ATVATGSL Take no damage from monsters and lose no MP--all party
members. Don't combine any of the "start with items" codes
The rest of the codes must be entered before you start the chapter.
Chapter 1 Codes
POSOAPZU Start with 25 gold
GVSOAPZL Start with 100 gold
NNSOAPZU Start with 255 gold
AIXOZAYS Start with lots 'o gold
YEEXYXLO Start with 15 hit points
GVEXYXLP Start with 100 hit points
NNEXYXLO Start with 255 hit points
LNKPLONY Start with final key
TEKPLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOKPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEKPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKKPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKKPLONY Start with dragon shield
LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband
LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 2 Codes
ZUSOPPGT Start with 50 gold
NNSOPPGV Start with 255 gold
AIXOZAYS Start with lots of gold
Codes for Alena
GVOZAZAP Start with 100 hit points
NNOZAZAO Start with 255 hit points
LNKOZONY Start with final key
ZOKOZONN Start with fire claw
LOKOZONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEKOZONN Start with thorn whip
LEKOLONN Start with boomerang
LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN Start with final key and fire claw
LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Item Codes for Brey
LNUPLONY Start with final key
TOUPLONN Start with magma staff
LOUPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEUPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKUPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKUPLONY Start with dragon shield
LEUPGONN Start with boomerang
LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN Start with final key and magma staff
LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Item Codes for Cristo
LNOOLONY Start with final key
TEOOLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOOOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEOOLONN Start with thorn whip
AKOOLONY Start with shield of strength
LKOOLONY Start with dragon shield
LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 3 Codes
AOEXTZGP Start with 16 hit points
GVEXTZGP Start with 100 hit points
NNEXTZGO Start with 255 hit points
GVSOZPAA Start with 100 gold
NNSOZPAE Start with 255 gold
UNUOLONY Start with final key
LEUOLONN Start with metal babble sword
TOUOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
LEUOLONN Start with thorn whip
PKUOLONY Start with shield of strength
AKUOLONY Start with dragon shield
LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 4 Codes
Codes for Nara
GVEXLZZP Starts with 100 hit points
NNEXLZZO Starts with 255 hit points
LNXPLONY Start with final key
TEXPLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOXPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEXPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKXPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKXPLONY Start with dragon shield
LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Codes for Mara
GVEXGZAP Starts with 100 hit points
NNEXGZAO Starts with 255 hit points
LNXOPONY Start with final key
TOXOPONN Start with magma staff
LOXOPONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEXOPONN Start with thorn whip
AKXOPONY Start with shield of strength
LKXOPONY Start with dragon shield
LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKXOPONY + ASXOZONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
Chapter 5 Codes
LNOPIONY Start with final key
PXOPIONY Start with zenithian sword
GKOPIONY Start with zenithian shield
YUOPIONY Start with zenithian armor
LKOPIONN Start with zenithian helmet
1420 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Dragon Warrior 4 на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]