Game Genie коды к игре Donkey Kong Classics на Dendy
Donkey Kong
SXYAOP Infinite lives
PETANA Start with 1 life
TETANA Start with 6 lives
PETANE Start with 9 lives
AEVAVSIA Controllable jump
EAKOLSLG Keep hammer for longer
Donkey Kong Jr.
SZZGTP Infinite lives
PATLST Start with 1 life
TATLST Start with 6 lives
PATLSV Start with 9 lives
AEKGAUIA Controllable jump
EAVGVIAG Faster single vine climbing
PAXIPAIA Can fall onto platforms
1000 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Donkey Kong Classics на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]