Прохождение для Hellgate: London [eng]
3. Walkthrough
3.01 - Act I
Russell Square
Type of Map: Random
Special: Start of game Location
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 1
Connecting Station: Holborn
Tottenham Court
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 1
Connecting Station: Holborn
Holborn Access Shafts
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 2
Connecting Station: Holborn
Covent Garden Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 3
Connecting Station: Holborn, Covent Garden Station
Covent Garden Steam Tunnels
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 4
Connecting Station: Covent Garden
Upper Kingsway Sewers
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 3
Connecting Station: Covent Garden
Lower Kingsway Sewers
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 4
Connecting Station: Covent Garden, must go through Upper Kingsway Sewers
Covent Garden Market
Type of Map: Random with a Fixed end
Special: Hellrift
Hellrift Chance: 100%
Unique Monster Chance: 5%
Enemy Level: 5
Connecting Station: Covent Garden
Covent Garden Train Depot
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 5
Connecting Station: Covent Garden
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 5%
Enemy Level: 6
Connecting Station: Covent Garden
British Museum
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Hellrift
Hellrift Chance: 100%
Unique Monster Chance: 5%
Enemy Level: 6
Connecting Station: Covent Garden, must go through Bloomsbury
As you begin in Russel Square you will get your first video transmission,
press Enter to open the transmission. A man named Murmur is stranded and needs
your help back to safety. Head through the city streets killing off the Zombies
as you head deeper inside. Soon you will meet up with Murmur, talk to him to
find out that he was with some Templar on a special mission. He tells you to
help him locate the Templar Seraph.
Continue through the streets to locate the Templar Seraph at the square and
take down all the Zombies in the area. Talk to him and he tells you that you
must find Dr. Fawkes and talk to Lann and give him Fawkes' Communique. You
must head to Covent Garden Station. Grab the folder from the Templar and
continue on to locate the portal to Holborn Station.
Head down the stairs and talk to Murmur at the bottom of the escalator to learn
that the portal to Covent Garden Approach is broken and you need to help them
fix it.
3.01.01 - Holborn Station Story Quests
******************************************************************************* - Break On Through
Reward: 400 XP
55 Palladium
300 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
Head over to the Holborn Access Shafts and enter it. Start killing off the
demons to collect eight capacitors from them. Once you have all eight
capacitors head back to Techsmith 101 and he will then fix the door. Head back
over to Murmur and talk with him.
******************************************************************************* - A Fine Welcome
Prerequisite Quest: Break On Through
Type of Quest: Hand over an item
Receive Quest From: Murmur
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road
Level Required: 1
Reward: 800 XP
You must now head through Covent Garden Approach and reach Covent Garden
Station. Make your way through the hordes of demons and just get to the other
side to enter the next portal. This will now allow you to link to both stations
with the travel machines. You will need to head up the stairs and then talk to
Murmur. He will tell you to talk to Brandon Lann who is further in with all the
other people standing around. Talk to him about Seraph that fell in battle and
then he will have you wait a minute or two while he thinks of his friend. Talk
to him again once the icon comes back up and then he will take the file from
you and you will receive your reward.
3.01.02 - Holborn Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - Dawn of the Zombies
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Kill
Monster Objective: Zombies
Receive Quest From: George
Receive Reward From: George
Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road
Level Required: 1
Reward: 200 XP
55 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
(One of the following)
Initiate Gorehide Breastplate
Recruit Aramid Fiber Jack
Novice Hauberk
Talk to George right next to the Tottenham Court Road portal and accept the
quest. Enter the portal next to George and start killing ten Zombies to
complete your task. Once you killed off all ten Zombies you can continue
through the area to collect more XP or just head back to collect your rewards.
Talk to George and pick out one of the three pieces of armor to continue on.
******************************************************************************* - Day of the Zombies
Prerequisite Quest: Dawn of the Zombies
Type of Quest: Kill
Monster Objective: Blood Zombies
Receive Quest From: George
Receive Reward From: George
Quest Destination: Holborn Access Shafts
Level Required: 2
Reward: 300 XP
55 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
(One of the following)
Trample Pants
Basaltic Pants
Netrush Pants
Head through Holborn Access Shafts opposite George and kill off all the enemies
in your way. You just need to kill off three Blood Zombies and then go talk to
George back in Holborn Station.
******************************************************************************* - Night of the Zombies
Prerequisite Quest: Dawn of the Zombies and accept A Fine Welcome
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Typhoid Mary
Receive Quest From: George
Receive Reward From: George
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Approach
Level Required: 3
Reward: 400 XP
55 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
(One of the following)
Trample Shoulders
Basaltic Shoulders
Netrush Shoulders
Head out to the Covent Garden Approach portal and kill off the demons as they
come at you. Near the middle of the area you will find a Boss zombie named
Typhoid Mary. She will start out walking around slow but once you start to
attack her or get within her field of vision she will start to run towards you.
