilization other that they created the Gizoids, and thus Emerl himself, and that Emerl's creation appears to have led to the destruction of the nation.
14367 The Fourth Great Civilization was an ancient civilization that existed thousands of years ago. Prof. Gerald Robotnik first proposed its existence; he also believed that Emerl the Gizoid was behind its destruction.\n\nIf so, it might be possible that the Nocturnus Clan echidnas were the Fourth Great Civilization. The Nocturnus historian Nestor the Wise claims that Emerl was "our finest creation". According to Nestor, Emerl didn't destroy the Nocturnus Clan directly, but his creation led to the Clan's disappearance. Emerl and the Gizoids made the Nocturnus Clan unstoppable, and at the peak of their power, they were whisked away to the Twilight Cage. \n\nIf all this is true, then the Fourth Great Civilization still exists, imprisoned in the Twilight Cage. Its leader is the sinister Ix, who is obsessed with conquering the world from which he was taken.
14368 Eggman's Occupied Base
14369 The Guardian Units of Nations, or GUN, is a worldwide military and law enforcement organization. Run by a man known simply as the Commander, GUN seeks to protect the world from all sorts of threats, including Eggman and the Marauders.\n\nGUN has vast resources, including an army of soldiers and peacekeepers, fighter planes, and other instruments of warfare. While GUN receives orders from the President of the United Federation, it operates under the sole discretion of the Commander, who has been known to use GUN's resources to bring down enemies. Most recently, GUN teamed up with Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends to defeat Eggman. \n\nGUN employs agents to survey the world for threats. Rouge the Bat is an agent on loan from the President of the Federal Government, though her true loyalties are to herself.
14370 The Guardian Units of Nations, or GUN, is a worldwide military and low enforcement organization. Run by a man known simply as the Commander, GUN seeks to protect the world from all sorts of threats, including Eggman and, more recently, the Marauders, now known to be the lost Nocturnus Clan.\n\nGUN has vast resources, including an army of soldiers and peacekeepers, fighter planes, and other instruments of warfare. While GUN receives orders from the President of the United Federation, it operates under the sole discretion of the Commander, who has been known to use GUN's resources to bring down enemies. Most recently, GUN teamed up with Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends to defeat Eggman. \n\nGUN employs agents to survey the world for threats. Rouge the Bat is an agent on loan from the President of the Federal Government, but her true loyalties are to herself.
14371 GUN: Guardian Units of Nations
14372 Prof. Gerald Robotnik was the grandfather of Maria Robotnik and Dr. "Eggman" Robotnik, and the creator of Shadow the Hedgehog. A scientific genius only matched by his psychotic grandson Eggman, Prof. Robotnik originally set out to help the world, not to destroy it. His most remarkable creation was the Space Colony ARK, where he lived and worked with his granddaughter.\n\nWhen the President of the United Federation requested his assistance on a project to discover an "immortality formula," Prof. Robotnik thought of his granddaughter Maria, who was suffering from an incurable disease known as Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. He hoped the research could lead to a cure. Project Shadow used DNA from an alien known as Black Doom to create the Ultimate Life Form: Shadow the Hedgehog. Over time, the nature of the project made the government uneasy, and they considered cutting funding.\n\nDuring this time, the professor also discovered an ancient robot called a Gizoid, which could mimic combat abilities. Robotnik offered the Gizoid to the government as a bribe so he could keep Project Shadow going. Unfortunately, the bribe did not work. Sometime after the completion of Project Shadow, GUN attacked Space Colony ARK and killed Maria, sending Shadow the Hedgehog careening to the earth, presumed dead. \n\nWhen he found out about this, Robotnik went mad. He created a program that would cause the ARK to fall to earth and brainwashed Shadow to carry out the plan, which would require the power of all seven Chaos Emeralds. The plan was foiled, but in his last act before his televised execution, Dr. Robotnik condemned the world to destruction for the fate of Maria Robotnik.
14373 Gizoids are ancient robots created four thousand years ago near the end of the Fourth Great Civilization. They were created to be the ultimate military robots, capable of destroying entire armies. It is believed that they were destroyed in the fall of the Fourth Great Civilization. \n\nThe most famous Gizoid is Emerl, the only Gizoid to survive the Fourth Great Civilization's destruction. Discovered just over fifty years ago by Prof. Gerald Robotnik, Emerl was an ancient weapon that could mimic the powers and abilities of things around him. According to Prof. Robotnik's notes, Emerl was responsible for the destruction of the Fourth Great Civilization. \n\nProf. Robotnik programmed Emerl with a "Soul" based on the personality of his granddaughter Maria Robotnik. Unfortunately, Emerl was prone to overload when he absorbed too many abilities, and when he absorbed too many of Robotnik's weapons and machines, he destroyed a large section of the Space Colony ARK, Robotnik's orbital space station. \n\nYears later, Eggman found Emerl the Gizoid and gave him a Chaos Emerald as an experiment. Emerl absorbed the Emerald, and Eggman threw him away, angered that he couldn't recover the Emerald.\n\nSonic later found Emerl, and Emerl bonded with him right away. Emerl slowly began to develop a personality and became a friend to Sonic and the rest of the team, but Eggman worked hard to capture the Gizoid. When Eggman finally came after him, Emerl went on a rampage, forcing Sonic to destroy him. Defeated, Emerl disappeared in a flash of light, leaving only shards of the Chaos Emeralds behind. Some believe that Emerl is still alive inside the Chaos Emeralds.
14374 Gizoids are ancient robots created four thousand years ago near the end of the Fourth Great Civilization. They were created to be the ultimate military robots, capable of destroying entire armies. \n\nThough the Nocturnus Clan uses Gizoids extensively, the most famous Gizoid is Emerl. Discovered just over fifty years ago by Prof. Gerald Robotnik, Emerl was an ancient weapon that could mimic the powers and abilities of things around him. According to Prof. Robotnik's notes, Emerl was responsible for the destruction of the Fourth Great Civilization. \n\nProf. Robotnik programmed Emerl with a "Soul" based on the personality of his granddaughter Maria Robotnik. Unfortunately, Emerl was prone to overload when he absorbed too many abilities, and when he absorbed too many of Robotnik's weapons and machines, he destroyed a large section of the Space Colony ARK, Robotnik's orbital space station. \n\nYears later, Eggman found Emerl the Gizoid and gave him a Chaos Emerald as an experiment. Emerl absorbed the Emerald, and Eggman threw him away, angered that he couldn't recover the Emerald.\n\nSonic later found Emerl, and bonded with him right away. Emerl slowly began to develop a personality and became a friend to Sonic and the rest of the team, but Eggman worked hard to capture the Gizoid. When Eggman finally came after him, Emerl went on a rampage, forcing Sonic to destroy him. Defeated, Emerl disappeared in a flash of light, leaving only shards of the Chaos Emeralds behind. Some believe that Emerl is still alive inside the Chaos Emeralds.
14375 Gizoids are ancient robots created four thousand years ago near the end of the Fourth Great Civilization. They were created to be the ultimate military robots, capable of destroying entire armies. Gizoids are powerful, and it appears that Ix and the Nocturnus Clan have created Gizoid Centurions, which are even more powerful versions of the original Gizoid design.\n\nThough the Nocturnus Clan uses Gizoids extensively, the most famous Gizoid is Emerl. Discovered just over fifty years ago by Prof. Gerald Robotnik, Emerl was an ancient weapon that could mimic the powers and abilities of things around him. According to Prof. Robotnik's notes, Emerl was responsible for the destruction of the Fourth Great Civilization. \nProf. Robotnik programmed Emerl with a "Soul" based on the personality of his granddaughter Maria Robotnik. Unfortunately, Emerl was prone to overload when he absorbed too many abilities, and when he absorbed too many of Robotnik's weapons and machines, he destroyed a large section of the Space Colony ARK, Robotnik's orbital space station. \n\nYears later, Eggman found Emerl the Gizoid and gave him a Chaos Emerald as an experiment. Emerl absorbed the Emerald, and Eggman threw him away, angered that he couldn't recover the Emerald.\n\nSonic later found Emerl, and bonded with him right away. Emerl slowly began to develop a personality and became a friend to Sonic and the rest of the team, but Eggman worked hard to capture the Gizoid. When Eggman finally came after him, Emerl went on a rampage, forcing Sonic to destroy him. Defeated, Emerl disappeared in a flash of light, leaving only shards of the Chaos Emeralds behind. Some believe that Emerl is still alive inside the Chaos Emeralds.
14376 The Kron are a race of stone-like beings native to the Kron Colony. They are a powerful and stubborn people, known for their ability to mine precious and rare ore and build sturdy stone and metal structures.\n\nThe Kron are believed to be the oldest race still living in the Twilight Cage, which gains them no respect from Ix or the Nocturnus. Of all the races in the Twilight Cage, the Kron are the most easy-going and "simple," needing little in the way of sustenance or luxury to survive. As a result, the Nocturnus seem to view them as servants rather than allies as they employ the Kron for their mining resources and crafting abilities.\n\nThe Kron are governed by Foreman Krag, who is mostly tasked with keeping the miners and factory workers happy. The Kron's soldiers are taken from the ranks of the laborers. They rely on their brute strength more than tactics and training to defend the colony.
14377 The Kron are a race of stone-like beings native to the Kron Colony. They are a powerful and stubborn people, known for their ability to mine precious and rare ore and build sturdy stone and metal structures.\n\nThe Kron are believed to be the oldest race still living in the Twilight Cage, which gains them no respect from Ix or the Nocturnus. Of all the races in the Twilight Cage, the Kron seem to be the most easy-going and "simple," needing little in the way of sustenance or luxury to survive. As a result, the Nocturnus seem to view them as servants rather than allies as they employ the Kron for their mining resources and crafting abilities. This attitude has angered the Kron, who are in the early stages of rebellion against the more powerful Nocturnus, who are solidly beating them.\n\nThe Kron are governed by Foreman Krag, who is mostly tasked with keeping the miners and factory workers happy. The Kron's soldiers are taken from the ranks of the laborers. They rely on their brute strength more than tactics and training to defend the colony.
14378 The Kron are a race of stone-like beings native to the Kron Colony. They are a powerful and stubborn people, known for their ability to mine precious and rare ore and build sturdy stone and metal structures.\n\nThe Kron are believed to be the oldest race still living in the Twilight Cage, which gains them no respect from Ix or the Nocturnus. Of all the races in the Twilight Cage, the Kron seem to be the most easy-going and "simple," needing little in the way of sustenance or luxury to survive. Thanks to Sonic and his friends, the Kron are free of Nocturnus rule, and they control their own mines and factories once more.\n\nThe Kron are governed by Foreman Krag, who is mostly tasked with keeping the miners and factory workers happy. The Kron's soldiers are taken from the ranks of the laborers. They rely on their brute strength more than tactics and training to defend the colony.
14379 The N'rrgal are a race of slime-like beings who live on the N'rrgal Colony in the Twilight Cage. Bitter enemies of the Zoah, the N'rrgal are energy-eaters known for their massive numbers and ability to reproduce faster than enemies can destroy them. \n\nVisitors to the N'rrgal Colony rarely see anything but the relatively simple and silent N'rrgal workers... until they try to cause trouble. Then some of the workers suddenly become warriors who fight with frightening ruthlessness. Stranger than that are the N'rrgal Swarms, creatures that are the result of many N'rrgal workers combining into one being, and the N'rrgal Queen, a highly intelligent N'rrgal that resembles a gigantic Swarm made up of dozens of combined workers. It seems as though anything that any N'rrgal knows, the Queen also knows, and vice versa, giving evidence of a kind of N'rrgal hive mind. \n\nWhen a N'rrgal worker gets too old, or even too bored of life, he goes to the spawning pools to rejoin the source, at which point two new young N'rrgal emerge, ready to work for the colony. In this way ,the N'rrgal reproduce quickly in peacetime, and in wartime, workers volunteer to "spawn" as a service to the Queen.\n\nThe N'rrgal's ability to absorb energy is their main defense against their enemies, the Zoah. Along with their overwhelming numbers, this ability makes them valuable frontline soldiers in Ix’s upcoming war of conquest.
14380 The N'rrgal are a race of slime-like beings who live on the N'rrgal Colony in the Twilight Cage. Bitter enemies of the Zoah, the N'rrgal are energy-eaters known for their massive numbers and ability to reproduce faster than enemies can destroy them. \n\nVisitors to the N'rrgal Colony rarely see anything but the relatively simple and silent N'rrgal workers... until they try to cause trouble. Then some of the workers suddenly become warriors who fight with frightening ruthlessness. Stranger than that are the N'rrgal Swarms, creatures that are the result of many N'rrgal workers combining into one being, and the N'rrgal Queen, a highly intelligent N'rrgal that resembles a gigantic Swarm made up of dozens of combined workers. It seems as though anything that any N'rrgal knows, the Queen also knows, and vice versa, giving evidence of a kind of N'rrgal hive mind. \n\nWhen a N'rrgal worker gets too old, or even too bored of life, he goes to the spawning pools to rejoin the source, at which point two new young N'rrgal emerge, ready to work for the colony. In this way, the N'rrgal reproduce quickly in peacetime, and in wartime, workers volunteer to "spawn" as a service to the Queen.\n\nThe N'rrgal's ability to absorb energy is their main defense against their enemies, the Zoah. Along with their overwhelming numbers, this ability makes them valuable frontline soldiers in Ix’s upcoming war of conquest. Fortunately, Sonic and friends have convinced the N'rrgal to turn against Ix and help in the fight to recover the Master Emerald.
14381 The Zoah are a race of warlike energy giants who live on the Zoah Colony in the Twilight Cage. Bent on conquest and domination, the Zoah seek endlessly to destroy their hated neighbors, the N'rrgal. \n\nZoah society is highly stratified, with a clear division between citizens and non-citizens. While citizens enjoy many rights that non-citizens don't, it seems that anyone can become a Zoah citizen if they can pass the rigorous citizenship test. There's a further division in quality of life between citizens and members of the Zoah Military. The Military are almost the Zoah noble caste and enjoy respect and luxury well beyond anything available to basic citizens. This emphasis on military might and conquest is precisely what made the Zoah attractive to Ix and the Nocturne; the stalemate between the Zoah and the N'rrgal only serves to keep the Zoah's fighting skills sharp for the battle to come. \n\nThe Zoah are ruled by General Raxos and his elite soldiers, but the non-military folks in the colony hardly consider Raxos' rule to be leadership. Unfortunately, there's nothing they can really do about it.
14382 The Zoah are a race of warlike energy giants who live on the Zoah Colony in the Twilight Cage. Bent on conquest and domination, the Zoah seek endlessly to destroy their hated neighbors, the N'rrgal. \n\nZoah society is highly stratified, with a clear division between citizens and non-citizens. While citizens enjoy many rights that non-citizens don't, it seems that anyone can become a Zoah citizen if they can pass the rigorous citizenship test. There's a further division in quality of life between citizens and members of the Zoah Military. The Military are almost the Zoah noble caste and enjoy respect and luxury well beyond anything available to basic citizens. \n\nAt the top of the chain sits General Raxos and his elite guard. This emphasis on military might and conquest is precisely what made the Zoah attractive to Ix and the Nocturne. Thankfully, Sonic and friends defeated General Raxos in a challenge and convinced him to end his alliance with the Nocturnus, and now the Zoah are turning their military might against Ix.
14385 The Voxai are a race of strange, psychic beings native to the Kron Colony. As a race, they are quiet and hardworking, but their psychic powers make even the Nocturnus Clan fear to tread on their land.\n\nThe Voxai are all connected, in a way, by a psychic signal that originates from the Voxai Overmind, three very powerful Voxai who act as one in directing the daily operations of the individual Voxai. Most of the time, the Overmind simply suggests to the citizens what they should be doing, offering gentle encouragement to the individual. Should the Overmind flex their power, though, not even the Nocturnus are immune to their mind-controlling abilities. Because of this, crime on the Voxai Colony is nonexistent, and will be as long as the Overmind maintains control. \n\n
14386 The Voxai are a race of strange, psychic beings native to the Kron Colony. As a race, they are quiet and hardworking, but their psychic powers make even the Nocturnus Clan fear to tread on their land.\n\nThe Voxai are all connected, in a way, by a psychic signal that originates from the Voxai Overmind, three very powerful Voxai who act as one in directing the daily operations of the individual Voxai. Most of the time, the Overmind simply suggests to the citizens what they should be doing, offering gentle encouragement to the individual. Should the Overmind flex their power, though, not even the Nocturnus are immune to their mind-controlling abilities. Because of this, crime on the Voxai Colony is nonexistent, and will be as long as the Overmind maintains control. \n\nIt seems that some Voxai, including one individual named Thebes, have broken away from the Overmind. They are becoming an "outermind", forming a resistance against a Voxai Overmind that is using its increasing power to dominate the entire Voxai race. \n
14387 The Voxai are a race of strange, psychic beings native to the Kron Colony. As a race, they are quiet and hardworking, but their psychic powers make even the Nocturnus Clan fear to tread on their land.\n\nThe Voxai are all connected, in a way, by a psychic signal that originates from the Voxai Overmind, three very powerful Voxai who act as one in directing the daily operations of the individual Voxai. Most of the time, the Overmind simply suggests to the citizens what they should be doing, offering gentle encouragement to the individual. Should the Overmind flex their power, though, not even the Nocturnus are immune to their mind-controlling abilities. Because of this, crime on the Voxai Colony is nonexistent, and will be as long as the Overmind maintains control. \n\nAfter Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends defeated the Voxai Overmind, the individual named Thebes took over as Overmind and led the Voxai into a new age of peace and serenity.\n
14400 The leader of the Nocturnus Clan, the one called "Lord Ix", is a mystery. Arrogant and powerful on a possibly cosmic scale, Ix and his Nocturnus Clan are some of the most dangerous enemies Sonic has ever faced!\n\nAccording to Knuckles, Ix may be an ancient echidna chief who rivaled Pachacamac thousands of years ago, and who disappeared with his people soon thereafter. Ix claims that his people have been imprisoned in the Twilight Cage, an alternate dimension where time does not pass. \n\nLittle is known about Ix's plans, save that he intends to use the Chaos Emeralds to help bring the Nocturnus Clan back and conquer Sonic's world. He has already stolen the seven Chaos Emeralds and taken the Master Emerald back to his fortress in the Twilight Cage.
14401 Arrogant and powerful on a possibly cosmic scale, Ix and the Nocturnus rule the races of the Twilight Clan through ruthlessness and cunning. Each race serves an important part in Ix's plans to return to Sonic's world and take control of the world the Nocturnus once ruled. \n\nAccording to Knuckles, Ix may be an ancient echidna chief who rivaled Pachacamac thousands of years ago, and who disappeared with his people soon thereafter. He claims that his people have been imprisoned in the Twilight Cage, an alternate dimension where time does not pass. \n\nIx plans to use the Chaos Emeralds to help bring the Nocturnus Clan back and conquer Sonic's world. He has stolen the seven Chaos Emeralds and scattered them across the Twilight Cage. With many of the races of the Twilight Cage answering only to Ix, the quest to recapture the Chaos Emeralds will be a difficult one indeed.
14402 Arrogant and powerful on a possibly cosmic scale, Ix and the Nocturnus rule the races of the Twilight Clan through ruthlessness and cunning. Each race serves an important part in Ix's plans to return to Sonic's world and take control of the world the Nocturnus once ruled. \n\nAccording to Knuckles, Ix may be an ancient echidna chief who rivaled Pachacamac thousands of years ago, and who disappeared with his people soon thereafter. He claims that his people have been imprisoned in the Twilight Cage, an alternate dimension where time does not pass. \n\nIx planned to use the Chaos Emeralds to help bring the Nocturnus Clan back and conquer Sonic's world, but Sonic and friends have begun to recover the Emeralds. Ix still controls the Master Emerald, however, so his plans for escape and world domination can still come to pass.
14425 Let's get going. We have a lot of work to do!
14426 Thank you so much! That stapler looks just perfect on my table!
14427 I mean, yeah, there's a certain rugged look there, but he's not my type. Too buttoned up for me.
14428 Not nearly cute enough for me to risk my neck to save him. So there better be something in this for me!
14433 The Knuckles Clan was a race of echidnas that lived in Sonic's world thousands of years ago. They were in constant bloody conflict with the Nocturnus Clan, another clan of echidnas that lived at that time. \n\nThe mystic Knuckles Clan lived in what is now known as Mystic Ruins. Their chief, Pachacamac, tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds, which unexpectedly unleashed Perfect Chaos and virtually wiped out the entire clan. It is believed that this move was born out of desperation in the face of his clan's destruction at the hands of a rival clan. Almost immediately after Perfect Chaos nearly wiped out the Knuckles Clan, the Nocturnus Clan mysteriously disappeared, leaving the remnants of the Knuckles Clan to revive echidna society. \n\nKnuckles the Echidna is the only surviving member of the Knuckles Clan. The rest of his people died out in the centuries since Pachacamac's disaster.
14434 I don't know, Froggy. I just don't know!
14471 I want to help, Big Blue. I hate to think of Omega out there alone, when he could be with us, blowing stuff up.
14473 Wait... was that a mosquito?
14476 Hey, Sonic! I know you didn't want to help, but this is important!
14477 If the foreman at the factory pulls that switch, it'll blow out the grid!
14479 Don't worry, we'll take care of it!
14482 New Game
14484 What's up, Big?
14487 Oh! Sonic the Hedgehog! That was YOU chopping the wood there!
14489 You really did me a favor, Sonic. No matter what I did, that wood just wouldn't chop itself!
14499 (We-- You did it! You've saved Colony Beta!)
14500 (Take the Great Emerald. It will protect you from the Overmind's control while you're on Colony Alpha.)
14502 (The Overmind projects a low-level control aura that keeps the Voxai in line. The Emerald will protect you from that.)
14503 (But should any Voxai attempt to control you directly, the Emerald may not protect you.)
14504 (There's just one last thing to do.)
14506 Sonic!
14507 (I've stolen the teleporter code from Thelxe's mind. With that, the teleporter will check your mind and think you're Thelxe, and you can go to Colony Alpha!)
14508 (Keep a calm mind, my friends. My thoughts go with you.)
14509 (The Overmind has filled the Emerald with their own psychic powers. As long as you have it equipped, it will give you some protection against my people's abilities.)
14510 (It may even give you psychic abilities of your own, as long as you have it equipped. I've never seen an outermind wield a Great Emerald!)
14511 (Find and defeat the Overmind! That's the only way to free my people and restore peace to the Voxai!)
14512 (They deserve a chance to decide their own purpose... just as I have.)
14513 (That may be. But if so, I will be there to help them.)
14514 (I'd love to, but I will be needed here. Many more of my people will become outerminds now, and they'll need my help.)
14515 (Besides, I could be a liability for you, if the Overmind managed to control me. I don't want that to happen.)
14517 So we won't have to worry about mind control?
14524 Good! Let's go, team!
14526 Why is the Emerald pink?
14528 What should we do once we're there?
14529 Will do. Let's go, team!
14530 Won't the Voxai lose their purpose without the Overmind?
14531 Come with us to Colony Alpha, Thebes!
14533 Fair enough. Let's go, team!
14557 It isn't usually this foggy in Mystic Ruins. I can't even see Angel Island from here!
14568 You can choose your actions by touching them on the menu. Then, for actions that need a target, you can touch the target to do the action.
14569 Choosing "Attack" will tell the character to do normal attacks for the rest of the round. "Power Move" lets you choose really cool special moves!
14570 When doing a Power Move, you'll see targets appear on the Touch Screen. Touch them as the circle closes around them, and your attack becomes more effective!
14571 "Defend" makes harder to hurt and helps you recover POW, but it means you can't attack for the rest of the round.
14572 Oh, and if things go bad, you can flee! When you're running, touch a character to make him jump over obstacles that would slow him down!
14827 Big the Cat!
14841 Tails just needs a little more time.
14843 Are you ready to go into Metropolis?
14994 Forgive the clutter. I've been too flustered to clean up since I got ripped off!
14995 Oh, I got this strange piece of equipment from a salesman the other day. Said his name was Sal, I think.
14996 What happened?
14998 Where could we find the guy who ripped you off?
14999 Blue Ridge Zone
15000 We should be going.
15001 Well
15002 Hi!
15004 Skip to Chapter 2
15005 Skip to Chapter 3
15006 Skip to Chapter 4
15007 Skip to Chapter 5
15175 It looks like another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
15176 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
15177 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
15181 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
15182 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
15183 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
15184 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
15185 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
15198 New Game
15199 Metropolis
15200 Underground
15201 Air Skiff
15202 Tech Lab
15203 She's blocked the road! We have to find another way!
15205 Omega's Room
15207 Ah! I hadn't considered that. You say you have the parts just lying around?
15208 Of course I do! Ha ha ha ha ha!
15209 It shouldn't be far now.
15213 I know you're anxious, but there's no need to enter my lab yet. We must find the hypersonic compactor rod!
15214 Oh, I couldn't begin to explain it to one such as yourself.
15215 What are you doing, you fool? We must find the ionic defragulator I hid down in these tunnels!
15217 Now that you're back, we can be together all the time! Think how much fun that will be!
15218 Now that you're back, we can be together all the time! Think how much fun that will be!
15219 Now that you're back, we can be together all the time! Think how much fun that will be!
15220 Now that you're back, we can be together all the time! Think how much fun that will be!
15221 Well, maybe next time you're in danger, I won't "get in your way!" See how you like it!
15222 Well, maybe next time you're in danger, I won't "get in your way!" See how you like it!
15223 Well, maybe next time you're in danger, I won't "get in your way!" See how you like it!
15224 Well, maybe next time you're in danger, I won't "get in your way!" See how you like it!
15233 What?! Grouchy?!
15234 I'll have you know that I'm perfectly cheerful! All the time!
15236 Hmph. Grouchy. Me? Ha. Ha!
15237 Well, apology accepted. Now if you'll excuse me, I have preparations to make.
15238 You're always so grouchy.
15242 You're right. I don't know why I brought it up.
15243 There's just a lot going on.
15244 I'm worried about you.
15257 Right! I know we can do it!
15258 I better go get ready. We have a job to do!
15259 I'm not worried. It's just...
15260 I know. It's just.... Never mind.
15261 Well, we always have to go out and fight Eggman. It'd be nice if, you know, we could have time to do other stuff.
15263 I could wake up in the morning and worry about normal things. Birds, and flowers, and....
15264 I know. I just hope that's not all we'll ever get to do.
15265 I--Er, right. Boyfriends.
15266 It was nice just being able to look outside and not see robots coming to beat me up.
15267 Right. Sorry to get so... weird.
15268 I'll get ready to go. Thanks for the talk.
15270 I hope you're right. But still, you're sweet to say so.
15271 Hm. Maybe I would, too. Who knows?
15272 But I... Fine! I'll take my feelings elsewhere!
15273 Big would be happy to hear what I have to say! Hmph!
15275 Thank you. At least someone knows how to treat a lady.
15276 Thank you. At least someone knows how to treat a lady.
15277 Thank you. At least someone knows how to treat a lady.
15278 Thank you. At least someone knows how to treat a lady.
15279 Thank you. At least someone knows how to treat a lady.
15280 Hm. I think I have an idea.
15281 But... I was just asking a question!
15282 But... I was just asking a question!
15283 But... I was just asking a question!
15284 But... I was just asking a question!
15285 But... I was just asking a question!
15286 What?! Grouchy?!
15287 What?! Grouchy?!
15288 What?! Grouchy?!
15289 What?! Grouchy?!
15290 Yes, I suppose so! Knuckles kidnapped, the Chaos Emeralds stolen...
15291 I mean, not that that's something new. They get stolen all the time. But these Marauders... we've never faced anything like them before.
