Chapter 1: The Escape [WAL1]
After you escape from your pod, run forward. Don't worry, you won't have to
fight any enemies. Not yet anyway. Most of the bad guys are taken out by
environmental hazards, so take this oppurtunity to get acquainted with the
controls. Keep running forward, jumping when you should. When you fall to the
floor beneath you, just climb the boxes to your right and keep going. You'll
do the whole run and jump thing for a little while until you fall to the floor
again. This time, the aircraft breaks apart behind you, and now you're tasked
with jumping between hand holds. Jump up to the first platform, then use the
hand holds to your left. Every hand hold or pipe you can grab onto kind of
shines, so they're hard to miss. Get up on the broken walkway, then jump onto
the pipe to your right after he mentions escape pods. After you encounter the
mech, climb the pipe to your right and walk up to the guy. After this, go down
the pipe to your left, and collect your gear, which includes a staff and a
force field type shield that's always on. Go back the way you came and go
towards the mech now. Your shield should automatically absorb most of the fire.
Get close to him and press X a couple of times, then Y to use a powerful
attack on the mech.
The next two rooms make up the combat tutorial part of this mission. Everytime
you get to a platform, you'll be forced to deal with a few combat mechs, and
the game will give you some handy hints to use. If you get turned around, just
look at the arrow on the floor, it'll tell you where you need to be going.
After you do all this, you'll be forced to do more jumping on the outside of
the ship. After you fight the three mechs, you'll do more handhold jumping to
get to the other side of the ship. Once you get on the wing, be careful when
jumping to the first platform here. The turbine will shoot out fire on and off,
so time your jump. After this, Monkey accidentally blows the turbine up, so
you'll be forced to do some quick hand hold jumping before the wing hits the
tower. It's not difficult. Keep moving quickly across the hand holds until you
reach the ending cutscene. That's it for this short mission.
Chapter 2: The Old City [WAL2]
After you find out about your predicament, you're tasked with following Trip
for a bit. The weird visuals and annoying heartbeat sound indicate you are low
on health. Walking over the green health pack remedies this. Trip will run to
a switch. It lowers one half of the drawbridge. Climb the pipe on the left
pillar, and use the hand holds and beams to get to the other side. As soon as
you let the bridge down, two mechs will attack you. After this, lift the
debris. There is a health pack on the other side. Continue on for a ways.
You'll hit a cutscene and exit the building. Keep following Trip and eventually
you'll face a heavy mech. Wait until he stops firing. He'll throw out a red
laser to try and detect you. Wait for him to enter the pipe and move between
cover. Get close enough to him to take him out with your staff. After he's
down, two regular mechs show up. Take them down, then two more mechs show up.
After you've taken care of all of that, you'll gain the ability to order Trip
to follow you. Go to the waypoint. Climb up and lift the debris. You'll be
immediately ambushed by two mechs. Trip will use an EMP to stun them, so they
are fairly easy to dispatch. Up the stairs and through the door, you are faced
with two mechs with lasers. If they lasers hit you, the mechs will know you
are there and open fire. Go to the other side and have Trip come to you, then
follow her up the stairs. Eventually you'll come to a long bridge with no
cover. You'll be given the ability to order her to send out a Decoy. Use one
to draw fire from the mechs and run across. Then distract the mechs and have
Trip run across. You'll have to go downstairs next. There's a healthpack.
At the bottom of the stairs, you'll need to have Trip use a Decoy, and then run
out into the open. To the left is a pole you can climb. Then swing to the
horizontal poles and keep going. You'll reach a platform with an orb on it,
jump onto the hand holds and move left. You'll be at a door now. Use another
Decoy, then rush in and take care of the mechs. Go back the way you came and
go through the now hacked door. Keep going, lift some more debris, and you'll
come across a huge tree. Follow Trip to the right, then follow her back to the
tree. You'll have to carry her and throw her up so she can lower the ladder.
Climb the ladder and prepare for some ledge jumping to chase down a dragonfly.
After plenty of chasing, you'll finally grab him. Once you've got him, head
back down the stairs and get on a broken pillar. Do more acrobatics until you
meet back up with Trip.
Follow Trip to the mine field. You can now see all the mines, so pick her up
and walk on through. Don't worry about the increased frequency of the beeping.
As long as you don't actually enter the orange circle, you'll be fine. After
the second set of mines, you'll come out into a real minefield. Head through
the wrecked bus, go right, and jump onto the debris, and continue jumping
across the wrecked cars. You'll need to throw Trip up to a ledge. After that,
move over the car and the pole into the next area. You'll have to fend off a
lone mech. Jump onto the debris and make your way over to Trip after that.
Throw her across and continue back the way you came. Go straight to the next
platform, and you'll come across a sentry turret.
Use Trip's decoy before you ever move out of cover. There is just no reason not
to use it. You'll have to jump from the platform to the car, then up to the
roadblock. Move right onto the pole, then swing across all the bars and
eventually land on the container. You are out of sight of the sentry at this
point, so continue on to the hand holds. You'll enter a building, or what's
left of it. There are three mechs down there, but you can sneak past them.
Just don't enter the blue field around them. If you want to remain undetected,
simply jump down to the ground floor directly in front of you, then make your
way over to the ramp on the right side. There is a hand hold on the wall here.
Use it to swing over to the next platform, then continue out of the building.
I've never picked up the health pack, so I'm not sure if you can grab it
without being detected. Anyway, drop down from the building and move forward,
onto the container and then the ledge. Grab the pipe to your right and climb
up the building. Don't worry, the turret can't see you up here.
You'll pick up the ability to use Staff Blast. Use it on the sign. Mechs will
start to harass Trip, and she'll EMP them. Go back the way you came and drop
down to where the turret was to take care of them. Move back up the container
and lift the debris. Follow Trip until the next cutscene. Make use of the
decoy and run across the platforms until you reach the turret. Attack it, press
B, and then blow up the tanker. You then have to use the turret to kill the
mechs before they reach Trip. Two will come from the right, then two will come
from the left, then they'll come from both sides. After that, a Broadcaster
will be sent out. If his timer reaches zero, you'll have to deal with more
mechs, so shut him down quickly. Explosive barrels are the easiest way to take
these guys out. After this, get out of the turret by pressing B again and swing
onto the poles in front of you. As you reach Trip, you'll finally get the
option to spend some of those orb points on upgrades. Follow her some more and
throw her across, then jump down the hole. Keep going, jump down a couple more
times, then prepare for a boss fight.
After a cutscene, you'll have to take down a demolition mech. You can't
actually damage him until he dies. What you have to do is make him enraged.
You can do this by hitting him in the head with Staff Blast, or just by
meleeing him a bunch. Either way, when he's enraged, he'll kind of give off
a red aura. When he does this, get on the other side of the Atlas statue in the
middle and press RB. You'll taunt the mech into charging you, except he'll hit
the statue instead. Once he hits the statue three times, it'll fall apart and
the globe will crush him.
Chapter 3: The Metal Tower [WAL3]
Follow Trip for this first part. You'll come to a building you can enter, there
is plasma ammo inside for your Staff Blast. It's on the second floor,
accessible via a hand hold. You'll soon come across more mechs you can sneak
past. There are some crates on the left you can use to climb onto the large
yellow things. Use them to get to the balcony, then climb over the mechs. After
this, you'll have to move a car. You'll need to carry Trip for a bit, moving
up the building. Once you get to a large open area, you'll find a Health
Replenisher. Keep going, across the gap, and hit the cutscene. Continue to
make your way through the building, up the ladder, and onward from there.
You'll finally find more enemies in the form of shielded mechs. Use decoy and
make your way over to them. Use a charged stun attack to take out the shield,
then attack and takedown one of the mechs. You'll rip the gun off, so use it to
destroy the other mech. Make your way around to let the ladder down for Trip.
There is a health replenisher on a railing and some plasma ammo on an alcove
in the room behind the mechs. Keep going, Trip will crawl through a hole and
hack the door. Take the alternate route and keep going. You'll eventually
come across a shielded mech, a few inactive mechs, and a turret. If the shield
mech shoots at you, it will NOT alert the other mechs, so don't worry about
that. Also note that if you climb the platform to your left and use the pipes
to get to the one on your right, there's some plasma ammo up there, along with
a few orbs. If you climb the platform to your left and instead jump onto the
ledges above the shielded mech, you'll come across more plasma ammo.