Take her down quickly as she can attack a little fiercely.
******************************************************************************* - A Leg Up
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Collection
Receive Quest From: Joey
Receive Reward From: Joey
Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road
Level Required: 1
Reward: 30 XP
1 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
Wart's Peg Leg
Go through the portal next to George to Tottenham Court Road and start killing
the enemies to to make it to the back of the area. Once you hit the back street
you will find Tantorus, a large boss monster at level 2 to take down. Kill it
and then search the body for Joey's prosthetic leg. Take it back to Joey and
claim your prize.
Prerequisite Quest: A Leg Up and accept A Fine Welcome
Type of Quest: Kill
Monster Objective: Fellbores
Receive Quest From: Wart
Receive Reward From: Wart
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Approach
Level Required: 2
Reward: 1,000 XP
100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station
Wart, the newly named Joey, will tell you a secret if you prove yourself to him
even though you did just save his leg from the demons. You must kill twelve
Fellbores to gain Wart's trust. Head around the area and look for the demons
that teleport in to the area. These are the enemies you are looking for.
3.01.03 - Covent Garden Station Story Quests
Prerequisite Quest: A Fine Welcome
Type of Quest: Locate
Receive Quest From: Brandon Lann
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Market
Level Required: 4
Reward: 720 XP
210 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 6 or 7 for this quest.
Head over to talk to Murmur and he will tell you some advice to what you are
about to go up against. Head out through the portal that was previously locked
and you will immediatly receive a transmission from a Templar out in the field.
He tries to tell you that there was something that came out and took Fawkes in
to the Rift. Navigate through the city as you kill off the demons and close to
the back of the instance you will locate your first Hellrift.
Enter the Hellrift and a level 5 Boss, Shulgoth, will run up the stairs to
attack you. Try to stay on the top as there are a lot of Imps below. He can not
go through the Hellrift so you can use that as a make-shift wall. He will swing
at you with his large claw, getting it stuck in to the ground. Use this as an
opportunity to attack. Watch out for his flame breathe as this can torch you
Kill off the boss and then work on the Imps and possibly a range of other
monsters. Once they are all killed just work your way to the structure and
search the body of Dr. Fawkes for his remains and head back to Brandon Lann in
the station for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Test Monkey
Prerequisite Quest: Hell's Yard
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Brandon Lann
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: British Museum
Level Required: 6
Reward: None
I recommend you level up to at least level 9 or 10 for this quest.
Talk to Brandon Lann and he will tell you that the information you brought back
from Fawkes' remains has now been gathered about two technologies. Far Sight
which identifies active Hellrifts and The Device. Take the Fawkes Device and
talk to the Templar Guard next to the Wanted Poster for a little more
information on your mission. Now head around the corner and up the stairs to
enter Bloomsbury.
Navigate your way through Bloomsbury and you will eventually locate the portal
leading to the British Museum. Head up the stairs and there will be a high
percentage chance that some demons will teleport in to the room as you reach
the first landing. Kill them all and continue up the stairs, once you reach the
top head up the right set of stairs and start clearing out the large room of
from the demons. Be careful as they will spawn twelve Fellbore at a time
instead of the standard three at a time per portal.
Clear out all the side rooms full of Fellbore that spawn through portals, the
Tormentors, and the flying demons. Eventually you will come across the
Hellrift, you don't have to kill all the demons in the area for it to show up
but it is recommended. Go in to the Hellrift and you will have to face a level
6 Boss named Sekworm. He has the ability to recharge his health so whenever you
can, quickly take down the Imp Troopers and Imp Snipers around the area so they
don't help him take down your health for long.
Once the Imps are taken care of focus on Sekworm by using weapons that can stun
so you can take his life down fast. Once you have taken everyone down head to
the structure and place Fawkes Device on the pedestal to activate a bomb that
will destroy the Hellrift. Run back through the Hellrift to Earth as the place
starts to explode. As you come out of the Hellrift the statues that were
holding the swords will start to live. You must now survive against these level
6 demons. Kill the Emperor demon and all the others will die with him, this is
a nice spot to kill off demon statues for some extra XP if you aren't having
any trouble against them.
Once the battle is over you will be teleported to a long room with a Sage. Talk
to her and start a new quest.
******************************************************************************* - Truth Spoken
Prerequisite Quest: Survive the Test Monkey quest
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: A Sage
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Station
Level Required: 6
Reward: 3,100 XP
Watch the cut scene and then head through the portal behind you once the game
tells you to head back to Covent Garden Station. Talk to Brandon Lann to
collect your reward and finish Act 1.
