Game Genie коды к игре Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball на Dendy
ZANEAPLA + ZEOUYPLA + ZEVKGPLA 2 strikes and you're out
PANEAPLA + PEOUYPLA + PEVKGPLA 1 strike and you're out
OOVSLLPA Strikes are not called when batter doesn't swing
GANAAPZA Strikes are not called when batter swings
PENKLPGA 1 ball for a walk
ZENKLPGA 2 balls for a walk
LENKLPGA 3 balls for walk
OONIALAA Infinite balls (balls are not called)
SLNALPVY Infinite balls and strikes
773 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]