You'll want to attack the shield mech and use his gun to blow away the other
mechs. Shooting one will alert all, and they'll come for you. One of them is
also a broadcaster, so be quick. With all of them out of the way, you only
have to worry about the turret. Throw Trip up to lower the ladder. Collect the
Health Replenisher and use the hand holds to get across. Be careful, the
holds will fall pretty quickly. Make your way across and open the path for
Trip. After that, you'll have to move to the cover directly ahead of the
opening into the turret area, and then use the beam next to it to hop to the
water tank. Climb up and take control of the turret. You'll have to defend
Trip as she hacks the door, so watch for regular mechs from both the left and
right, as well as heavy mechs from the left and dead ahead, on the top floor
of that building. After she's done, enter the door.
Keep going, jumping down and hitting a cutscene and jumping down again. You'll
hit another cutscene highlighting some inactive mechs. Jump down on the right
side and collect some stun ammo, then climb back up and collect the ammo on the
left side. Drop down and finish off all of the inactive mechs. Then pick up the
ammo and prepare to take on another demolition mech. This one is a bit easier
to take down this time around. The plan is the same as before. Melee it or
shoot it in the head to make it angry, then press RB. It'll charge at you.
This time though, you want it to charge into the wall, so you'll have to roll
out of the way just in time. Fortunately, you only have to do this once, and
then you can press B while next to it to perform a takedown. After he's gone,
throw Trip onto the container.
Chapter 4: Wherefore Art Thou? [WAL4]
At the beginning, go to the brick wall and begin climbing. You'll climb several
hand holds. At the top, go right. Left is a dead end with a mask and some orbs.
You climb some more and as you reach the next area, you'll face a mech. Move
onto the beams and an electro mech comes out. He can shoot electric bolts at
you, so keep moving. If it looks like he's about to shoot a bolt, take that
moment to leap to another hand hold or ledge. Once you're face to face with
him, he's not that hard to take out, just remember that these enemies cannot be
stunned. After defeating him, exit the building and, if you're looking INTO the
building, go left, onto the tree branch. Climb around the side of the building
and up, then onto the sign. Climb it before it falls and you'll be back inside
of the building. You now have to deal with shielded mechs, except you don't
have the decoy function available, so you'll have to move from cover to cover
on your own.
Go to the left, moving through cover, and work your way to the right. You need
to climb the pipe and the hand holds. You'll come up to another platform. Move
quickly to get underneath the mechs. You'll be on the same level as one of the
mechs. Your best bet is to use a stun round to knock out the shields and then
eliminate them. Press the D-Pad left and right to switch between rounds. Go
up the stairs. If you stun both mechs, you should have enough time to take
them both down before they get their shields back. After they're all taken
care of, you can continue on, grab a mask, and start climbing again. At the top
of the stairs, you'll have to deal with a regular mech and an electro mech.
The electro mech is also a broadcaster, so take him out first. Make your way
onto the crane, and do a lot of jumping. After a cutscene, go down the ladder
and climb down the crane. There's a Health Replenisher on the first platform
you land on, to the right. Go through the building and meet up with Trip at
the bottom.
You now have to run away from a giant angry robot dog. Just keep running, try
not to waste time vaulting over obstacles. At one point the dog will throw a
car at you, so dodge it. Keep running until you enter a building, it won't
take long. Throw Trip up and begin your ascent. You'll meet up with her again
shortly. Continue on until you reach the theater. Here you'll have to take out
all of the mechs. A good way to do this is to sneak along the left side and
drop into the gap, then come back up near the mech with the ! above his head.
If you use a takedown on him, he'll die and stun all the mechs around you.
There's also a broadcaster here. After this, grab Trip and climb up, then
throw her up to examine the power cell. After this, you'll see a mask appear
near the stage. Go over and grab it, and the dog mech will come out. Run around
on the platforms until you reach the icon. Now you have to line up the three
scaffolds. Head to your left and hit the first control there. This brings the
green one up. Hop onto the green one and jump onto the piece to your right to
get to the controls on the right side. This will lower the blue one. Now jump
down from the beam onto the red one, and over to the blue, then on to the
next platform. Be careful, the dog can hit you when you are this close to him.
Now raise the red platform, and go all the way back around and raise the blue
platform. Now jump across them and you'll crush the dog neatly. Or at least
incapacitate it. End of mission.
Chapter 5: Crash Site [WAL5]
At the start, follow Trip. Soon, you'll hop onto the Cloud. You'll need to go
up a ramp on the left side and make your way over to some debris. Turn off the
cloud by clicking in the Right Stick, and push it. Now make your way onto a
ramp on the right side, and do the same thing with a truck. After the way is
clear, lift some debris for Trip and continue on. From here you'll have to
throw Trip up and do some climbing. You'll need to throw Trip up again after
this and continue climbing for a while. Meet back up with Trip and carry/throw
her when required to get off the bridge before it collapses. After this section
is finished, climb over the containers and continue to a cutscene. You'll have
to deal with the mechs in front of you. Continue climbing, throw Trip across
the gap, and move forward. You'll now have to deal with two heavy mechs. Move
along the right side and come around behind the mechs. Try to take out the
shielded mech while it's focused on a decoy, or just use Stun ammo on it.
Pick up the plasma ammo and head back onto the main path.
After the cutscene, Trip will crawl under a truck. Go into the container and
prepare for some platforming. Once you get back on the bridge and to the
platform with the roadblocks, Trip will point out some inactive mechs and a
turret. It's best to leave the mechs alone and take out the turret first, like
she says. Then you can use it to blow all the other mechs away in no time.
After this, lift the debris and continue to the cutscene. You now have to pick
Trip up and carry her to the car. She gets in, but you can't, so you'll have
to use the car as cover while she drives down the bridge. Eventually the
bridge will start to fall apart and you will need to jump onto the car.
After this cutscene, you'll have to fight the dog mech, and kill it, this time.
You can use the cloud to get a safe distance away, but you'll have to land and
stun the dog, then melee the hell out of it. You'll need to do this about three
times to get his health bar all the way down. Once this happens, he'll run
away. Catch him with the cloud and use a takedown on him before the timer runs
down. Repeat this entire process one more time to take down the dog mech for
Chapter 6: Village Approach [WAL6]
Follow Trip for a few seconds, then jump around to the bridge. Lower it for
her, then get to the next set of bridges. Here, you'll have to have her help
you operate the levers. Get up to the platform, and have her lower the bridges.
Go up and operate the levers and tell her to follow you, then continue on.
Throw Trip up, then jump onto the bridge. You'll fall, so climb back up. More
bridge switching. Hit the switch, run across, hit that switch and have Trip
hit her switch. Then hit the next switch, run across, and hit the final switch.
Now, have Trip run across. Hit the switch you're standing next to, then run
back and hit the previous switch so Trip can follow you. Now enter the
watchtower. After a cutscene, you'll have to do some island hopping while
fighting mechs. Keep an eye out for mechs with symbols above their heads. It
usually means that performing a takedown on them will help you take out any
other mechs that might be near you. Keep going and you'll eventually have to
do some jumping. After this, be prepared to take on a whole lot of mechs in
close quarters. Get your stun rounds ready to mess up any shielded mechs.
Once you've got them out of the way, continue on, past the gate and climb.
You'll have to deal with some more mechs on a small circular platform. Go over
to the watchtower and climb to the top to end this short chapter.
Move forward until there's nowhere to go, then climb the pole on the right
side wall. Jump over to the next platform. You'll see a couple of mechs here.
Jump to the railing and climb up to the platform with the stun ammo, then drop
down and use a takedown on the shielded mech. Then use the gun to blow away
the broadcaster in the middle of this area. After this, climb up onto the huts
on the left side. Two more heavy mechs will come out. Your best bet here is
to just blow them away with plasma shots, then pick up some of the ammo.
Continue to the cutscene, then drop down. Two more heavy mechs will appear,
and one of them is shielded. Stun the shielded one and take him out first, or
if you think you are quick enough, stun him, take the other one down, and then
take him down. Either way, there is health once you get past them, so don't
worry too much about it. Do some climbing and hit another small cutscene.
There are two heavy mechs on the rooftops, and one of them is shielded. Down
below you'll have to deal with a regular mech and an electro mech. Now, you
can do this by only meleeing, but there is plasma ammo to your left, and
plasma and stun ammo down below. The best solution by far is to just shoot the
two heavy mechs, then drop down and clean up the other two. Now, try to open
the door. You can't, so head up to the farthest roof, the one with the regular
heavy mech on it. Shoot the barricade and pick up the ammo, then continue on.
After some jumping, you'll be back on solid land again, and with four mechs.
