PAOUYALA 1 foul loses the game (instead of 3)--only in 10-ball in party mode
ZAOUYALA 2 fouls in a row loses the game--only on 9- and 10-ball in party mode
SLNUKXSO Fouls don't count--only on 9- and 10-ball and rotation in party mode
SUOLXXSO Number of fouls is not cleared after a good shot (3 fouls don't have to
be in a row to lose)--only on 10-ball in party mode
OZVETASX + AAVEYEST Player 1 always breaks in 9- or 10-ball
OZVETASX + PAVEYEST Player 2 always breaks in 9- or 10-ball
929 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Championship Pool на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]