3.01.04 - Covent Garden Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - Mopping Up
Reward: 480 XP
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
Head out to Covent Garden Train Depot by going to the left of Beasley down the
stairs to reach the train and left again to enter the portal. Go through the
level killing all the enemies you come across and once you clean up the whole
area you should have your 16 Imp Troopers. Head back to Beasley and get your
******************************************************************************* - Hung Over
Reward: 480 XP
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
Head back down the stairs to where you first entered Covent Garden Station and
turn left to find the Upper Kingsway Sewers and enter them. Make your way
through the upper sewers to descend through the levels and reach the Lower
Kingsway Sewers portal. Hunt for Fellbores down here to locate 10 Blind Eyes
Ranger lost. Watch out for the large Boss Big Ben deep inside the sewers. Once
you gather the 10 Blind Eyes head back through the portal and go up through the
Upper Kingsway Sewers to reach Covent Garden Station again. Talk to Ranger for
your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Some are Bigger...
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Big Ben
Receive Quest From: Steven Patrick
Receive Reward From: Steven Patrick
Quest Destination: Lower Kingsway Sewers
Level Required: 5
Reward: 480 XP
75 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Trample Gloves
Basaltic Gloves
Netrush Gloves
Head down the eastern stairs and enter the portal leading to the Upper
Kingsway Sewers. Make your way down through the Upper Kingsway Sewers and go
through the portal to the Lower Kingsway Sewers. Big Ben can be anywhere in
this level so stay on guard at all times as you shred through the enemies.
Locate Big Ben and take him down, then head back to Steven Patrick for your
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Blade Husks
Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie
Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie
Quest Destination: Upper Kingsway Sewers
Level Required: 5
Reward: 600 XP
33 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Mac Kenzie's Peacemaker
Mac Kenzie's Hive
Mac Kenzie XM41 Bolter
Head down the eastern stairs and enter the portal leading to the Upper
Kingsway Sewers. Search around the sewers for the Blade Husks and kill them to
collect four claws off of them. Take the claws back to Mac Kenzie for your
******************************************************************************* - Wanted: Bag o' Bones
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Bag o' Bones
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Train Depot
Level Required: 5
Reward: 1,350 XP
150 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
Head north in to the hallway and turn right to descend down the stairs. Enter
the Covent Garden Train Depot on the left and navigate your way through the
train depot to reach the end and you will locate Bag o' Bones. Take the demon
down and take the ear with you back to the Covent Garden Station. Talk to
Brandon Lann and you will receive your reward. If you haven't started the quest
he has for you, you must accept it first.
******************************************************************************* - Bad Doggy
Prerequisite Quest: None
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Lord Nyssaylor
Receive Quest From: Dotter
Receive Reward From: Dotter
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Steam Tunnels
Level Required: 5
Reward: 480 XP
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 8 or 9 for this quest.
Head north to go down the stairs and reach the train area. Take a right and
enter the portal ahead for the Covent Garden Steam Tunnels. Lord Nyssaylor can
be located anywhere in here, usually in the hallway right after the first room
so be very careful when you approach. The skeleton dog-like creature will be
really fast, strong, and have a longer lasting stamina than most of the enemies
you have faced so far. Once it is dead head back to Dotter for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Wanted: Bag o' Bones
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Fangsnort
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Steam Tunnels
Level Required: 5
Reward: 1,200 XP
150 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 8 or 9 for this quest.
Head north to go down the stairs and reach the train area. Take a right and
enter the portal ahead for the Covent Garden Steam Tunnels. Usually found in
the end of the Steam Tunnels Fangsnort is a pretty medium threat, not to bad
to take care of. Once you killed and looted him take the ear back to Brandon
Lann for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Some are Bigger... and activate Hell's Yard
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Ravagers
Receive Quest From: Steven Patrick
Receive Reward From: Steven Patrick
Quest Destination: Covent Garden Market
Level Required: 5
Reward: 540 XP
24 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Trample Belt
Basaltic Belt
Netrush Belt
Head out to the Covent Garden Market and just start killing off the Ravagers to
tally up the eight that you need to kill and return back to Steven Patrick to
collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Bad Doggy and activate Hell's Yard
Type of Quest: Explore
Receive Quest From: Dotter
Receive Reward From: Dotter
Quest Destination: Upper Kingsway Sewers
Level Required: 5
Reward: 270 XP
60 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Fishgutter
Unidentified Cabalistic Axis
Unidentified XM55 20MM Rifle
Head down to Upper Kingsway Sewers and simply wade your way through the enemies
to locate the portal leading to Lower Kingsway Sewers. This will finish the
quest for you, so head back to Dotter and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Like Acids, Eh
Prerequisite Quest: Strange Brew and Hell's Yard
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Shriekers
Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie
Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie
Quest Destination: Bloomsbury
Level Required: 6
Reward: 290 XP
60 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Squire Hauberk
Unidentified Neophyte Gorehide Cordwain
Unidentified Cadet Ballistic Vest
Head around the corner and up the steps to reach Bloomsbury's portal. Enter the
portal and start attacking the Shriekers to collect 8 Hearts of Rage from there
corpses. Once you collect all the Hearts of Rage head back to Mac Kenzie and
get your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Mopping Up and Hell's Yard
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Shriekers
Receive Quest From: Beasley
Receive Reward From: Beasley
Quest Destination: Bloomsbury
Level Required: 6
Reward: 310 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Squire Leg Guards
Unidentified Neophyte Jodhpurs
Unidentified Cadet Fatigues
Head around the corner and up the steps to reach Bloomsbury's portal. All you
have to do for this quest is hunt down 9 Shriekers and kill them within
Bloomsbury. Once you have killed the required amount of Shriekers you can
return to Beasley in the station for your reward.