15292 You're right! We'll show them a thing or two!
15293 I need to make sure I'm ready when the time comes. But thanks for the chat, Sonic!
15294 You... you are? Why on earth would you be worried? I can take care of myself!
15295 You... you are? Why on earth would you be worried? I can take care of myself!
15296 You... you are? Why on earth would you be worried? I can take care of myself!
15297 You... you are? Why on earth would you be worried? I can take care of myself!
15298 You... you are? Why on earth would you be worried? I can take care of myself!
15299 But... it's good to know you care, Sonic. Thanks for letting me know.
15300 Still, thanks. I... I should go find something to do.
15301 If it is him, we'll stop him as many times as it takes.
15304 Don't worry, Amy. We'll be just fine.
15305 We'll be fine, Amy. I promise.
15307 What is it?
15310 We save the world. That's what we do!
15312 Boyfriends?
15314 We have things to do.
15316 You'll have that again. I promise.
15319 I'd miss the action, honestly.
15321 Oh, sniff-sniff. Get over it.
15324 Don't be such a baby. We'll beat him like we always do!
15325 Leave Amy alone, Rouge.
15332 Good one, Rouge.
15343 We'll take care of them. I promise.
15350 It's no problem.
15355 Angel Island
15357 I--Er, right. Boyfriends.
15358 I--Er, right. Boyfriends.
15359 I--Er, right. Boyfriends.
15360 I--Er, right. Boyfriends.
15361 But I... Fine! I'll take my feelings elsewhere!
15362 But I... Fine! I'll take my feelings elsewhere!
15363 But I... Fine! I'll take my feelings elsewhere!
15364 But I... Fine! I'll take my feelings elsewhere!
15374 But I don't want you--er, anyone--to get hurt!
15375 Okay. I believe you. Thanks.
15376 Okay. I believe you. Thanks.
15377 Okay. I believe you. Thanks.
15378 Okay. I believe you. Thanks.
15379 Okay. I believe you. Thanks.
15380 Why are you so worried about Dexter? You'd... you'd think he was YOUR boyfriend!
15381 Why are you so worried about Dexter? You'd... you'd think he was YOUR boyfriend!
15382 Why are you so worried about Dexter? You'd... you'd think he was YOUR boyfriend!
15383 Why are you so worried about Dexter? You'd... you'd think he was YOUR boyfriend!
15384 Why are you so worried about Dexter? You'd... you'd think he was YOUR boyfriend!
15385 Wow.
15386 Moving on.
15387 Hmph. I'm just trying to protect you.
15388 Hmph. I'm just trying to protect you.
15389 Hmph. I'm just trying to protect you.
15390 Hmph. I'm just trying to protect you.
15391 Hmph. I'm just trying to protect you.
15402 Hee! Thanks, Sonic!
15403 Hee! Thanks, Sonic!
15404 Hee! Thanks, Sonic!
15405 Hee! Thanks, Sonic!
15406 Hee! Thanks, Sonic!
15407 Leave me alone, Sonic! I was just being helpful!
15408 Leave me alone, Sonic! I was just being helpful!
15409 Leave me alone, Sonic! I was just being helpful!
15410 Leave me alone, Sonic! I was just being helpful!
15411 Leave me alone, Sonic! I was just being helpful!
15412 It does sound like a challenge.
15413 You don't need to worry about me, Amy.
15414 Everything will be fine, I promise.
15420 Does Dexter know you're so worried about me?
15446 Wow, did you come up with that by yourself?
15452 Sure, Sonic! Anytime!
15453 Sure, Sonic! Anytime!
15454 Sure, Sonic! Anytime!
15455 Sure, Sonic! Anytime!
15456 Sure, Sonic! Anytime!
15457 I guess so. We'll deal with it together.
15458 I guess so. We'll deal with it together.
15459 I guess so. We'll deal with it together.
15460 I guess so. We'll deal with it together.
15461 I guess so. We'll deal with it together.
15462 I'm not being judgmental! Rouge is a thief! How can we trust her?
15463 I'm not being judgmental! Rouge is a thief! How can we trust her?
15464 I'm not being judgmental! Rouge is a thief! How can we trust her?
15465 I'm not being judgmental! Rouge is a thief! How can we trust her?
15466 I'm not being judgmental! Rouge is a thief! How can we trust her?
15467 She's our only contact with GUN, Amy. We have to try.
15468 Fine. Whatever.
15469 Well, fine. But when she gets her nasty Rouge-germs all over you, don't come crying to me!
15470 Well, fine. But when she gets her nasty Rouge-germs all over you, don't come crying to me!
15471 Well, fine. But when she gets her nasty Rouge-germs all over you, don't come crying to me!
15472 Well, fine. But when she gets her nasty Rouge-germs all over you, don't come crying to me!
15473 Well, fine. But when she gets her nasty Rouge-germs all over you, don't come crying to me!
15474 It's okay, Amy. I can handle Rouge.
15480 I wish it were different, Amy, but we have no choice.
15486 Don't be so judgmental, Amy.
15494 No one asked you to defend me, Amy.
15500 Yay! Thanks, Sonic!
15501 Yay! Thanks, Sonic!
15502 Yay! Thanks, Sonic!
15503 Yay! Thanks, Sonic!
15504 Yay! Thanks, Sonic!
15505 If he's your friend, Amy, then he's fine with me.
15513 Don't mention it.
15514 Don't mention it.
15515 Don't mention it.
15516 Don't mention it.
15517 Don't mention it.
15518 Sonic! You... Argh!
15519 Sonic! You... Argh!
15520 Sonic! You... Argh!
15521 Sonic! You... Argh!
15522 Sonic! You... Argh!
15523 You're right, Amy. Sorry, Knuckles.
15524 Whatever, Amy. People steal the Master Emerald all the time.
15529 I... I know. Thanks, Sonic. I feel better now.
15530 I... I know. Thanks, Sonic. I feel better now.
15531 I... I know. Thanks, Sonic. I feel better now.
15532 I... I know. Thanks, Sonic. I feel better now.
15533 I... I know. Thanks, Sonic. I feel better now.
15534 Argh! I am SO mad right now!
15535 Argh! I am SO mad right now!
15536 Argh! I am SO mad right now!
15537 Argh! I am SO mad right now!
15538 Argh! I am SO mad right now!
15539 What do we do now?
15545 Amy, stop being stupid!
15551 Why, he's my boyfriend! And he'd be very unhappy to see us together, I tell you!
15552 Why, he's my boyfriend! And he'd be very unhappy to see us together, I tell you!
15553 Why, he's my boyfriend! And he'd be very unhappy to see us together, I tell you!
15554 Why, he's my boyfriend! And he'd be very unhappy to see us together, I tell you!
15555 Why, he's my boyfriend! And he'd be very unhappy to see us together, I tell you!
15556 Dexter, eh?
15557 Who cares about Dexter?
15563 Thank you, Sonic. Hmph.
15564 Thank you, Sonic. Hmph.
15565 Thank you, Sonic. Hmph.
15566 Thank you, Sonic. Hmph.
15567 Thank you, Sonic. Hmph.
15569 Amy's right. This better be good.
15576 But I also get the feeling you don't like me. It's... confusing, Sonic.
15577 So I wanted to ask you: Do you like me? Even a little bit? Or should I give up and leave you alone?
15578 I know. Just... Okay, I get it.
15579 I know we have a lot to do to get ready, so I won't keep you. I'll be ready to go soon.
15580 Do you mean it? I think I can forgive you if you do.
15581 Just don't do it again!
15582 And Sonic? Thanks!
15583 Fine! If that's how you want to be, then be that way!
15584 Just don't come crying to me when you... when.... Just don't come crying to me!
15585 Hmph!
15586 But I also get the feeling you don't like me. It's... confusing, Sonic.
15588 I just wanted to say thank you. I never thought you liked me before, so it's good to know you at least care a little bit!
15589 I... I see. Then you weren't.... Ah.
15590 Really? You mean it? I mean, of course I do!
15591 I better go get everything ready for the attack on Metropolis. Thanks, Sonic!
15592 Ha ha ha! Oh you!
15593 Ha ha ha! Oh you!
15596 I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it: You've been really nice to me lately.
15597 I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it: You've been really nice to me lately.
15598 I know you don't like me... the way I like you. I just hoped you liked me a little bit.
15601 I see. Then I won't bother you anymore.
15602 I... I have stuff to do. I....
15604 Well, you do. You make me so mad sometimes!
15605 But if you don't mean it, I guess I can forgive you. Only if you don't do it again!
15606 I know you don't like me... the way I like you. I just hoped you liked me a little bit.
15607 I know you don't like me... the way I like you. I just hoped you liked me a little bit.
15608 I'm a little worried about trusting Eggman. I know we don't have much choice, but... he's Eggman, you know?
15609 I'm sorry. I just can't believe he's reformed!
15610 Right. That's the smart thing to do. And if he slips up, wham!
15611 I guess you're right. Still, trusting our lives to our greatest enemy? It's crazy!
15612 No. We have to work with him, but I don't have to trust him. I never have to trust him!
15614 It's not personal, Amy. We're trying to save the world!
15617 I'm sorry I've been mean. Don't be mad!
15621 I'm tired of this, Amy. Let's just do what we have to do!
15627 I like to be nice to all my friends, Amy.
15629 You deserve to be treated nicely, Amy.
15632 I'm just doing it so you won't kill me!
15639 There's no time for this, Amy. We have stuff to do!
15644 Amy, don't be mad. I don't mean to make you upset.
15650 We'll keep an eye on him.
15652 I don't either, but we have no choice.
15654 We have to trust him.
15686 Hi, Sonic. What's up?
15687 I will be soon. It's just a lot to take in, you know!
15688 I know. I'll be there! I should go make sure everything's in order.
15689 I'm pretty excited! I've never been to an alternate dimension before.
15690 I know we're going to smash Ix, too. So that's a plus!
15692 Yes, please!
15694 Sure. I'll be ready soon!
15695 Are you ready to go?
15696 Well, we're leaving right away, so...
15697 How do you feel about our mission to the Twilight Cage?
15699 Okay. Talk to you later!
15702 Talk to you soon!
15703 Er, well. I meant it. Really!
15704 It is a little weird. I'm not used to you being so nice to me!
15705 Really? Wow, okay!
15706 I'm going to go... get ready. Talk to you soon, Sonic!
15711 I want to talk about what you said earlier.
15713 Well, get used to it!
15718 Thanks, Sonic. I just wanted to talk a moment.
15720 I was thinking, and I know we're going into some real danger today.
15721 We've fought some dangerous foes, but these are echidnas from another dimension! With Gizoids!
15722 And you've been so nice to me and all, and I... well, I....
15723 Okay. Whew.
15724 I just wanted you to know that I... I care for you, Sonic. And, well, some part of me thinks this could be the end.
15725 Some of the things you said to me before we came here... they gave me a little hope.
15726 I guess I wanted to know... do you like me, too? Do you feel anything for me at all?
15727 I--I see. Well, that makes sense, I guess. You're Sonic, after all.
15728 I guess we'd better get back to work. We have a world to save, and all that.
15729 Okay. Well, I'm going to... to go. I'll tell the others we're done.
15730 I'll see you later, Sonic.
15731 Just let me go, okay?
15732 But you just said... Argh!
15733 Make up your mind, Sonic!
15734 Do you have any idea what it's like to be pushed around by a boy you like? It's not fair!
15735 Grow up, Sonic. Just grow up!
15736 O-Okay, Sonic. I will....
15737 Really? You... Really?
15738 I--I didn't expect you to say that! It makes me so happy!
15739 I don't know what it all means, Sonic. But we're about to fight a 4000-year-old echidna chief, and....
15740 If we make it through this, we'll figure it out together!
15741 I... I understand, Sonic. There are more important things to worry about!
15742 I... I see. You're right. But it's good to know how you feel.
15747 Make this quick, Amy.
15751 Of course I do, Amy. I like all my friends.
15753 That we do.
15755 Wait, Amy.
15756 Sure, okay.
15757 No, Amy. I care for you a lot, okay?
15762 Yeah, fine. Go.
15763 Tell the others to come back in when you leave.
15764 Definitely, Amy. I care for you a lot.
15765 No, don't be silly.
15766 I know, Amy. I care about you, too.
15769 What is it?
15770 We can figure all this out after we win!
15771 There's no time, Amy. I'm sorry.
15773 What is it?
15804 Metropolis Ground Zero
15805 Kron Colony
15806 N'rrgal Colony
15807 Voxai Colony Beta
15810 Voxai Colony Alpha
15811 Chapter 1
15812 Chapter 2
15813 Chapter 3
15814 Chapter 4
15815 Chapter 5
15816 Chapter 6
15817 Chapter 7
15818 Chapter 8
15819 Chapter 9
15820 Chapter 10
15822 Ix's Chamber
15823 Cathedral
15824 Sewer
15826 Test Level
15827 Well
15828 Kron Colony
15829 Green Hill Zone
15830 Central City
15831 Metropolis
15832 GUN Headquarters
15833 Tails' Workshop
15834 Blue Ridge Zone
15835 Angel Island
15836 Metropolis Ground Zero
15837 N'rrgal Colony
15838 Zoah Colony
15839 Voxai Colony Beta
15840 Voxai Colony Alpha
15841 Nocturne
15842 Knuckles' Prison
15843 Mystic Ruins
15844 Abandoned Base
15845 Abandoned Base
15846 Abandoned Base
15847 Abandoned Base
15848 Cave
15849 Shop
15850 Cave
15851 Eggman's Base
15852 Underground
15853 Air Skiff
15854 Tech Lab
15855 Omega's Room
15856 Zoah Headquarters
15857 Ix's Chamber
15858 Cathedral
15859 Dungeon
15860 Touch here to start your Adventure
15861 Next
15862 End Conversation
15875 Consumables\n
15876 Equipment
15877 Health Seed
15878 POW Candy
15879 Restore creature's health.
15880 Restore character's POW.
15881 Lv
15882 Delete
15883 Copy
15884 Start Game
15893 Those were definitely Eggman's robots. And they looked new!
15894 This must be the place!
15895 Right!
15896 Strange. The signal leads up to that cave there.
15897 Let's check it out!
15898 Whoa. The Eggman detector's going crazy. We must be near something.
15899 Sonic! I heard you were back.
15901 Stop following me, Sonic. This isn't about you.
15905 How should I know? Are you accusing me of something?
15906 We have an Eggman tracking device. And you're making it beep like crazy.
15907 Then maybe there's something wrong with it. As far as I know, Eggman hasn't been seen since you sank his Egg Carrier.
15908 I get tired of you accusing me of things I didn't do.
15909 If we're going to fight, let's just have it out now, Sonic. Enough words.
15910 I'll make this quick.
15911 I'm out of here.
15913 Thanks, Sonic!
15914 Thanks, Sonic!
15915 Thanks, Sonic!
15916 Thanks, Sonic!
15917 Thanks, Sonic!
15918 I don't know, Sonic. Why would Shadow set off the tracker like this?
15919 Let's just go, Sonic!
15920 We can take him, but it'd be a waste of time.
15921 Must it always be combat with you men?
15922 My face itches.
15923 Quite a team you have there, Sonic. No wonder you're so slow.
15924 If you insist. Let's see what you have left after your long vacation.
15925 We've got a signal! It must be around here somewhere.
15926 Let's go check it out!
15927 Whew! That was pretty tough.
15928 Look, Sonic! That metal box on the leader's head; I think it's another Eggman device! Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
15929 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
15930 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator! We could probably use this to cancel a forcefield or unlock an electronic lock.
15934 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
15935 Look, Sonic! That box on the leader's head is an Eggman device. That must be what turned these animals into robots!
15936 Look, Sonic! That box on the leader's head is an Eggman device. That must be what turned these animals into robots!
15937 Look, Sonic! That box on the leader's head is an Eggman device. That must be what turned these animals into robots!
15938 Look, Sonic! That box on the leader's head is an Eggman device. That must be what turned these animals into robots!
15939 That must be what our tracker detected!
15944 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
15945 I think this is it, Sonic. The signal is getting much stronger!
15994 Look, Sonic! The GUN roadblock is gone!
15996 What was that?
15997 Shadow.
15998 Why would Shadow set off the Eggman tracker?
15999 I don't know, but I'd like to find out.
16000 He went into Mystic Ruins. Maybe we should follow him.
16003 Let's check it out.
16008 Hello, Shadow.
16014 Tell us where to find Eggman.
16017 Well, you're up to SOMETHING.
16019 My pleasure.
16020 Fine. But we're watching you.
16021 What should we do, guys?
16022 Exactly, Amy!
16024 What do the rest of you think?
16030 I'll show you "slow"!
16109 What part?
16110 What part?
16111 Pick a part already!
16112 Start
16113 Part 2
16114 Part 3
16115 More options
16116 Part 4
16117 Part 5
16118 Part 6
16119 Even more options
16120 Part 7
16121 Part 8
16122 Part 9
16123 Changed my mind, go back.
16128 I bet Eggman would love to see this machine they had. It seems like some kind of signal transceiver.
16129 I bet Eggman would love to see this machine they had. It seems like some kind of signal transceiver.
16130 I don't know. I think this is what gave Croesus and his family so much trouble!
16131 Er... I, uh.... Okay, sorry, Sonic.
16132 I don't know. He might be interested in this.
16133 All right!
16134 That's enough about Eggman, Tails!
16136 Who cares what Eggman wants to see?
16138 You can tell him all about it when we get back.
16140 Light Slippers
16141 Increases player speed
16142 Listen to me, and listen well.
16143 I'll stick with you until we find Omega, Sonic. But don't expect me to join in on your group hugs and picnics.
16144 I'll be ready when it's time to go.
16145 I don't know. We've lost touch. But knowing him, he likely detected Eggman robots in Metropolis and went there to destroy them.
16146 He's always wanted to be the toughest robot of all, and he'll take any chance to prove his strength.
16147 If those Marauders have done something to him, they have no idea what's coming to them.
16148 Omega's strong, but he's not invincible. And he's hardheaded enough to charge into danger without thinking.
16149 If something has happened to him, I will be very upset.
16150 The device I had when you found me was some kind of tracker, and it said he was in Metropolis.
16151 It couldn't tell me where, exactly. So either the device was useless, or Omega's not giving off a signal anymore.
16152 That worries me.
16153 Look, Sonic. I'm not here to be nice to you. I'm here because you're my best chance at finding Omega.
16154 That's all. I don't want to be part of your little team. I just want to get my friend back.
16155 The Marauders will get theirs in due time. Especially if I find out they're involved in Omega's disappearance.
16159 Tell me about what happened to E-123 Omega.
16161 We'll find him.
16163 Do you think he's in trouble?
16165 Where do you think he is?
16168 Why are you being like that?
16170 Fair enough. Be ready when the time comes.
16171 Don't you care about the Marauders?
16172 Tough Slippers
16175 Increases player speed
16177 Omega! Can you hear me?
16179 If I had a nickel for every time I heard that....
16183 No, Omega. He's right. Eggman is helping Team Sonic against the Marauders.
16184 As hard as it is to believe.
16186 Come with us, Omega. We're going to destroy the Marauders for what they did to you.
16188 Ugh. Again with the emotionless revenge. It just gets tired.
16189 Yes. We have much work to do!
16194 Omega!
16195 Oh, don't waste your time on this one. He's been a thorn in my side for years!
16196 Quiet, Eggman, or I promise you I'll--
16197 He's still functioning! Just heavily damaged. But I think I can...
16198 Yes! With the parts from those guardian robots, I can repair him!
16199 Do it.
16201 Wait! That's Omega!
16202 I knew it! Those Marauder goons. We have to--
16203 Later! Someone's coming!
16204 Good. I need to smash something.
16205 Shadow, this is Tails. I think we found Omega.
16206 Great. How is he?
16207 He looks.... Wait. There's something here.
16208 We'll talk later. Tails out!
16213 No! Omega, Eggman is on our side!
16218 Let's go! We have much to do!
16221 Let's go, team!
16223 What happened to you, Omega?
16227 I hope we can regain your trust!
16243 Sonic! Did you find Cheese?
16244 Cheese! I was worried sick!
16245 Thank you so much, Sonic! So much!
16246 Hey, are you guys doing something? You're saving the world again, aren't you?
16247 Would I?!
16248 You can always count on me, Sonic! Cream and Cheese are at your service!
16249 Let's get moving. We have work to do!
16250 Yay!
16251 Oh come on, Sonic! You and the team are all back together, running around the Green Hill Zone. What is it? Is Eggman back? Someone new?
16252 I want to help! It's the least I can do!
16253 Hooray!
16254 But... But Sonic....
16255 Sonic, Cream has helped us before, and she was just as helpful as anyone else!
16256 Yeah. If we run into any all-day lollypops, we'll need her expertise.
16257 Please? Can't I come with you? I promise I'll help! I promise!
16258 Oh... okay.
16259 Well, thanks for finding Cheese for me. Good luck with saving the world.
16260 Goodbye, Cream. Be safe, okay?
16261 Okay, Amy!
16262 Poo! Well, I'll keep looking. Maybe we'll find him soon!
16263 Sonic! You're really back!
16264 Cream! You poor thing, what are you doing out here?
16265 Oh, Amy, it's terrible! Cheese and I were out picking flowers when we were attacked! Angry animals came out of nowhere!
16266 We tried to run, but we got separated! I haven't been able to find Cheese since!
16268 I'm so worried, Sonic. He's just a little Chao! I bet he's scared to death!
16269 Hooray!
16270 I want to keep looking on my own. Maybe if we split up, we can find him sooner!
16271 If you find him, please bring him to me! I'll hang out around here.
16272 Be careful, Cream!
16273 I will!
16274 Oh, you remember, Sonic. Cheese is Cream's pet Chao!
16275 He's my best friend!
16276 They go everywhere together. We have to find him!
16277 We got separated when I crossed the river, but he could be anywhere! He wouldn't go outside the Green Hill Zone, though, I'm sure of that!
16278 Please find him, Sonic!
16279 Sure did!
16282 We sure are. Want to help?
16287 Er, no.... Why do you ask?
16288 Why do you want to know?
16290 Sure. Come with us, Cream.
16292 This is no job for a little kid.
16296 No. And that's my final answer.
16301 No, not yet.
16308 We'll find him, Cream.
16314 Who is Cheese?
16317 Where did you last see him?
16319 Use Item
16320 Equip Item
16321 Hey, Sonic. *sniff*
16322 Oh, nothing. I... I'm just a little sad.
16323 Everything here is so weird and bad! Everyone is shooting at us or trying to capture us or being mean to us.
16324 I just... I wanna go home.
16325 I hope so. I want to see my mom.
16326 Thanks, Sonic. I feel a little better. I think I might go try to rest a little bit before we go out again.
16327 See you later!
16328 Yes it is! It's horrible! Everyone hates us here!
16329 And all the places are so weird and ugly! There's no grass or flowers or anything!
16330 Really? You think so?
16331 I guess so, if I look at it right. Like, I guess I've never seen anything like the Kron. And Foreman Krag was pretty nice to us.
16332 Me too. I don't want to make everyone else sad.
16333 I think I'll go rest a little bit before we go out again.
16334 I'm... I'm okay. Just a little sad.
16335 Okay. Goodbye.
16336 What's wrong, Cream?
16339 We'll be home soon, Cream.
16343 This place isn't so bad.
16345 This place can be beautiful, too.
16348 I'm sorry, Cream.
16351 Hey, Cream. How are you?
16353 Goodbye!
16355 Froggy was just telling me that he hasn't seen his friend Norton in a long time. He's starting to get worried!
16356 Norton isn't a strong and mighty frog like Froggy. He's soft and mushy!
16357 Could we? Froggy would very much like that. He's so worried about Norton that he can't even speak!
16359 Yay!
16360 Don't worry, Froggy. We'll find him!
16361 I don't know. I'm sure he's somewhere, though!
16362 I have an idea! We can look all over the place, everywhere! We're bound to find him!
16363 Oh, it's okay. It's his fault for going missing, anyway.
16364 Thanks anyway, Sonic.
16365 He looks like... hm. He's like, small, and green, and hoppy. Oh! Like a frog!
16366 Other than that, I'm not too sure. Some kind of frog, yes sir.
16367 Well, not in so many words. More like he HINTED, I guess.
16368 But still, poor Norton!
16369 Okay, goodbye!
16370 Is your name Froggy? No. Your name is Sonic. So-nic.
16371 He's my best friend! We've had all sorts of adventures. I just don't remember them all.
16373 Should we go look for him?
16375 We'll find him.
16378 Where would he be?
16380 There's no time, Big. Sorry.
16382 What does he look like?
16384 Your frog told you that his friend is missing?
16386 That's too bad. Well, good talking to you, Big.
16387 Are you talking to me?
16389 Who is Froggy?
16391 Norton! I'm so glad you're safe. Froggy was worried!
16393 Thanks, Sonic. Froggy feels much better now!
16394 Norton!
16395 Oh, hey there, Gally!
16396 You shouldn't be out so late, Gally. Your mother would be very cross!
16397 We should keep looking. Norton must be so lonely!
16398 No, you're not Norton. You're Mr. Billywick!
16399 You crazy scamp! Go back to your family!
16400 Silly Mr. Billywick. Always out on the town!
16401 Norton's still out there, Sonic. We have to find him!
16402 Oh, wait. That's not Norton. That's Mrs. Stevens!
16403 Sorry, Mrs. Stevens. We won't bother you again!
16404 That wasn't him, Sonic. He must still be out there!
16417 Hurry up, I don't have all day.
16418 More options
16419 Skip to Chapter 6
16420 More options
16441 Hey darlin'. This is it, I guess.
16442 Thanks so much for helping me with that little GUN mission. You're a sweetheart.
16443 I guess if we're going to be fighting to the death, I'd better go put my face on, eh?
16444 You'll get us through this, Sonic. I know you will.
16445 Got something for me?
16446 Hey there, Big Blue. Got a moment?
16447 I have a secret, darlin'. And it's just for you and me.
16448 Before we left home, I got a message from GUN. They have a little mission for me out here.
16449 They're curious about the Nocturnus and their technology. They want me to bring some back to them.
16450 They saw how easily the Nocturnus took out Knuckles and stole the Chaos Emeralds. They want some of that power for themselves.
16451 To defend the world, of course.
16452 I'm sure the Nocturnus Clan soldiers will leave Nocturnus Tech behind when we defeat them in combat.
16455 Thanks, Big Blue. You really know how to help a girl out.
16456 Just come talk to me when you have more Nocturnus Tech. I'll make it worth your while!
16459 Oh, whatever. It's not like we're getting it for Eggman or something. It's just GUN.
16460 Fine. We'll talk later, I suppose.
16461 You ready to fight when the time comes?
16465 Sure. What's up?
16468 How do we do that?
16469 Why do they want Nocturnus technology?
16472 Sounds easy enough. Let's do it.
16479 I'm not sure it's such a good idea.
16481 Not right now.
16497 You're that thing I've seen running around! It had the same spiky hair as you!
16498 "Someone like you"? No, it was you. I recognize that pointy head anywhere. You were running around like a shadow, but when I'd look again, you were gone.
16499 Exactly. Just about the strangest thing.
16500 Right. I'm sure it's not. I'm sure you've never run around like a shadow in your life. Liar.
16501 No, it was you. I recognize that pointy head anywhere. You were running around like a shadow, but when I'd look again, you were gone.
16503 Thing? You mean the Night Stalker?
16504 You saw someone like me running around, too?
16505 You saw someone like me running around?
16506 We just want to ask about the Night Stalker.
16507 "Like a Shadow," huh?
16508 That's not me.
16509 I haven't been running around anywhere.
16511 Have we met? You look familiar.
16512 Yes! I saw you running through here earlier. You were really moving. And when I looked again, you were gone... like a shadow!
16513 Ha! Impressive, that, my friend! We could use more of that sort of thing, I say!
16514 I did! Made quite a fuss, too. You should be more careful where you go around here. In times like these, you never know what could happen!
16515 Just like one. Most impressive. With more people like you, I wouldn't have to sell these charms!
16516 No? Pity. With more people like that, I wouldn't have to sell these charms!
16520 You saw someone like me running around here?
16521 We should be going.
16522 You saw someone like me running around, too?
16523 "Like a Shadow", you say?
16524 Why are you selling charms?
16525 That wasn't me.
16527 Oh, it's you! I saw you whizzing by here earlier. You may be fast, but even your speed won't help if the guards catch you asking questions!
16528 It had to be you. It looked like a shadow, but with spiky hair like yours. Who else could it be?
16530 You've seen me here before?
16531 "Like a Shadow." Who could it be, indeed.
16532 You've seen someone like me around, too?
16533 That wasn't me.
16535 We have seennn you beforrre, streakinnng through like a shadow....
16536 The hair, the shoesss... definnnitely you....
16537 Mannny greetinnngs to you, offworlders....
16540 You've seen me before?
16541 Not this again.
16542 That wasn't me.
16543 "Like a Shadow." I wonder who it could be.
16568 Missions
16569 Codex
16570 No Missions Active Yet
16571 No Codex Active Yet
16572 Information about mission entries will appear here once they are active.
16573 Information about codex entries will appear here once they are active.
16574 Oh, right. I understand. Wouldn't want to blow your cover.
16577 (You look familiar. Oh yes! I saw you run through here not too long ago. I recognize the spikes on your head.)
16578 (I've never seen anyone move that fast. You almost seemed to disappear!)
16579 (I certainly did. There can't be TWO creatures on Voxai Beta that look like you.)
16580 (How can I help you?)
16581 (Exactly. I thought it was peculiar.)
16582 (No, I'm sure it was. There can't be TWO creatures on Voxai Beta that look like you.
16586 You saw me around here?
16588 Let me guess. Did "I" move like a shadow?
16590 That wasn't me.
16592 Speed
16593 Attack
16594 Defense
16595 Luck
16596 HP
16597 PP
16598 Auto-Level
16599 POW Moves
16600 What is it, Sonic? I'm busy.
16601 I'm fine. Don't you have something you could be doing?
16602 Then get to it. Ix isn't going to destroy himself.
16603 I'm always ready.
16604 So do I.
16605 Of course we are. Why would I want to see Ix conquer our world?
16606 Don't give me a hard time, Sonic. I'm here to help.
16607 What's that supposed to mean?
16609 Oh, I see. If I'm not busy running around with Team Sonic, I have to sit here and twiddle my thumbs while Ix moves on our world. Right?
16610 No thanks, Sonic. I'll do my own thing, and you'll stay out of my way.
16611 I'm here to bring down Ix, same as you. I'm ready for anything that will bring him down.
16612 Just stop hassling me and get it done.
16613 Because I can't bear to sit here and do nothing. We're here for a reason, and I won't be held back by your idiotic rules.