This fight will last all of 5 seconds if you takedown the mech with the bomb
and use him to destroy the other three. After they're down, climb the pipe
on the building and keep going. You'll fall down into a larger area with some
You need to shoot the heavy mechs that are far away, then take down two that
come up to you. A shielded mech will start shooting you from far away after
that, and at the same time two more shielded mechs and a regular mech will
come for you. The regular mech has a bomb, so make good use of it. After this,
there are two or three more shielded mechs further on that you can just shoot.
Also keep in mind all of the explosive barrels scattered around. After you
clear this area out, go through the gate and destroy a regular mech and a
shielded electro mech. Go through the door and you'll wind up in a courtyard.
Shoot all of the heavy and shielded mechs, and the prepare to fight a brawler.
As long as he doesn't hit you, he's not particularly hard to take down. Try to
stun him, then just combo the hell out of him until he's dead. After he dies,
a wave of mechs will come for you, including another brawler. One of the
mechs has a bomb, so use it. After that, another nearly identical wave is sent
out. Destroy these guys, and then go to the icon to finish the mission.
You start in the same place that the last mission ended- the giant courtyard.
Follow Trip to a cutscene and continue on to a platforming section. You'll have
to jump around and lower a walkway, then throw Trip up to a ledge and climb
around some more. You'll finally come back up top. Move towards the windmill
and climb to the very top, then jump and climb onto the sail. After the short
cutscene, jump down to the platform above Trip, and go right. Jump across the
beams and hop onto this platform. Now you have two sails left to bring down.
The two remaining sails have bars in different locations, so you can only reach
one of them from where you are at. Have Trip start and stop the windmill until
you can jump onto the appropriate sail, then have her stop it at the top. You
can then lower the sail. Now make your way back to the platform on the right.
This time, ride one of the sails that's already down over to the red platform
on the other side. From here, you can reach the bar on the last sail to bring
it down too. After you take down all the sails, prepare for a battle with
quite a few mechs, including a few brawlers.
After this, you'll head back to the courtyard, and you'll have to fight
another dog mech. Except this one has a chaingun on his head! Pretty much
the exact same routine as last time. Stun him, melee the hell out of him until
his health bar drops to zero, then chase him on the cloud and use a takedown.
Then repeat all that one more time and he's toast, and that's the end of the
Chapter 9: The Wasteland [WAL9]
Follow Trip for a while and hit the cutscene. It's fairly simple to just alert
the mechs and have them come to you, then wipe them out. One is shielded, the
other is an electro mech. Now you'll have to use the cloud to get onto a ramp
that leads to the switch. This area is pretty open, and there are a couple of
regular mechs wandering around, along with a brawler near a health pack at the
top of the ramp in the back. Hit the switch, follow Trip, and lift the block.
Now you'll have to deal with some mechs. Take out the shielded heavy mech by
shooting it, then shoot the two spots on the arm to lower it. Make your way to
the other three mechs and take care of them. One of them has a bomb. Now make
a circle back to Trip and help her across to the boat. After riding it for a
bit, you'll have to take out more mechs. The first two come from the right.
Two then come from the left. After this, two come from the right and two appear
on a walkway above you.
After this, the engine cuts out. You'll have to fend off mechs from the left
and the right, as well as on the walkway above you, until Trip can fix the
boat. Next you enter a room and the gate closes behind you. Take out all the
mechs behind the second story windows. Flip the switch and get back on the
boat. After this, you'll pass through a mech detection barrier and it thinks
you are a mech, so you'll have to get off the boat again and deal with the
turrets. Go up the ramp directly behind you. It splits into two paths, but they
both lead up to the first turret. Take it down and then make your way back to
the area between the mech detecting thing and the gate you had to open before.
You'll notice an opening on the right side. You can go through the minefield
and leave all the mechs alone, taking the ramp on the far side, or you can
just kill the three inactive mechs and take the ramp right next to you.
Either way, you end up at the second turret. After it's destroyed, get back
on the boat.
Next you will have to move some debris out of the way. This wakes up another
dog mech, and you'll have to chase him before he gets to Trip. The actual
chase is rather short, and once you're at the part with a ton of boosts on the
right side, use those to catch up to the mech and perform a takedown on it.
That's the end of the mission.
Chapter 10: The Titan Factory [WAL10]
At the start, follow Pigsy. He'll soon challenge you to a race to the top of
the tower. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, so just climb up to the top.
After the cutscene and reeling down, just follow Pigsy. You'll eventually
lift a door at the bottom of the tower, and Trip will hack the next door.
Jump down to the next platform and use the wheel to raise Trip. Climb the pipe
to your right and make your way over to Trip. Get across the gap and use the
second wheel to bring out a demolition mech. This works the same way as the
previous demo mechs did. Shoot it in the face until it gets mad, then taunt it
into running into the column with the wheel on it. You only have to do this
once, and then you can use a takedown on it to destroy it. The catch is, there
are also two regular mechs to fight at the same time. Climb the pipe and
make your way to the supercharger. Now go all the way back to the first wheel
and lower that walkway. After this, shoot Pigsy's bomb and open the door.
Keep going and you'll come across another platforming sequence. On this one
however, you'll have to watch out for the moving gears. Once you've lowered
the walkway and made it past the hydraulics, you'll meet back up with Trip.
Lift the door and drop down. Wait for Pigsy to get into position and then
take on the inactive mechs. Next, throw Trip up to operate the cranes. Opposite
of where you threw her up, climb around on the platforms and pillars until you
reach the top, then hop onto the crane. You'll have to make your way over to a
turret now. Destroy it, then have Trip move the crane. Go over to her and when
she's on the crane, use the switch again to allow her to get onto the middle
platform. Now go to the wall at the end of the platform and climb up. Do some
jumping around to get to the other switch, and use it. Use it again to get
Trip over to the heat sink, then use it one more time so you can jump to it
from the platform. Drop down, make your way back up to the middle platform, and
get over to the icon. Hurry up and climb around and save Trip before the EMP
she used on the mechs wears off. Throw her up to end the mission.
Chapter 11: The Old Battlefield [WAL11]
Move forward at the beginning. You will almost immediately have to fight a ton
of shielded and heavy mechs. Shoot them all and move forward a bit. Another
wave will come out. Once you've finished them and picked up some ammo, go into
the door. Keep going and drop down to three inactive mechs. Take them out,
move onto the giant arm, then drop into the hand. Now you'll have to fight the
rhino mech.
You might not notice it, but you can use the cloud in here. Run away from him
at first, and when Pigsy starts throwing bombs into the arena, shoot them
while the rhino is near. After you do this three times, you'll have to get the
mech to charge into a burner. You'll have to shoot the next burner down by
blasting it three times. Then just hide behind it when the rhino charges. The
blast doesn't damage you. Now you have to shoot Pigsy's bomb to create a
hand hold to climb up the finger. At the top you'll automatically push the
debris down and crush the rhino. But it's not over yet. After a small cutscene,
you'll have to chase the damn thing down. You must hit every boost and every
jump, if you fall behind even a little bit, Trip will die. After this, the
mission ends.
Chapter 12: The Dam [WAL12]
Trip will open a huge door. Follow Pigsy and he'll reel you down. After the
cutscene, have Trip start the rail. It gets blocked, so jump onto the pipe and
up to the walkway with the first switch. The switch changes the direction that
the car on your side goes when you tell Trip to move them forwards or
backwards. You basically want to get it so that you can jump onto the car on
your side, and have it meet up in the middle with the other car, then jump to
it and ride it to the other button. Hit the other button once and jump back on
the car. Move it forward again. When it stops, jump onto the pipe and climb
over to the other side. Hit this first switch again, move the carts back, then
hit the switch one final time and move them forward. Now follow the sub into
the next room. You'll have to deal with some heavy mechs and make your way
to a console. Lift the bridge and continue on.
After you lift the bridge, continue down. You'll have to take care of a bunch
of mechs that come up on you AND shoot the fans before they mulch Pigsy. There
are two sets of fans you need to shoot. Just keep moving down and wiping out
mechs until you reach the second console. Go down and follow the sub through
the next set of doors. You'll have to deal with more mechs, both on you and
shooting at the sub. Keep going, slicing through mechs whenever they appear.
Eventually you'll jump onto the sub and end the mission.
