SZVZGOVK Start with infinite lives
NYEATXNY Start with 1 life
UYEATXNN Start with 5 lives
AAEATXNN Start with 18 lives
GOOZZPZA 20 'genocides' on new life
SZNPVOVK Infinite bombs
SXEUSSVK Infinite 'genocides'
SXOPUSVK Infinite shields
SZNOLNVK Infinite seekers
NNOEPPAE Start with rear laser
GZKZZOSE Keep rear laser after death
GZKXAOSE + GZKZIOSE Keep mace after death
GPUETZPA + GOOZYPPA Start new life with 20 shields
GPKAZZIA + GOOXGPIA Start with 20 seekers and bouncers
AZUALZGO + AXEXIPGO Start with double bombs
1311 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Cybernoid на Dendy] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]