16614 You do what you want, Sonic. But I'm helping in my way.
16615 Hmph. Fine. You're in charge, Sonic. And when we fail, it's on your head.
16616 No pressure, hero.
16617 Whatever.
16618 I just wanted to see how you're doing.
16619 Yeah. I have to defeat Ix.
16620 Just be ready if we need you.
16622 I have work to do.
16623 Watch it, Shadow. We're on the same side here.
16625 You've been really busy lately, haven't you?
16629 Fine. Just be ready if we need you.
16631 Why must you always work alone?
16633 This stops now, Shadow. I have to be able to trust you.
16636 Why have you been running around behind my back?
16637 Nothing. Talk to you later.
16639 Hazard Vault
16640 Generator 1
16641 It worked! I took down the shielding! I wish Eggman could have seen that!
16643 Hazard Vault
16644 Eggman's Lab
16648 I wonder what Eggman would think. One of his robots ending up in another dimension!
16649 I wonder what Eggman would think. One of his robots ending up in another dimension!
16650 Well, I think he might be proud.
16651 But... He... All right, Sonic. I understand.
16652 Anyway, now that it's destroyed, it can't poison the pools with its exhaust anymore!
16669 You can tell him when we get back.
16670 Who cares?
16672 That's enough about Eggman, Tails.
16690 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
16693 My machine!
16696 No! How could you...
16697 Now they'll all hate me! You've ruined me!
16698 Curse you!
16699 Sonic! It looks like Haniman had a Precursor tablet in his shop!
16700 Sonic! It looks like there's some kind of strange tablet here in Haniman's store!
16701 Weird writing. I wonder where it came from?
16702 Maybe someone used it as payment for a Night Stalker charm.
16703 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
16704 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
16705 I was out of a job! The military said they had no use for a "simple" holo-emitter, so I decided to show them!
16706 And I figured I could make some money on the side selling these trinkets to gullible citizens. It was a perfect plan!
16707 I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling heroes!
16710 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
16711 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
16712 I just thought.... Never mind.
16713 Sorry, Sonic.
16714 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
16716 Heh. Don't we?
16721 I guess your Night Stalker is shut down for good.
16731 Why did you do it, Haniman?
16735 I think now you'll need the protective charms!
16736 No doubt. It wasn't very convincing.
16737 What does Eggman have to do with this?
16739 That's enough about Eggman, Tails.
16743 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
16744 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
16745 Sorry, Sonic.
16746 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
16747 No doubt. It wasn't very convincing.
16748 What does Eggman have to do with this?
16749 That's enough about Eggman, Tails.
16752 It certainly seemed like one.
16753 We've always had Gizoids. Lord Ix must really value this factory if he sent Gizoids to guard it.
16756 Wow. I wish Eggman were here to see this!
16757 Wow. I wish Eggman were here to see this!
16758 He was interested in Emerl, the Gizoid that we met a while back. He'd love to see more Gizoids in action.
16759 Though I don't think he'd like to fight them!
16760 Sure. Sorry, Sonic.
16762 Wow! Too bad Eggman had to miss this!
16766 We'll have to be careful, team.
16767 Why would Eggman want to see this?
16770 That's enough about Eggman, Tails.
16773 Skip to Chapter 7
16774 Bonus
16775 Points
16776 Level
16777 Bonus Points!
16778 Level Up!
16779 Exit
16780 POW Moves
16781 Points:
16829 Axe Kick
16830 Whirlwind
16831 Blue Bomber
16832 Fastball
16833 Triple Tornado
16834 Hail Storm
16835 Uppercut
16836 Quake Punch
16837 Triple Play
16838 Hard Line
16839 Chaos Spear
16840 Chaos Rift
16841 Chaos Blast
16842 Atomic Strike
16843 Damage:
16844 Effect:
16845 Team:
16846 Hey, Sonic. What's up?
16847 Don't worry about me. I'll be ready when the time comes.
16848 I'll do what needs to be done.
16849 I'm not sure. I... I don't really know what needs to be done.
16850 I'm... okay. Look, Sonic. I need to talk about something, so just listen, okay?
16851 I'm not sure we're doing the right thing, going after Ix.
16852 No, hear me out.
16853 I've been the last of my kind all my life. The Nocturnus are echidnas, Sonic. And they could return to the world.
16854 I wouldn't be the last anymore. Can't you see what that means?
16855 No, it's not. But I keep thinking that maybe we can talk to him. Maybe we can redeem him.
16856 He wasn't always this power-mad villain, not according to the stories. At least, no more than Pachacamac was, and he was the chief of my own clan.
16857 I'm not going to do anything stupid. I'm on this team, and I won't watch my world burn.
16858 I just hope we're not making a mistake that we'll regret.
16859 I'll go prepare for battle. Call me if you need me.
16860 I figured you'd see it that way. Not everything is in black and white, Sonic. Sometimes the answers aren't that easy.
16861 Okay.
16862 Just making sure everyone's ready.
16864 Good. Talk to you later!
16865 And what does that mean?
16867 How are you doing, Knuckles?
16869 Of course we are!
16872 But helping Ix isn't the way.
16874 I understand, Knuckles. I wish it could be different.
16878 I don't care. We have to stop Ix.
16880 Why do you say that?
16881 I don't want to hear this.
16882 Nothing. Goodbye.
16889 I just thought... Never mind.
16891 A 4 man symphony of destruction focusing a powerful shockwave on a\ncentral target with concussive effects on adjacent targets.
16892 7x 175% of base damage
16893 Stun (20% chance)
16894 Focus Field
16895 Scan
16896 Tinker
16897 Medi Bot
16898 Power Class
16899 Support Class
16900 Shifter Class
16901 Support Class
16902 Power Class
16904 Unique
16905 Rare
16906 Common
16954 Dash
16955 Smash
16956 KSmash
16957 Fly
16958 Jump
16959 Climb
16960 Invulnerable
16961 Stealth
16974 Sonic! Look out!
16976 I think the signal is coming from the big one!
16977 I'll take care of it!
17073 I'm getting an Eggman signal from this shop, Sonic!
17074 Ha! The nerve of this man, daring to give off a signal like mine!
17075 Oh! Oh my! It's Eggman!
17076 Don't worry, sir! He's with us!
17077 Oh, well. I suppose if you have him under control....
17078 Under control?! Ha! Perhaps that's what I want you to think! Ha ha ha ha ha!
17079 Eggman? Why, I thought you folks had finished him for good!
17080 Yes. Luckily for you, that wasn't the case.
17087 I think we should get moving.
17088 So did we.
17090 What are you up to, Shadow?
17091 Collecting staplers is beneath my genius. All for a piece of equipment I discarded years ago!
17094 Look out! An Eggman robot!
17095 Wait! It doesn't look dangerous. It looks... sad.
17097 The signal seems to be coming from here. But why?
17098 I just hope it's not dangerous!
17099 *bzt* Good day, soft creatures. *bzt* Do you know me? *bzt*
17100 *bzt* I seem to have lost my mission. *bzt* My programming is forgotten. *bzt*
17106 *bzt* Soft creatures. Please. *bzt* I desire to know my function. *bzt*
17107 *bzt* The soft creatures are no help to me. *bzt*
17108 *bzt* I beg you to let me be alone. *bzt*
17109 *bzt* Eggman. *bzt* I remember now. *bzt*
17110 *bzt* You are Sonic the Hedgehog. *bzt* I am supposed to destroy you. *bzt*
17111 *bzt* Thank you, Sonic the Hedgehog. *bzt* You have given me my purpose. *bzt*
17112 *bzt* Yes. *bzt* I believe you are correct. *bzt*
17113 *bzt* My duties complete, I can now rest. *bzt*
17114 *bzt* Thank you, soft creatures. *bzt* Now I have found rest. *bzt*
17115 Look, Sonic! The robot's head looks like another Eggman device. Hm. I think I have all I need to... Yes!
17116 These fit together like so... and you clip this here... and connect this... Yay!
17117 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. I'm not sure what it's for.
17119 We'd better keep looking for Eggman. Let's go.
17121 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
17122 Hm. I think I have an idea what we can do with these devices. Let's look around for more.
17123 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
17124 These devices have a few things in common. Let's see if we can find a couple more.
17125 Look, Sonic! The robot's head is another Eggman device. It must be old if it's forgotten its programming!
17126 Strange... this device seems to interact with the other device we found! If we find more, maybe we can find out what they do!
17127 Look, Sonic. The robot's head... it's an Eggman device!
17128 That must be what our tracker detected!
17129 Hm. I can't tell what it's used for. Maybe I can examine it some other time.
17130 I say we smash it!
17131 I say we ignore it and keep moving.
17132 I don't know, Sonic. What if this is a clue?
17133 Oh, Sonic! We have to help it! It's so sad!
17134 Really? We're debating what to do about a sad robot that's not attacking us?
17135 And everyone thinks I'M crazy.
17136 What's everyone staring at?
17137 *bzt* Please help. *bzt* My function is unknown to me. *bzt*
17138 Sure thing. I really hope we find Eggman soon!
17139 You... I do?
17140 You... I do?
17141 You... I do?
17142 You... I do?
17143 You... I do?
17145 Swatbots can't be sad, Amy.
17147 Let's find out what's going on.
17155 We have more important things to do right now.
17158 You are an Eggman robot. You were made to serve Eggman.
17162 You have completed your duties. You are free.
17177 What do you guys think we should do?
17185 I don't see Eggman. Maybe we should keep moving.
17187 Hm. You have a point.
17193 Robot animals? That's so last decade!
17194 Then let's go.
17196 If he's working for Eggman, we have to stop him!
17243 N'rrgal Hive
17244 N'rrgal Hive
17323 Buying
17324 Selling
17382 Consumables
17424 Store
17425 Central City
17426 Station Square
17427 Kron Quartermaster
17428 Civilian Supply Depot
17429 The Overmart
17437 Nocturne
17545 Buy Item
17546 Sell Item
17548 Oh, come on.
17549 I hate you so much.
17550 Skip to Chapter 8 (Scylla)
17551 Skip to Chapter 8 (Charyb)
17552 Never mind.
17604 Health Leaf
17605 Health Root
17606 Med Emitter
17607 POW Gum
17608 POW Drink
17609 Cloth Gloves
17610 Increases attack and power stats.
17612 Work Gloves
17613 Increases attack and power stats.
17614 Scanner
17615 Clears fog of war with 2x radius
17616 Refresher
17617 Bonus to Tails Tech Ability
17781 Is everyone ready to get the plan underway?
17784 Well then, I guess we know what we have to do.
17785 Let me know as soon as you're ready to go. Keep in mind, once we signal the Zoah, we won't have time to do anything but head straight for Nocturne.
17786 Sonic, could I speak with you alone for a bit?
17787 Um, okay. I guess.
17788 Great!
17789 Hey everyone! Could Sonic and I have a little privacy here?
17790 What for?
17791 Yeah, you can talk in front of us.
17792 I don't understand what's so--
17793 I said GET OUT!
17794 ....
17795 ....
17796 ....
17797 Er, sure. Just a few minutes, though. We have stuff to do!
17798 I'll tell you when we're alone.
17799 If there's anything we need to finish up before we go, we'd better do it now!
17800 All right!
17801 Strap in, everyone! It's time!
17802 Tails to Zoah Command. Come in, Zoah Command!
17803 This is Zoah Command, over.
17804 We're ready to go!
17805 Affirmative. Fire rocket cannon on my mark. Three... Two... One... Mark!
17808 Now, Tails! Go!
17810 It's closing!
17811 Faster!
17812 I can't!
17814 We're not going to make it! Turn back!
17815 I... can't....
17816 Tails! We can do this. We have to!
17817 I... I'll try....
17819 We did it!
17820 Yay!
17821 Find a place to land, Tails... and quickly!
17822 Right! Everyone, hold on!
17824 Right. We'd better be sure before we go.
17825 This could be it, Sonic.
17827 All we have to do is signal the Zoah when we're ready. Just let me know, and I'll tell them to fire their cannon.
17828 Then we wait, and we storm through the hole in the repulsor field as soon as the N'rrgal have chewed their way through.
17829 It sounds easy when you put it that way.
17830 It's definitely not going to be easy. But we have to win. We have to stop Ix.
17831 I think we are. We've been through a lot since you came back, Sonic, but I think we can do this.
17832 Hm.
17833 Something wrong, Knuckles?
17834 No. Nothing. I'm ready.
17835 So... What do we do next?
17836 We have all of the Chaos Emeralds I detected! But there are still two more Emeralds missing!
17837 Lord Ix has probably hidden the other Emeralds on Nocturne. That would explain why we never detected them.
17838 We can't. I'm sorry. I'm afraid the quest is over.
17839 There's a repulsor field around Nocturne. Nothing gets through that field without Lord Ix's permission. The field would even block your sensors.
17841 We have to get through. Ix has the Master Emerald in there, I can feel it!
17842 Hey! That's a great idea!
17843 What if we called everyone together to talk about a master plan?
17844 The N'rrgal and Zoah would never work together.
17845 And Thebes has only been a leader for a short time. How could he help?
17846 Right! I'll call them.
17848 Called have you the mighty Foreman Krag.
17850 Help I will to the best of my ability.
17852 Provide I will a meeting place. Come you to my chamber when ready you are.
17853 Good. Let me call the others!
17854 Punching in the Kron, Zoah, and N'rrgal frequencies!
17855 Make it quick.
17856 (What can the Voxai do for you?)
17857 What do you nnneed...?
17858 Foreman Krag has set aside a meeting place for us!
17859 (Of course. We will meet you there.)
17860 Ha! You're either brave or suicidal. But I'll be there.
17861 We will attennnd....
17864 We're really doing this, aren't we?
17865 We can't fail. The Master Emerald is at stake.
17866 Then we need to get to the Kron Colony and get things started!
17867 Let's go!
17868 Then we have no choice. We have to try!
17869 We could give Big some ice cream!
17870 ...
17871 ...
17872 ...
17873 ... What?
17874 We can't give up now! We can't just let Ix win!
17875 We did it! We got the Chaos Emeralds back from the Voxai!
17876 I hope everything goes okay for Thebes. He seemed a little bit over his head.
17877 He'll be fine. I know it.
17878 What do we do now?
17880 I detected Chaos Emeralds in Sector Scylla. We should look there next.
17881 Just choose our destination on the travel map whenever you're ready to go!
17882 I detected Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb. We should look there next.
17883 We did it! I can't believe we did it!
17884 Do you think the N'rrgal and Zoah will be friends?
17885 I hope so! All that fighting wasn't solving anything for them!
18276 Not yet. I'll let you know when we're ready.
18278 Then let's do it.
18280 There's no time. We have to get going!
18282 Uh, sure, Amy.
18293 What about?
18294 Okay, then. Let's talk.
18295 I'm ready. Let's start the attack!
18320 Good to know. I'll tell you when I'm ready.
18325 What do we have to do, exactly?
18329 I'll tell you when I'm ready.
18330 Are you all ready for this?
18336 Then let's go to Nocturne!
18340 Maybe our new friends can help.
18344 Let's get our new friends together.
18347 We need your help. We're about to try to invade Nocturne.
18356 We're going to attack Nocturne. If you want to help, meet us on the Kron Colony
18367 They have to work together, or we're all doomed.
18368 Anyone have a better idea?
18373 So what do we do?
18374 It looks bleak, doesn't it?
18376 How do we get to Nocturne?
18377 Why wouldn't we detect them?
18381 We have to find the other four Chaos Emeralds before we can take on Ix.
18630 Copying save game to an empty Slot. Do not turn off your DS!
18631 Deleting save game from Slot. Do not turn off your DS!
18632 Select Save Slot
18633 Saving data. Do not turn off your DS!\n
18634 Empty Slot
18635 Level:
18636 Copies:
18637 Bond:
18706 The Story So Far
18707 Select Your Adventure
18708 Your save game is corrupted and will be deleted.
18709 Zoah
18782 We should get going. We have a lot to do.
18783 I never thought I'd be working with Eggman. But at least it looks like he's not behind the Marauders' crimes.
18784 Right, and I guess he's better with us than against us.
18785 Me either. I'll keep an eye on him!
18786 Could be. It's tough to believe, though.
18787 We should get going. We have a lot to do.
18789 We have to be ready for anything.
18791 I'm not so sure about that.
18793 Maybe he's really changed this time.
18797 I'll be ready when it's time to go.
18869 There are no items to display.
18870 Skip to Chapter 10
18871 What part?
18872 Start
18873 Nocturne start
18874 Never mind, go back.
18891 While he was away exploring and solving problems elsewhere, Sonic received a message from Tails: Knuckles is missing!\n\nTails asked for Sonic's help to track the Marauders, the mysterious villains who took Knuckles. Sonic returned from afar to help find Knuckles and bring these Marauders to justice!\n\n
18892 While he was away exploring and solving problems elsewhere, Sonic received a message from Tails: Knuckles is missing! Sonic returned to Green Hill Zone, where his quest to find Knuckles would begin.\n\nAfter meeting up with Amy Rose, Sonic headed off to team up with Tails and find out more about the Marauder plot.
18893 While he was away exploring and solving problems elsewhere, Sonic received a message from Tails: Knuckles is missing, kidnapped by a mysterious group known as the Marauders!\n\nArmed with the knowledge that the Marauders have also been stealing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic and friends decided to stop at GUN Headquarters and see what they can find out about Knuckles' disappearance.\n
18894 The search for Knuckles is on!\n\nSonic and friends learned that the Marauders have been operating out of several of Eggman's abandoned hideouts throughout Green Hill Zone and Central City. This only brought up more questions. Who are the Marauders? Could Eggman be involved in Knuckles' disappearance?
18895 The search for Knuckles is on!\n\nAfter exploring all four of Eggman's abandoned hideouts, the team discovered enough Marauder communicators for Tails to invent a device that could detect the source of the Marauders' communications. With this device, Tails pinpointed a fifth secret location, possibly the place where the Marauders were keeping Knuckles!
18896 With Knuckles found, the team set out for Angel Island to stop the Marauders before they can steal the Master Emerald. Unfortunately, when the team finally escaped the ruins in which Knuckles was held, they discovered a chilling fact: Angel Island was gone!\n\nConvinced that this was Eggman's doing, the team set out to find their old nemesis and stop him before his plans could endanger all of the world!
18897 Worried that Eggman might be behind the actions of the mysterious Marauders, Sonic and friends decided to track down their old nemesis and make him answer for his crimes. When they found him, however, he claimed to be reformed. What's more, he's willing to help Sonic and friends find and defeat the Marauders!\n\nWith Eggman's help, the team tracked Angel Island's vector and discovered that the Marauders were somehow moving the island into the airspace over Metropolis! They decided to travel to Metropolis to stop the Marauders, but first they had to find a way into Eggman's ruined fortress.
18898 With Angel Island missing and believed to be floating toward Metropolis, Sonic and friends (including a "reformed" Eggman) traveled to Blue Ridge Zone, where the entrance to Metropolis is located. Unfortunately, they ran into ever stronger Marauder interference, including the Marauders' leader, a mysterious echidna named Shade!\n\nAs Shade and her so-called Nocturnus Clan escaped, they sealed shut the entrance to Metropolis, forcing the team to find another way inside. Thankfully, Eggman knew a secret entrance via Metropolis' sewer system.
18899 With Angel Island floating into place in the skies of Metropolis, Sonic and his friends set out to stop Shade the Echidna and her mysterious Nocturnus Clan from landing on Angel Island and stealing the Master Emerald. \n\nAfter entering Metropolis through the ruined sewer system, the team had to fight their way through the city's Marauder-infested ruins and up to Angel Island. They must stop the Nocturnus Clan at all costs!
18900 After fighting their way through some tough opposition, Sonic and his team landed on Angel Island top stop the Nocturnus Clan from stealing the Master Emerald. Then the Nocturnus leader, a mysterious robed echidna, commanded his Marauder minions to destroy Sonic's team!\n\nMeanwhile, Tails and Eggman led a team in Metropolis to find a way to squash the Nocturnus Clan. They invented the Beam Cannon, which would teleport the Nocturnus back to the dimension from whence they came! Now the two teams must come together and focus their efforts to destroy the Nocturnus Clan!
18901 The Story So Far
18914 Things look bad for our heroes. The evil Ix, leader of the Nocturnus Clan, escaped into an alternate dimension with the Master Emerald. Without the power of the Master Emerald, Angel Island came crashing down into the middle of Eggman's ruined city, Metropolis! Just then, a massive dark wormhole blackened the sky above!\n\nBut all is not lost. If the heroes could find some way to follow Ix through the wormhole and retrieve the Master Emerald, the day could be saved!
18915 With a massive dark wormhole blotting out the sky over Metropolis, Sonic and his friends sought a way to travel to the Twilight Cage, where Ix had taken the Master Emerald. Sonic teamed up with Ix's former lieutenant, Shade, who turned against Ix when she learned his plans involve conquering the world. \n\nSonic, Shade, and the rest of the team set out to restore electrical power to Metropolis while Eggman and Tails worked on designs for an interdimensional spaceship. With luck, they could build the ship and launch it into the wormhole before it's too late.
18916 With a massive dark wormhole blotting out the sky over Metropolis, Sonic and his friends sought a way to travel to the Twilight Cage, where Ix had taken the Master Emerald. Sonic teamed up with Ix's former lieutenant, Shade, who turned against Ix when she learned his plans involve conquering the world. \n\nSonic, Shade, and the rest of the team set out to retrieve an important part from Eggman's Hazard Vault while Eggman and Tails worked on designs for an interdimensional spaceship. With luck, they could build the ship and launch it into the wormhole before too late.
18917 After the Nocturnus Clan, led by the powerful Lord Ix, captured the Master Emerald and carried it through a massive wormhole in the sky, Sonic and friends built an interdimensional spaceship to follow them. The heroes found themselves in the Twilight Cage, a strange dimension where the Nocturnus Clan reigns supreme. \n\nWith the Blue Cyclone damaged by the trip through the wormhole, Sonic and his friends were forced to crash-land on the nearest landmass, a planetoid that is home to a race known as the Kron. Interestingly, Tails detected a Chaos Emerald on the Kron Colony. If the team could recover that Emerald, he could use it to get the Cyclone back into shape.
18918 Looking for others who want to trade...
18919 Do you wish to trade with this person?
18920 Listening for others to trade Chao with you...
18921 Yes
18922 No
18923 Propose Trade
18924 Do you want to make this trade?
18925 Awaiting a trade response...
18926 Trade denied
18927 Trade confirmed
18928 Communication error. You have been disconnected from DS Wireless Communications.
18929 Disconnecting from DS Wireless Communications
18944 OK
18951 XP:
18952 No items received.
18992 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension on an interdimensional spaceship. Unfortunately, the Cyclone lost power entering the wormhole and was forced to crash land on a nearby planetoid: the rocky homeworld of the Kron.\n\nSonic and friends discovered that the Kron were conquered and enslaved by Lord Ix and the Nocturnus Clan, and that the stone-like Kron sought a way out from under Ix's heel. The team set off to meet with Foreman Krag, the Kron leader, to find out how they could help.
18993 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension on an interdimensional spaceship. Unfortunately, the Cyclone lost power entering the wormhole and was forced to crash land on a nearby planetoid: the rocky homeworld of the Kron.\n\nSonic and friends discovered that the Kron were conquered and enslaved by Lord Ix and the Nocturnus Clan, and that the stone-like Kron sought a way out from under Ix's heel. According to Foreman Krag, the Kron leader, Ix took control of the Kron factory and barred the Kron from entering. If Sonic and friends could retake the factory, Foreman Krag would give Sonic the Chaos Emerald he received from Ix.
18994 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension on an interdimensional spaceship. Unfortunately, the Cyclone lost power entering the wormhole and was forced to crash land on a nearby planetoid: the rocky homeworld of the Kron.\n\nWith the factory freed and returned to Kron control, Sonic and friends have recovered the first of the stolen Chaos Emeralds and returned power to the Cyclone. They couldn't rest on their laurels, however; six Chaos Emeralds remained, and they still had to take the Master Emerald from the clutches of Ix himself.
18995 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. First they had to help the stone-like Kron free themselves from Ix's rule. Once the Kron were freed, Sonic's new allies gave the team the first of the stolen Chaos Emeralds to help them against Ix and his Nocturnus Clan.\n\nNow faced with the open expanses of the vast Twilight Cage, the team was faced with a difficult challenge: reclaim the remaining six Chaos Emeralds, and prepare for the battle against Ix!
18996 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team was forced to scour the Twilight Cage for signs of the remaining six Emeralds.\n\nWith Chaos Emeralds detected in Sector Charyb, the team decided to travel to the colony of the psychic Voxai. With luck, the Voxai would welcome them on their quest to stop Ix.
18997 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. Having recovered Chaos Emeralds from the stone-like Kron, the warlike Zoah, and the slimy N'rrgal, the team was forced to scour the Twilight Cage for signs of the remaining four Emeralds.\n\nWith Chaos Emeralds detected in Sector Charyb, the team decided to travel to the colony of the psychic Voxai, where they hoped to find a friendlier reception than what they've met so far.
18998 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team was forced to scour the Twilight Cage for signs of the remaining six Emeralds.\n\nThe team decided to travel to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal, hoping to find more of the stolen Chaos Emeralds. With luck, they could track down the Emeralds without getting involved in the aliens' ongoing cold war.
18999 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering Chaos Emeralds from the stone-like Kron and the psychic Voxai, the team was forced to scour the Twilight Cage for signs of the remaining four Emeralds.\n\nThe team decided to travel to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal, hoping to find more of the stolen Chaos Emeralds. With luck, they could track down the Emeralds without getting involved in the aliens' ongoing cold war.
19000 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Scylla, the team traveled there, to the home of the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal.\n\nNot long after landing on the N'rrgal Colony, the Cyclone was rendered immobile, its energy devoured by N'rrgal drones. The team was arrested and taken before the N'rrgal Queen. The Queen offered Sonic a deal: steal the hated Zoah's secret weapon and bring it back to the N'rrgal in exchange for the team's freedom.
19001 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team traveled to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal. \n\nNot long after the team landed on the N'rrgal Colony, the N'rrgal arrested them and offered Sonic a deal: steal the hated Zoah' secret weapon and bring it back to the N'rrgal in exchange for the team's freedom.
19002 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team traveled to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal. The N'rrgal then arrested Sonic and said that if the team would steal the Zoah's secret weapon, they could go free.\n\nUpon reaching the Zoah Colony, they were attacked by a Zoah patrol, who accused them of being N'rrgal spies. Now the team was faced with a difficult task: infiltrate the tight security of the Zoah, get past their powerful soldiers, and steal their secret weapon for the N'rrgal!
19003 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team traveled to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal. The N'rrgal then arrested Sonic and said that if the team would steal the Zoah's secret weapon, they could go free.\n\nAfter Sonic and his team defeated the Zoah leader, General Raxos, they received the Zoah's secret weapon: a Chaos Emerald! Now they had only to return to the N'rrgal Queen and bargain for their freedom.
19004 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After recovering the first Chaos Emerald from the stone-like Kron, the team traveled to Sector Scylla, home to the warlike Zoah and the relentless N'rrgal. The N'rrgal then arrested Sonic and said that if the team would steal the Zoah's secret weapon, they could go free.\n\nWith the Zoah's secret weapon (a Chaos Emerald!) in hand, the team returned to the N'rrgal Colony, where the N'rrgal Queen gave them their freedom and the Chaos Emerald Ix had gifted to the N'rrgal. Because Ix gave an Emerald to both the N'rrgal and to their hated enemies, the N'rrgal Queen promised to aid Sonic against Ix when the time came.
19005 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, the team traveled to the colony of the psychic Voxai. With luck, the Voxai would welcome them on their quest to stop Ix.\n\nWhen they landed on Voxai Colony Beta, they found that no Voxai would speak to them. The strange aliens who lived there seemed busy or distracted, and no one even seemed to notice Sonic and his friends. Perhaps this would make the search for the Chaos Emeralds easier.
19006 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, the team traveled to the colony of the psychic Voxai. With luck, the Voxai would welcome them on their quest to stop Ix.\n\nSoon after landing on Voxai Colony Beta, the team was approached by a Voxai named Thebes. He seemed agitated, but was happy to find the team, and he asked for Sonic's help. Maybe if they helped him, he would help them find the Chaos Emeralds.
19007 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, the team traveled to the colony of the psychic Voxai. Of course, the Voxai weren't exactly welcoming when the team arrived.\n\nA Voxai named Thebes told Sonic and friends that the Voxai leaders, the Overmind, were trying use Chaos Emeralds to mentally dominate the entire Voxai race! Thebes asked Sonic to help him rescue his people from the terrible power of the Overmind. If they do, they would receive the Chaos Emeralds as a reward!
19008 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, the team traveled to the colony of the psychic Voxai. Of course, the Voxai weren't exactly welcoming when the team arrived.\n\nWhen the team agreed to help a Voxai named Thebes fight the Voxai Overmind's attempt to use Chaos Emeralds to dominate the entire Voxai race, Thebes' friends turned against them and attacked! The team's path now was clear. They had to go against the Voxai Overmind, stop their tyrannical plans, and recover the Chaos Emeralds before it's too late!