3.02 - Act II
Leicester Square
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 10%
Enemy Level: 7
Connecting Station: Covent Garden Station and Charing Cross Station through St.
Martin's and Charing Cross Approach
St. Martin's
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 10%
Enemy Level: 7
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Charing Cross Approach and
Covent Garden Station through Leicester Square
Charing Cross Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 10%
Enemy Level: 8
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station and Covent Garden Station through
St. Martin's and Leicester Square
Craven Street
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 14
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station
Embankment Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 14
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Craven Street
Embankment Redoubt
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Real-time Strategy Play (Sort of Diablo style play)
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 14
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Embankment Approach and
Craven Street
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 13
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station
Downing Street
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 13
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Whitehall
Millenium Battle
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Join an ongoing battle
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 13
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Downing Street and Whitehall
Admiralty Arch
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 12
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station
Chocolate Park
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 12
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Admiralty Arch
The Mind of 314
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: One time map for story quest
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 100%
Enemy Level: 15
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station
Green Park Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 15
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station and Green Park Station
Green Park Station
Type of Map: Random
Special: Station under attack
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 10
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Green Park Approach and
Oxford Circus Station through Saville Row
Death's City
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 12
Connecting Station: Green Park Station
Death's Tunnels
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 11
Connecting Station: Green Park Station
Death's Sewers
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 11
Connecting Station: Green Park Station
Saville Row
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 12
Connecting Station: Green Park Station
Piccadilly Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 30%
Enemy Level: 8
Connecting Station: Green Park Station
Piccadilly Circus
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Hellrift
Hellrift Chance: 100%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 9
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Piccadilly Approach
3.02.01 - Covent Garden Station Story Quests
Prerequisite Quest: Truth Spoken
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Brandon Lann
Receive Reward From: Lord Arphaun
Quest Destination: Charing Cross Station
Level Required: 8
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's and enter it. Once in St. Martin's
navigate to the next portal and enter Charing Cross Approach's portal. You will
then have to get past all the demons in here and locate the portal to Charing
Cross Station. Head up the stairs and speak with Lord Arphaun to finish your
3.02.02 - Covent Garden Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - Use for the Win
Prerequisite Quest: Hung Over and complete Act 1
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Ranger
Receive Reward From: Ranger
Quest Destination: St. Martin's
Level Required: 8
Reward: 330 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Squire Arment
Unidentified Neophyte Veil
Unidentified Cadet Hard Hat
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's and enter it. Once in this area you
must locate the three devices placed around the area. Sometimes they can be in
the same room and other times they may show up all over the area. Once you
activate all of them head back to Ranger and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - No Point in Steering
Prerequisite Quest: A Truth Spoken and complete Act 1
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie
Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie
Quest Destination: Charing Cross Approach
Level Required: 8
Reward: 990 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Corrupt Blade
Unidentified Cabalistic Lense
Unidentified F-S 'Poseidon' SNPR
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's and enter it. Once in St. Martin's
navigate to the next portal and enter Charing Cross Approach's portal. You will
now have to look for Sources of Evil in this area, they look like sewer lids in
the ground. Activate them all and then head back to Mac Kenzie for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - In a Row
Prerequisite Quest: A Truth Spoken and complete Act 1
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Imp Snipers
Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie
Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie
Quest Destination: St. Martin's
Level Required: 8
Reward: 990 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Ammo
Unidentified Rocket
Unidentified Fuel
Unidentified Battery
Unidentified Relic
Unidentified Tech
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's and enter it. You must head through
this area and kill off 7 Imp Snipers to complete the quest. Once you hunt them
all down and kill them head back to Mac Kenzie for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - On the Streets
Prerequisite Quest: Activate Wisdom & Chaos quest
Type of Quest: Explore
Receive Quest From: Steven Patrick
Receive Reward From: Steven Patrick
Quest Destination: Leicester Square
Level Required: 8
Reward: 990 XP
32 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Grasper
Unidentified Cabalistic Lense
Unidentified F-S 'Poseidon' SNPR
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's. This will be enough to have
explored the area so you can return to Steven Patrick and claim your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Trust Me to Trust You
Prerequisite Quest: Activate Wisdom & Chaos quest
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Beasley
Receive Reward From: Beasley
Quest Destination: Leicester Square
Level Required: 8
Reward: 990 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Squire Jumps
Unidentified Neophyte Footwraps
Unidentified Cadet Jump Boots
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. You must locate Lord Mielmight within this area and then
use the sedative Beasley gave you. Once you use the item you don't have to kill
Lord Mielmight but you might as well for the XP and items he will give you.