Chapter 13: Grand Theft [WAL13]
The first area is a lot of timed platforming. Just watch out for the gears and
the fire and you'll be fine. You'll have to shoot some bombs to blow some
stuff out of the way. Just be sure not to hit the gears. Eventually you'll
shoot a bunch of bombs to release the first shackle. After this you head up a
ramp and into the next room. You'll need to climb onto that platform with the
fan blades and go right, jumping over the hurdles. Don't jump when a blade
comes by. Shoot more bombs, then climb past the next set of fan blades and
onto the waypoint. Destroy the second shackle, then climb up and into the next
platforming area. Enter the lift, go down, and enter the next lift. Go through
the power core and into yet another lift. Now prepare for some more platforming
and bomb shooting.
This area is definitely trickier though. You'll have to time your jumps across
the poles to not only avoid fire but also gears at the same time. There are
also parts where you have to jump around on a huge piston before it comes
down. Not particularly difficult, as long as you keep your cool. After this,
make your way to the third shackle and blow it up, then run over to the fourth
one and blow it. After this you'll be teleported back to Trip. Ride the lift
and go through the power core. Climb the beams next to the walkway and prepare
for some heavy fighting. Trip will lower the power cores one at a time. As she
does, mechs will drop in and try to destroy them. After protecting them for a
while, the mission will finally end.
At the very beginning, you might as well upgrade all that you can, because this
is the last time you'll get the oppurtunity. Move out onto the platform and
shoot the three leeches, then take out the two mechs. Climb up to the next
platform and shoot two more leeches. Climb around some more, watch out for the
fire, and shoot the three leeches and take out the mechs, then move forward
and jump through the gear. Climb the pipe and take on the next few mechs.
After this, another platforming sequence, followed by more mechs, this time
almost exclusively shielded brawlers. At this point, a gigantic metal
scorpion climbs on top of your ride. Take out some more mechs and then use the
valve to release some gas. Shoot the gas to damage the scorpion. Now, Trip
will raise some hydraulic lifts that you can jump onto to get a good vantage
point on the claw. You have to shoot the claw in three places. After this,
run away quickly, back to the main platform. The scorpion will blow the
lifts away. Back on the platform, deal with more mechs. You can pretty much
count on having to deal with a wave of mechs after you do something to damage
the scorpion, so be prepared. Turn the other valve and shoot the gas again,
then go up the next set of lifts. Shoot the other arm three times, then once
again, get the hell out of there.
After this, the scorpion will crawl around and up to your side. You have to
shoot two weak spots on each arm while simultaneously fighting mechs. After
this, jump onto a pillar on the left side of the platform and drop down. Hit
the weak spot on its back, then climb back up to the main platform and deal
with the brawler. Shoot the three weak spots on its tail, and then run over to
it and perform a takedown. Now all that's left to do is watch the epilogue.
+Tech Orbs+
Chapter 2: The Old City [ORB2]
1 Orb: Bottom of the escalators to your right after you pick up the health
2 Orbs: Top of the escalators.
2 Orbs: Balcony with stairs leading down to the escalators.
1 Orb: On top of pillar accessible via hand holds on the right side of the
6 Orbs: From the previous pillar, climb out onto the plank, then jump to the
pipe and use the hand holds to drop down onto a platform.
1 Orb: Behind the circular bulletin board in the middle of the starting area,
the one with all the missing people on it.
3 Orbs: Right before you get to Trip as she is standing at the switch, look
left. You can get on the raised area here, the orbs are by the large
8 Orbs: On the same raised area, keep going left. Behind the second pillar.
1 Orb: Other side of the drawbridge, next to a pillar.
1 Orb: After lifting the debris, it's next to the health pack.
3 Orbs: After the cutscene where Trip asks what the plan is, head back inside,
where you just came from. To the left, behind the bushes.
2 Orbs: After the cutscene, turn left. Both orbs are out in the open.
6 Orbs: After the cutscene, turn right. There are single orbs behind the cars
and roadblocks.
7 Orbs: In the area where you fight five mechs, there is a single orb in both
open containers, one in the pipe, and four around a lamp pole.
9 Orbs: Under the bridge you just crossed to fight the five mechs. One is
behind the roadblock.
1 Orb: At the waypoint after the five mechs.
1 Orb: Just after the waypoint, after you climb the boxes.
5 Orbs: Walk up to Trip as if you were going to lift the debris, but don't.
Instead, turn around. You'll see the orbs on a ledge in the previous
room. Walk back into the room and climb the ledge on the wall there
to get up to them.
3 Orbs: In the area where you lift the debris for the second time and fight
two mechs. One is right after the debris, one is under the stairs, one
is on top of the stairs.
1 Orb: After the brief cutscene displaying two mechs with lasers, look to your
1 Orb: After the brief cutscene displaying two mechs with lasers, run to the
other side of the room. There is a staircase there with an orb under it.
10 Orbs: When you first get the chance to use a Decoy and run across the
bridge, stop in the middle of the bridge and look to your right. There
is a pole you can jump onto, then a pipe, then a ledge to the right.
2 Orbs: When Trip can't hack the door, you are forced to go downstairs. The
orbs are right in the open.
8 Orbs: Drop down from the health pack next to the previous two orbs. They are
scattered down here.
1 Orb: Hard to miss. On a platform in the middle of the hand hold jumping you
have to do to get over to two mechs with lasers.
2 Orbs: In the area where the second laser mech is at, out in the open.
2 Orbs: After you defeat the mechs and go through the hacked door, you'll drop
down off a broken walkway. The orbs are at either end of this area.
4 Orbs: After the cutscene showing the giant tree, look behind you.
6 Orbs: After the cutscene showing the giant tree, look to your right. In the
building and at the entrance.
3 Orbs: On the other side of the giant tree.
3 Orbs: During the part where you have to chase down a dragonfly, you can't
help but see them, they are directly in your path, on the upper floor
of a building.
3 Orbs: During the dragonfly chase, almost immediately after the last three
orbs, you'll jump across a few branches with red flowers on them. The
second branch gives you access to the building to your right. Jump to
the building and go into the door.
1 Orb: Right after you catch the dragonfly, you'll go backwards a bit. The orb
is to the left and down from the broken pillar you are supposed to get
2 Orbs: Both are on platforms directly in your path after the first set of
4 Orbs: After the last two orbs, you'll drop down into the second set of mines.
Two are directly to your left. Two are on the path through the mines.
8 Orbs: In the second mine set, on the left side. You'll have to squeeze
between two mines to get to it.
2 Orbs: After the second mine set, you'll hit a cutscene. After the cutscene,
look around, the orbs are right next to you.
4 Orbs: In the big minefield, after you go through the wrecked bus, they are
in front of you.
2 Orbs: To the left of the previous four orbs, behind the wrecked bus, on a
chunk of bridge.
19 Orbs: After the last two orbs, continue up the poles and jump on the bridge.
The orbs are scattered along the length of the bridge.
1 Orb: After you exit the wrecked bus, to your right, next to the chunk of
7 Orbs: After you cross the wrecked cars, in the area where you have to throw
Trip up to the ledge. There are two orbs in the immediate area, and
five more when you move into the next area, where you fight the mech.
10 Orbs: In the area where you fight the mech, there is a truck with some
crates behind it. Climb it and jump onto the cab. From here, there's
a ledge with the orbs on it.
1 Orb: After you fight the mech, you have to climb onto a chunk of the bridge.
The orb is right there.
1 Orb: After the mech, you'll have to make your way over to Trip. The orb is at
the far end of the ledge she is on.
1 Orb: You'll encounter a sentry turret. You'll be forced to climb a pole and
swing across horizontal bars. Before you do, grab the orb that is
underneath it, on the ground.
5 Orbs: When you're in the building where you are supposed to sneak past the
mechs, drop down to the ground floor right in front of you and turn
around. Underneath the platform with the first mech.
2 Orbs: From the previous five orbs, make your way to the ramp to the right.
Go up it, the orbs are up here.
2 Orbs: From the previous two orbs, look on the wall next to the ramp. There is
a handhold and some bars. Swing over to the next platform with the
7 Orbs: They are scattered around when you drop out of the building you are
supposed to sneak through. Four single orbs are in the immediate
vicinity, and a cluster of three is further up, near the health pack.
3 Orbs: After you go up the container, go inside of the building instead of on
the pipe.
6 Orbs: After taking out the sentry turret and lifting the debris. The first
room has four, the next has two.
4 Orbs: After the last six orbs, you climb up. Three are right here, another
one is a little further down.
4 Orbs: As you make your way towards the turret you need to capture, you will
encounter all of these along the main path.
12 Orbs: After you meet up with Trip, after the turret sequence, and before
you help her across, there are twelve orbs to collect. There are six
from the car to the point where Trip wants help to cross, and six if
you veer left and follow the platforms all the way to the building.