19009 When the evil Lord Ix stole the Master Emerald from Angel Island, Sonic and his friends chased him into another dimension. After detecting Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, the team traveled to the colony of the psychic Voxai, where the Voxai leaders, the Overmind, planned to use the stolen Chaos Emeralds to psychically dominate the Voxai race.\n\nWith the help of Thebes and the psychic powers within the stolen Chaos Emeralds, the team defeated the corrupt Voxai leaders, freeing the Voxai and making Thebes the new Overmind. What's more, the team recovered two more Chaos Emeralds in the process!\n\n
19010 When the evil Lord Ix, leader of the mysterious Nocturnus Clan, stole the Master Emerald from Sonic's world, Sonic and his friends chased him into an alternate dimension to get the Emeralds back! In a series of challenges and adventures, they recovered all but two of the Chaos Emeralds, and the only place left to go is Ix's impenetrable fortress, the Nocturne!\n\nThankfully, they were not alone in this pursuit. The alien races of the Twilight Cage all swore to aid Sonic and friends in their moment of need. And now, when the team faces down the greatest battle of their lives, is that moment!
19011 When the evil Lord Ix, leader of the mysterious Nocturnus Clan, stole the Master Emerald from Sonic's world, Sonic and his friends chased him into an alternate dimension to get the Emeralds back! In a series of challenges and adventures, they recovered all but two of the Chaos Emeralds, and the only place left to go is Ix's impenetrable fortress, the Nocturne!\n\nThanks to the aid of their new allies in the Twilight Cage, Sonic and his friends landed on the Nocturne and split into two teams to capture the final two Chaos Emeralds and stop Ix. The final battle against the Nocturnus Clan had begun!
19012 When the evil Lord Ix, leader of the mysterious Nocturnus Clan, stole the Master Emerald from Sonic's world, Sonic and his friends chased him into an alternate dimension to get the Emeralds back! In a series of challenges and adventures, they recovered all but two of the Chaos Emeralds, and the only place left to go is Ix's impenetrable fortress, the Nocturne!\n\nThanks to the aid of their new allies in the Twilight Cage, Sonic and his friends landed on the Nocturne and captured the final two Chaos Emeralds and stop Ix. All that remained was to face the powerful Lord Ix and defeat the Nocturnus Clan once and for all!
19018 This is Voxai Colony Beta. To be honest, I never spent much time working with the Voxai. Lord Ix ordered us to keep our distance.
19019 Because he feared they might control your minds?
19020 Exactly.
19021 The Voxai Overmind keeps peace by controlling and tapping the minds of its people. Nocturnus patrols found themselves watched from all sides.
19022 Many of my brethren found themselves under the Overmind's control. We never saw them again.
19025 I think we can rely on the Chaos Emerald to protect us, but when we leave the ship, we might be vulnerable.
19026 Hey, last time the Zoah attacked us right when we left the ship. The way I see it, we're one step ahead already.
19027 We don't have a choice. To take on Ix, you need the Chaos Emeralds. And there were two here in this sector.
19028 My mind is strong. I am not worried.
19029 My friend, please.... I have seen powerful Nocturnus swayed by the Overmind's power. I don't wish to see you taken away.
19030 I will be fine.
19036 Why is that?
19056 Wow. This place is...
19103 Part 7
19109 I need to get ready to go. We'll talk later.
19112 Inventory
19113 Kron Colony Interior
19121 If you overwrite this save game your previously saved data will be lost. Overwrite?
19122 Are you sure you want to delete this save game?
19123 Wow! Do you believe that ending?
19124 At the hands of Eggman, no less! I can't believe he'd turn on us like that!
19126 Yeah. Surprise, surprise.
19127 Where to, mac?
19128 I bent my wookie.
19129 Wha...?
19130 Kron Colony
19131 N'rrgal Colony
19132 Zoah Colony
19133 More options...
19134 Voxai Alpha Colony
19136 Hutterite Colony
19138 Never mind, I like it here.
19146 N'rrgal Colony ** NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
19148 Voxai Alpha Colony ** NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
19150 My biggest concern is how he could have built up such an army so quickly. We weren't gone very long!
19151 I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of things... if we manage to survive that crash!
19152 What should we do in the meantime?
19153 That should kill some time! Great idea, Sonic!
19154 This game was developed by BioWare. Did you know BioWare was founded by a pair of doctors?
19155 It's true! Dr. Greg Zeschuk is the President, and Dr. Ray Muzyka is the CEO of the studio.
19156 No. They have a handheld group to do that for them. The handheld group is comprised of several departments.
19157 Well, there's the Production department. Mark Darrah was the Project Director. Dorian Kieken was Associate Producer, with Steve Lam as the Assistant Producer.
19158 Then there's the Design team, starting with Miles Holmes, the Lead Designer. Graham Scott, Jonathan Epp and Jonathan Ferland were technical designers.
19159 I seriously doubt it. I'm a super-genius, Sonic.
19160 Next up is Programming. Brook Bakay ran that crew with an iron fist.
19161 No way. Andy Desplenter and Scott Meadows were his tools programmers. Neil Flynn and Rejean Poirier also helped out with tools code.
19162 Yeah, thanks to the Art Department. Joel MacMillan was the Lead Artist, while Joy Ang, Nick Thornburrow and Brian Sum did concept, character, and level art.
19163 Yeah! And they had Elliot Christian, Dustin Nelson, and Francis Lacuna handling 3D modeling!
19164 Not by a long shot. They still had to animate the 3D stuff. Nick DiLiberto was in charge of that, and he had help from Arneil Marquez.
19165 No, Sonic. That's something else.
19166 Steve Sim, I hear. Get it? I HEAR??? for the AUDIO guy? heh... Richard Jacques also wrote some of the music.
19167 Mitchell Fujino was the guy in charge of Quality Assurance. Working with him were Arone Le Bray, John Epler, and Michael Liaw.
19168 Not quite. They had to "localize" the game so that people speaking different languages could play it, too.
19169 Si, senor.
19170 Jenny McKearney was the Localization Producer. Her team included Chris Christou as the Lead Localization Tools Programmer, and Chris Mihalick as the Localization Tools Programmer.
19171 Still not done. Someone had to work with the folks outside of BioWare who made content for the game. That was John Campbell, External Producer.
19172 Definitely. There were a bunch of people who helped on the project in one way or another. If I were the Handheld team, I'd probably want to thank them.
19173 Dan Tudge, for starters. He got the handheld group started before moving onto another project called Dragon Age.
19174 Then we might as well thank Vance Dylan, Jeremie Voillot, and Marwen Audeh while we're at it. I'll also get E-123 Omega to rattle off the external credits.
19177 NO. YOU DO NOT.
19182 .......
19185 It's over, Sonic. Omega's all done.
19186 Yep. At least until the next game!
19187 You're on!
19188 Seriously! It looks like we're done for!
19189 I didn't recognize the world when we got back. It looked as if we'd been gone for years!
19190 Good point. I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode.
19191 We could talk about the team that came up with this caper in the first place.
19192 Yeah, I know.
19193 Doctors AND game developers? No way!
19194 Did these guys make the game themselves? It would take a pair of real mathletes like YOU to do that.
19195 Such as?
19196 Okay. Who else?
19197 Hey, another Miles! I wonder if you two also share the same IQ?
19198 Right.
19199 That's all the programmers?
19200 I noticed we look really sweet in this game. Our world and the Twilight Cage were also pretty spiffy.
19201 Cool!
19202 Is that all?
19203 Gooey art? Is that like a sticky bomb?
19204 What about audio? Who did that?
19205 Riiiight. So, these games take a lot of testing to make sure they run smoothly. Who handled that?
19206 Is that about it?
19207 Seriously? So somewhere out there, some kid might be playing this in... uh... Spanish?
19208 Very funny. Well, okay, who did that?
19209 That's gotta just about cover it.
19210 So people worked on the game who weren't part of the Handheld team?
19211 Like who?
19212 Well, that's it, then. But I see we're still here. Our next adventure isn't quite ready to go!
19213 This ought to be good. Omega, do you know the rest of the people who worked on this game?
19214 Uh....
19215 Do we have a choice?
19216 .......
19219 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
19220 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
19221 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
19222 Zzzzzzzzzzz....
19223 Hm? What?
19224 So we can go?
19225 Great. Let's get something to eat. Chili dogs sound good?
19230 Refresher Wave
19231 Revival Ring
19232 Ring of Life
19233 Antidote
19234 Cure All Spray
19235 Iron Tonic
19236 Speed Bar
19237 Crazy Beans
19238 Clover Juice
19239 Rock Salt
19240 Prune Juice
19241 Immunity Booster
19242 Psychic Water
19246 Nimble Slippers
19247 Spiked Slippers
19248 Alloy Slippers
19249 Rusty Hydraulics
19250 Dura-Hydraulics
19251 Oily Hydraulics
19254 Iron Hydraulics
19255 Master Hydraulics
19256 Light Sneakers
19257 Stiff Sneakers
19258 Speedy Sneakers
19259 Spiked Sneakers
19260 Shielded Sneakers
19261 Light Boots
19262 Work Boots
19263 Swift Boots
19264 Steel Toe Boots
19265 Alloy Boots
19266 Rubber Gloves
19267 Spiked Gloves
19268 Lucky Gloves
19269 Boxing Gloves
19270 Gritty Gloves
19271 Sparkly Gloves
19272 Power Gloves
19273 Polymer Gloves
19274 Mirror Gloves
19275 Cursed Gloves
19276 Golden Gloves
19277 Blunt Claws
19278 Iron Claws
19279 Spiny Claws
19280 Serrated Claws
19281 Grapple Claws
19282 Cursed Claws
19283 Titanium Claws
19284 Economizer
19285 Pretty Dress
19286 Chao Print Dress
19287 Replenisher
19288 Fire Ring
19289 Water Ring
19290 Lightning Ring
19291 Ice Ring
19292 Wind Ring
19293 Earth Ring
19294 Kron Hammer
19295 Zoah Shield
19296 Nocturne Blade
19297 Voxai Teleporter
19298 Nrrgal Module
19299 Angel Amulet
19300 Spooky Charm
19301 Immunity Idol
19302 Chao 1
19303 Chao 2
19304 Chao 3
19305 Chao 4
19306 Chao 5
19307 Chao 6
19308 Cancel
19309 Chao 7
19310 Chao 8
19311 Chao 9
19312 Chao 10
19313 Chao 11
19314 Chao 12
19315 Chao 13
19316 Chao 14
19317 Chao 15
19318 Chao 16
19319 Chao 17
19320 Chao 18
19321 Chao 19
19322 Chao 20
19323 Chao 21
19324 Chao 22
19325 Chao 23
19326 Chao 24
19327 Chao 25
19328 Chao 26
19329 Chao 27
19330 Chao 28
19331 Chao 29
19332 Chao 30
19333 Chao 31
19334 Chao 32
19335 Chao 33
19336 Chao 34
19337 Chao 35
19338 Cheese
19339 Chao 37
19340 Chao 38
19341 Chao 39
19342 Chao 40
19343 We'll keep getting tired the longer we stay down here! If we get too fatigued, we'll drown!
19344 We can't do any kind of POW Moves while we're underwater, either! What'll we do?
19349 Connecting... Please Wait.
19365 Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) is an evil genius bent on world domination, a career choice that has brought him into conflict with Sonic and his friends many, many times. His first plan involved imprisoning animals inside robots to serve his every whim, but when Sonic thwarted that evil plan, he moved on to bigger, deadlier pursuits. An engineering genius with an IQ of 300, Eggman is a master at building disastrously destructive machines, nigh-impenetrable fortresses, and diabolical robots that could have conquered the world many times over. \n\nThankfully, every time Eggman has hatched an evil plan, Sonic and his friends have been there to stop him! Following their last battle in the skies of Metropolis, Eggman disappeared and was presumed dead.
19366 Generator Room
19367 Generator 2
19368 Generator 3
19369 The leader of the Nocturnus Clan, the one called "Lord Ix", is a mystery. Arrogant and powerful on a possibly cosmic scale, Ix and his Nocturnus Clan are some of the most dangerous enemies Sonic has ever faced! Ix claims that his people have been imprisoned in the Twilight Cage, an alternate dimension where time does not pass. \n\nLittle is known about Ix's plans, save that he intends to use the Chaos Emeralds to help bring the Nocturnus Clan back and conquer Sonic's world. He has already stolen the seven Chaos Emeralds and taken the Master Emerald back to his fortress in the Twilight Cage.
19370 The leader of the Nocturnus Clan, the one called "Lord Ix", is a mystery. Arrogant and powerful on a possibly cosmic scale, Ix and his Nocturnus Clan are some of the most dangerous enemies Sonic has ever faced!\n\nLittle is known about Ix's plans, save that he intends to use the Chaos Emeralds to help bring the Nocturnus Clan back and conquer Sonic's world. He has already stolen the seven Chaos Emeralds, and now he wants to take the Master Emerald!
19372 Lv
19373 HP
19374 PP
19375 Spd
19376 Atk
19377 Def
19378 Lck
19379 The Marauders are a mysterious group of thieves known to have stolen all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. Not much is known about the group, and they have been almost impossible to track. \n\nIn their last caper, the Marauders managed to kidnap Knuckles and steal the seventh and final Chaos Emerald. No one is sure why they need the Emeralds or what they plan to do now that they have them all.
19380 The Marauders are a mysterious group of thieves known to have stolen all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. According to GUN intelligence, the Marauders have been operating out of some of Eggman's abandoned hideouts, suggesting a possible link to Eggman himself.\n\nIn their last caper, the Marauders managed to kidnap Knuckles and bypass Tails' most advanced trap to steal the seventh and final Chaos Emerald. No one is sure why they need the Emeralds or what they plan to do now that they have them all.
19381 The Marauders are a mysterious group of thieves known to have stolen all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. According to GUN intelligence, the Marauders have been operating out of some of Eggman's abandoned hideouts, suggesting a possible link to Eggman himself. \n\nFrom what Knuckles has said, the Marauders managed to defeat him with skill and advanced technology. Their leader is a highly skilled female.
19382 The Marauders are a mysterious group of thieves known to have stolen all seven of the Chaos Emeralds. According to GUN intelligence, the Marauders have been operating out of some of Eggman's abandoned hideouts, suggesting a possible link to Eggman himself. From what Knuckles has said, the Marauders managed to defeat him with skill and with advanced technology. \n\nAn encounter with the Marauder leader, Shade the Echidna, revealed that the Marauders are actually members of the ancient Nocturnus Clan, which disappeared from the world 4000 years ago!
19383 The Marauders
19384 The Nocturnus Clan are a nation of echidnas who lived in Sonic's world in ancient times. Led by the powerful chief Ix and bolstered by their highly advanced technology, the Nocturnus Clan very nearly conquered the ancient world. Only the Knuckles Clan, led by the powerful mystic Pachacamac, could stand in their way. \n\nThe Nocturnus Clan mysteriously disappeared 4000 years ago, just after Pachacamac tapped the Chaos Emeralds and the Knuckles Clan was destroyed by Perfect Chaos. Since then, only legends have survived of the powerful ancient echidna race that once nearly controlled the world.
19385 The Nocturnus Clan are a nation of echidnas who lived in Sonic's world in ancient times. Led by the powerful chief Ix and bolstered by their highly advanced technology, the Nocturnus Clan very nearly conquered the ancient world. Only the Knuckles Clan, led by the powerful mystic Pachacamac, could stand in their way. \n\nThe Nocturnus Clan mysteriously disappeared 4000 years ago, just after Pachacamac tapped the Chaos Emeralds and the Knuckles Clan was destroyed by Perfect Chaos. Until recently, only legends survived of the powerful ancient echidna race that once nearly controlled the world, but now it seems the Nocturnus Clan has returned!
19386 The Nocturnus Clan are a nation of echidnas who lived in Sonic's world in ancient times. Led by the powerful chief Ix and bolstered by their highly advanced technology, the Nocturnus Clan very nearly conquered the ancient world. Only the Knuckles Clan, led by the powerful mystic Pachacamac, could stand in their way. \n\nThe Nocturnus Clan mysteriously disappeared 4000 years ago, just after Pachacamac tapped the Chaos Emeralds and the Knuckles Clan was destroyed by Perfect Chaos. Until recently, only legends survived of the powerful ancient echidna race that once nearly controlled the world, but recent events have revealed that the Nocturnus Clan has existed all along, locked away in an alternate dimension called the Twilight Cage.
19387 The Nocturnus Clan are a nation of echidnas who lived in Sonic's world in ancient times. Led by the powerful chief Ix and bolstered by their highly advanced technology, the Nocturnus Clan very nearly conquered the ancient world. Only the Knuckles Clan, led by the powerful mystic Pachacamac, could stand in their way. \n\nThe Nocturnus Clan mysteriously disappeared 4000 years ago, just after Pachacamac tapped the Chaos Emeralds and the Knuckles Clan was destroyed by Perfect Chaos. Until recently, only legends survived of the powerful ancient echidna race that once nearly controlled the world, but recent events have revealed that the Nocturnus Clan has existed all along, locked away in an alternate dimension called the Twilight Cage.\n\nThe Nocturnus historian, Nestor the Wise, revealed that the Nocturnus invented the Gizoids, including Emerl, leading to the suggestion that the Nocturnus Clan actually was the Fourth Great Civilization proposed by Prof. Gerald Robotnik.
19388 Eggman's Lab
19389 Dead
19390 Paralyzed
19391 Tinkered
19392 Poisoned
19393 ATKdown
19394 DEFdown
19395 ACCdown
19396 EVAdown
19397 LCKdown
19398 SuperFast
19399 ATKup
19400 DEFup
19401 ACCup
19402 EVAup
19403 LCKup
19404 Status15
19405 Status16
19408 Dead as a door nail
19409 Stiff as a board
19410 not tailored
19411 only somewhat mildly poisoned
19412 down ATK, bad ATK
19413 down DEF, bad DEF
19414 down ACC, bad ACC
19415 down EVA, bad EVA
19416 Can we say Black cat?
19417 ZOOOOOOOOM zooom
19418 Smash Bang Boom
19419 What a mighty shield
19420 ACC aCk akkk
19421 Devilish Dodge
19422 Lucky Clover
19423 Unused Status #15
19424 Unused Status #16
19439 Trading Chao
19440 Trade With:
19441 Trading:
19442 For:
19443 Select A Chao!
19452 Provides the ability to run through loops and other speed areas.
19453 Next Lv
19454 Chao
19455 Status Effects
19456 Movement Abilities
19457 POW Moves
19458 Level Cap Reached
19459 Touch one of the pictures below for more details.
19464 Level
19465 LV
19466 Buy
19469 Trade
19471 Sonic! Where are you going? The airbase is to the East!
19474 No one's alone in this, Knuckles.
19475 Tough. Deal with it!
19476 I want to stop the Brotherhood, too. We can work together.
19491 Equip Slot Empty
19494 Ha ha ha! Of course you did! Of course you did.
19495 Yes. I'll make sure to recommend that you head up all future anti-robot task forces.
19496 Er, yes! That's... quite an honor! But... I mean, I.... er, of course.
19497 Oh. Whew. It's just Sonic the Hedgehog. Hm. Maybe you could help me.
19498 I've had reports of a gang of robots terrorizing citizens of Central City. I'm supposed to shut them down, but....
19499 I'm afraid, all right! Stop looking at me like that!
19500 Hey, now! Don't you judge me, Sonic the Hedgehog! I don't see YOU bringing in gangs of robot hooligans!
19501 Hm. Actually, that gives me an idea. If you happened upon the robots and took them out....
19502 That's why you're a hero, Sonic. You're always willing to help a friend in need!
19503 We did all the work!
19505 Of course! It's an "honor" to work with such a "hero."
19511 We can take care of them for you!
19512 Afraid of a few robots? Aren't you a GUN soldier?
19514 Sure, we'll take care of them for you.
19516 Ignored!
19517 Ignoring!
19518 No Chao Selected
19519 Select A Chao
19537 Back To Trading
19538 Right. No doubt.
19539 Stay safe!
19540 Trading Chao requires DS Wireless Communications. Do you want to continue?
19542 Chao Slot Empty
19543 No status effects
19544 No movement abilities
19545 No POW Moves
19547 Chao
19548 Oh, they grow up so fast, don't they? Soon he'll be riding his bike... all by himself!
19549 Very funny.
19550 You do know your son is a grown man, right?
19552 Be more careful next time, Timmy!
19554 Equip Chao
19556 Neither Chao will level up. You must trade with someone new for the Chao to increase to Max level. Should we continue this trade?
19559 You must trade with a different friend to maximize the level of this Chao.
19560 You must trade with a different friend to maximize the level of this Chao.
19561 Be more careful next time.
19576 And you defeated her? Awesome! Woo hoo!
19577 You were right, there was a queen up there.
19594 All right, that's it! We've shut down the projector!
19595 That's all of them. Let's go back and talk to Dr. Madden!
19596 One more projector left. Let's get it, team!
19597 There's two more out there. Let's go!
19602 Occupado!
19603 Hey there, buddy, is that you? Did you get me a newspaper?
19606 Thanks, buddy. Be seein' ya!
19607 Uhm, I don't have much, but I do have this thing someone left in here.
19608 You can have it if you trade me that newspaper!
19609 Awesome. Awesome! Just hand it under the door there, buddy.
19610 Aw, man! Why?
19611 Oh well. I'm sure you have your reasons. Good talkin' to you, buddy.
19612 Hey buddy, is that you? I sure could use some readin' material!
19613 Hey! Someone in here! Occupado!
19614 No problem, buddy! Just didn't want anyone bargin' in here, you know?
19615 Don't worry about me, buddy. I'm just mindin' my own business.
19616 Hey, you could do me a favor, though. I'm gonna be in here for a while. Could you maybe go get me a newspaper or something?
19617 That'd be swell, buddy. You're one of the good ones. Like that Sonic the Hedgehog!
19618 If you happen to find a newspaper, just come on back. I guarantee you I'll be here.
19619 Hey, why not? Sometimes a person needs reading material, you know!
19620 Aw, man. Oh well. If you change your mind and happen to find a newspaper, then keep me in mind, huh?
19621 Good talkin' to ya!
19623 Sure did!
19627 What's it worth to you?
19629 Sure. Here you go.
19631 I don't think so.
19635 Sorry!
19637 What are you doing in there?
19639 Sure, I can do that.
19642 A newspaper? Why?
19644 Sorry, we're too busy.
19649 Hey! This looks like a relic from the Nocturne. Maybe we should give it to Nestor!
19650 Hey, look! This looks like a relic of the Nocturne. I wonder if someone's looking for it.
19653 Credits
19666 Useable by all
19667 Not usable by robots
19668 Could Not Connect To This Player!
19670 Blue Typhoon Interior
19673 Cyclone
19706 What is it?
19707 Quest Items
19708 This Chao will do you lots of good. Equip it.
19709 Level:
19779 Chaos Emerald 1
19780 Chaos Emerald 2
19781 Chaos Emerald 3
19782 Chaos Emerald 4
19783 Chaos Emerald 5
19784 Chaos Emerald 6
19785 Chaos Emerald 7
19786 Master Emerald
19787 Not Equippable
19793 You... How could you... I mean-- Oh, happy day!
19795 Oh, do you? But who will the guards believe? You, a non-citizen, or me, a well-liked merchant out to save the people from evil?
19796 Sonic, I think that machine in the corner is the holo-emitter!
19797 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
19799 This is definitely the machine, Sonic. I've pulled out its visual relay circuits.
19800 My machine!
19803 No! How could you...
19804 Now they'll all hate me! You've ruined me!
19805 Curse you!
19806 Sonic! It looks like Haniman had a Precursor tablet in his shop!
19807 Sonic! It looks like there's some kind of strange tablet here in Haniman's store!
19808 Weird writing. I wonder where it came from?
19809 Maybe someone used it as payment for a Night Stalker charm.
19810 Maybe if we go back to the Kron colony, Nestor can help us figure out what it says!
19811 I can't make out what it says. Maybe we can find someone who can!
19812 I was out of a job! The military said they had no use for a "simple" holo-emitter, so I decided to show them!
19813 And I figured I could make some money on the side selling these trinkets to gullible citizens. It was a perfect plan!
19814 I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for you meddling heroes!
19815 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
19816 Ha! Eggman and I could have built a much better machine!
19817 I just thought... Never mind.
19818 I... Sorry, Sonic.
19819 You have no chance, offworlder. You have no evidence!
19820 Save it, Haniman. We know all about your holographic "monster."
19824 Heh. Don't we?
19829 I guess your Night Stalker is shut down for good.
19839 Why did you do it, Haniman?
19843 I think now YOU will need the protective charms!
19844 No doubt. It wasn't very convincing.
19845 What does Eggman have to do with this?
19847 That's enough about Eggman, Tails.
19851 PP
19852 Round
19853 Missed!
19861 Attack
19862 POW Moves
19863 Defend
19864 Items
19865 Flee
19867 Blue Typhoon Interior (pirates attack)
19868 Main Mission
19869 Please select an item for more information
19871 CEO: Naoya Tsurumi, President & COO: Simon Jeffrey
19872 Executive VP of Corporate Planning: Hitoshi Okuno, Vice-President of Sales: Sue Hughes-Taigen
19873 Vice-President of Marketing: Sean Ratcliffe, Vice-President of Product Development: David Cobb
19874 Development Operations Director: John Merlino, Senior Producer: Constantine Hantzopolous
19875 Producer: Kirby Fong, Associate Producer: Ethan Einhorn
19876 Director of Marketing: Don Mesa, Product Marketing Manager: Judy Gilbertson, Assistant Product Marketing Manager: Ken Balough
19877 Director of Public Relations: Charles Scibetta, Public Relations Manager: Tali Fischer
19878 Creative Services: Jen Groeling, Heather Lucchetti, Bridget Oates, Marco Garcia, Mary Disbrow
19879 Web Producer: Marjorie Puruganan, Community Manager: Julian Mehlfeld
19880 Flash Developer: Michael Dobbins, Web Developer: Jeremy Caine
19881 QA Supervisors: Shawn Dobbins, Demetrius Griffin, Mastering Supervisor: Rhianna Kellom
19882 Mastering Lab Technicians: Rey Buzon, Chris Rilles, Keith Alorro
19883 Standards Supervisor: Stephen Akana, Standards Leads Junior Sison, Christine Letheby
19884 Standards Technicians: John Belcher, Lawrence Mann, Niroth Keo, Steven Cook, Anthony Williams
19885 QA Lead Tester: Phil Musil, Assistant QA Lead Tester: Rishad Virgin
19886 Testers: Aaron Keillor, Kelly Robertson, German Roverso, Jack Wagner, Jeff Hawkins, Tony Soto\n
19887 Special Thanks: Who is Mr. Soup?, Nestor Protacio, Ms. Vuckovic, JC, BJ, PJ, Shawn Green, Brand Inman, Ken O., Luke Letizia
19889 ...
19891 ...
19894 ...
19897 ...
19900 ...
19904 ...
19909 Wow! Do you believe that ending?
19910 At the hands of SPOILER, no less! I can't believe SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER!
19912 I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of things... if we manage to survive that SPOILER!
19913 Seriously! It looks like we're done for!
19914 Yeah. Surprise, surprise.
19919 Profile
19920 Equipment
19921 Movement
19922 Chao
19923 POW Moves
19924 Sonic's World
19925 Twilight Cage
19954 No Entry Selected
19957 We want to deliver your shipment for you to the Kron.
20003 The Chao you are trading away is bonded to a character, and we have to unequip it from the character. Is this okay?
20004 Selecting either Look or Listen will enable DS Wireless Communications. Do you want to listen for other people, or look for a person who is listening?
20005 Listen
20006 Look
20013 I can't wait to tell everyone about my new boyfriend! Yay!
20014 Of course! We'll save the world together!
20015 It'll be great!
20016 Dexter? Ha! Dexter is just a guy I imagined. I wanted to make you jealous. I don't need him now!
20017 We'd better go. We have a world to save... together!
20018 Ha! Silly old Sonic! You're so funny!
20020 We should get back to saving the world, Amy.
20023 And what about Dexter?
20024 Imagine that.
20025 Boyfriend?! Er... I wouldn't go that far....
20027 Big the Cat has a problem: One of Froggy's friends, a frog named Norton, has gone missing!\n\nBig asked Sonic to look for Norton. He's somewhere in Green Hill Zone, and Big isn't too sure what he looks like, but he's out there somewhere!
20030 While out looking for Norton the Frog, Sonic came upon Mrs. Stevens. How could Sonic ever mistake Mrs. Stevens for Norton?\n\nSonic still needs to find poor Norton, who is still somewhere out in Green Hill Zone.
20031 Sonic thought he had found Norton, but it was just good ol' Mr. Billywick, out for a night on the town. Silly Mr. Billywick!\n\nSonic still needs to find poor Norton, who is still somewhere out in Green Hill Zone.
20032 Sonic found yet another frog, but this time it was Gally, whose mother would be very cross if she knew where her daughter was!\n\nSonic still needs to find poor Norton, who is still somewhere out in Green Hill Zone.
20033 Sonic found Norton! Hooray!\n\nFroggy was very relieved that Norton was safe. At least, that's what Big told Sonic. Frogs are very good at hiding their emotions.
20034 Sonic took Cheese back to Cream! Cream was very happy to see her bonded Chao!\n\nHer friend safe and sound, Cream was excited to join the team and help Sonic!
20035 Search Green Hill Zone for any sign of Cream's friend, Cheese!\n\nCream has been searching everywhere for Cheese, and she asked Sonic to help! She says that she lost track of Cheese somewhere in Green Hill Zone.
20036 Take Cheese back to Cream!\n\nSonic and friends found Cheese hiding in Green Hill Zone. It's a sure bet Cream will be very happy to see her friend!