Head back to Beasley and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - The Lender
Prerequisite Quest: Use for the Win
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Ranger
Receive Reward From: Techsmith 314
Quest Destination: Charing Cross Station
Level Required: 9
Reward: 97 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Prentice Spaulders
Unidentified Tyro Strappings
Unidentified Defender Glancers
Head down the stairs in the north eastern corner to find the Leicester Square
portal and enter it. Navigate your way through the demons and you will
eventually find the portal to St. Martin's and enter it. Once in St. Martin's
navigate to the next portal and enter Charing Cross Approach's portal. You will
then have to get past all the demons in here and locate the portal to Charing
Cross Station. Once you enter the station you will see Techsmith 314 right next
to your portal so you can collect your reward.
3.02.03 - Charing Cross Station Story Quests
I recommend you level up to at least level 10 or 11 for this quest.
Head for the south east portal leading to Piccadilly Approach and head through.
As you make your way through this area you may find a Hellrift, entering it
will allow you to fight a lot of Imps and some other random enemies. Head to
the end of this area and you will come up on the portal leading to Piccadilly
Circus, enter it. Fight your way to the Hellrift and enter it. Take down all
the Imps and some possible Diabolists. Once you are ready head over to the
structure and enter the next Portal.
Kill off all of the monsters inside the dungeon and you will find treasure
under all of the large statues you can take. Eventually you will also locate
the Tomb of the Oracle. Search it and take the Head of the Oracle. Leave the
dungeon and then exit the Hellrift after battling through the respawned Imp
Troopers. Get back to Charing Cross Station and talk to Arphaun. He will take
the head and try to get it to talk to him but it can't speak in human tongue.
Complete your quest and collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Books & Riddles
Type of Quest: Deliver Item
Receive Quest From: Arphaun
Receive Reward From:
Quest Destination: Green Park Station
Death's Sewers
Death's City
Death's Tunnels
Level Required: 10
Lord Arphaun tells you that he gives up on the Oracle's head and wants you to
take it to Lucious Aldin. Head down the stairs to the north east and you will
find Lucious Aldin standing by Techsmith 314, talk to him. He tells you that
you must first head out to Green Park Station where the make-shift ER room will
be made.
Head back up the stairs and head down the escalator on the western side to
enter Green Park Approach. You will now have to make your way through to the
next portal and enter the Green Park Station. This station will have monsters
in it, so be careful. Head up the stairs and enter the area with the humans to
talk to Lucious Aldin by the information kiosk. He will inform you that you
must now head out to the Altar of Pain in Death's Sewers. Go to the north
western corner through the monsters to reach the portal leading to Death's
Sewers and enter it.
I recommend you level up to at least level 11 for this part of the quest.
You will enter a really dark sewer system with demons and monsters scattered
everywhere. Kill everything you come across and collect 8 Shreds of Heart Flesh
and then you must find the Altar of Pain located within Death's Sewers. It will
be a stone altar found within the level, not inside the Hellrift. Once you
locate the altar activate it and take the Torso of the Oracle from it. Once
you have this piece head back to Green Park Stationand speak to Lucious Aldin.
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 for this part of the quest.
Lucious Aldin tells you that the third piece is in Death's City and you must go
retrieve it. Head through the southern portal to reach Death's City. You will
enter a really dark city level. Kill all the demons and monsters you come
across to collect 8 Bits O' Brains to continue on.
Once you have all of the Bits O' Brains you must then locate the Altar of
Horror. Locate the altar and take the Legs of the Oracle. Head back to Green
Park Station and talk to Lucious Aldin. You are told you must now head to the
Womb of Despair in Death's Tunnels. Head through the south eastern tunnel to
enter Death's Tunnels.
