02B-AFA-E66 Start with 2 energy bars
05B-AFA-E66 Start with 5 energy bars
08B-AFA-E66 Start with 8 energy bars
FAE-C8A-4C1 Infinite energy
*= Not on continue
012-0BF-E62 *Start with 2 lives
042-0BF-E62 *Start with 5 lives
072-0BF-E62 *Start with 8 lives
092-06F-F7E When screen comes up asking easy or hard level, press 'Down" 3x and
press 'A'. You can now play super hard mode right away (makes display look weird)
1400 Прочтений • [Game Genie коды к игре Sumo Fighter на GB] [10.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]