20037 Sonic took Cheese back to Cream! Cream was very happy to see her bonded Chao!
20038 Cream and Cheese
20042 After a bit of a "discussion" with Sonic and his friends, Shadow the Hedgehog confessed that he was looking for his friend, E-123 Omega, who he believed was in trouble somewhere in Metropolis. \n\nTails and Eggman's team found Omega, deactivated and guarded by Marauder robots. They reactivated him, and he has agreed to join the fight to get his revenge against the Marauders.
20046 The Search for Omega
20047 Rouge asked Sonic for a favor: GUN asked her to return from the Twilight Cage with samples of Nocturnus Clan technology, and she wanted Sonic's help to get it!\n\nSonic brought Rouge a bunch of Nocturnus Tech, and in true Rouge fashion, she got bored and asked him to stop. She gave Sonic the reward GUN promised if he helped her, and she asked him not to bring her any more Nocturnus Tech.
20050 Secret Operations
20056 Done
20057 Newly Hatched Chao
20065 Argh. We get past the fleet only to get shot down by a cannon on Angel Island itself.
20073 Sonic Character Supervisor: Takashi Iizuka, Sonic Character Coordinator: Keith Palmer
20075 Someone's trying to block my way.
20076 Don't worry, Tails. I'll find a way through this.
20077 I'm not afraid of an armadillo!
20078 Come on, Tails. That was easy!
20079 Let's go!
20080 I'll wait for you in the workshop. With you on the team, I know we'll save Knuckles!
20089 ....
20099 Looks like we need four people to cross here, Sonic!
20102 Let's get to work.
20161 I just wanted to say thank you. I never thought you liked me before, so it's good to know you at least care a little bit!
20162 I just wanted to say thank you. I never thought you liked me before, so it's good to know you at least care a little bit!
20180 Ambush!
20182 You can't flee!
20201 Teleport
20202 Wriggle
20203 Detect
20204 Grapple
20207 Ambushed!
20215 Voxai Beta Colony
20216 Voxai Beta Colony ** NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
20218 Blue Ridge Times
20219 A local newspaper filled with facts and stories. Good for reading if you're stuck somewhere for a while.
20222 Sonic met a man who was stuck inside a small booth. The man asked Sonic to bring him a newspaper. \n\nThat shouldn't be too hard. Maybe someone sells newspapers in Station Square!
20224 Sonic met a man who was stuck inside a small booth. The man was very grateful when Sonic brought him a newspaper. \n\nIn return, the man gave Sonic an item from inside the booth. Mm, prune juice. Healthy and delicious!
20225 Man in the Booth
20226 Wicked! I have this thing someone left in here. Pretty cool. Maybe it's something you could use!
20227 I happen to have the Blue Ridge Times here.
20229 Continue
20232 That's far enough, Sonic the Hedgehog.
20233 Sonic! It's a Marauder!
20240 We can't let the Nocturne enter our world! We have to stop him!
20241 The team has recovered one of the Chaos Emeralds, but they have a long way to go to recover all seven and the Master Emerald. Tails' sensors have detected Chaos Emeralds from Sectors Scylla and Charyb, as well as Ix's fortress, Nocturne. Unfortunately, a repulsor field surrounds Nocturne, so it's impossible to land anywhere near it.\n\nSector Scylla is home to the slime-race known as the N'rrgal and a race of militaristic giants known as the Zoah. The N'rrgal Queen herself gave the team a choice. If they steal the Zoah's secret weapon, then the N'rrgal will allow the team to escape... and give them the "Gem of Power" that Ix gave her as a gift!\n\nThe team made it past the guards at the gate and inside the base. Now they must find the Zoah's secret weapon!
20249 What the--
20250 Ha ha ha ha! Insignificant fools! Come! Face me now!
20251 Sonic... he's too powerful. We can't beat him like this!
20252 I have an idea. If he can use the power of the Emeralds, then so can I!
20253 I summon the ultimate power of the Nocturnus! The power of the Nocturne itself!
20260 We can't beat him like this! We have to get the Master Emerald!
20261 You stay here and keep Ix busy. I'll go get the Master Emerald!
20262 Ha ha ha! Yes, insects! Scramble to survive!
20263 Sonic, it's up to you. Stall him!
20264 I think it's the only chance we have, Sonic!
20266 Right. Good luck, Knuckles.
20269 Are you sure that's the best idea?
20273 That should do it!
20275 Finally. A worthy opponent.
20276 Let's see what you can do!
20308 What you wannnt is nnnot immmportant. We have before us the deadliessst enemmmies of the Nocturnusss Clannn. Surely, we would be rewarded....
20331 We should be going.
20450 (Pirates... yes! I have heard tales of pirates in the spaces between the colonies, attacking supply ships and taking their cargo.)
20451 (I seem to remember that the Kron were the last ones hit. A shipment of ore meant for the Zoah, if I recall.)
20452 (Maybe you should talk to a trader on the Kron colony.)
20453 (Very well. Good day.)
20508 Angel Island is the home of the Master Emerald, the most powerful relic in Sonic's world, and the Emerald's guardian, Knuckles. The island itself once floated in midair over the land, held aloft by the power of the Master Emerald. \n\nAround four thousand years ago, Angel Island was part of the city now known as Mystic Ruins. On Angel Island stood a shrine to the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds. Pachacamac, the chief of Knuckles' clan, tried to steal the Chaos Emeralds and angered its guardian spirit, who became Perfect Chaos. This god-like being virtually destroyed Knuckles' clan in revenge. \n\nThe actions of Perfect Chaos resulted in an energy backlash that ripped Angel Island from the ground, causing it to float above what is now Mystic Ruins. Before Perfect Chaos could do any more damage, Pachacamac's daughter, Tikal, managed to seal it and herself inside the Master Emerald. Over the centuries, the few surviving members of Knuckles' clan became even fewer. Knuckles is, at present, the last of his kind.\n\nWhen Sonic and his friends rescued Knuckles, they looked into the sky over Mystic Ruins and found that Angel Island was missing!
20513 Sonic spinballs to deliver a powerful double kick to a single foe.
20514 Sonic runs circles around his foes, lashing them all with a powerful wind attack.
20515 Tails airdrops Sonic to deliver an extra powerful spinball that has a chance to weaken the target.
20516 Amy uses her hammer to send Sonic spinballing into a foe for a triple attack that might make the target sluggish.
20517 Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails join in on a powerful wind attack that may leave targets Sluggish.
20518 Knuckles, Tails and Amy smash a spinballing Sonic careening at a single target, potentially stunning the foe.
20519 Knuckles focuses his best punch into an attack that ignores armor.
20520 Knuckles pounds the ground, causing an unavoidable earth attack that may stun the entire opposing team.
20521 Sonic sends Knuckles flying for a devastating punch that ignores armor and may leave the target vulnerable.
20522 Shadow sends Knuckles flying for a sweeping attack that may distract the entire opposing team.
20523 Knuckles throws both Amy and Sonic as weapons in a brutal attack that may stun the target.
20524 Knuckles teams up with Shadow and Shade to deliver a crushing attack likely to distract the target.
20525 Tails scans a target to find weak points, leaving it vulnerable.
20526 Tails sabotages enemy robots to leave them distracted and weakened.
20527 Tails deploys a small robot equipped with healing tech to heal a friend.
20528 Tails deploys a small robot equipped with a forcefield to fortify a friend.
20529 Tails flies up to deploy a flash grenade that leaves a target sluggish and distracted.
20530 Tails deploys a temporal field that gives a friend an extra action and makes the friend hyper.
20531 Amy tries to hit an enemy at its weakest point, leaving it vulnerable.
20532 Amy delivers a series of concussive hammer attacks that may leave her target sluggish.
20533 Amy and Cream attack their foes as a whirling dervish, hitting multiple targets.
20534 Amy, Big and Cream team up for their most potent attack, likely to leave a single foe stunned.
20535 Amy blows a kiss to a friend, empowering the friend to do his or her best!
20536 Amy foresees the future with her tarot deck, cursing a single foe and causing the target to miss subsequent attacks.
20537 Rouge delivers a rapid series of kicks that create a damaging wind attack.
20538 Rouge throws a handful of counterfeit gems at the opposing team. These gems, while small, are armor piercing.
20539 Rouge and Knuckles team up for a double attack that may leave the target stunned.
20540 Rouge feints an attack while stealing an item from her target.
20541 Rouge tempts the enemy with her feminine wiles to keep their mind off the fight.
20542 Rouge directs a shrill scream at her foe, leaving the target sluggish.
20543 Big casts his line out to trip up a foe, potentially leaving the target stunned.
20544 Big slams headfirst into a foe, causing damage and possibly distracting the target.
20545 Big asks Froggy to summon his friends, causing a rain of frogs to drop on the opposing team.
20546 Big deploys Froggy to kiss a target, leaving the foe poisoned.
20547 Big gets so excited about the fight that he hardly even notices incoming damage.
20548 Big attracts one foe's attention away from Big's friends and fortifies himself against damage.
20549 Cream performs a cheer that restores PP to her team.
20550 Cream performs a cheer that distracts the opposing team.
20551 Cream performs a cheer that will clear negative status effects on her friends.
20552 Cream performs a cheer that can revive a KO'd friend.
20553 Cream performs a cheer that restores HP to her team.
20554 Cream performs a cheer that fortifies a friend.
20555 Shadow hurls spears of raw Chaos energy that ignore armor.
20556 Shadow opens a rift in time and space meant to banish a foe. If the target remains, he may become distracted.
20557 Shadow delivers an explosion of chaos energy that may weaken effected targets.
20558 Shadow and Sonic rapidly spinball around the opposing team to create a devastating electrical attack.
20559 Shadow and Omega combine their strongest attacks on one target damaging it and possibly leaving it vulnerable.
20560 Shadow and Rouge use Omega as a torpedo in a brutal attack that has a chance to stun a foe.
20561 Omega reconfigures his claws to deliver a fire attack that hits multiple targets.
20562 Omega reconfigures his claws to deliver a devastating laser beam that ignores armor.
20563 Rouge channels Omega's fire attack into a fiery exploding kick.
20564 Omega launches Big at a target, causing damage to and possibly distracting adjacent foes.
20565 Omega deploys a temporal field that phases a friend and makes that friend hyper.
20566 Omega reconfigures his claws as gatling guns, delivering full-auto attacks to the opposing team.
20567 Shade activates her cloaking field, making her faster and harder to hit in combat.
20568 Shade rushes the enemy and delivers a brutal five-hit combo with her leech blade.
20569 Shade and Knuckles team up to deliver a powerful attack that ignores armor and may also leave the enemy distracted.
20570 Sonic propels Shade into her target to deliver a leech blade attack that ignores armor.
20571 Eggman calls down an artillery barrage on the opposing team, potentially leaving them sluggish.
20572 Tails joins Eggman to quickly and aggressively dismantle a robot target.
20573 Axe Kick
20574 Whirlwind
20575 Blue Bomber
20576 Fastball
20577 Triple Tornado
20578 Hail Storm
20579 Uppercut
20580 Quake Punch
20581 Revolver Slam
20582 Knuckles Express
20583 Knuckles Sandwich
20584 Hard Line
20585 Scan
20586 Tinker
20587 Medi Bot
20588 Shield Bot
20589 Flash Bang
20590 Adrenaline Rush
20591 Low Blow
20592 Tantrum
20593 Spin Cycle
20594 Flower Power
20595 Blow Kiss
20596 Tarot Draw
20597 Tornado Kick
20598 Jewel Storm
20599 Rising Knuckle
20600 Plunder
20601 Distract
20602 Shriek
20603 Lure Whip
20604 Battering Ram
20605 Froggy Rain
20606 Froggy Poison
20607 Feel No Pain
20608 Taunt
20609 Refresh
20610 Demoralize
20611 Cure
20612 Revive
20613 Heal
20614 Tough
20615 Chaos Spear
20616 Chaos Rift
20617 Chaos Blast
20618 Atomic Strike
20619 Focus Field
20620 Metal Storm
20621 Flamethrower
20622 Beam Cannon
20623 Blazing Tornado
20624 Wrecking Ball
20625 Temporal Field
20626 Machine Gunner
20627 Cloak
20628 Blade Rush
20629 Echidna Rush
20630 Blade Drop
20631 Bombardment
20632 Sabotage
20639 (What?! No! They've found me!)
20645 Done
20648 Good. Let's go.
20650 (I'll take Thelxe somewhere I can keep my mind on him. I'll come find you when you've stopped the Overmind!)
20656 What was that?!
20658 Could the Marauders be working for Eggman?
20659 We don't jump to conclusions here. We have to work with the facts.
20662 Strange... that looked like one of Eggman's drones. I can't be sure, though. It's too mangled.
20663 You said stop it. You didn't tell me to keep it in one piece!
20664 Whoever sent that drone probably knows you're here, Sonic. You had better be careful!
20666 Hey, that looks like a security drone! I wonder what it is doing out there?
20668 Oh no! I don't know who "Command" is, but if the drone alerts them, we could be in big trouble! You'll have to smash it before it gets away!
20669 Gotcha. This'll be fun.
20678 Where did he go?
20679 I'm detecting an energy signature, like he teleported away!
20680 Well, that's just not fair!
20681 Please hurry and come to my workshop, Sonic. We have to find Knuckles quickly!
20682 I'll be right there.
20683 Is that what your people are calling us? Quaint.
20684 I can't do that. Shade sent me here to stop you.
20687 You expect me to tell you that? Now, now, Sonic. We just met.
20688 All you need to know is that Shade sent me here to stop you.
20694 Step aside, Marauder!
20695 Then let's see you try!
20698 Who is Shade?
20700 Where are you keeping Knuckles?
20701 What are you Marauders up to?
20702 Knuckles is missing! He was kidnapped by the Marauders, a gang of criminals who have been stealing the Chaos Emeralds!\n\nSonic was attacked by a Marauder on the bridge to Central City. While Sonic defeated the Marauder, it's a good bet the Marauders know Sonic's back!\n\nAmy Rose and Sonic must get to Tails' Workshop in Central City, just south of Green Hill Zone.
20704 We've seen the Marauders with Eggman's robots. It's obvious that they're in cahoots!
20723 Yes, yes. Of course. That's what I came up with, as well.
20724 Simple! They don't have the numbers to take on the GUN soldiers stationed in Mystic Ruins....
20725 So they decided to bring the island to Metropolis!
20726 Yes, it's brilliant, isn't it? It's precisely what I would have done.
20727 Ahem.
20728 The Marauders must be using Eggman's old robots to fool us into going after Eggman instead!
20729 We have to stop them.
20730 Why would they do that?
20733 Then we should go to Metropolis, right?
20739 Sonic and the team found five Eggman devices, and Tails combined them into one machine! According to Tails, the machine is some kind of pattern generator. He thinks he could use it to get past the forcefield the team found in Green Hill Zone!
20742 Tails' detector tracked an Eggman signature coming from a ruin in Green Hill Zone, but the way in was sealed. To enter the ruin, the team must find some way to bypass the forcefield!
20747 Tails' detector tracked an Eggman signature coming from a ruin in Green Hill Zone, but the way in was sealed. Tails believes that he can use the pattern generator he built out of the Eggman devices to bypass the forcefield and enter the ruin!
20748 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20749 Let's go!
20751 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20752 Let's go!
20753 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20754 Let's go!
20759 Come now, my blue friend. You need me.
20761 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20762 Let's go!
20786 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20787 Let's go!
20792 We'll be ready, Sonic. Let's go!
20803 Get ready, everyone. This could really be Eggman's base.
20814 Boom!
20816 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20817 Let's go!
20820 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20821 Let's go!
20822 The devices come together to form some kind of random pattern generator. Maybe we can use this on that forcefield in Green Hill Zone!
20823 Let's go!
20832 This is a placeholder string for the inventory tutorial text. This should be replaced\nwith a block of text that describes what the inventory screen is used for. Filler text\nfiller text filler text filler text.\n
20835 The seed of a plant known for its healing effects.
20836 A potent pesticide for pesky critters of the insect variety.\n\nWeakens insects
20837 A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body.
20838 The leaf of a plant known for its healing effects.
20839 The root of a plant known for its healing effects.
20840 An alien device that produces an energy pulse that heals all party members.\n\nRestore HP All
20841 A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body.
20842 A refreshing formula that invigorates mind and body.
20843 An alien device that produces an energy pulse that invigorates all party members.\n\nRestore PP All
20844 A ring with the power to put the fallen back on their feet. Revives one KOed team member.
20845 A ring with the power to put the fallen back into fighting shape. Revives one KOed team member.
20846 A curative elixir that removes all bad status effects from one team member.
20847 A large dose antidote able to remove status ailments from all team members at once.
20848 Made with medicine capable of toughening the skin for short periods. Moderately increases armor.\n\nCures Vulnerable.
20849 Made with medicine capable of boosting one's reflexes for short periods of time.
20850 Boosts you in unpredicatable ways. Try them and see what happens!
20851 Made with an extract capable of boosting ones luck for short periods.\n\nCures Cursed.
20852 A rare earth extract capable of raising one's raw strength for short periods. Moderately increases damage.\n\nCures Weakness.
20853 Made with an extract guaranteed to improve combat abilities for short periods.\n\nCures Distracted.
20854 A vaccine effective in preventing debilitating symptoms for short periods.
20855 A rare concoction capable of providing heightened premonition for short periods.\n\nCures Sluggish.
20856 Casual, stylish and comfortable. Slightly increases armor.
20857 Heavy duty slippers for outdoor use. Greatly increases armor but reduces defense.
20858 Light, agile slippers for quick feet. Slightly increases armor.
20859 Aggressively styled footwear. Slightly increases armor.
20860 Modern footwear made from very durable material. Moderately increases armor.
20861 Leftover parts from disassembled E-100 series robots. Moderately increases armor but decreases defense.
20862 Double reinforced parts for maximum durability. Greatly increases armor.
20863 Well lubricated and lightweight parts for more agility. Slightly increases armor.
20864 Hardened metal for durability and greater hitting power. Moderately increases armor.
20865 Premium grade materials providing the best defense and armor. Greatly increases armor.
20866 Simple, reliable sneakers. Slightly increases armor.
20867 Sneakers made with tough polymers. Moderately increases armor.
20868 Light and well cushioned for more agility. Slightly increases armor.
20869 Sneakers with cleats provide an edge in combat. Slightly increases armor.
20870 Prototype footwear offering the best armor available. Greatly increases armor.
20871 Fashionable and comfortable boots. Slightly increases armor.
20872 Durable and rugged for tough customers. Moderately increases armor.
20873 Agile and speedy boots for the quick footed.
20874 Steel reinforced to provide more kick in combat. Greatly increases armor. Moderately increases damage.
20875 Made with the toughest fabric known for good protection. Greatly increases armor.
20876 Casual, stylish and comfortable.
20877 More durable gloves to pack extra punch. Slightly increases damage.
20878 Light and smooth gloves for faster reaction. Moderately increases damage.
20879 Cleated gloves that pack a nasty punch. Moderately increases damage.
20880 Durable, yet agile gloves soaked in clover juice.
20881 Super tough gloves provide the maximum fighting edge. Slightly increases damage.
20882 All-around tough gloves for tough customers. Moderately increases armor, moderately increases damage.
20883 Light and dazzling, these gloves tingle with energy. Greatly increases damage.
20884 Infused with power, these gloves hit hard but can be tricky to handle. Greatly increases damage but reduces attack.
20885 Gloves made with durable polymers. Slightly increases damage and armor.
20886 Made with flexible metal, these shiny gloves boost combat prowess. Moderately increases damage.
20887 A prototype combat glove. Tough to control, but very powerful. Very greatly increases damage.
20888 A master crafted combat glove without peer, a rare artifact. Slightly increases damage.
20889 Standard grade work claws. Slightly increases damage.
20890 Extra durable work claws combine protection with power. Moderately increases damage, slightly increases armor.
20891 Needle-like claws that tear through steel. Greatly increases damage.
20892 Aggressive, razor sharp combat claws that require caution to use. Greatly increases damage.
20893 Standard grade, durable and reliable combat claws. Moderately increases damage.
20894 Prototype combat claws. Difficult to control, but bery powerful. Very greatly increases damage.
20895 Master grade combat claws providing superior overall combat power. Greatly increases damage.
20896 High-tech GPS tracker fully displays map in current area.
20897 A medical kit that recovers 1 POW Point at the end of each round of combat.
20898 A wrist device able to boost its wearer's energy levels. Lowers PP cost of all POW Moves by 1.
20899 A lovely dress sure to make one fight with extra grace and style.
20900 A stylish dress sure to make one look extra striking. Moderately increases damage.
20901 A wrist device able to regenerate the wearer's health over time. Regenerates 5% of maximum HP per round.
20902 A ring infused with the power of inferno.\n\nGives Fire damage to basic attacks
20903 A ring infused with the power of tidal fury.\n\nGives Water damage to basic attacks
20904 A ring infused with the power of raw lightning.\n\nGives Lightning damage to basic attacks
20905 A ring infused with the power of subzero cold.\n\nGives Ice damage to basic attacks
20906 A ring infused with the power of a hurricane.\n\nGives Wind damage to basic attacks
20907 A ring infused with earthquake force.\n\nGives Earth damage to basic attacks
20908 A rock hammer infused with ultimate combat power. Very greatly increases damage.
20909 An energy shield infused with Invulnerability. Greatly increases armor.
20910 A blade infused with ultimate martial skill.
20911 A teleporter infused with ultimate agility.
20912 This device has the uncanny ability to help one when trying to escape or catch someone.\n\nIncreases speed when fleeing or chasing.
20913 A mystical amulet with the inexhaustible power to put the fallen back on their feet.\n\nRevive 1, once per battle
20914 A mystical charm likely to cause fear in one's enemies.\n\nFoes flee more often.
20915 A mystical charm with the inexhaustible ability to make one immune to afflictions.\n\nImmune to all negative effects
20916 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20917 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20918 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20919 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20920 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20921 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20922 One of the legendary Chaos Emeralds.
20923 The legendary Master Emerald, able to neutralize each of the Chaos Emeralds.
20924 Bonded character regenerates HP at the start of every combat round.
20925 Bonded character regenerates PP at the start of each combat round.
20926 Increases Maximum HP of bonded character.
20927 Increases Maximum PP of bonded character.
20928 Bonded character has a better chance of hitting targets in battle.
20929 Bonded character is harder to hit.
20930 Bonded character does more damage in battle.
20931 Bonded character has increased resistance to damage.
20932 Bonded character has increased luck.
20933 Bonded character's attacks do Fire damage.
20934 Bonded character's attacks do Water damage.
20935 Bonded character's attacks do Lightning damage.
20936 Bonded character's attacks do Ice damage.
20937 Bonded character's attacks do Wind damage.
20938 Bonded character's attacks do Earth damage.
20939 Chao creates a shield of fire to protect against damage.
20940 Chao creates a shield of water to protect against damage.
20941 Chao creates a shield of lightning to protect against damage.
20942 Chao creates a shield of wind to protect against damage.
20943 Chao creates an earth shield to protect against damage.
20944 Regenerates HP at the start of every combat round for all team members.
20945 Regenerates PP at the start of each combat round for all team members.
20946 Greatly increases Maximum HP of bonded character.
20947 Greatly increases Maximum PP of bonded character.
20948 Bonded character has a greatly increased chance to hit targets in battle.
20949 Bonded character is much harder to hit.
20950 Bonded character does much more damage in battle.
20951 Bonded character has greatly increased resistance to damage.
20952 Increases odds of enemies fleeing from battle.
20953 Increases the team's chances of Ambushing opposing teams.
20954 Reduces the team's chance of being Ambushed.
20955 Bonded character will always find an extra reward item after combat.
20956 Increases the chance that the team will catch a fleeing opponent.
20957 Increases odds that Chao eggs will hatch into rare or unique Chao.
20958 One enemy will automatically attack the bonded character instead of other team members.
20959 Greatly increases luck of all team members.
20960 Increases XP gained from each battle.
20961 Bonded character automatically succeeds using their POW moves.
20962 Bonded character is automatically revived once during a battle.
20963 Bonded character's basic attacks may cause instant KO against enemies.
20964 Bonded character takes less damage from enemy attacks and spreads the remaining damage evenly among other team members.
20965 Bonded character automatically inflicts a random status effect on enemy when making a normal attack.
20966 Bonded character making a successful counter move will automatically get free attacks against the enemy.
20967 Bonded character is avoided by enemy attacks except as last surviving target.
20968 Bonded character will automatically be missed some basic attacks each round.
20969 Bonded character in team gives player a discount at stores.
20970 Bonded character in team reduces cost of purchasing POW Moves during level up for entire team.
20972 They'd probably also want to thank Scott Horner, Mike Laidlaw, Richard Boylan, Karin Weekes, Edi Osghian, and Chris Hale.
20973 Greg Tiernan: Unit Director/Storyboards, Nicole Stinn: Unit Producer/Project Manager, Mike Linton: Lead Animator/Storyboards
20974 Coin Giles: Animator, Jeff Bailey: Animator, Bryce Bezooyen: Animator, Darren Schmidtz: Animator, Nadine Shinkaruk: Compositor
20975 Anyone else?
20980 HP
20981 Xp
20983 Good times? Like Eggman turning our animal friends into robots and pitting them against us?
20984 Yep! Good times!
20985 Well, I wouldn't take too much time sightseeing, Sonic. We have to save Knuckles!
20986 Don't worry, Tails. What could go wrong in Green Hill Zone?
20990 Be careful out there, Sonic!
20991 Sonic! Look out! That armadillo looks angry!
20992 I'm on it!
20996 Raylene Deck and Cookie Everman provided additional design. Jay Turner wrote everything. Well... most everything. Design would likely want to thank Keith Warner and Corey Gasup also.
20997 Brook had Dan Hein, Dan Fessenden, Zousar Shaker, Chris Michael Smith, Mark Brockington, and Andrew Gardner writing code with him.
20998 And some guy named Nelson Housden handled all the GUI art.
20999 ...
21000 ...
21003 Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
21059 Failed!
21094 Hey! We found Cheese! Let's take him back to Cream!
21095 Don't worry, Cheese! You're safe with us!
21098 I can't let you get in my way. This stops now.
21099 I don't want to fight you, Shadow.
21102 Now, shall we go and see to your friends?
21103 Yes. I have put this off as long as I could.
21104 Yes, of course. No hurry. Ha ha ha!
21105 If there's anything we should do here in Metropolis, we have to do it now. Who knows what'll happen on that island!
21106 I tried. Oh well. Let's go help Sonic.
21107 Ah! Ugh! I can't believe I said that!
21108 Ha! Of course I was right!
21109 Your friends will be fine until we get there, I'm sure. Ha ha ha ha ha!
21110 Yes! We have to go now!
21111 Hm. We have more to do here. They should be okay.
21112 We're done down here. We have to help Sonic!
21114 You're right. We have stuff to do down here.
21120 That stupid forcefield is still here.
21121 I'll try using the pattern generator to match the forcefield's frequency. Let's hope this works!
21122 What are the chances?
21123 Got it! The forcefield's shutting down!
21124 I stand corrected.
21125 Wait! Do you hear that?
21126 Laser Sentinels! Get ready, team!
21127 Hm. I have an idea.
21128 I think I can use this pattern generator to match the frequency of the.... Yes! Got it!
21129 The forcefield's shutting down!
21130 Not yet. Let's keep looking for Eggman signals. Something's bound to come up.
21131 The Eggman signal leads into this ruin.
21132 What's that? Some kind of forcefield?
21133 I'll try using the pattern generator to match the forcefield's frequency. Let's hope this works!
21134 What are the chances?
21135 Got it! The forcefield's shutting down!
21136 I stand corrected.
21137 Wait! Do you hear that?
21138 Laser Sentinels! Get ready, team!
21139 Hm. I have an idea.
21140 I think I can use this pattern generator to match the frequency of the.... Yes! Got it!
21141 The forcefield's shutting down!
21142 Yes, but I'm not sure how. Let's keep looking for Eggman, and I'll think of something.
21143 Could we use that pattern device to get past it?
21144 Any idea yet how to get past it?
21156 We have to get through it.
21168 Right. Let's go!
21175 Right. I've searched my files for mention of Shade, but I haven't found anything.
21176 Maybe GUN will know more about this Shade person.
21177 I'm not here to answer your questions. Shade sent me here to stop you.
21178 The Marauder said that someone named "Shade" sent him.
21181 This is the first I've heard of this. We'll have Team Chaotix do some digging and see what we can come up with.
21182 We're on it.
21183 We'll contact Rouge if we learn anything while you're in the field.
21184 Do you know anything about someone named Shade?
21189 Do you know anything about a Marauder named Shade?
21191 Their leader is named Shade. She's... tough. She nearly took me down on her own.
21192 There's something else, though. The Marauders wanted to get rid of me, but Shade ordered them to just lock me up.
21193 For whatever reason, I think she wanted to keep me alive.
21196 Everything else he's tried has failed. I wouldn't put it past him to hide behind a group like the Marauders.
21197 Could the Marauders be working for Eggman?
21198 Some time ago....
21199 Metropolis, Eggman's Headquarters
21200 Ha ha ha ha ha! You may have damaged my new Egg Carrier, Sonic, but you'll never defeat me!
21201 We'll see about that, Eggman! Tails! How's it coming?
21202 Almost there, Sonic!
21203 We have to hold him off! Tails needs more time!
21204 We can do it!
21205 Then let's go!
21206 Ha ha ha! Even together you can't beat me!
21207 But we can bring your Egg Carrier down! Tails, now!
21208 Right!
21209 What?! No! NO!!
21210 Tails calling Sonic! Come in, Sonic!
21211 Angel Island! It's....
21212 Gone!
21213 That's quite far enough.
21214 That voice!
21215 Silence!
21216 Shade!!
21217 Knuckles! No!
21218 Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog.