You will be placed in a really dark train tunnel usually with monsters right in
front of you. Navigate through the demons and monsters to locate another altar
labeled Womb of Despair. Activate it and take the reconstructed Oracle, then
head back to Green Park Station to talk to Lucious Aldin. He will tell you that
he must prepare for the next quest.
******************************************************************************* - That'll Get Infected
Prerequisite Quest: Arms & Answers
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Lucious Aldin (Charing Cross Station or Green Park Station)
Receive Reward From: Lucious Aldin
Quest Destination: Chocolate Park
Level Required: 11
Reward: 1,560 XP
210 Palladium
Go in to your inventory and activate the Oracle. The Oracle will run over to
Techsmith 314 and latch on to his face. Lucious Aldin tells you that you must
make it to Chocolate Park and get past the wall of frosting to complete this
quest. Head back to Charing Cross Station and head to the north west corner to
descend down the escalator. Enter the portal leading to Admiralty Arch and
enter it. Make your way through the monsters and head through the portal
leading to Chocolate Park.
Head towards the middle of the park and you will meet up with Lucious Aldin and
Techsmith 314. You will now be told automatically to kill the Demon Champion.
Kill The Brain and then talk to Lucious Aldin. Now chase after Techsmith 314 as
he tries to run away and talk to him to "catch" him. Head back to Lucious Aldin
and talk to him again. Lucious Aldin will throw Techsmith 314 in to the fire
pit and the Oracle will take over his body. Head to Charing Cross Station and
speak with Lucious Aldin and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Hold Fast
Prerequisite Quest: That'll Get Infected
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Arphaun
Quest Destination: Millenium Battle
Level Required: 11
I recommend you level up to at least level 14 or 15 for this quest.
Head down the north eastern stairs and enter the Whitehall portal at the end of
the walkway. Navigate your way past the demons and monsters to locate the
portal at the end heading to Downing Street and enter it. Navigate through the
streets as you kill off the monsters to make it to the portal leading to
Millenium Battle, enter it.
Talk to Commander Dixie and she will tell you to re-activate the defenses to
help them hold off the demons. Head north and help the Templar and Hunters take
down the demons and monsters as they sprout up. Let the Templars take on the
Goliaths and focus on the Cursed Fellbores that start to teleport in. Start
heading over to the purple question marks and activate all of the defense
turrets to help you fight the monsters.
Once you get the two turrets activated closest to the portal you came through
take down the goliath's and other monsters that decide to attack. Slowly push
forward activating turrets as you go to slowly reclaim the area. Once all the
turrets are reactivated in this central area you are able to head back in to
the Charing Cross Station and talk to Arphaun to finish the quest.
******************************************************************************* - The Wall
Prerequisite Quest: Hold Fast
Type of Quest: Collection
Receive Quest From: Lucious Aldin
Receive Reward From: Arphaun
Quest Destination: Embankment Redoubt
Level Required: 12
Reward: 2,460 XP
140 Palladium
I recommend you level up to at least level 14 or 15 for this quest.
Talk to Lucious Aldin and then you are told to go speak to Lord Arphaun again.
Arphaun tells you that a group of Templar are stuck at Embankment Redoubt and
you need to go help rescue them by activating there command interlink and
order them around. Head down the south west hallway and enter the portal
leading to Craven Street.
Navigate your way through Craven Street to find the Embankment Approach portal
and enter it. Once inside navigate through another street as you kill the
monsters. Eventually you will come up on another portal leading in to the
Embankment Redoubt, enter it. Head upstairs to the rooftop and activate the
C.I.S. to start a sort of RTS/Diablo-style version of Hellgate london.
You must now command the Templar that are stuck. The key is to slowly move them
back and forth across the street to take down any enemies that are in a
teleporting spot, take them down and then slowly move forward. If you start to
get overwhelmed pull them back out towards the beginning and usually only a few
enemies will follow. Don't forget you have different commands in the number
system that allow you to call in an air-strike and other functions as well.
Once you defeat the large monster you will be able to get in to the portal to
lead to safety. If your team dies you will get to continue from the start with
a fresh team, just move fast enough so the enemies can't respawn. Call in the
air-strikes and eventually the large beast will go down. Head in to the portal
to safety to finish.
*A quick way to get through this is to have your team head in to the part *
*where all the monsters are in a large group and drop air-strikes on the huge*
*monster, eventually it will die from the huge attacks. Once it is dead *
*quickly click ahead and get the destination movement cursor on to the portal*
*to safety and you will automatically win *
Now that they are all safe head back to Charing Cross Station. Talk to Lucious
Aldin and complete your quest for a reward.