5 Orbs: After throwing Trip across. Two near the health pack, three in the next
room with the hole in the floor.
9 Orbs: These are found after jumping into the hole, but before jumping down
again. They are all fairly obvious.
2 Orbs: On the platform after you jump down from the previous nine orbs.
5 Orbs: You'll have to collect these WHILE you fight the Demolition boss.
Luckily it's not hard, all you have to do is run in a circle.
Chapter 3: The Metal Tower [ORB3]
7 Orbs: At the very beginning, behind you.
4 Orbs: Near the beginning, behind the first wrecked car.
26 Orbs: Near the beginning, you'll be able to enter a building to your right.
The orbs are scattered all over the ground floor in here.
8 Orbs: In the same building, if you look up, you'll see plasma ammo. Across
from it is a hand hold. Use it to get up to the ledge. The orbs are
8 Orbs: These are scattered among the roadblocks, starting from where the
building with the previous orbs begins and ending at the roadblock
before the mechs.
1 Orb: On the balcony above the mechs you can sneak past.
2 Orbs: Next to the "sleeping" mechs. You will have to wake them up to get
8 Orbs: Just after the sleeping mechs, there is a container. You use it to
sneak past them. The side facing away from the mechs is open, and has
six orbs. Two more are behind the container.
1 Orb: To your right after you move the car.
2 Orbs: As you are moving up the building. By a couple of windows.
2 Orbs: A couple of jumps up from the previous two orbs.
11 Orbs: In the large open area at the top of the building. You can jump over
a pillar at the beginning, you'll find an orb directly behind it and
five more in an alcove. There are five other orbs scattered around
the main area.
1 Orb: After you hit the cutscene with the mask, go through the building.
The orb is behind a plant near the exit.
8 Orbs: After you climb the ladder, search this floor. There are five single
orbs in the building and a three orb cluster on a railing.
4 Orbs: When you first encounter the shielded mech. There are three orbs in
front of the left box, the one Trip hides behind, and a single orb by
the right box.
6 Orbs: A single orb on the left end of the walkway before you enter the
building with the mechs. Two more on the way to the shielded mech.
There's one on a railing with a Health Replenisher in the room behind
the mechs. And there are two on the way to let the ladder down for
2 Orbs: On the main path after Trip crawls through the hole.
1 Orb: Right after the previous two orbs, when you drop down next to Trip.
Some people say this one is glitched, if you are having trouble getting
it, try to pick it up from the other side of the wall before Trip goes
through the hole, or just make sure to jump directly on it when you get
around to it.
7 Orbs: In the area after Trip hacks the door. Three are in an alcove to the
right and behind the door. Three are behind some kind of debris to
your right as you exit the door, between that debris and a brick wall.
One is in the same area but not hidden.
2 Orbs: After the cutscene with the mechs, look to your right.
4 Orbs: After the cutscene with the mechs, climb the platform to your left.
11 Orbs: From the previous orbs, climb across the pipes and onto the other
1 Orb: After the cutscene with the mechs, climb the platform to your left.
Instead of taking the pipes to the other platform, jump onto the
ledges above the shielded mech.
3 Orbs: On the platform with the shielded mech.
3 Orbs: In the area in front of the sentry turret, on the left side.
3 Orbs: Directly after the previous three orbs, you'll need to go out onto a
beam to get to the turret. Instead of jumping to the water tank, turn
right and jump onto the other beam, then the platform.
2 Orbs: On the platform with the turret.
1 Orb: After you enter the building, look to Trip's right, in an alcove.
1 Orb: At the bottom of the staircase, after you have to jump off.
1 Orb: Just after the final mask, next to the bed.
4 Orbs: After the bedroom, you drop down. There are three in the room there,
and one to your right as you exit the room.
3 Orbs: After the previous orbs, you'll view a short cutscene identifying
mechs. The orbs are to your left after this scene.
5 Orbs: After the previous orbs, jump down. These are scattered on this floor.
2 Orbs: Jump down again but on the right side first. There are crates here
that allow you to get back up. There's an orb in the room and one on
the outside.
2 Orbs: Same as before, except jump down on the left side.
6 Orbs: After defeating the demolition mech, in the room he came out of.
Chapter 4: Wherefore Art Thou? [ORB4]
11 Orbs: Right in the starting area, to the left. There are three orbs behind
the roadblocks, two orbs next to the doors of the building, three
behind the container, and three behind some rubble next to the edge
of the ravine.
3 Orbs: After you're done climbing up to the railing, you can go left or right.
Go left.
1 Orb: After you go right and reach the top, the orb is here, with a mech.
9 Orbs: After the electro mech, you can go left or right. If you're looking
INTO the building, then go to your right, using the hand holds. Go
directly right for a platform with three orbs, and from there you can
work your way up to two more platforms, one on the left and one on the
right, each with three orbs.
2 Orbs: After you climb the sign that falls and reenter the building, the orbs
are right there.
3 Orbs: When you drop down into the room with the shielded mechs, look behind
you. In the corner of the room.
3 Orbs: When you drop down into the room with the shielded mechs, look to your
3 Orbs: You are forced to move through the room to the left, going between
cover. Up a bit and to the left you'll see these orbs grouped together.
6 Orbs: One of these is near the previous three orbs, another one is on an
outcropping to the right, and four are together on the right side in
plain view.
2 Orbs: After you climb some handholds, these are on the platform.
3 Orbs: Right after the previous two orbs, grouped together under the platform.
6 Orbs: Four are on the platform with the two mechs, two are in the very next
3 Orbs: After you drop down to get the second mask, turn around.
4 Orbs: After you get the mask, there are two on the left side of the room in
an alcove, and two on the right side near the beam.
3 Orbs: On the platform directly above the last one, at the bottom of the
stairs and in the next room.
4 Orbs: Scattered on the platform at the top of the stairs with the two mechs.
1 Orb: After the cutscene with the crane and the dog mech, drop down the
6 Orbs: After you get off of the crane, the orbs are on the first platform.
Three are hidden on the other side of the wall, next to a Vial.
6 Orbs: On the next lower level in an alcove to the left.
5 Orbs: After you jump back up and hear Trip call for help. Two are on the
platform with you, three are on a platform behind you.
11 Orbs: After you jump down again, go over the broken pillar behind you.
2 Orbs: As you're about to leave the building.
3 Orbs: Just outside the building, run towards the camera to get one.
3 Orbs: As you are running away from the dog mech, keep to the right. About 7
seconds into the race you'll come across a cluster.
9 Orbs: After you run into the building, search the ground floor.
3 Orbs: On a chandelier after you throw Trip up to the top of the stairs.
3 Orbs: After climbing around in the building and meeting up with Trip again,
you'll drop down. Turn around.
18 Orbs: In the big theater. 7 are scattered around the seating area, 8 are in
the gap between the seating area and the stage, and there's a cluster
of 3 hidden on the left side of the stage, behind a pillar.
1 Orb: Next to the part where you have to throw Trip up to examine the power
8 Orbs: When you go to line up the light scaffolds, instead of lining them up
high, line them up low. Then go around the right side of the theater,
facing the stage, and jump onto the scaffolds. Work your way from red
to green and onto the pipe.
Chapter 5: Crash Site [ORB5]
2 Orbs: Directly behind you at the start.
1 Orb: After the start on the main path.
2 Orbs: To your left, after you get on the cloud.
2 Orbs: Underneath the starting area, one on the left side of it, one between
the starting platform and the next platform. Can only be accessed via
6 Orbs: A platform near the beginning, on the right side. Has a big robotic
hand sticking out of it. Accessible via cloud.
2 Orbs: The platform you jump off of to get to the other platform with the
piece of debris you have to drop for Trip. One on top, one below.
1 Orb: Up and to the left from the platform with the previous orbs, on some
rocks sticking out of the water with big pipes going into them.
1 Orb: On the platform with the debris you have to drop for Trip.
3 Orbs: Next to the first wrecked ship, the one on the far left, due left of
the platform where you have to drop some debris for Trip to get on.
27 Orbs: The other wrecked ship, the one further up and still to the left. Two
are on some rocks to the right of the ship, one is next to the ship
on some debris on the left side. If you get on the debris and shoot
the yellow tank on the left side with a plasma shot, the ship will
explode and sink, and three 8-orb clusters will fall out.
1 Orb: Just up from the previous ship, on the mass of land with the mask.
5 Orbs: On the main path after dropping the debris for Trip. Two are early on,
three more further down near a pipe.
5 Orbs: On the far right, up from the platform with the big hand, there is an
L-shaped platform that you have to boost onto. The orbs are on it.