21219 Four thousand years ago, the Nocturne was a paradise.
21220 With our prototype Gizoids, we forced our rivals...
21221 But in our moment of triumph, a dark force wrenched us from our home...
21222 Since then, I have warred against the other denizens of this dimension...
21223 We had to change and adapt and become who we are today.
21224 Ready for Round Two?
21225 What happened here?
21226 Welcome back, Sonic! You've been gone a long time.
21227 You shouldn't have returned... but I'm glad you did! Ha ha ha ha ha!
21228 Time to fight, team! Let's go!
21231 Try it now: Choose one of the other tabs in the dialogue window. Maybe it'll help Amy feel better.
21232 Try touching one of the tabs to the left of the word bubble!
21233 Yes! That's it!
21234 The little picture on the tab tells you what kind of thing you're about to say. Sometimes it's a question, or a statement, or even something a little snarky!
21235 I know it's nice to rush through to the next thing, but sometimes you'll miss out on some information or story that way.
21236 Sometimes it's good to slow down and ask questions or talk to your teammates!
21237 ....
21238 Um... Well... Oh, ha ha, Sonic. Not that kind of question!
21239 But she's a friend, Sonic!
21240 I'm sure he's just kidding, Tails.
21241 Good! Now we're getting somewhere!
21242 Like this?
21243 Like this?
21247 Got it. Let's go!
21248 What should we do now?
21249 Oh really? So... what is your favorite color, Tails?
21252 I don't want to make her feel better!
21254 I think I understand.
21255 The save data could not be accessed. Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS Card.
21256 You!
21301 What's going on here, guys?
21306 Right. Let's go, team!
21308 ...bloodthirsty, evil races bent on conquest and mental domination!
21310 You're wasting my time, you overblown windbags. Are we gonna fight or not?
21313 Underground
21327 Inventory
21328 Stronghold
21329 Profile
21330 Journal
21331 World Map
21332 Chao Garden
21333 Hope this works!
21334 Ugh... Not again.
21335 Let's leave that thing alone until we know how to use it!
21336 Ugh... headache.
21337 What happened?
21338 I tried to use that machine. Wow, what a head shock!
21339 The Voxai use psychic passcodes to safeguard their equipment. They likely don't want us using that machine.
21340 Let's leave it alone until we find out what it's for!
21341 Sounds good to me.
21354 The bridge is down! You did it!
21355 Oh, hi, Sonic! It looks like someone raised to bridge that leads to the rest of the Green Hill Zone!
21356 Can you figure out how to lower it?
21357 I've been thinking about this for a little while. If you need my help, I'll give you hints for a price!
21358 Hey, you're lucky I even offered! It's better if you figure this stuff out on your own!
21360 All right! Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want a hint!
21361 Good luck!
21362 All right!
21363 Hm. You know everything I can tell you. Sorry!
21364 Someone who can fly could get across the bridge when it’s half down!
21365 The pressure plates likely connect to a mechanism that lowers the bridge planks!
21366 Hey, Sonic! It looks like someone raised the bridge to the rest of the Green Hill Zone!
21367 You need at least four characters to solve this puzzle. Come back later!
21370 I'll give it a shot!
21371 Why would you charge me for hints?
21373 Let me try it on my own, first.
21376 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21381 I hope so!
21384 You did it! Have fun on the rooftops!
21385 Hi, Sonic! Need help? I'll give you a hint for a price!
21386 Oh, hi, Sonic! This city sure is tricky to get around in, isn't it?
21387 You could get onto the rooftops by climbing this pipe... but there's a section missing. Someone would have to finish the pipe first.
21388 Can you figure out how to fix the pipe?
21389 I think I have some ideas about how it works. If you need my help, I'll give you hints for a price!
21390 Hey, you're lucky I even offered! It's better if you figure this stuff out on your own!
21392 All right! Touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle, and come back to me if you want a hint!
21393 Good luck!
21394 All right!
21395 Sorry, you know everything I know now.
21396 You need to hook on to the pipe before it can swing into place!
21397 The crane isn’t getting any power. Until it does, it won’t operate!
21399 Let me try it on my own.
21402 I'll give it a shot!
21403 Why would you charge me for hints?
21405 Let me try it on my own, first.
21408 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21413 I hope so!
21487 Nice job! You figured out the code!
21488 Having trouble? I can help!
21489 Hey, it's Sonic! I'm glad you came along. Maybe you can help me solve this puzzle!
21490 This door is secured with a code lock. You have to enter the right sequence to open it.
21491 Ha! Just as I remembered! The code is... well... hm. It has been a long time since I used this door!
21492 I've been working on this a while now. I can help you get it open for a price!
21493 All right. Just touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle, and come see me if you need some help.
21494 Good luck!
21495 All right.
21496 That's all I can tell you. If I know more, I'd have gotten in there already!
21497 Each switch makes a part of a pattern.
21498 The main monitor displays a pattern you must match.
21500 I'll try it on my own.
21504 Let me try it on my own, first.
21507 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21512 Hi, Sonic! Need help? I'll give you a hint for a price!
21513 Let me try it on my own.
21514 Done well you. Impressed am I.
21515 Need you my help?
21516 Cross you these conveyors to reach factory. But in the way the deadly rock crushers are.
21517 Never crossed conveyors have the Kron. Have I some idea how to cross, if need you some hints.
21518 Go you now. Cross you conveyors and reach the factory. Fast someone try to run across when combo right you have.
21519 Solid ground.
21520 Told you all I know have I. Yours this is to solve alone.
21521 All right.
21522 Connected are the switches, one to each crusher. Settings on each switch there are.
21523 If set are the crushers in the correct order, then run through could one who moves with great speed.
21525 I'll try it on my own.
21527 Let me try it on my own, first.
21530 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21535 You got the vents working. Well done!
21536 Stumped? I'm authorized to help you for a price.
21537 Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog. I wondered if there was anyone else but me in this place.
21538 I've seen some suspicious activity on those high cliffs. Maybe if you got those vents blowing, you could fly up there.
21539 Good luck getting the vents working, though.
21540 I think I have some ideas about how it works. If you need my help, I'll give you hints for a price.
21541 All right. Touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle, and come see me if you need some help.
21542 Good luck.
21543 All right.
21544 I can't help you at this point. You're on your own.
21545 The hatch to the left stores power cells, and the other hatch seems to have a plug socket for them.
21546 Stepping on the right pressure plates might open the round hatches over there.
21548 I'll try it on my own.
21551 We can do this.
21552 Let me try it on my own, first.
21555 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21560 This won't be too hard.
21561 You got it workin'. I'll be darned.
21562 Giving up on the escalator?
21563 I've been scavenging here in Metropolis since the Egg Carrier crashed, and I have yet to get up on top of that building.
21564 Looks like there's an escalator that goes up there, but you have to hit those switches in a certain way to activate the escalator.
21565 Beats me how you do it. Feel free to try for yourself. Maybe I can help you for a price.
21566 It's your time you're wastin'. Touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle, and come talk to me if you want my help.
21567 Good luck.
21568 You know everything I know about this thing. I never said it'd be easy.
21569 All right.
21570 Each switch makes a part of a pattern.
21571 The main monitor displays a pattern you must match.
21573 I'll try it on my own.
21576 Let me try it on my own, first.
21579 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21584 (You did it!)
21585 (Hi there! Need some help?)
21586 (Ah! There you are! Thebes sent me here to help you!)
21587 (This machine generates the forcewall that keeps the Overmind safe. You have to shut down this machine before you can face the Overmind!)
21588 (I'm not sure how it works, but maybe I can give you a hint or two!)
21589 (Of course. If you need anything, I'll be right here.)
21590 (Good luck!)
21591 (I'm afraid that's all I know. Sorry!)
21592 (Of course.)
21593 (When the display shows a color, sometimes it flashes twice. That's a negative signal. Don't hit the switch when it does that.)
21594 (Reaction time is important in how you activate those switches. Hit the right switch as fast as you can after the matching color flashes.)
21595 (Thebes took a passcode from Thelxe's mind. That code seems to be protecting me from the Overmind's control.)
21596 (I'm not sure how long it'll last, but I'll help you as much as I can!)
21598 I'll try it on my own.
21601 I'll see what I can do.
21604 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21607 How are you resisting the Overmind's control here?
21609 You did it! They'll never know what hit them!
21610 Hey! Keep it down! Do you need some help?
21611 Hey! Good work with those guards. If you want to get through those doors, though, you'll have to figure out the passcode!
21612 The best I can figure, this machine computes a formula to allow the user to figure out the code to the door.
21613 I bet YOU can solve this puzzle. Maybe I can help... for a price.
21614 Sure. Maybe you'll see something I didn't.
21615 I'll keep a lookout. Go!
21616 You're gotten as far as I have. I can't help you from here.
21617 All right.
21618 The code you're trying to crack uses the same mathematical pattern as the sample code.
21619 The numbers on the screens form a sample code. Stand on the plate to try cracking a code, and use the switch to choose the fourth number.
21620 I'm not the biggest fan of the Military. If you can go in and shake things up, then I want to help!
21621 Psst! You need a keycard to work this machine. Maybe you can get one from the guards by the door to the west!
21623 I'll try it on my own.
21626 Let me try it on my own, first.
21629 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
21634 Why are you helping us?
21712 One thing remains a certainty: At the height of their glory, even they could not have foreseen their fate, or the speed with which it was delivered.\n\n -Prof. Gerald Robotnik,\n 'The Fourth Great Civilization'
21713 Save complete!
21778 Sonic
21779 Knuckles
21780 Tails
21781 Amy
21782 Shadow
21783 Rouge
21784 Big
21785 Cream
21786 Omega
21787 Eggman
21788 Enraged Armadillo
21789 Wild Boar
21790 Wasp Swarm
21791 Queen Wasp
21792 Swat Bot
21793 Sentry Drone
21794 Giant Millipede
21795 Colossal Worm
21796 Giant Scorpion
21797 Gun Pawn
21798 Robodillo
21799 Laser Drone
21800 Dragodon
21801 Raptor Hawk
21802 Marauder Scout
21803 Shade
21804 Shield Pawn
21805 Assault Drone
21806 Guardian Pawn
21807 Gizoid
21808 Imperator Ix
21809 Bomb Pawn
21810 Seeker Drone
21811 Egg Bot
21812 Kron Warrior
21813 Nocturne Hastatus
21814 Nrrgal Drone
21815 Nrrgal Warrior
21816 Gizoid Guardian
21817 Zoah Brute
21818 Gentleman
21819 Commander Syrax
21820 General Raxos
21821 Voxai Citizen
21822 Voxai Elite
21823 Thelxe
21824 Nocturne Equites
21825 Overmind Ligaia
21826 Overmind Leucosia
21827 Overmind Riadne
21828 Prefect Scylla
21829 Prefect Charyb
21830 Imperator Ix Power Throne
21831 Boat Captain
21832 GUN Commander
21833 GUN Soldier
21850 Vector
21851 Woodsman
21852 Boy
21853 Dad
21854 Salesman
21855 Shop Keeper
21856 Nocturne Praetorian
21857 Procurator Shade
21858 Dominated Voxai Citizen
21859 Voxai Conspirators
21860 Super Sonic
21861 Imperator Ix
21862 Power Pylon
21863 Wasp Swarm
21864 Sentry Drone Demo
21865 Shadow the Hedgehog
21866 Marauder Vet Scout
21867 Shadow the Hedgehog
21868 Laser Drone Mk. II
21869 Assault Drone Mk. II
21870 Nocturne Princeps
21871 Guardian Pawn Mk. II
21872 Shield Pawn Mk. II
21873 Gun Pawn Mk. II
21874 Nocturne Triarius
21875 Gizoid Mk. II
21876 Gizoid Centurions
21877 Nocturne Decurion
21878 Nocturne High Praetorian
21929 "The Zoah" named by SEGA Nerds
21931 I'm out of here.
21932 I'm out of here.
21933 I'm out of here.
21934 I'm out of here.
21935 I'm out of here.
21936 I'm out of here.
21937 I'm out of here.
21938 I'm out of here.
21939 I'm out of here.
21940 I'm out of here.
21941 I'm out of here.
21942 I'm out of here.
21943 I'm out of here.
21944 I'm out of here.
21945 Gizoids? Like, more than one?
21946 Gizoids are very powerful, team. They copy the abilities of their opponents. They can use our skills against us!
21949 Where did the Nocturnus Clan get a gizoid?
22070 But they clearly know you're here, Sonic, and they're trying to stop you!
22071 After what they did to Knuckles... I don't want you to get hurt!
22072 Don't worry about me, Amy. I'll be just fine.
22073 Fine. See if I ever worry about you again!
22074 Let's just go find Tails. Is his workshop still to the east of here?
22075 Yep! Let's go!
22083 This looks like the place, team.
22084 This certainly looks like somewhere Eggman would hang out.
22085 This is our chance to find out what's really going on.
22086 Ew. It smells like oil and... moustache. This HAS to be the place.
22087 I don't know if I'm ready to fight Eggman... but I'll try!
22088 Lookit! Robots!
22089 We've got company, team. Get ready!
22093 Exploring Mystic Ruins, the team found the secret hidden Marauder base!\n\nNow they must explore the base, and with luck, find Knuckles alive!
22094 Well, team, according to my calculations, this is the place.
22095 I hope Knuckles is okay!
22096 I don't like it here. Can we go?
22097 We're okay, Big. Sonic's here!
22098 For crying out loud. Did someone forget his blankie?
22099 Pft. Knuckles is fine, Pinky. He's a fighter.
22100 Don't call me Pinky!
22101 Hm. If this is a Marauder hideout, maybe we should take a look around.
22102 Let's get moving, team. Knuckles won't rescue himself.
22191 Hm. Not quite. You're still being too impatient.
22193 Brr... I'm cold!
22194 Think warm thoughts, kiddo. You'll be fine.
22195 Blue Ridge Zone. Y'know, once you've terrorized an area once or twice, it's just never the same again.
22196 ....
22197 ....
22198 What?
22199 Hmph. If I'd known it'd be this cold, I'd have worn my other boots.
22200 We don't know much about this place. We need to be careful.
22201 I've never really been here before. It seems... quiet.
22202 Let's go!
22213 Then let's stop messing around and get Angel Island back.
22214 We're just wasting time.
22215 Right. He needs to tinker with his machines. Meanwhile, the Marauders are about to get their hands on the Master Emerald.
22216 You know I can't let that happen, Sonic. I swore to protect the Emeralds with my life.
22217 The Marauders took the first couple without anyone knowing. They had some kind of teleportation device, or something.
22218 One minute, there was no one there. The next, there they were, stealing the Emerald. Then, gone again. Like ghosts.
22219 When they took the last Chaos Emerald, I tried to fight them.
22220 I asked Tails to build a trap, but I knew that we couldn't catch them if they didn't want us to.
22221 I'm not sure. I think maybe they just wanted to test me, see what I could do.
22222 Shade knew they had the upper hand. Maybe she just wanted to make sure I knew that.
22223 I agree.
22227 Tell me more about what happened to the Chaos Emeralds.
22231 I want to get the Emeralds back as much as you do.
22233 They can teleport. Why would they stick around to fight you?
22235 We have to stop them.
22236 no bond
22243 Sonic, this Marauder is one of the strongest foes we've met yet! Are you sure we're ready to fight him?
22244 Maybe you should explore Green Hill Zone and make sure we've got everything you need to beat him!
22245 Good. Shade told me just to stop you, but I'd much rather knock you out.
22246 Good luck, team!
22247 Please. Feel free to play in this little sandbox all you like. Nothing here will help you get past this bridge.
22248 But by all means, come back if you think you're ready to try.
22249 The Marauders are powerful, Sonic. Much more powerful than a few armadillos and boars!
22250 If this Shade sent just one to stop you, she must be confident that he has a chance against you!
22252 I'm ready to fight this Marauder now.
22255 You may be right. Let's come back later.
22258 It's just one Marauder. How tough could it be?
22261 You again. Have you come back to try and get past me?
22262 Sonic, are you sure you're ready to fight him?
22264 I'm ready to fight!
22265 Not yet. We'll be back.
22274 Careful you. Need permission you to access the conveyor.
22279 Quick guys, get him!
22280 He's mine!
22281 Watch out!
22282 Let's get him!
22283 Tails! How's it coming?
22284 Telra's House
22285 Zoah Interior
22286 High Chamber
22287 Nestor's Home
22288 Thebes' House
22289 Voxai Beta Interior
22290 Generator Room
22291 Mystic Ruins Interior
22292 Act 1 World Map
22293 Test Area
22294 Steady ground, friends of the Kron.
22296 That's fine. I'll be here to help when you come back!
22297 I'll come back later.
22299 (Right. Come see me when you're ready to shut down the machine.)
22300 I'll come back later.
22302 Return you when ready. Be here waiting I will.
22303 I'll come back later.
22305 I'll be scavenging around here. Talk to me when you're ready to try those switches.
22306 I'll come back later.
22308 Affirmative. I'll stand watch until you're ready to work on those vents.
22309 I'll come back later.
22311 Sure. When you're ready to try the bridge, I'll be here waiting!
22312 I'll come back later.
22314 Okay! Talk to me when you're ready to solve this puzzle!
22315 I'll come back later.
22317 Right. When you're ready to figure out the code, let me know!
22318 I'll come back later.
22320 This is your team! Touch around the Touch Screen to look at their stats, equipped items, and Chao, as well as their POW moves and movement abilities.\n
22321 This is the Save Menu! Stop by here regularly to save your progress in the game.
22322 This is the journal! It keeps track of your missions, and it updates the Codex as you learn things about Sonic’s world. Check in here anytime you’re not sure what to do next! \n\nUse the arrows at the top to go to the next page, and the arrows below that to see the Codex, Rules, and unlocked movies!
22323 This is the world map! Touch the areas of the map to see where you’ve explored and where you haven’t.\n\nLook here when you have quests to complete! Map pins will help you keep track of important places.
22324 This is your inventory! The inventory holds your rings, consumables, equippable items, quest items, and even Chao. Here you can equip, use, or swap out these things as you wish.\n\nUse the Exit Arrow on the lower left of the Touch Screen to return to the game.
22325 This is your Chao Garden! Move around the Touch Screen to see your collection of Chao, creatures that bond with Sonic and his friends to give them abilities.\n\nChao are social creatures; you can trade them with two different friends to help them to grow in power and reach their full potential (Max!).\nCollect the whole set!
22326 You just found a Chao egg, and it will hatch soon! Look for the Chao Garden in the Corner Menu to learn more, and collect eggs whenever you can. You never know what Chao you will get!
22327 You leveled up! \n\nWhen your characters level up, their stats improve automatically, but you also get a bonus point to add to the stat of your choice (to a maximum of 10 points). \n\nEventually, your movement abilities will improve, too.
22328 This is a stronghold. When you’re in a stronghold, you recover all HP and PP.\n\nWhen you leave the stronghold you can change who is in your party.
22329 Time to build your team! When you leave a stronghold or find new characters, you get to select your team from the roster of available characters.\n\nConsider movement abilities and multiple-character POW Moves when making your team.
22330 Welcome to a store! This is the place to spend all those rings you’ve been collecting.\n\nStores sell useful items and buy them from you, too. You never know where you might find a store, so keep a look out!
22336 Oh no!
22337 Is Sonic okay?!
22338 Is he ever NOT okay?
22339 I knew it.
22340 You know what they say about "loose lips."
22341 Hooray!
22342 Yay!
22343 Now we're talking.
22344 Yeah! Let's get 'em!
22345 Hooray!
22346 I don't know, the Marauders have done an awful lot of withstanding so far.
22347 I'm not sure that's exactly what we're looking for.
22348 Why am I not surprised?
22349 Oh please. Do you even have any wrath left?
22350 Of course I-- er, no. Not really.
22351 Good. Maybe we can see some action.
22352 Uh oh! Hee hee hee!
22353 Ooh! Am I invited, too?
22354 Yay! We found it!
22355 Do you even know what that means?
22356 Nope!
22357 Oh, good. If we run into anything that needs defragulating, we're all set.
22358 Ionic de-what-ulator?
22359 Hee hee hee, that's a funny name!
22360 This is stupid. We're wasting time. We should be out there fighting.
22361 Sonic wants us safe down here. We're wave two, Shadow. We're supposed to come in once they've cleared the way!
22388 All right!
22389 Yay!
22390 Hooray!
22391 Just what I've always wanted.
22392 Don't celebrate yet. The captain hit an alarm. The whole fleet knows we took this ship.
22393 Let's stop jawing and do it.
22394 No need to be rude!
22395 There's no time to be polite.
22396 Right!
22397 Yay! Can I fly the boat? Please!?
22398 Ugh. I think I'm getting seasick.
22399 Good idea. Let's try it.
22400 Not what I'd call a romantic cruise.
22401 We get to fly?
22402 I like boats!
22403 That sounds really dangerous. Is there another way?
22404 Does it matter? Let's go.
22405 Looks like you forgot to clean up when you were done.
22406 I remember. Let's not stay down here long.
22441 Ah, Sonic. Isn't it lovely, you and I, working together?
22443 Hey Sonic. I'm worried about Knuckles. You should go talk to him.
22444 Good. Come talk to me once you're done, and we'll go!
22445 Knuckles just found out some serious news, Sonic. He's not the last of his kind after all!
22446 It might be hard for him to handle. Maybe he needs someone to talk to!
22447 We need Knuckles ready to fight, Sonic. And with everything you two have been through, you're the only one he trusts.
22448 Please, Sonic. Just go try!
22450 Okay, I'll do that.
22452 Why bother? He's just sulking.
22454 Do I have to?
22456 Movies
22457 No Movies Active Yet
22458 Information about movie entries will appear here once they are active.
22459 When you're ready to go, just go outside and interact with the plane. We'll be in Mystic Ruins in no time!
22463 I wouldn't have thought it would happen in a million years. A trillion! Ha ha ha!
22464 Well, still, here we are. My genius and your blind running about, teamed up for the good of the world.
22465 It makes me feel strange, saving the world. Not entirely uncomfortable, either.
22466 Once more into the breach! Take that, evil! Ha!
22468 That gentleman over there looks shifty. Maybe he knows something about this code.
22469 Right! Let's go talk to him!
22470 Ha! You expect a mind such as mine to busy itself remembering every little code it comes up with?
22471 Please, my blue friend. Don't insult me!
22473 Me neither.
22475 We have work to do.
22477 It's worked out well enough so far.
22478 If it's up to me, it'll never happen again.
22479 Gotcha. Let's crack that code!
22482 It's your hideout, Eggman. Don't you remember the code?
22485 We have to get moving, Sonic. What's the hold up?
22486 Be ready. We're leaving very soon.
22487 I suppose you CAN give an old robot a new program, after all.
22488 I have work to do, my blue friend. Good luck to you.
22489 Sh! Not so loud! I have an evil reputation to uphold!
22490 We will destroy those Marauders! Ha ha ha ha ha!
22491 Er, and by "destroy" I mean "bring to justice." Yes. Ahem.
22492 Oh, yes. We've had much adventure, and not nearly as much puppy hugging and flower-sniffing as I expected.
22493 Yes, well. It seems as if your friend Tails might have other ideas. Smart kid, that. He understands my brilliance.
22494 You get used to it.
22497 This could be your chance to really do some good.
22503 The Dimensional Buffer is a fine invention. Pity I never had a chance to try it out.
22504 At least, not since that one time. I never did see those pants again.
22505 It feels nice to be working in my old lab again! Oh, the great machines I've created in here!
22506 Once we have power, I'll get that rocket built in no time! Ha ha ha ha ha!
22511 What now?
22512 Sorry, Sonic. Eggman and I are busy working on this rocket.
22513 You got the generators working! Now all we need is that Dimensional Buffer!
22514 We still need the generators working before we can work on the rocket. Hurry!
22518 Sorry, Sonic. Eggman and I are busy working on this rocket.
22519 We still need the generators working before we can work on the rocket. Hurry!
22525 Combat Rounds:
22526 Creatures Seen:
22527 Damage Dealt:
22528 Damage Received:
22529 Communicator
22530 N'rrgal Shipment
22532 A crate filled with N'rrgal Sweat. Ew!
22533 Nocturne Relic
22534 Eggman Detector
22535 A device used by the Marauders to keep in touch with their main base.
22536 Relics left behind when the Nocturne entered the Twilight Cage.
22537 A device that detects Eggman's electronic signature.
22538 Eggman Device
22539 Precursor Tablet
22540 A stone tablet covered in strange writing.
22541 Great Emerald
22542 A Chaos Emerald infused with the power of the Voxai Overmind.
22543 A device built by Eggman. It doesn't seem to do anything.
22544 Devices built by Eggman. They don't seem to do anything.
22545 Pattern Generator
22546 A device that generates code patterns that interfere with energy fields.
22549 Bug Spray
22550 Little Boy
22551 "Thanks so much for saving me, Sonic! Please take me home to Central City!"
22552 GUN Official
22553 "Please, no time to talk. I must return to Station Square. I'm very important, you know!"
22554 Timothy
22555 "My dad isn't really crazy, just old. He'll be glad to see me, I know."
22556 Weapon Part
22557 A part needed for Eggman and Tails to create their ultimate weapon!
22558 Prized Stapler
22559 A stunningly beautiful device, when you really look at it.
22560 Beam Cannon
22561 A non-lethal weapon created to banish the Marauders without harming them.
22562 Dimensional Buffer
22563 Device that cuts through dimensional interference when traveling between dimensions.
22564 First Fight With:
22566 Choose an action.
22567 Choose a POW Move.
22568 Choose an item.
22569 Choose a target.
22570 Movie Title
22571 Movie Description
22572 Kron Payment
22573 The payment for the N'rrgal Sweat delivery, addressed to the N'rrgal Trader.
22580 We still must crack the code to open the door. Oh, my brilliant security thwarts even me!
22581 Please, my furry friends. After you! Ha ha ha ha ha!
22582 Now, let's see. I seem to remember a code of some sort. We'll have to crack it to get inside.
22585 I can understand that.
22586 Still, maybe just go see how he's doing?
22587 You don't really mean that, do you? Knuckles is our friend!
22589 He'll be fine.
22591 Who cares about Knuckles?
22598 You do not have the characters required to use this technique.
22599 Unavailable
22601 Ready are you to enter hallowed chambers of Foreman Krag?
22602 Yes, we're ready.
22604 Sentry Mk. II
22605 Swatbot Mk. II
22606 Nocturnus Velite
22607 Let's go!
22608 Holy Crap! I'm a disembodied voice!
22609 Here! Have one of these!
22613 Sonic and friends. You finally found us.
22614 Of course, you're too late. The plan is already in motion.
22615 Scouts, alert Procurator Shade. Tell them Sonic found us... and that his little quest ended here.
22616 I don't think so, Marauder! Bring it on!
22621 Buzz Swarm
22622 Buzz Saw
22623 Poison Quill
22624 Roller Ball
22625 Stasis Grenade
22626 Swallow
22627 Acid Spit
22628 Crusher
22629 Cyclone
22630 Chaos Blast
22631 Full Power
22632 Stasis Bomb
22633 Tail Blast
22634 Tail Swipe
22635 Feather Barrage
22636 Leech Blade
22637 Quake
22638 Full Auto
22639 Rocket Volley
22640 Mega Blaster
22641 Super Shot
22642 Blade Rush
22643 Self Destruct
22644 Dark Anomaly
22645 Dark Matter
22646 Super Bomb
22647 Shocker
22648 Bash
22649 Psychic Wave
22650 Mimic
22651 Slime Shot
22652 Power Blast
22653 Super Slam
22654 Hellfire
22655 Psi-Confuse
22656 Psi-Slow
22657 Psi-Dazzle
22658 Power Burst
22659 SuperNova
22660 Mighty Slash
22661 Crippling Arc
22680 If we find Eggman, we'll find Angel Island.
22685 Self Repair
22686 Evading
22687 Phase
22688 I think this machine could be what was causing Croesus and his family so much trouble!
22689 Regenerate
22690 Play Movie
22691 Hey, Sonic, that's Thebes' storage area.
22692 We shouldn't rummage through his things without Thebes' permission!
22696 Counter
22697 Nocturnus Tech
22698 A piece of Nocturnus Clan technology so advanced that even Tails can't figure out its function.
22699 Some Time Ago....
22700 Some time ago, Sonic and friends defeated Eggman for good... or did they?
22701 Angel Island... Gone!
22702 Angel Island has disappeared!
22703 Shade Appears
22704 Seemingly out of nowhere... Shade appears!
22705 Shade Gets Away
22706 At the last moment, Shade teleports away, leaving impassable stones in Sonic's path!
22707 The Airbase
22708 Sonic and Knuckles spot the Marauder Airbase.
22709 Permission to Land
22710 Sonic and Knuckles burst through the Marauder fleet and land on Angel Island!
22711 Enter... Imperator Ix!
22712 The leader of the Marauders shows himself!
22713 Silence!
22714 Imperator Ix gets angry... and Knuckles takes a chance to save a life.
22715 Ix Escapes!
22716 Imperator Ix escapes... with the Master Emerald in hand!
22717 Angel Island Falls
22718 With the Master Emerald gone, Angel Island falls from the sky!
22719 The Wormhole
22720 As Angel Island falls, a massive wormhole rips open the sky above!
22721 Immunity
22722 Lock On!
22723 Shields Up!
22724 Charging!
22726 When they do, just bring them to me, and I'll catalogue them for GUN.
22727 Good. I'll take it!
22728 I'm sure the eggheads over at GUN will have a field day with this... whatever it is.
22729 Got any more?
22731 I have some Nocturnus Tech for you.
22734 Yep! Here you go.
22735 Not right now.
22736 Rouge has asked Sonic for a favor: GUN asked her to return from the Twilight Cage with samples of Nocturnus Clan technology, and she'd like Sonic's help to get it!\n\nSonic has brought some Nocturnus Tech to Rouge, but she needs more. He should bring the Nocturnus Tech to her in the Cyclone whenever he gets some from fallen Nocturnus enemies!