******************************************************************************* - Mind Mysteries
Prerequisite Quest: The Wall
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Lucious Aldin
Receive Reward From: Arphaun
Quest Destination: The Mind of 314
Level Required: 12
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the tunnel of 314's mind as you kill off the monsters that are
infesting his head. Navigate the tunnel and eventually you will find the limit
of 314's mind. Usually when you come to the fork in the tunnels it is the first
two right tunnels and then the left tunnel. Once you have reached the end of
his imagination speak with "Nightmare" Lucious Aldin in the middle of the room.
Once you have spoken to "Nightmare" Lucious Aldin he will have four Death's
Disciple's attack you along with a huge ghostly creature called The Psyche of
314 which is basicly the mind of Techsmith 314 itself. Run away for a distance
as you take down the Death's Disciple's and then focus on The Psyche of 314.
Once it is "defeated" it will split in to the Super Ego, Ego, and ID of 314's
Once all three of them are killed a portal will open allowing you to go see The
Father. Head in and you will be inside a great hall with a man standing in the
center. Talk to him to learn that he is Truth, and talk to him a second time.
Watch the cut scene and then head back through the portal and then leave The
Mind of 314. Talk to Arphaun and you will finish Act 2! (Note that sometimes it
may glitch here and automatically complete Act 2 without even talking to him)
3.02.04 - Charing Cross Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - Hey You
Prerequisite Quest: Wisdom & Chaos
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Imp Troopers
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Gil
Quest Destination: Piccadilly Circus
Level Required: 9
Reward: 660 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
6 Andrenaline Pills
I recommend you level up to at least level 10 for this quest.
Head for the south east portal leading to Piccadilly Approach and head through.
As you make your way through this area you may find a Hellrift, entering it
will allow you to fight a lot of Imps and some other random enemies. Head to
the end of this area and you will come up on the portal leading to Piccadilly
Circus, enter it. Their usually isn't many Imp Troopers on the surface so head
in to the Hellrift to kill off the Imps inside for there Tickers. Run around
the map until you locate them. Once found kill at least 10 Imp Troopers and
then head back to Gil for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Word Search
Reward: 32 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Ignatius Brim
M19 Impact Vest
I recommend you level up to at least level 10 for this quest.
Head for the south east portal leading to Piccadilly Approach and head through.
As you make your way through this area you may find a Hellrift, entering it
will allow you to fight a lot of Imps and some other random enemies. Head to
the end of this area and you will come up on the portal leading to Piccadilly
Circus, enter it. Take down all the demons you see and cover the whole map and
side streets that might randomly develop on the map to explore the entire area.
Once that is done head back to Techsmith 14 to collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Sing Small
Prerequisite Quest: Activate Books & Riddles
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Beck
Receive Reward From: Beck
Quest Destination: Piccadilly Approach
Level Required: 9
Reward: 390 XP
50 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Razor Shield
Unidentified Harp Pistol
Unidentified XM 108 Trident Launcher
Head for the south east portal leading to Piccadilly Approach and head through.
As you head around this area you will have to navigate through monsters and
locate 3 Sire Beacons. Interact with them to activate and then head back to
Beck once you are finished to collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Talk to Lucious Aldin during Arms & Answers to open Green
Park Approach
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Defilers
Receive Quest From: Techsmith 14
Receive Reward From: Techsmith 14
Quest Destination: Green Park Approach
Level Required: 10
Reward: 100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Swirling Canister
Master Cell
Head down the escalator in the north western corner to locate the portal
heading out to Green Park Approach and enter it. Wander around the area and
you will come across some Defilers as they appear randomly around you. Kill
4 of them and then head back to Techsmith 14 to collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Wanted: Mini Dynamo
Prerequisite Quest: Talk to Lucious Aldin during Arms & Answers to open Green
Park Approach
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Mini Dynamo
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Lucious Aldin
Quest Destination: Green Park Approach
Level Required: 10
Reward: 1,850 XP
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
Head down the escalator in the north western corner to locate the portal
heading out to Green Park Approach and enter it. Navigate through the area and
eventually you will locate a really small monster named Mini Dynamo. Kill him
and take his ear back to Lucious Aldin to get your reward, you can either
continue on to Green Park Station to find him or go back to Charing Cross
******************************************************************************* - Kill No Name
Prerequisite Quest: Arms & Answers and activate That'll Get Infected
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Anthropophagus
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Joanne
Quest Destination: Chocolate Park
Level Required: 10
Reward: 900 XP
75 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
F-S 'Poseidon' SNPR
Jacob's Lasher
Hive Crystal
I recommend you level up to at least level 13 or 14 for this quest.