2 Orbs: One on each side of the ramp you have to use to get up to the second
piece of debris.
4 Orbs: On the platform after the previous ramp.
3 Orbs: On the platform with the second piece of debris (the truck).
7 Orbs: On the main path, when you're under the bridge piece. There are five
under it, and two more almost immediately after.
5 Orbs: On the platform directly after the last orbs.
2 Orbs: On the left of the main path, on some rocks out in the water, up from
the last orbs.
1 Orb: Inside a container next to the debris you have to lift.
2 Orbs: Just after you lift the debris.
3 Orbs: After you throw Trip up for a second time, you'll climb onto a red
grate type platform. You are supposed to go right onto a beam, but
instead jump up to the left onto another red platform for the orbs.
1 Orb: Once you get to the platform with the lawn chair, don't get on the
beam. Instead go to the other side and hop onto a pipe, and drop down
onto another platform.
1 Orb: On the beam after the lawn chair platform.
7 Orbs: After you finish the platforming section and that entire thing has
dropped. Three are right here, four are on the other side of the
containers you have to climb over.
3 Orbs: After the cutscene showing all the mechs on the bridge, the orbs are
on the same platform as you.
5 Orbs: After the cutscene, cross the bridge to your left. The orbs are by the
two inactive mechs.
4 Orbs: After the cutscene, by the three mechs in front of you.
3 Orbs: After fighting the mechs, climb up the next platform. At the far left
are the orbs, next to a Vial.
2 Orbs: After you throw Trip across the gap. One on either side of the wrecked
bus in the middle.
1 Orb: In the same area as the stun ammo on the left side, just after the
cutscene with the heavy mechs.
3 Orbs: On the right side, as you're moving around to flank the two mechs,
you'll find these inside a pipe just after you jump the gap from the
platform with the roadblocks.
6 Orbs: Four are on the platform with the two mechs, two are on the platform
behind it.
4 Orbs: After you destroy the mechs and are back on the main path. These orbs
are scattered on a platform with a container and some plasma ammo.
1 Orb: After you jump down from the container when Trip crawls under the truck.
It's on a beam and you'll probably have to pick it up.
3 Orbs: After you jump back onto a platform, just after the previous orb.
4 Orbs: On the next platform with the wrecked white car.
4 Orbs: After the cutscene with the mechs and the turret, these are in the
immediate area. You might have already picked one up.
1 Orb: Before you jump on the boxes and container to get to the turret, the
orb is almost directly underneath the turret.
3 Orbs: On the other side of the turret, below it, inside a wrecked bus.
6 Orbs: After you destroy the turret, backtrack down the path that Trip used.
There are three orbs scattered on the path, three grouped together at
the end.
2 Orbs: Before you lift the debris after destroying the turret, next to the
car behind Trip.
12 Orbs: After the cutscene with all the turrets and the car you need to get
working. There is a cluster of 8 in the red container to your right,
one in front of the box and three on the other side of the road block.
1 Orb: On your way to the car.
10 Orbs: These are found as you're trying to stay behind the car and avoid
turret fire. The first part, when the car is on your right, the orbs
are all on the left side of the bridge. When you have to go to the
right, they are easier to spot and pick up.
18 Orbs: You'll have to pick these up while fighting the dog mech. There are
17 on the upper levels, one on the bottom floor, behind a pillar.
Chapter 6: Village Approach [ORB6]
10 Orbs: All are at the very beginning. Four are behind you, one is to your
left, there are two on either side of the bridge, and a cluster of
three is on the bridge.
1 Orb: Just to the left of the main path after you go around the first bend.
3 Orbs: After swinging on the tree branches. Two are on one side of the bridge,
one is on the other.
1 Orb: When you get to the bridge that you are supposed to lower, don't lower
it. Instead, use it as a ramp to climb up to the platform with the
orb and a mask.
2 Orbs: At the part where you and Trip must both operate levers, on the
platform after crossing the first bridge.
1 Orb: Up the bridge from the previous orbs.
1 Orb: Next to the bridge after you fall down and climb back up.
1 Orb: Next to the switch across the way from the previous switch.
3 Orbs: At the next switch.
5 Orbs: These are next to the watchtower before you enter it.
7 Orbs: On the other side of the watchtower after the cutscene and on the
adjacent island.
6 Orbs: On the next island that you jump to.
4 Orbs: On the next island after the previous orbs, before the platforming
1 Orb: On the main path after you finish the platforming part.
6 Orbs: After the previous orb, on the platform where you fight a large
amount of mechs.
2 Orbs: After you lift the wall/gate.
3 Orbs: On the platform with the mechs.
5 Orbs: At the second watchtower. Three are on the ground. Two are on either
side on the second floor area.
4 Orbs: At the beginning. Two next to the swingset, two on the main path.
2 Orbs: Just a little further down, in front of a couch.
2 Orbs: When you're at the couch, you'll notice you can keep going, or you can
climb a pole on the wall. Climb the pole and the hand holds.
5 Orbs: These are in the last area of this particular island, before you start
climbing to the other platform.
2 Orbs: After you swing onto the next platform.
1 Orb: You'll have to make your way to the first mech. On a platform on the
way there, next to stun ammo.
11 Orbs: Scattered around the bottom middle of the area with the shielded
mech and the broadcasting mech.
2 Orbs: After taking out the next two mechs and leaving the huts, these are on
the main path.
7 Orbs: To your left and right after you drop down after the cutscene.
3 Orbs: In the same area as the previous orbs, where the mechs are. One is
between the road blocks, two more are by a health pack.
6 Orbs: After the mechs, you'll climb up to another platform. These orbs are
scattered all over it.
2 Orbs: On the platform to your left after the cutscene, with some plasma
6 Orbs: At the bottom of this area, the part with a regular mech and an
electro mech.
2 Orbs: On the roof with the shielded mech.
3 Orbs: On the roof with the heavy mech.
2 Orbs: On the main path after opening the door with the beam behind it.
7 Orbs: After swinging across the tree branches and taking out the four mechs,
these are scattered around.
2 Orbs: On an island after jumping from the top of the building.
15 Orbs: At the large village part where you fall down and have to fight a
bunch of mechs. These are scattered throughout the village on the
ground area.
4 Orbs: On the front of the third house on the left there is a pipe. Climb it.
One orbs is on this roof, three more on the other one.
6 Orbs: From the previous orbs, you can jump onto some beams and swing across
to another walkway. On the walkway are three orbs. Three more are on
the roof to the left.
2 Orbs: From the previous orbs, continue along the walkway.
3 Orbs: From the previous orbs, swing across to the health pack.
9 Orbs: From the previous orbs, keep jumping. There is a single orb in plain
sight. Around the corner to the right is a cluster of 8.
3 Orbs: After you lift the gate and fight the two mechs. Scattered around.
1 Orb: After you open the door, next to a health pack.
24 Orbs: All are in the final courtyard. 22 are scattered around the edges of
the courtyard, two are by the big pole in the middle.
20 Orbs: Scattered around the perimeter of the starting area. One is by the
big pole in the middle.
6 Orbs: There is an open green gate to the left of where you're supposed to
go. The orbs are in here with a mask.
4 Orbs: In the area after the courtyard and the cutscene, before you have to
climb under the fences.
3 Orbs: Single orbs as you jump down the steps/platforms and at the bottom.
1 Orb: As you come out onto a bridge with no buildings on the sides, look left.
The orb is next to some plasma ammo.
2 Orbs: Both on the main path after pulling the lever to let the walkway down.
5 Orbs: All on the main path after you throw Trip up to open the window.
10 Orbs: After you're back on top. These orbs are scattered around from the
point you came up at all the way back to the electric fence.
15 Orbs: Scattered around the bottom of the large windmill. Two are kind of
hidden behind a rock near the ledge, to the right of the fence and the
large gear sticking out of the cliff at the back of the windmill.
3 Orbs: After climbing the stairs. Next to Trip as she controls the windmill.
1 Orb: At the top of the windmill.
3 Orbs: When you reach the top of the windmill, go right. You can drop down
onto a platform with the orbs and some health.
1 Orb: After you lower the first sail, you have to get onto the platform to
the right of the windmill. This orb is in your path, on that platform.
1 Orb: On top of the red platform you have to get on to lower the last sail.
Chapter 9: The Wasteland [ORB9]
2 Orbs: Right beside you at the start.
4 Orbs: Instead of following Trip down the ramp, explore the starting platform.
4 Orbs: As you're following Trip on the main path, these are scattered along
the path.