22740 Oooh. Another piece of Nocturnus tech. Help me control my excitement.
22741 You know what? If I see another piece of Nocturnus garbage, I might just scream.
22742 If you promise me you won't bring me any more, I'll give you this pack of goodies I "found."
22743 Promise?
22744 Oh, good grief, no. Who cares? It's not shiny or even worth all that much. It's just toys for the geeks at GUN.
22745 Who cares? For all they know, that's all the Nocturnus tech in the whole galaxy or whatever.
22746 C'mon, Big Blue. Promise you won't pile any more stupid Nocturnus junk on me.
22747 Good. Finally. I can go do important things like sitting around looking pretty.
22748 Talk to you later, handsome.
22749 Ho hum. You'd think they'd have a better assignment than this for a girl like me.
22750 I'm not sure why they want this stuff. It looks like junk to me.
22751 GUN will get a real kick out of this, I'm sure... if they can figure out what it does.
22752 All right. Just come see ol' Rouge when you've got more Nocturnus Tech. I'll make it worth your while!
22756 Promise. Thanks!
22757 You don't want any more tech?
22758 What will GUN say when they hear you quit your mission?
22760 Okay, I promise.
22767 Rouge has asked Sonic for a favor: GUN asked her to return from the Twilight Cage with samples of Nocturnus Clan technology, and she'd like Sonic's help to get it!\n\nNocturnus Clan foes may leave their Nocturnus Tech behind when they are defeated. Sonic should bring this technology to Rouge in the Cyclone!
22769 I'm relieved that Knuckles is safe. I was so worried!
22770 Now that he's back, though, we can concentrate on finding Eggman!
22771 I've got some work to do on the tracker, Sonic. But I'll be ready to go when you leave!
22775 Bonus Point!
22776 Fire Shield
22777 Air Shield
22778 Water Shield
22781 I've got some work to do on the tracker, Sonic. Just head outside when you're ready to leave!
22783 I think so. I don't trust him very much, but I have to admit, he's a brilliant scientist!
22784 We better get to work. Just head out and activate the Tornado when you're ready to go!
22785 Are you okay working with Eggman?
22788 Grade:
22789 Disconnected from DS Wireless Communications.
22790 Equip
22792 I will! I promise!
22793 That's a good idea.
22794 Keep an eye on Eggman, Tails.
22796 We won't win this one by being overconfident. We have to be better.
22797 That's right. Let's get to work.
22798 Then let's hear your plan, Knuckles. This ought to be good.
22799 Oh, this is nothing. We've faced worse than the Marauders.
22801 Of course you are. You don't know what you're missing!
22802 No, thanks. We're fine.
22809 Don't get in my way, Sonic!
22818 Blue Typhoon Interior
22820 Blue Typhoon Interior
22822 Blue Typhoon Interior
22824 Blue Typhoon Interior
22826 Blue Typhoon Interior
22829 Robert Bierman: QA Manager Ericka Sykes: QA Administrator Keith Vedol: Senior QA Lead, Victor Romero: QA Lead
22830 Angelo Ayson, Shaun Kiggens, Leo Kuma, Nick Rocha, Chris Bosquez, Chase Crowson, Eric Juneau, Joshua Kirby: QA Test Team. Mark Johnson, Matt Landi, Steve Jenkins, Josh Riemersma: QA Compliance Leads Brian Alberson, Robert Radigan, Art Bailly: QA Compliance Testers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
22834 Hang on a sec, Sonic. There's something we should discuss!
22835 As we continue on this adventure, it's a good idea for you to save your game from time to time... like when you met the Marauder at the bridge!
22836 That way, if we lose a fight, or if you decide to take a break, we can start over at our last save.
22837 You can save the game by pressing START or touching the bottom-left corner of the Touch Screen, then choosing the top-left icon in the Corner Menu!
22838 Then choose which slot you want to use, and save the game!
22839 It's up to you to remember to save your game as you go, Sonic, so keep that in mind!
22840 Whew. Now that's out of the way. Let's go!
22844 How do I save my game again?
22848 I know all about that. Let's go!
22850 By the way, Sonic, since we just defeated a tough opponent, this might be a good time to save your game like we talked about.
22851 Sure, Sonic. Just trying to be helpful!
22852 Gotcha. Thanks.
22854 How do I do that, again?
22855 Stop reminding me. I'll save when I'm ready.
22857 This might even be a good time to save your game, Sonic! That way if we lose this fight, we can pick back up where we left off!
22858 First you need to back away from this fight. Just for a moment!
22859 After that, just press START or touch the bottom-left corner of the Touch Screen, then choose the top-left icon in the Corner Menu!
22860 Then choose which slot you want to use, and save the game!
22861 It's up to you to remember to save your game as you go, Sonic, so keep that in mind!
22863 How do I save my game?
22867 Well, of course you could have. But now you don't have to!
22868 I totally could have jumped over those boxes, you know.
22871 This might be a good time to save your game, Sonic!
22872 Good idea, Tails.
22873 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
22874 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
22876 Sonic, this would be a very good place to save your game!
22877 Of course. You know what you're doing!
22878 This would be another good time to save the game, if you haven't in a while!
22879 Sure thing!
22880 All right!
22881 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
22883 Right!
22884 Please stop reminding me to save.
22886 Oh, and this might be a good time to save your game, if you haven't saved in a while!
22887 Sure. You know what you're doing!
22888 Just head outside when you're ready to go. It won't take me long to rewire the communicators!
22889 Good idea.
22890 Please stop reminding me to save.
22892 This would also be a good time to... what's that you call it? Save your game, and what not?
22893 Of course it's a good idea! It's one of mine!
22894 Ha ha ha! Suit yourself! Still, no hurry to rush up to Angel Island, right?
22895 Why rush into battle when there might be things we can do from here?
22896 Simply come to me when you are ready to teleport to Angel Island. Only I have the proper coordinates for the jump!
22898 Good idea! Let's save!
22900 Hm. Maybe it's time to stop with the reminders to save the game.
22906 This would be a perfect time to save the game if you haven't saved in a while.
22907 Sonic, we might want to save here before we go... just in case.
22908 Thanks!
22909 Sure.
22910 This is a great time to save the game, by the way, now that we've found more Chaos Emeralds!
22911 Of course. You know what you're doing!
22913 Good idea, Tails.
22915 I know when to save the game, Tails.
22917 Sure thing.
22918 Stop reminding me to save the game, Tails.
22920 This would be a great time to save your game if you haven't saved in a while.
22921 You got it!
22922 Stop telling me to save the game, Tails.
22929 Knuckles would never betray us! He probably got captured!
22930 I have a bad feeling about this, Sonic!
22935 Sonic, wait for a moment!
22936 I'm detecting serious power fluctuations coming from this door. I think maybe this is Ix's chamber!
22937 Once we go through this door, that's it: the final confrontation with Ix!
22938 This would be a great time to save, Sonic. We've come a long way, and... it's about to be all over, one way or the other.
22939 If there's anything else we need to do before... before we face Ix... we should do that first.
22940 Whenever you think you're ready, let's go through that door and face Ix!
22947 Sonic, we have power!
22948 But there's a problem. Eggman's Dimensional Buffer is in the Hazard Vault.
22949 Without that, the spaceship would never withstand the rigors of dimensional travel!
22950 Great! Once we have the Dimensional Buffer, we can take off after Ix!
22951 Eggman says he thinks most of the robots will have escaped already.
22952 It should be a matter of just going in and getting the part!
22953 I'm sure you can handle anything else that's in there!
22954 We're not quite done getting the ship together. If you can get the last part, we can get all this done sooner.
22957 Then we're on our way!
22959 Anything we should be looking out for?
22961 Why do I doubt it'll be that easy?
22962 Why doesn't Eggman go get it himself?
22964 Wait. What did he say?
22965 Shade says the water should be draining out any moment now.
22968 That did it!
22969 No!
22970 All right, Charyb. Looks like you've been beached.
22974 If we flip that switch, that'll drain the water out of Charyb's lair.
22975 And Sonic's team won't drown fighting Charyb. Got it. Let's go!
22978 Sonic, I don't like the look of this. Maybe we should take a moment and save.
22979 Right!
22980 Let's go. And be on your guard.
22981 Maybe we should take a moment and save the game, Sonic.
22982 Thanks! Let's save the game real quick and get moving!
22983 Sure thing, Sonic.
22988 Sure thing.
22989 Stop reminding me to save, Tails.
22991 Good idea, Tails.
22992 Stop reminding me to save, Tails.
22999 We might want to save here, Sonic. This could be dangerous!
23000 Let's hurry!
23001 Maybe we should save here, before we go any further!
23002 Let's take a moment to save, and then keep moving!
23003 Of course. Then let's go!
23005 This would also be another time when it might be good to save the game!
23006 We should get moving soon, but there might be more here we haven't discovered!
23008 Good idea!
23009 I know when to save the game, Tails.
23012 Maybe we should save our game, Sonic. This looks like a good time!
23013 Sure thing, Sonic!
23014 Sounds like a good idea.
23015 Enough with the save reminders, Tails.
23019 Retry
23020 Reload
23022 I see something under the snow there. I'll try to move it, but it'll probably take a seismic force of unnatural proportions to move that much snow!
23023 Maybe if you come back later, you can help me figure out what's under there!
23027 You're back! I heard a loud explosion off to the east, and the snow crumbled and melted!
23028 You know anything about that?
23029 Crazy. Well, now that the snow's gone, maybe you can help me get this door open!
23030 The Marauders? Really? Yikes!
23031 Well, now that this snow's gone, maybe you can help me get this door open!
23032 Hey, I still can't move that snow. Check back later!
23035 Yeah, that was us.
23037 The Marauders caused a landslide.
23041 This would be a good time to take a moment and save the game, Sonic!
23042 Sure thing!
23043 Maybe if we went to Sector Scylla first and recovered the Chaos Emeralds there?
23044 Hm. The Chaos Emeralds might protect you from the shield... if you had enough of them. It's worth a try.
23045 When you're ready to go, just choose Sector Scylla from the travel map!
23046 I can't wait to see what these aliens are like!
23047 Good idea, Tails.
23048 I don't need you to remind me to save anymore.
23052 Then Sector Scylla it is. Let's get moving.
23064 Hey! The Chao Egg icon on the top screen is shaking! That means a Chao hatched in your Chao Garden!
23065 To access your Chao Garden, touch the Corner Menu.
23066 Touch the icon that looks like a Chao's face.
23070 Hm. This door seems to be jammed. Maybe there's another way out!
23076 Sure thing. I'll go below decks and make sure everything's working properly.
23079 CEO: Naoya Tsurumi President/COO: Mike Hayes Development Director: Gary Dunn Director of European Marketing:Gary Knight Senior Producer:Katrin Darolle
23080 Assistant Producer: Alex Humphries Head of External Development: Jim Woods Publishing Manager: Nathalie Ransom European PR:Lynn Daniel, Kerry Martyn, Wouter Van Vugt
23081 Marketing Manager: David Corless Brand Manager: Michele Dix International Brand Manager: Ben Chalmers-Stevens Online Marketing Manager: Mike Evans
23082 Creative Services: Alison Peat, Michelle Blake, Ed Bostock Head of Operations: Mark Simmons Purchasing Manager: Caroline Searle Operations: Natalie Cooke
23083 Legal Counsel: Nicky Boxall, Mark Bennett, Saad Choudri Head of Development Services: Mark Le Breton Localisation Manager:Marta Lois Gonzalez Localisation Coordinator: Giuseppe Rizzo
23084 Localisation Team: Antonella Marras, Antonio Catanese, Carole Kunzelmann, Brigitte Nadesan, Jean-Loup Lansac, Jesus Alvarez, Marco Borrelli, Nicole Thomer, Daniela Kaynert, Jay Bannmuller, Sebastián Pérez Salguero\n
23085 Shift Managers: Stuart Arrowsmith Master Technicians: John Hegarty, Jigar Patel, Roy Boateng
23086 Senior Team Lead: Julie Metior Team Lead: Natasha Sandars Assistant Team Lead: Deanne Anderson Testers: Ricky Lovage, Elwaleed Suliman, Andrew Coulson, Alexander Maw
23087 Standards Coordinator: Mohammed Ajaib Standards Technicians: Aaron Wright, Ross Caoili, Hiroki Saito Language QA Coordinator: Jean Baptiste Bagot
23088 Senior Language Team Lead: Stephan Wolschon Assistant Language Team Lead: Goffredo Pagliei Language testers: Edoardo Levanti, Ludovic Garnier, Mario Horky, Rafael Bermudez
23100 Special Thanks: Who is Mr. Soup?, Nestor Protacio, Ms. Vuckovic, JC, BJ, PJ, Shawn Green, Brand Inman, Ken O., Luke Letizia, James Hayes, Katie Hayes
23103 I can't wait to see what these aliens are like!
23104 I can't wait to see what these aliens are like!
23107 Hey, Sonic. Are you ready to set the plan into motion?
23108 All right!
23109 Strap in, everyone! It's time!
23110 Tails to Zoah Command. Come in, Zoah Command!
23111 This is Zoah Command, over.
23112 We're ready to go!
23113 Affirmative. Fire rocket cannon on my mark. Three... Two... One... Mark!
23115 Okay. Let me know when you're ready!
23116 I'm ready. Let's start the attack!
23124 Not yet.
23129 Welcommme back....
23130 Excellennnt. Wait... that means....
23131 We have the Kron's payment for your shipment.
23136 (Yes! Thebes is telling me that there's something in his house that he'd like you to have. If you want it, go look around in Thebes' home!)
23140 Welcome I you back. Survived you the pirates, suppose I.
23141 Then defeated have you the pirates? Done you have the impossible!
23142 Give I you the payment for shipment. And... give I you discount!
23143 Tell I everyone! Defeated are the pirates!
23144 Hope you that you won't. Nasty creatures they.
23145 Mrmmm. Nothing have I to sell you today.
23146 Go you now.
23148 We have a shipment from the N'rrgal.
23152 We haven't yet met any pirates.
23153 Never mind!
23155 A faster run. Provides the ability to run through loops and other speed areas.
23156 The fastest run. Provides the ability to run through loops and other speed areas.
23157 Ability to smash some obstacles.
23158 Ability to smash stronger obstacles.
23159 Ability to smash the strongest obstacles.
23160 Ability to fly or glide briefly.
23161 Ability to fly longer distances.
23162 Ability to fly longer distances.
23163 Ability to climb some surfaces.
23164 Ability to climb some surfaces.
23165 Ability to climb some surfaces.
23166 Ability to avoid some damaging effects.
23167 Ability to avoid more damaging effects.
23168 Ability to avoid most damaging effects.
23169 Ability to avoid detection.
23170 Improved ability to avoid detection.
23171 Best ability to avoid detection.
23172 Teleport short distances.
23173 Teleport further.
23174 Teleport with maximum distances.
23175 Grit
23176 Power
23177 The Tornado's right outside. Head out there and interact with the plane when you're ready to travel!
23185 Equip
23196 We had better make sure that we find your device before heading to the surface.
23197 Of course I'm sure! I designed these tunnels!
23200 You’ll notice you might miss some enemies a lot. \n\nThese creatures are agile. Increase your Attack (Atk) or use a POW Move that can't miss to deal with these enemies.
23201 The world can be a tricky place to explore, but each member of your team has unique ways of getting around. Check out your characters' movement skills to figure out who to put in your team.
23202 The enemy's about to run!\n\nDifferent objects will be in the party's way.\n
23203 \n\n\nTo access your inventory screen first touch the Corner Menu icon.
23204 You have received a mission!\nMissions will be listed on your journal page.\n\nTo access your journal, first open the Corner Menu.\n
23205 Then the card icon to access the save menu.
23209 Much have I to show you.
23213 Dash II
23214 Dash III
23215 Smash II
23216 Smash III
23217 Fly II
23218 Fly III
23219 Climb II
23220 Climb III
23221 Invulnerable II
23222 Invulnerable III
23223 Stealth II
23224 Stealth III
23225 Teleport II
23226 Teleport III
23231 Stebsly
23232 Choo
23233 Barbo
23234 Oolean
23235 Churdle
23236 Koolet
23237 Cheezlet
23238 Velk
23239 Rugle
23240 Pyraz
23241 Ghise
23242 Zimba
23243 Griff
23244 Seggo
23245 Stiglin
23246 Korus
23247 Perty
23248 Knickt
23249 Seeri
23250 Jirna
23251 Joy
23252 Hayda
23253 Radu
23254 Luunan
23255 Oldarg
23256 Belgog
23257 Blayze
23258 Gibber
23259 Keroyo
23260 Zousar
23261 Kayla
23262 Bobo
23263 Dusty
23264 Fess
23265 Bepke
23266 Cheese
23267 Choopaloo
23268 Ferox
23269 Ovus
23270 Spartoi
23271 Pooki
23272 Farfinkle
23273 Baki
23274 Stugs
23275 Fimbley
23276 KO
23277 Rules
23279 Attack (Atk)
23280 Defend (Def)
23281 Speed (Spd)
23282 Luck (Lck)
23283 Hit Points (HP)
23284 POW Points (PP)
23285 Element: Fire
23286 Element: Water
23287 Element: Ice
23288 Element: Wind
23289 Element: Earth
23290 Element: Lightning
23291 Armored
23292 Agile
23293 K.O.
23294 Poisoned
23295 Weakened
23296 Vulnerable
23297 Distracted
23298 Sluggish
23299 Cursed
23300 Stunned
23301 Empowered
23302 Fortified
23303 Focused
23304 Hyper
23305 Lucky
23306 Attack (Atk) determines how likely an attacker is to hit.
23307 Defend (Def) determines how hard a target is to hit.
23308 Speed (Spd) determines who goes in what order each round, and how good a character is at fleeing or chasing.
23309 Luck (Lck) has many effects. One is your odds of ambushing or being ambushed. See if you can figure out what else luck does!
23310 How much damage you can take before being Knocked Out (KO).\nHP can be restored with items (like a health seed).\nSome POW Moves will also restore HP.
23311 POW Points (PP) are a measure of how many POW moves a character can use before becoming exhausted.\nYou can regain PP by defending.\nAdditionally, some POW Moves and items (like POW Candy) will restore PP.
23312 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Fire attacks are identified by a flame mark next to damage.
23313 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Water attacks are identified by a water drop next to damage.
23314 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Ice attacks are identified by a snow flake next to damage.
23315 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Wind attacks are identified by a gust symbol next to damage.
23316 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Earth attacks are identified by a stone symbol next to damage.
23317 Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. Lightning attacks are marked by an electric symbol next to damage.
23318 Armored creatures are hard to damage because their armor absorbs much of the damage.
23319 Agile creatures are hard to hit as they avoid many attacks.
23320 Target is unconscious and unable to perform actions until revived.
23321 Target loses a percentage of hit points each round. Cured by Antidote.
23322 Target does less damage. Cured by Rock Salt and Antidote.
23323 Target takes more damage from attacks. Cured by Iron Tonic and Antidote.
23324 Target's Attack is reduced. This makes them more likely to miss. Cured by Prune Juice and Antidote.
23325 Target's Defense is reduced. This makes them easier to hit. Cured by Psychic Drops and Antidote.
23326 Target's Luck is reduced. Cured by Clover Juice and Antidote.
23327 Target may not take any actions in the next round. Cured by Antidote.
23328 Target does more damage.
23329 Target takes less damage from attacks.
23330 Target's Attack is increased. This makes them more likely to hit with an attack.
23331 Target's Speed and Defend increase.
23332 Target's Luck increases.
23334 It looks like you haven't used your points to buy a POW move. Are you sure you'd like to continue without buying a POW move?
23341 POW Moves are awesome attacks available both to your team and the enemy. They give the player different abilities.
23342 Tap:\n\nAs the outer circle reaches the inner one, touch to succeed.
23343 Follow:\n\nStay within the moving circle to succeed.
23344 Smash:\n\nQuickly tap to smash your way through this one!
23345 Combat is about to begin!
23355 Some attacks are boosted by Element effects. Elements can make attacks more or less powerful depending on what type of enemy they are used on. The types of Elements are: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and Ice. Wind attacks, for example, are more deadly to flying enemies. Normal attacks can become Element attacks by bonding with certain chao. Some POW Moves are already Element attacks, too.
23356 Element Damage
23361 Interact with objects by pressing the\nL Button or R Button
23362 You can also touch the icon that shows the action. \n\n\n\n
23363 If you can't use a movement icon, it will appear grayed out.
23364 Try switching to a different character who has the ability needed.\n\nThere are three levels of each movement ability. You may need to level up to do some things.
23365 Different movement icons will perform different actions. \nFor example, this one was the Jump action.
23366 Sonic can't do all things. Sometimes you will have to rely on other party members to help.\n\n
23367 After choosing an action it will appear in a list of all friendly actions on the top screen.
23368 Touch this icon to undo the last action you chose.
23369 Then touch the icon with the shoes on it.
23370 Touch a character to jump them over a block.\n\n\n
23371 The bar on the top screen represents the current state of the chase.
23372 Use speed pads to give the characters a little boost!
23373 Hitting a block will do damage to the character and will slow the party down.
23374 Now might be a good time to save.
23375 Now might be a good time to save.\n\nTo save, first touch the Corner Menu.
23376 Tutorial: Touch
23377 Tutorial: Follow
23378 Tutorial: Smash
23379 To do a POW Move properly, you will need to touch the Touch Screen in certain ways.\n\nThere are three different ways:
23380 That armadillo sure looks angry.\nI guess you have no choice but to fight it.
23381 Different POW Moves will be effective against different opponents, experiment to figure out different combinations!
23382 Other enemies have armor and are hard to damage.\n \nYou can increase the amount of damage you do or use Armor Piercing POW Moves to deal with these enemies.
23383 Enemies have individual strengths, but your team has unique POW moves to even the odds. \n\nCheck them out to find the right tactics for each enemy!
23384 Then touch the book icon to access your journal.
23385 Corrupted save games have been detected and will be deleted.
23391 No Item or Chao Selected
23392 No Items Rewarded
23393 No Item Selected
23402 Unequip Item
23403 Unequip Chao
23408 Doom Orb
23409 Dark Blast
23410 Overload
23411 Meltdown
23412 Reinforcements
23415 Energize!
23437 2x 150% of Attack damage
23438 2x 175% of Attack damage
23439 2x 200% of Attack damage
23440 100% of Attack damage to all enemies
23441 110% of Attack damage to all enemies
23442 125% of Attack damage to all enemies
23443 2x 200% of Attack damage
23444 2x 225% of Attack damage
23445 2x 250% of Attack damage
23446 3x 175% of Attack damage
23447 3x 200% of Attack damage
23448 3x 225% of Attack damage
23449 3x 150% of Attack damage to all enemies
23450 3x 175% of Attack damage to all enemies
23451 3x 225% of Attack damage to all enemies
23452 7x 200% of Attack damage
23453 7x 225% of Attack damage
23454 135% of Attack damage
23455 150% of Attack damage
23456 175% of Attack damage
23457 65% of Attack damage to all enemies
23458 80% of Attack damage to all enemies
23459 100% of Attack damage to all enemies
23460 200% of Attack damage
23461 225% of Attack damage
23462 250% of Attack damage
23463 150% of Attack damage to all enemies
23464 225% of Attack damage to all enemies
23465 250% of Attack damage to all enemies
23466 2x 125% of Attack damage
23467 2x 150% of Attack damage
23468 2x 175% of Attack damage
23469 300% of Attack damage
23470 325% of Attack damage
23471 350% of Attack damage
23472 2x 100% of Attack damage
23473 2x 125% of Attack damage
23474 2x 150% of Attack damage
23475 No damage
23476 No damage
23477 No damage
23478 150% of Attack damage
23479 160% of Attack damage
23480 170% of Attack damage
23481 200% of Attack damage to all enemies
23482 225% of Attack damage to all enemies
23483 250% of Attack damage to all enemies
23484 225% of Attack damage
23485 250% of Attack damage
23486 275% of Attack damage
23487 300% of Attack damage
23488 325% of Attack damage
23489 350% of Attack damage
23490 No damage
23491 50% of Attack damage
23492 75% of Attack damage
23493 100% of Attack damage
23494 3x 140% of Attack damage
23495 3x 160% of Attack damage
23496 3x 180% of Attack damage
23497 50% of Attack damage
23498 75% of Attack damage
23499 100% of Attack damage
23500 Perfect Combos:
23501 120% of Attack damage to all enemies
23502 140% of Attack damage to all enemies
23503 160% of Attack damage to all enemies
23504 100% of Attack damage to all enemies
23505 130% of Attack damage to all enemies
23506 150% of Attack damage to all enemies
23507 250% of Attack damage
23508 275% of Attack damage
23509 300% of Attack damage
23510 200% of Attack damage
23511 225% of Attack damage
23512 250% of Attack damage
23513 200% of Attack damage
23514 225% of Attack damage
23515 250% of Attack damage
23516 12x 25% of Attack damage
23517 12x 50% of Attack damage
23518 12x 75% of Attack damage
23519 125% of Attack damage
23520 135% of Attack damage
23521 145% of Attack damage
23522 75% of Attack damage to all enemies
23523 100% of Attack damage to all enemies
23524 125% of Attack damage to all enemies
23525 2x 175% of Attack damage
23526 2x 200% of Attack damage
23527 2x 225% of Attack damage
23528 125% of Attack damage
23529 150% of Attack damage
23530 175% of Attack damage
23531 150% of Attack damage
23532 175% of Attack damage
23533 200% of Attack damage
23534 300% of Attack damage
23535 325% of Attack damage
23536 350% of Attack damage
23537 100% of Attack damage
23538 125% of Attack damage
23539 150% of Attack damage
23540 3x 150% of Attack damage
23541 3x 175% of Attack damage
23542 3x 200% of Attack damage
23543 3x 200% of Attack damage
23544 3x 225% of Attack damage
23545 3x 250% of Attack damage
23546 2x 200% of Attack damage
23547 2x 225% of Attack damage
23548 2x 250% of Attack damage
23549 200% of Attack damage to all enemies
23550 225% of Attack damage to all enemies
23551 250% of Attack damage to all enemies
23552 Weakened 1 (30% chance)
23553 Weakened 1 (50% chance)
23554 Weakened 1 (80% chance)
23555 No effect
23556 Can't miss, Element: Wind
23557 Sluggish 1 (30% chance)
23558 Sluggish 1 (50% chance)
23559 Sluggish 1 (80% chance)
23560 Can't miss, Sluggish 1 (30%), Element: Wind
23561 Can't miss, Sluggish 1 (50%), Element: Wind
23562 Can't miss, Sluggish 1 (80%), Element: Wind
23563 Stun (30% chance)
23564 Stun (40% chance)
23565 Armor Piercing
23566 Can't miss, Stun (30% chance), Element: Earth
23567 Can't miss, Stun (40% chance), Element: Earth
23568 Can't miss, Stun (50% chance), Element: Earth
23569 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (30% chance)
23570 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (50% chance)
23571 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (80% chance)
23572 Distracted 1 (20% chance)
23573 Distracted 1 (30% chance)
23574 Distracted 1 (40% chance)
23575 Stun (30% chance)
23576 Stun (50% chance)
23577 Stun (80% chance)
23578 Distracted 1 (50% chance)
23579 Distracted 1 (60% chance)
23580 Distracted 1 (70% chance)
23581 KO (40% chance), Distracted 1 (50% chance)
23582 KO (50% chance), Distracted 1 (80% chance)
23583 KO (60% chance), Distracted 1 (100% chance)
23584 Armor Piercing
23585 Blast, Weakened 1 (20% chance)
23586 Blast, Weakened 1 (30% chance)
23587 Blast, Weakened 1 (40% chance)
23588 Can't miss, Element: Electricity
23589 Vulnerable 1 (30% chance)
23590 Vulnerable 1 (40% chance)
23591 Vulnerable 1 (50% chance)
23592 Stun (20% chance)
23593 Stun (30% chance)
23594 Stun (40% chance)
23595 Vulnerable 1
23596 Weakened 1, Sluggish 1; Robots only
23597 Regenerate 20 HP and 2 PP for 3 rounds
23598 Regenerate 40 HP and 4 PP for 3 rounds
23599 Regenerate 60 HP and 6 PP for 3 rounds
23600 Fortified 1
23601 Sluggish 1, Distracted 1; Non-robots only
23602 Hyper 1, Extra Action
23603 Replenish 5 PP to all party members
23604 Replenish 10 PP to all party members
23605 Replenish 15 PP to all party members
23606 Distracted 1 (all enemies)
23607 Antidote for one round
23608 Revive 1 ally with 1 HP.
23609 Replenish 50 HP to all party members
23610 Replenish 100 HP to all party members
23611 Replenish 150 HP to all party members
23612 Fortified 1
23613 Stun (60% chance)
23614 Stun (70% chance)
23615 Stun (80% chance)
23616 Distracted 1 (30% chance)
23617 Distracted 1 (50% chance)
23618 Distracted 1 (80% chance)
23619 Fortify 1, target will only attack Big
23620 Poison 1
23621 30% Regeneration for three rounds
23622 40% Regeneration for three rounds
23623 50% Regeneration for three rounds
23624 Can't miss
23625 Element: Fire
23626 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (50% chance)
23627 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (70% chance)
23628 Armor Piercing, Vulnerable 1 (100% chance)
23629 Distracted 1 (30% chance)
23630 Distracted 1 (50% chance)
23631 Distracted 1 (80% chance)
23632 Hyper 1, Phase
23633 Full Auto
23634 Element: Wind
23635 Armor Piercing
23636 Stun (20% chance)
23637 Stun (30% chance)
23638 Stun (50% chance)
23639 Item Theft level 1
23640 Item Theft level 2
23641 Item Theft level 3
23642 Distracted 1
23643 Sluggish 1
23644 Revive 1 ally with 50% of total HP.
23645 Revive 1 ally with 100% of HP.
23646 Antidote for two rounds
23647 Antidote for three rounds
23648 Vulnerable 2
23649 Vulnerable 3
23650 Weakened 2, Sluggish 2; Robots only
23651 Weakened 3, Sluggish 3; Robots only
23652 Fortified 2
23653 Fortified 3
23654 Sluggish 2, Distracted 2; Non-robots only
23655 Sluggish 3, Distracted 3; Non-robots only
23656 Hyper 2, Extra Action
23657 Hyper 3, Extra Action
23658 Distracted 2 (all enemies)
23659 Distracted 3 (all enemies)
23660 Fortified 2
23661 Fortified 3
23662 Hyper 2, Phase
23663 Hyper 3, Phase
23664 Fortify 2, target will only attack Big
23665 Fortify 3, target will only attack Big
23666 Poison 2
23667 Poison 3
23668 Distracted 2
23669 Distracted 3
23670 Sluggish 2
23671 Sluggish 3
23672 Vulnerable 1 (30% chance)
23673 Vulnerable 1 (50% chance)
23674 Vulnerable 1 (80% chance)
23675 Can't miss
23676 Sluggish 1 (20% chance)
23677 Sluggish 1 (30% chance)
23678 Sluggish 1 (40% chance)
23679 Empowered 1
23680 Empowered 2
23681 Empowered 3
23682 Cursed 1
23683 Cursed 2
23684 Cursed 3
23685 Stun (40% chance)
23686 Stun (50% chance)
23687 Stun (60% chance)
23688 Hyper 1
23689 Hyper 2
23690 Hyper 3
23691 Leech
23692 Armor Piercing, Distract 1
23693 Armor Piercing, Distract 2
23694 Armor Piercing, Distract 3
23695 Armor Piercing, Leech
23696 Can't miss, Sluggish 1 (50% chance)
23697 Instant Death (80%); Robots Only
23699 The mini-map on the top screen displays icons to help you get around.\n\nThe shopping bag is a store.\n\nSonic's head is your current location.