2 Orbs: When the path splits and Trip goes right, go left instead.
6 Orbs: Back on the main path, these orbs are scattered on it, before you get
to the cutscene highlighting the mechs.
3 Orbs: On the main path, after the cutscene, but before the mechs.
2 Orbs: One on the left side of the platform with the mechs, another to the
left of that one, in the water. Use the cloud.
1 Orb: After the previous platform, you can get on a small bridge. To the left
of that, on the water next to the wall.
2 Orbs: After the platform with the mechs, you can get on a small bridge, or
you can go through a tunnel on the right. There's one in the tunnel and
one at the exit.
26 Orbs: These are scattered all over the next area. There are 19 orbs on the
bottom part, scattered around the water and the spots of land. There
is one on the ramp at the very back of the area, and four more around
a health pack at the top of that ramp. There are two at the top of
the main ramp, near the switch.
2 Orbs: One is on the path after you lift the block, another one is above it
on the left of the platform, after the boat cutscene.
3 Orbs: From the previous platform, drop down to your right.
5 Orbs: After you lower the arm and cross over to the other platform. You'll
have to drop down onto a small platform to the left for two of them.
6 Orbs: On the platform with the boat.
6 Orbs: On the series of platforms to the left of the boat, if you're facing
the boat while on its platform.
8 Orbs: Before you get on the boat, check the water. These orbs are scattered
around the area.
2 Orbs: There's a part in the boat sequence where you get off to flip a switch.
7 Orbs: When you have to get off the boat again, these are scattered in the
vicinity, around the minefield. Two are also at the bottom of the
ramp back here.
2 Orbs: Go up the ramp and when the path splits, go left.
7 Orbs: Go up the ramp and when the path splits, go right. These are on the
two platforms with boosts on them.
6 Orbs: From the previous orbs, keep going. These are near the turret.
6 Orbs: After you get off the boat, if you go back through the mech barrier
into the area you entered just after flipping the switch, you'll find
these orbs scattered around.
7 Orbs: From the previous orbs, there is a ramp leading up to three inactive
mechs. The orbs are scattered on this platform. One is to the left, the
rest are on the right. One of the orbs on the right is kind of hidden
between the ramp and the wall.
14 Orbs: Check the minefield area in front of the previous orbs. There is a
cluster of 8 in the middle, and one next to the inactive mech.
1 Orb: From the previous orbs, if you go up the ramp you'll come to one of the
turrets. The orb is on the same platform.
8 Orbs: After taking out both turrets, before you get back on the boat, explore
the main water area. These are scattered around.
2 Orbs: On the main path at the start of the dog chase.
6 Orbs: On the first ramp on the left side and the next platform.
7 Orbs: If you keep to the left, you'll encounter all of these orbs on the
main path.
9 Orbs: You'll have to do the entire level at least one more time to get
these orbs. When you're chasing the dog, instead of taking the ramp
to the left, keep going straight. There are three on the main path just
before the big yellow arm falls. They are just a bit to the right and
are easy to miss. To get underneath the big yellow arm before it falls,
you have to be pretty close to the dog, so keep hitting all of the
boosts. On the main path on the other side of the arm there are three
more orbs. and there are three on the right side of the entrance to
the tunnel with all the boosts.
Chapter 10: The Titan Factory [ORB10]
1 Orb: On the starting platform.
14 Orbs: Near the beginning, after the winding walkway, you'll be on an island.
There are 5 orbs to the left, 9 to the right.
1 Orb: After Pigsy challenges you to a race, jump up once and immediately head
as far left as you can go. The orb is hidden behind the wall there.
2 Orbs: After the first brief platforming sequence, on a grated area.
11 Orbs: All are on the main path as you continue to climb up the tower.
1 Orb: After you've reached the top and Pigsy has reeled the both of you back
down. After the first jump, on the main path.
1 Orb: After you've reached the bottom and lifted the door for Trip and Pigsy.
Next to a health pack.
3 Orbs: After Trip hacks the door, go outside and look left.
3 Orbs: On the next platform, the one that is kind of purple.
1 Orb: After you use the wheel, you'll have to climb the pipe to your right
and make your way to Trip to throw her across. Before you do, this orb
is behind her.
6 Orbs: Before you use the second wheel, search this platform.
1 Orb: After taking out the demolition mech and climbing up the pipe onto the
walkways. It's on the main path.
3 Orbs: In the room with the supercharger.
3 Orbs: On the main path after you pick up the supercharger.
2 Orbs: After you lower the walkway again and shoot Pigsy's bomb. On the ramps.
1 Orb: Right after you lift the door, to your left.
3 Orbs: On the main path after the previous orb.
4 Orbs: After the platforming sequence, you'll meet back up with Trip and
Pigsy. Instead of going forward, go back on the path that they used.
After the first jump, look on the pillar to your right. You can climb
it up to a walkway with the orbs.
8 Orbs: After the previous orbs, drop down and keep going back on the path that
Trip and Pigsy used. At the end is the cluster.
3 Orbs: After the platforming sequence, you'll meet back up with Trip and
Pigsy. Go forward just a bit and look on the right wall for a hand
hold. Climb up to the walkway with the orbs and a health pack.
2 Orbs: On the main path after the previous orbs.
5 Orbs: After you lift the door. Two are right there, the other three are on
the path.
5 Orbs: Scattered around after you drop down and fight some inactive mechs.
1 Orb: After you throw Trip up, you have to turn around and climb to this
3 Orbs: After the previous orb, once you reach the top, look down on the right
side. You can jump down to a platform with these orbs.
1 Orb: On your way to the turret.
5 Orbs: All on the main path as you are making your way from one crane switch
to the other.
1 Orb: After you save Trip from the mechs, do not throw her up. Instead, jump
down a couple of platform. The orb is on one of them, in an area
covered in sunlight.
Chapter 11: The Old Battlefield [ORB11]
8 Orbs: At the very beginning, go around the other side of the boat and up the
1 Orb: After you take out the first wave of mechs, by a roadblock.
13 Orbs: After you take out all the mechs and you can see a door. Don't go
through the door. Stay back and look to your left. You should see a
ledge with a single orb, and cluster of 8 orbs, and the first mask.
From here, go backwards and jump onto another platform with 4 orbs.
1 Orb: Next to the door.
6 Orbs: After you enter the next area, all along the path. One is right outside
the door.
5 Orbs: Trip will jump off of this path onto a green section and then some
grass. Do not follow her. Instead of going forward like she did, go
right, towards the camera. You can collect orbs and jump up to more
orbs and a mask.
5 Orbs: After the previous orbs, jump onto the grassy area and look to the
2 Orbs: On the main path after the previous orbs.
7 Orbs: On the main path after you jump down.
7 Orbs: In the area with the three inactive mechs.
7 Orbs: All on the giant arm.
9 Orbs: In the palm of the hand. Move in a circle while you are fighting the
rhino mech.
30 Orbs: These are scattered along the main path during the rhino chase.
It's technically possible to grab them all in one go, since there is
only one path, but the speed, the jumps, the way the orbs are spread
out, and the inability to backtrack means that you will almost
definitely have to go through the entire level at least twice to
grab them all.
Chapter 12: The Dam [ORB12]
8 Orbs: In the starting room and the next room.
5 Orbs: After Trip opens the door, go left.
2 Orbs: After Pigsy reels the both of you down.
2 Orbs: Across the next walkway.
2 Orbs: From the previous orbs, go right. They are in front of some boxes.
2 Orbs: On the platform with the first switch.
6 Orbs: Hit that switch. This switchs the direction of the cars. Now tell Trip
to move them back. This brings the car up to you. Hop on, and tell her
to move them forward. You will be sent to the area in the far back on
the left. The orbs are over here.
2 Orbs: On the platform with the second button.
5 Orbs: After you flip the second button and ride the car forward, jump up to
the walkway. These are scattered on it.
2 Orbs: After you jump down from the walkway.
4 Orbs: After the sub goes into the next room and you follow it. On the first
1 Orb: On the next platform you jump down to.
6 Orbs: On the next platform you jump down to. Three are near the bridge
1 Orb: Behind the bridge console is a pipe you can climb.
7 Orbs: On the next platforms where you fight the mechs and shoot the fans.
5 Orbs: On the next walkways, where you fight a bunch of mechs. This number may
be off a bit, I couldn't keep count while fighting all of the mechs,
but they are all in plain sight, from the part where you drop down to
the second console.
3 Orbs: After using the second console, you'll drop down onto a walkway. At
the far end are these orbs.