23701 This brave Chao is Cream the Rabbit's best friend in the whole wide world.
23702 I'll try it on my own.
23703 Let me try it on my own, first.
23704 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
23705 I'll come back later.
23708 Stars show active parts of missions.\n\nThe airport shows where your plane currently is. (Once you get a plane that is!)
23709 Has something happened? You finally see the need for one of my protective charms?
23714 The stronghold in the Underground, Omega. You can recharge there.
23715 I never agreed to allow that faulty machine to--
23716 Silence, Eggman. Now.
23718 We'll get the Marauders for what they did to you, my friend.
23719 Let's get to it. The Marauders must pay.
23727 Just our luck.
23728 Sonic! Is everything all right?
23729 You shot an opening in the fleet, but there was a cannon on Angel Island.
23730 Oh no!
23731 It's okay, Tails. We're all fine here.
23732 I hate to rain on your parade, Big Blue, but look over there.
23733 Uh... Am I the only one who sees all of those guys over there?
23734 I don't know, Sonic. Look!
23735 Yeah. We're just surrounded by Marauders. We'll be just fine.
23737 Uhm, Sonic? I think there's a lot of Marauders out there....
23738 I'm not so sure about that. Look!
23752 The commander sends his regards.
23754 Sonic and his friends found five Eggman Devices, and Tails noticed that the devices fit together to make a single machine: some kind of Pattern Generator. Tails isn't sure what the machine does exactly, but he thinks the device might cancel a forcefield or open an electronic lock.
23755 One more, and we can build this spaceship!
23756 Good! Now just to find the other two! Tails out!
23773 Power and Damage
23774 Touch your target to select it.
23775 Some characters are stronger than others, and thus do more damage. This isn't shown in their stats, since it's a special part of each character.\n\nCharacters who do more damage have a higher damage rating. Damage can be increased through status effects like Empowered and decreased through status effects like Weakened. You can also increase damage with certain items and equipment.\n\nSee the Codex entries for each character to learn more about how strong each character can be!
23776 Number of Attacks
23777 Some characters naturally have more attacks per round of combat than other characters, simply because they're faster.\n\nSee each character's Codex entry to find out more about how quick they are in combat!
23778 POW Moves use PP (POW Points) to execute. \n\nIf you run out of PP you can defend or use POW items in order to regain them.
23780 You have been defeated. Would you like to retry this battle at a cost of %d rings (you have %d rings), or reload your adventure?
23781 Phased
23782 Target cannot be damaged in any way.
23783 Can't miss
23784 A Can't-miss attack will always hit its target. Only Phased characters are immune.
23785 Armor Piercing
23786 An Armor Piercing attack ignores the target's armor rating when dealing damage.
23787 Leech
23788 Leech attacks return HPs to the attacker when they damage a target.
23789 BioWare Community Site
23790 The BioWare Community site for Sonic Chronicles offers exclusive downloads, game secrets, and tips. Visit our Sonic Chronicles Community site (http://sonic.bioware.com/) and enter the following code to get a cool surprise!\n\nEnter this code: corsair
23791 Armor
23792 Some characters have higher armor than others. Since this is a natural ability for each character, the values are not listed.\n\nHigher armor means characters take less damage from enemy attacks. Many characters with low armor have a higher DEF to make up for that! Characters can have their armor increased by status effects like Fortified or decreased by effects like Vulnerable, and you can increase your armor with certain items and equipment.\n\nSee each character's Codex entry to find out how well armored your characters are!
23798 Goodbye, Sonic
23799 Sonic and friends take off for the Twilight Cage, leaving Eggman behind.
23800 Just Made It!
23801 The Cyclone slips through the hole in the Nocturne's repulsor field, just before the hole closes tight!
23802 The Plan Gets Underway
23803 On Sonic's signal, the plan gets underway! The assault on the Nocturne has begun!
23804 Intro
23805 The Beam Cannon Arrives!
23806 Just as things are looking bad for Sonic and Knuckles, Eggman and Tails arrive, firing their awesome Beam Cannon in the nick of time!
23808 I
23809 II
23810 III
23811 Hello, my friends! What can this old historian do for you?
23812 Tutorial: Action Icons
23813 But wait ... there's more! Replay the game with your powerful Sonic! Keep your elite abilities! Pick up all of the rings that you missed! Get new chao eggs to hatch!\n\nRestarting game in 20 seconds.
23814 When you see an icon appear, touch it to perform an action, like Jump, Fly, Talk, or Interact!
23815 Tutorial: Flee
23816 Icons will appear that indicate that you can interact with things.\n\n\n
23817 Touch this icon to redo the entire combat round.
23818 To start a new game, select and then delete one of your save slots.
23819 Welllcommme, friennnds of the N'rrgal....
23825 Stumped? I'm authorized to help you for a price.
23826 Ah! I wondered if there was anyone else but me in this place.
23827 I've seen some suspicious activity on those high cliffs. Maybe if you got those vents blowing, you could fly up there.
23828 Good luck getting the vents working, though.
23829 I think I have some ideas about how it works. If you need my help, I'll give you hints for a price.
23830 All right. Touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle, and come see me if you need some help.
23831 Good luck.
23832 I can't help you at this point. You're on your own.
23833 All right.
23834 The hatch to the left stores power cells, and the other hatch seems to have a plug socket for them.
23835 Stepping on the right pressure plates might open the round hatches over there.
23836 Affirmative. I'll stand watch until you're ready to work on those vents.
23839 I'll try it on my own.
23842 We can do this!
23843 Let me try it on my own, first!
23846 Give me a hint! (30 rings)
23851 I'll come back later.
23853 This won't be too hard.
23854 I can see you on my monitors, so even if I'm not with you, I can guide you if you have any trouble.
23856 PP Cost:
23867 Would you like to visit your inventory before retrying battle?
23869 Select an equipment slot, movement ability, or POW move below for more info.
23875 In the Party Selection screen, you may choose which characters will go with Sonic on his quest! Touch the party member you want to select, then touch an empty space to add or remove that character!
23876 Party Selection
23885 Don't worry about me! I'm used to moving around here unseen.
23886 Be careful, Thebes!
23888 Maxed:
23889 Max!
23890 Help! Help!
23892 First of all, is the core design team. This consisted of Mark Darrah, Dan Tudge, Brook Bakay, Joel MacMillan, and Miles Holmes.\n
23893 Anyone else?
23896 You get points to spend on new POW Moves and improve ones you have already. \n\nYou can save these points if you don’t have enough to upgrade a POW Move right away.
23897 BioWare Logo
23898 There seems to be a ramp nearby. Maybe we could start there.
23899 Let's get moving, team. There are two Chaos Emeralds in Sector Charyb, and we have to find them both!
23900 There seems to be a ramp nearby. Maybe we could start there.
23901 Maybe we should take a moment and save the game, Sonic.
23902 Thanks! Let's save the game real quick and get moving!
23903 Sure thing, Sonic.
23904 Let's go!
23905 Let's get moving, team. We have to get the Chaos Emeralds!
23906 Let's go!
23911 Good idea, Tails.
23912 Stop reminding me to save, Tails.
23917 Maybe we can get the Chaos Emeralds without any trouble.
23918 Right!
23920 We have to get the Chaos Emeralds first.
23926 You lose, Scylla.
23927 We... we did it. I can't believe....
23931 Look, Sonic! The Chaos Emerald!
23935 We have to stop him!
23936 It looks like he's locked that door behind him. We have to find a way in!
23945 You're not done yet ... oh, wait, goodness, me! You're done! You've found everything there is to find.\n\nGood job.
23946 Lucky!
23947 Item Theft
23948 Rouge's Plunder ability can steal items from enemies in combat! Each level of Item Theft will steal different items.\n\nLevel 1 steals POW Candy or Health Seed.\nLevel 2 steals POW Gum or Health Leaf.\nLevel 3 steals POW Drink or Health Root.
23951 Full Auto
23952 Full Auto attacks are actually lots of little attacks aimed at a target all at once. Each attack does only a fraction of the damage of most other attacks, but if enough of them hit the target, the damage can be very high!
23953 Blast
23954 Blast attacks target a single target. That target takes full damage, and foes standing next to the target take half damage!
23960 POW Moves and Status Effects
23961 Many POW Moves cause status effects, such as Weakened or Sluggish. You'll see in the Moves' Effect descriptions what status effects they cause.\nIf you see a number after the status effect (like Sluggish 2), that means that the POW Move causes a level 2 Sluggish effect--more powerful than Sluggish 1!\nIf you see a percentage after the status effect, such as Weakened 1 (30%), that means the POW Move has a 30% chance of causing the level 1 Weakened effect.
23962 The search for Knuckles is on!\n\nUsing a device built by Tails to detect the source of the Marauders' signal, the team discovered a secret base deep within Mystic Ruins. Confident that this would be the place where the Marauders were keeping Knuckles, the team prepared themselves to delve into the Marauders' hidden headquarters!
23965 When will the military stop those pirates from raiding merchant ships?
23966 *sigh*
23967 Are the guards looking this way?
23968 I heard the N'rrgal are coming.
23969 I wonder if it's like this everywhere.
23970 I can't be seen talking to you.
23971 No. I have work to do.
23972 The General is tough, but fair.
23973 They're watching.
23974 When will this day be over?
23986 We need to find Omega. I don't want to leave him out there in Metropolis alone.
23987 Thank you.
23989 We should go find Omega before we go.
23999 This door seems to be locked. There has to be a way through!
24071 Wait, Sonic! We have to find a way to help Knuckles defeat the Gizoid Centurions!
24079 Shade says... robotics labs near you... should be something in there....
24081 Shade says there should be something nearby. Let's keep looking!
24083 Watch your HP in combat, and use Health items to heal your team!
24084 Counter enemy POW Moves by tapping all the buttons that appear.
24085 Use Defend to take less damage and regain some PP.
24086 POW Moves never miss if you correctly do all of the inputs that appear, unless the opponent is Phased or Evading.
24087 Characters spend PP to do POW Moves.
24088 Use POW items if your team is running low on PP.
24089 Try different items to boost your team in combat.
24090 There is often more than one tactic to beat tough enemies, and combining tactics is a good idea!
24091 Study your team’s available POW Moves, they all do useful things!
24092 Combine POW Moves, Chao, items and elemental effects for maximum damage.
24093 Try to put multiple effects on a difficult enemy so that your basic attacks are more effective.
24094 Use Antidotes when an enemy attack leaves a lasting effect on a member of your team.
24095 Study the enemy to beat them; they use POW moves and often a defensive move too.
24096 Visit our community website at sonic.bioware.com!
24097 Try different Element attacks. Most enemies are vulnerable to one Element and resistant to others!
24098 You can stack the same status effect on a team member or enemy more than once!
24099 Some POW Moves can hit several or all enemies at once.
24100 Wasps can be hard to hit. Try Can’t Miss attacks if you keep missing.
24101 The Queen Wasp might become weaker if you used a certain item.
24102 Swatbots have armor. Find ways to make them Vulnerable!
24103 When a drone evades, use Can’t Miss attacks to hit it.
24104 Millipedes regenerate. Concentrate all your attacks on one Millipede at a time!
24105 Giant Worms have thick armor. Try to make them Vulnerable!
24106 Scorpions can poison your team. Make sure you have Antidotes!
24107 Pawns hit hard. Try to Weaken them!
24108 Robodillos all Self-Repair, so try to finish them all in one turn!
24109 Laser Drones hit hard. Try to Weaken them!
24110 Dragodons regenerate. Concentrate all your attacks on one Dragondon at a time!
24111 Raptor Hawks hit hard and fast, but have no armor. Try to make them Sluggish!
24112 Scouts Leech HP when they hit you. Try to Distract them so they miss you more often!
24113 Drones are easier to hit if you are Focused.
24114 Pawns have thick armor. Try Armor Piercing attacks!
24115 Team members with high luck make getting an ambush more likely.
24116 Gizoids regenerate, so concentrate all your attacks on one Gizoid at a time!
24117 Ix can counter your attacks if you miss, so try to Focus your team to hit him!
24118 Eggbot’s attacks can Curse you. Try Clover Juice to reverse the effect.
24119 Shadow can counter your attacks. Try to Distract him so he misses you more often!
24120 Kron are the most heavily armored foes you’ll face. Make them Vulnerable and use Armor Piercing attacks!
24121 Voxai are poisonous and counter your attacks, so keep Antidotes handy and Distract them!
24122 N’rrgal will Leech life back when they hit you, so Distract them and concentrate your attacks on one at a time!
24123 Zoah are tough and hit hard. Weaken them or make them Vulnerable to KO them!
24124 Nocturnus troops are quick, hard to hit, and they Leech your HP. Keep them Distracted or Sluggish to KO them!
24125 Commander Syrax can boost his team, so concentrate attacks on him first.
24126 General Raxos will continue to Lock On until he can’t miss, so take him down fast!
24127 Each of the Overmind has a special psychic power, but they all have the regular Voxai abilities, as well.
24128 Only brute force can bring down Scylla! Try Empowering your team!
24129 Charyb is unstoppable as long as he’s underwater!
24130 Once their shields are neutralized, Advanced Gizoids have the same weaknesses as other Gizoids.
24131 Ix has Immunity, so no status effects can harm him for long. You’re better off boosting your team.
24132 When Shade Phases, nothing can hurt her, but she can’t attack either.
24137 Sonic, maybe this would be a good time to save the game.
24138 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24139 Good idea, Tails.
24140 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24142 I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe this would be a good time to save the game!
24143 Let's go!
24144 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24145 Good idea, Tails.
24146 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24148 This might be a good time to save your game, Sonic!
24149 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24150 Good idea, Tails.
24151 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24153 This might be a good time to save, Sonic. What if Eggman's really in there?
24154 Let's go!
24155 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24156 This might be a good time to save, Sonic. What if Eggman's really in there?
24157 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24158 Good idea, Tails.
24159 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24161 Good idea, Tails.
24162 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24164 Sonic, this would be a good time to save, if you haven't saved recently.
24165 Good idea, Tails.
24168 This might be a good time to save your game, too!
24169 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24170 This might be a good time to save your game, too!
24171 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24172 Gotcha.
24173 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24175 Gotcha.
24176 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24178 Before we go, maybe we should save the game!
24179 If you say so, my furry friend.
24180 Let's go!
24181 This would probably be a good time to save the game, too!
24182 Let's go!
24183 Maybe this would be a good time to save the game, Sonic. Who knows what we'll be up against in Metropolis?
24184 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24189 Good idea, Tails.
24190 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24192 Maybe this would be a good time to save the game, Sonic.
24193 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24194 Good idea, Tails.
24195 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24197 There's nothing here we can use, Sonic. It's all knickknacks and useless junk.
24198 Hmph. One man's junk is another man's priceless artifact, I always say.
24202 Present day,
24203 ... the other side of the world.
24208 You just got an item! You can use items in combat and also from your inventory screen.
24209 \nYour first option is to attack.\nAttack will use up all of your actions against a single target.
24210 Maybe we should save the game, Sonic. This place could be rough.
24212 Maybe we should save the game, Sonic.
24213 Let's go!
24214 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24215 Good idea, Tails.
24216 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24218 I think we should save the game now, Sonic.
24219 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24220 We'll be careful. Thanks!
24221 Good idea, Tails.
24222 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24225 Let's save the game and go find that cannon!
24226 We might want to save the game here, Sonic, if we haven't in a while.
24227 Right.
24230 This would be a very good time to save the game, Sonic.
24231 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24232 We should probably save the game, Sonic. I bet someone'll be guarding the Emerald!
24233 Let's go!
24234 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24235 Good idea, Tails.
24236 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24239 Good idea, Tails.
24240 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24242 This would be a good time to save the game, Sonic.
24244 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24245 This would probably be a good time to save the game!
24246 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24247 Maybe this would be a good time to save the game, Sonic.
24248 Let's go!
24249 Oh, sure. I guess you know what you're doing!
24250 This would be a very good time to save the game, Sonic.
24251 Good idea, Tails.
24252 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24254 Good idea, Tails.
24255 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24257 Good idea, Tails.
24258 Please stop reminding me to save my game.
24261 Maybe we should save the game, Sonic. I'm a little scared!
24263 This could be a great time to save the game, Sonic!
24264 Let's go!
24268 Visit our community website at sonic.bioware.com!
24269 Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint.
24271 Exit the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come see me if you need another hint.
24273 Touch the Exit Arrow to close the puzzle and come back to me if you want another hint!
24275 Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint!
24277 Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint.
24278 Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint.
24281 Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint.
24283 Close you the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come you to me if want you another hint.
24285 (Just close the puzzle by touching the Exit Arrow, and come to me if you want another hint.)
24287 I'm always ready, Big Blue. Just tell me where to kick.
24289 I guess it is.
24290 Drain Life
24297 Instant Death (90%); Robots Only
24298 Instant Death (100%); Robots Only
24302 Leech Wave
24303 Yes! You can become Super Sonic!
24304 Everyone get back! Now!
24305 You've done it now, Ix! Super Sonic's gonna take you down!
24309 Super Sonic
24310 That must be the sewer control valve.
24311 We'd better release that valve quickly!
24322 Lightning Shield
24325 The Fall and Rise of the Nocturne
24326 Imperator Ix confesses to Knuckles to truth about the disappearance of the Nocturnus Clan.
24327 Super Sonic!
24328 Sonic taps the power of the Chaos Emeralds to become... Super Sonic!
24329 Entering Twilight
24330 Sonic and friends take their first journey into this strange new dimension.
24331 Escape from the Nocturnus!
24332 Sonic and friends hurry aboard the Cyclone and rocket through the wormhole... just in time!
24333 A Hostile Reception
24334 The heroes return victorious from the Twilight Cage... and right into the arms of the traitorous Eggman!
24335 The Cavalry Arrives!
24336 Sonic and Tails burst onto the scene to challenge Imperator Ix!
24337 Tutorial: Flee and Chase
24338 Flee/Chase: \n\nWhen fleeing or chasing, tough a character to cause him or her to hop over oncoming blocks and other obstacles. Run over Boost Pads to gain speed!
24339 Tutorial: Items
24340 Items: \n\nTo use an item in combat, touch the Item button in the combat menu, then touch the Item you want to use and the character on whom you want to use the Item.
24341 Hooray for Sonic!
24342 After a long, deadly battle, Sonic and friends emerge victorious!
24343 Credits
24344 BioWare - Programming
24345 BioWare - Production
24346 BioWare - Quality Assurance
24347 BioWare - Art
24349 BioWare - Design
24350 Lead Programmer - Brook Bakay\nProgramming - Dan Hein, Dan Fessenden, Zousar Shaker, Chris Michael Smith, Mark Brockington, and Andrew Gardner\nTools - Andy Desplenter and Scott Meadows\nAdditional Tools - Neil Flynn and Rejean Poirier
24351 President - Dr. Greg Zeschuk\nCEO - Dr. Ray Muzyka\n\nCore Design - Mark Darrah, Dan Tudge, Brook Bakay, Joel MacMillan, and Miles Holmes.\n\nProject Director - Mark Darrah\nAssociate Producer - Dorian Kieken\nAssistant Producer - Steve Lam\n
24352 Lead QA - Mitchell Fujino\nQA - Arone Le Bray, John Epler, and Michael Liaw
24353 Lead Artist - Joel MacMillan\nConcept / Levels - Joy Ang, Nick Thornburrow and Brian Sum\n3D - Dustin Nelson, and Francis Lacuna\nTechnical Artist - Elliot Christian\nAnimation - Nick DiLiberto, Arneil Marquez\nGUI - Nelson Housden
24355 Lead Designer - Miles Holmes\nTech Design - Graham Scott, Jonathan Epp and Jonathan Ferland\nAdditional Design - Raylene Deck and Cookie Everman \nWriting - Jay Turner\nThanks - Keith Warner, Karin Weekes and Corey Gaspur
24366 To switch characters, touch the icon of the character you wish to switch to.
24367 Watch the movie that plays before the game starts!
24373 SEGA - America
24374 BioWare - Special Thanks
24375 Other
24376 SEGA OF AMERICA\n\nCEO: Naoya Tsurumi, President & COO: Simon Jeffrey\nSonic Character Supervisor: Takashi Iizuka, Sonic Character Coordinator: Keith Palmer\nExecutive VP of Corporate Planning: Hitoshi Okuno, Vice-President of Sales: Sue Hughes-Taigen\nVice-President of Marketing: Sean Ratcliffe, Vice-President of Product Development: David Cobb\nDevelopment Operations Director: John Merlino, Senior Producer: Constantine Hantzopolous\nProducer: Kirby Fong, Associate Producer: Ethan Einhorn\nDirector of Marketing: Don Mesa, Product Marketing Manager: Judy Gilbertson, Assistant Product Marketing Manager: Ken Balough\nDirector of Public Relations: Charles Scibetta, Public Relations Manager: Tali Fischer\nCreative Services: Jen Groeling, Heather Lucchetti, Bridget Oates, Marco Garcia, Mary Disbrow\nWeb Producer: Marjorie Puruganan, Community Manager: Julian Mehlfeld\nFlash Developer: Michael Dobbins, Web Developer: Jeremy Caine\nQA Supervisors: Shawn Dobbins, Demetrius Griffin, Mastering Supervisor: Rhianna Kellom\nMastering Lab Technicians: Rey Buzon, Chris Rilles, Keith Alorro\nStandards Supervisor: Stephen Akana, Standards Leads Junior Sison, Christine Letheby\nStandards Technicians: John Belcher, Lawrence Mann, Niroth Keo, Steven Cook, Anthony Williams\nQA Lead Tester: Phil Musil, Assistant QA Lead Tester: Rishad Virgin\nTesters: Aaron Keillor, Kelly Robertson, German Roverso, Jack Wagner, Jeff Hawkins, Tony Soto\nSpecial Thanks: Who is Mr. Soup?, Nestor Protacio, Ms. Vuckovic, JC, BJ, PJ, Shawn Green, Brand Inman, Ken O., Luke Letizia
24377 Handheld Group Founder - Dan Tudge\nSpecial Thanks - Scott Horner, Edi Osghian, Mike Laidlaw, Richard Boylan, Karin Weekes, Chris Hale, Vance Dylan, Jeremie Voillot, and Marwan Audeh.
24378 QA (EA)\n\nKeith Vedol: Senior QA Lead\nVictor Romero: QA Lead\nAngelo Ayson, Shaun Kiggens, Leo Kuma, Nick Rocha: QA Test Team\n\nNITROGEN STUDIOS CANADA INC.\n\nGreg Tiernan: Unit Director/Storyboards, Nicole Stinn: Unit Producer/Project Manager, Mike Linton: Lead Animator/Storyboards\nCoin Giles: Animator, Jeff Bailey: Animator, Bryce Bezooyen: Animator, Darren Schmidtz: Animator, Nadine Shinkaruk: Compositor\n\n"The Zoah" named by SEGA Nerds\nRay Larabie at Typodemic\n
24379 BioWare - Audio
24380 Audio - Steve Sim\nAdditional Music - Richard Jacques\n
24381 BioWare - Localization / External
24382 Localization Producer - Jenny McKearney\nTools - Chris Christou, Chris Mihalick\n\nExternal Producer - John Campbell\n
24384 SEGA OF EUROPE.\n\nCEO: Naoya Tsurumi President/COO: Mike Hayes Development Director: Gary Dunn Director of European Marketing:Gary Knight Senior Producer:Katrin Darolle\nAssistant Producer: Alex Humphries Head of External Development: Jim Woods Publishing Manager: Nathalie Ransom European PR:Lynn Daniel, Kerry Martyn, Wouter Van Vugt \nMarketing Manager: David Corless Brand Manager: Michele Dix International Brand Manager: Ben Chalmers-Stevens Online Marketing Manager: Mike Evans\nCreative Services: Alison Peat, Michelle Blake, Ed Bostock Head of Operations: Mark Simmons Purchasing Manager: Caroline Searle Operations: Natalie Cooke\nLegal Counsel: Nicky Boxall, Mark Bennett, Saad Choudri Head of Development Services: Mark Le Breton Localisation Manager:Marta Lois Gonzalez Localisation Coordinator: Giuseppe Rizzo\nLocalisation Team: Antonella Marras, Antonio Catanese, Carole Kunzelmann, Brigitte Nadesan, Jean-Loup Lansac, Jesus Alvarez, Marco Borrelli, Nicole Thomer, Daniela Kaynert, Jay Bannmuller, Sebastián Pérez Salguero\nShift Managers: Stuart Arrowsmith Master Technicians: John Hegarty, Jigar Patel, Roy Boateng\nSenior Team Lead: Julie Metior Team Lead: Natasha Sandars Assistant Team Lead: Deanne Anderson Testers: Ricky Lovage, Elwaleed Suliman, Andrew Coulson, Alexander Maw\nStandards Coordinator: Mohammed Ajaib Standards Technicians: Aaron Wright, Ross Caoili, Hiroki Saito Language QA Coordinator: Jean Baptiste Bagot\nSenior Language Team Lead: Stephan Wolschon Assistant Language Team Lead: Goffredo Pagliei Language testers: Edoardo Levanti, Ludovic Garnier, Mario Horky, Rafael Bermudez\n
24385 SEGA - Europe
24386 BioWare's Logo Movie
24418 Hey darlin'. This is it, I guess.
24433 We believed in science and industry, and we flourished.
24434 ...the clan of mighty Pachacamac, to their own doom!
24435 ...imprisoning us in this nightmare dimension.
24436 We had to become perfect!
24439 You've already handled that, my friends. Don't worry any more about Haniman.
24441 After a bit of a "discussion" with Sonic and his friends, Shadow the Hedgehog confessed that he was looking for his friend, E-123 Omega, who he believed was in trouble somewhere in Metropolis. E-123 Omega is a rogue Eggman robot who could be a powerful ally.
24500 Do not attempt to drag the circle. Simply stay within the circle as it moves.
24505 Tutorial: Chao Garden
24537 I knew it! He's going to betray us!
1835 Прочтений • [Неиспользованный текст Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood] [27.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]