5 Orbs: In the next room, on the very first platform.
3 Orbs: Before you jump from the very first platform to the next one, look on
the wall. There is a hand hold there and you can climb up to a walkway.
6 Orbs: On the platforms at the very end, just before you pull Pigsy up.
Chapter 13: Grand Theft [ORB13]
12 Orbs: After Trip sends out the dragonfly, examine the platform she is on.
3 Orbs: After shooting the two bombs and jumping across the big gear. Behind a
1 Orb: In your path, just above the previous orbs.
1 Orb: The second time Pigsy asks you destroy the bombs, instead climb up the
pipe beneath him and drop down to the left.
3 Orbs: In the area with the fan blades, you'll get a waypoint. These are at
the waypoint. Don't worry about other orbs that you may see in this
room, you cannot get them yet.
3 Orbs: After you destroy the second shackle, climb up on the right side. Two
are right there, one is at the top.
6 Orbs: After Trip shuts off the fire and you jump from the poles with the
fire shooting out onto them, you'll land on a vertical pole on a red
part of the wall. Drop off of it and you'll land on top of the fan
blades. The orbs are here.
3 Orbs: From the previous orbs, climb onto the next platform.
10 Orbs: From the previous orbs, do not enter the lift with Pigsy. Instead
jump onto the other area with the fan blades.
6 Orbs: You'll ride the lift down, meet up with Trip, then ride another lift
up. Once you get out of this lift, there are beams to your left and
right. Both lead up to the same platform with the orbs.
1 Orb: After going up another elevator, climb the pipe next to the plasma
ammo. The orb is to the left when you get up to the platform.
1 Orb: This is on the same platform, but at the other end.
1 Orb: This cube is right in your path in the next platforming section, on a
2 Orbs: After the platforming section is complete. To the right of the health
3 Orbs: After the platforming section is complete. To the left of the health
pack, on the main path.
2 Orb: Jump around until Pigsy throws bombs onto the third shackle. This
platform is connected to a gear via a beam. On top of the gear is an orb
and some plasma ammo. Behind the gear is another orb that you can drop
down on.
3 Orbs: When you get to the aforementioned platform where Pigsy starts throwing
bombs, hop onto the pipes behind the platform and climb all the way
down. Two orbs are here, one is up the ramp by Pigsy.
1 Orb: When you're going from the third shackle to the fourth. Unavoidable.
1 Orb: Before destroying the fourth shackle, jump over to the next platform
with the orb and more plasma ammo on it.
4 Orbs: On the platform at the end when you have to defend the power cores as
they come down.
12 Orbs: On the next platform you climb to, all the way down the ramp, and
across the gap.
4 Orbs: In the very next room.
5 Orbs: On the top floor of the same room, after you climb the pipe.
2 Orbs: On the next platform.
2 Orbs: On the same platform, after you destroy the mechs, turn around and
face the door you just came out of. To the right is an orb. From that
orb, drop down to snag the last mask and the last orb of the game.
Chapter 3: The Metal Tower [MAS3]
1. Impossible to miss. You don't even pick it up yourself, you grab it in a
cutscene. It's after you have to climb up the building and jump across a
small gap.
2. At the part where you are tasked with taking down a shielded mech, three
inactive mechs, and a turret, you'll have to throw Trip up to lower a
ladder. You'll then have to move out onto a beam and jump onto some hand
holds which quickly fall, and up to a railing that the turret can see you
on. Once you're on this particular railing, turn around. The mask is on
another railing behind you.
3. Impossible to miss. It's directly in your path after you enter the building
being guarded by a turret and a few mechs.
Chapter 4: Wherefore Art Thou? [MAS4]
1. At the beginning of the level, when you have to climb up the brick wall and
then up the building using hand holds, you will climb onto a railing. You
can go left or right here. Go left. Climb along the side of the building
until you reach another railing with the mask and some orbs.
2. Impossible to miss. It's directly in your path after you take down the
three shielded mechs.
3. After you throw Trip up to examine the power cell in the theater. It's on
the plank connecting the stage to the seating area, and you have to grab it
to advance the story.
Chapter 5: Crash Site [MAS5]
1. Right after you get the cloud, go to your left. There are two wrecked ships
over here. Look for the one furthest up, kind of by itself, the one with
the yellow tank on the left side that you can shoot. Well, up from this
there is a little mass of debris and rocks. The mask is on it.
2. As you are climbing up the bridge, you'll come across a platform with a
lawn chair on it. This is a bit after you throw Trip up for the second time.
You are supposed to hop onto the beam to continue on, but instead, go to the
other end of this platform and drop down. The mask is on the platform here.
3. Impossible to miss. You pick it up in a cutscene after destroying the turret
on the bridge.
Chapter 6: Village Approach [MAS6]
1. Near the beginning, you'll have to climb around and lower a bridge so Trip
can get across. Before you lower the bridge, walk up it and jump to the
rope, then climb up to a platform with the mask on it.
2. While making your way to the second watchtower, you'll be forced to fight a
large amount of mechs. After this, you'll lift a gate, do some climbing,
and fight some more mechs on top of a circular platform. If you look down,
back the way you came, you'll see the mask on a platform that you can
jump down to. You'll then have to lift the gate again.
1. At the beginning, you'll come across a red couch with an umbrella. At this
point you can keep going on the path or climb a pole to your left on the
wall. Climb the pole and keep climbing up to a platform with the mask on it.
2. You'll come to a cutscene where you jump onto a cage like thing but fall
down into a village area. You'll then have to fight off a decent number of
mechs. When they're all gone, go between the second and third houses on the
left. Behind the third house is the mask.
1. You'll notice that you start this mission in the same place you ended the
last one- a big courtyard. The green gate that you opened at the end of the
last mission is still here and is open. It's to the left of where you're
supposed to go to continue the mission. The mask is in here.
2. When you get to the big windmill, you have to jump on the sails. One of the
sails has a bar that's too high to be reached from the first platform, so
you have to ride a different sail over to the red platform and hop onto it
from there. Once you're on this sail with the different bar, have Trip start
the windmill, then stop it once you get back to the first white platform.
Since the bar is higher, you can jump onto the top part of the white
platform. The mask is up here.
Chapter 9: The Wasteland [MAS9]
1. At the very beginning, you are supposed to follow Trip down a ramp. Don't.
Instead, explore the platform. Around the left is a small path with the
mask on it.
2. Impossible to miss. When you have to get off of the boat to move some
Chapter 10: The Titan Factory [MAS10]
1. There's a part where you'll have to do some platforming while dodging moving
gears and the like. Once you meet back up with Trip and Pigsy after this
sequence, don't go forward. Instead, go back on the path that they used. At
the very end of the path is the mask.
2. There's a part where Trip will move a crane so that you can get on it. You
will then have to platform over to a turret and destroy. The mask is inside
a container behind the turret. It's pretty visible.
Chapter 11: The Old Battlefield [MAS11]
1. Near the beginning, you'll have to shoot a lot of shielded and heavy mechs.
They come in two waves. After they are all gone, you are supposed to head
towards a door. Instead, look to your left. You can see the mask in plain
sight on a ledge you can jump up to.
2. After the last mask, you will enter a room where the lights get shut off.
Pigsy will then open the door and you'll move along a white walkway. Trip
will jump off, but do not follow her. Instead, if you go right, towards the
camera, you can climb up to the platform with the mask.
Chapter 12: The Dam [MAS12]
1. You'll come to a part with a switch and some rail cars. The switch changes
the direction the rail cars go. Hit the switch once if you haven't already
done so, then order Trip to move the cars back. This will bring one up to
you. Hop on, then order Trip to move the cars forward. This will send you
to the very back of the area, on the left side. The mask is back here, with
some orbs.
2. At the very end of the mission, you'll have to kill some mechs and hurry up
and jump onto the sub to help Pigsy. Before you do that, go into the door
opposite the waypoint and jump over the obstacles. The mask is tucked back
Chapter 13: Grand Theft [MAS13]
1. You come across this the second time Pigsy asks you to shoot his bombs, to
destroy some coupling. He'll zip up to a platform. If you grab the pipe
right there, you can get up to the same platform. Then drop down on the left
side, and drop down some more to get the mask.
2. Right after you get the first mask and destroy the first shackle, you'll
enter a room with big fan blades. You have to get onto the platform with the
blades. If you drop off to the left, the mask is down there.
1. After Pigsy fires the main cannon for the second time, you'll be on a
platform taking care of some mechs. After you've destroyed them, turn around
and face the door you just came out of. Go to the right and drop down for
the last mask and the last orb of the game.
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