Head to the north west corner to descend down the escalator. Enter the portal
leading to Admiralty Arch and enter it. Make your way through the monsters and
head through the portal leading to Chocolate Park. Watch out for the cloudy
mist circles that come up from the center of the area, they will lower your
health. Head around the perimeter and you will eventually see the zombie
Anthropophagus. Head in and take him down. Head back to Charing Cross Station
and talk to Joanne for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Activate That'll Get Infected
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Lord Croosack
Receive Quest From: Techsmith 14
Receive Reward From: Techsmith 14
Quest Destination: Admiralty Arch
Level Required: 10
Reward: 105 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Ignatius Cover
Blind Man's Bluff
M19 Impact Webbing
I recommend you level up to at least level 13 or 14 for this quest.
Head to the north west corner to descend down the escalator. Enter the portal
leading to Admiralty Arch and enter it. Navigate the sewer system and locate
Lord Croosack wandering around. Take him down and head back to Charing Cross
Station to collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Kill No Name
Type of Quest: Explore
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Joanne
Quest Destination: Picaddilly Approach
Level Required: 10
Reward: 660 XP
65 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
6 Basic Shield Boosters
6 Basic Gyro Braces
6 Basic Fire Retardants
6 Antivenom Injectors
Head down the south east tunnel and enter the portal to Picaddilly Approach.
You must explore the level by navigating through the monsters and demons to the
other side until the exploration part ofthe quest is complete. Once this is
done, head back to Charing Cross Station and talk to Joanne for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Hey You and That'll Get Infected
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Cursed Fellbores
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Gil
Quest Destination: Admiralty Arch
Level Required: 10
Reward: 820 XP
70 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
Empyreal Cannon
Head down the escalators in the north western corner to enter the portal to
Admiralty Arch. Kill Cursed Fellbores to collect 15 items from them. Once they
are all collected head back to Charing Cross Station to talk to Gil for your
******************************************************************************* - On Commission
Prerequisite Quest: AAA and activate Hold Fast
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Cursed Fellbores
Receive Quest From: Techsmith 14
Receive Reward From: Techsmith 14
Quest Destination: Whitehall
Level Required: 11
Reward: 150 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Ignatius Cord
M19 Impact Helmet
I recommend you level up to at least level 13 or 14 for this quest.
Head down the north eastern stairs and enter the Whitehall portal at the end of
the walkway. Navigate around the underground tunnel and locate the Cursed
Fellbores you must kill. Kill them off and collect 6 Putrid Ears to take back
to Techsmith 14 for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Us & Them
Prerequisite Quest: Dogs and activate Hold Fast
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Gil
Quest Destination: Downing Street
Level Required: 11
Reward: 860 XP
75 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Rebound Gauntlet
M33 Tremor Gloves
Head down the north eastern stairs and enter the Whitehall portal at the end of
the walkway. Navigate your way past the demons and monsters to locate the
portal at the end heading to Downing Street and enter it. You must now run
along the streets taking down any monsters you come across as you locate 2
terminals that look like large old fashioned computer terminals. They can be
together in one spot or randomly placed throughout the level. Activate both of
them and then head back to Charing Cross Station to get your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Wanted: The Phantom
Prerequisite Quest: Wanted: Mini Dynamo and Hold Fast
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: The Phantom
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Lucious Aldin
Quest Destination: Embankment Approach
Level Required: 11
Reward: 2,250 XP
187 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 14 or 15 for this quest.
Head down the south west hallway and enter the portal leading to Craven Street.
Navigate through the monsters and you will locate the portal leading to
Embankment Approach, go through it. Hunt down The Phantom and kill it and take
the ear bake to Lucious Aldin in Charing Cross Station for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Put on a Clinic
Prerequisite Quest: Sing Small and Hold Fast
Type of Quest: Use Item
Monster Objective: Lord Cheessis
Receive Quest From: Beck
Receive Reward From: Beck
Quest Destination: Embankment Approach
Level Required: 11
Reward: 450 XP
75 Palladium
50 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Raider Shells
Unidentiifed Darkwalker Handlers
Unidentiifed Farrier Slips
I recommend you level up to at least level 14 or 15 for this quest.
Head down the south west hallway and enter the portal leading to Craven Street.
Navigate through all the monsters and you will eventually reach a portal
leading to Embankment Approach, take it. Head inside and search for Lord
Cheessis, a two legged crab-like creature. Get near it and quickly go in to
your inventory and activate the Retractable Bracer. You can now kill it if you
would like the XP and items from it. Head back to Charing Cross Station and
speak with Beck to get your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Shine On
Prerequisite Quest: Us & Them and activate The Wall
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Firesnaps
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Gil
Quest Destination: Craven Street
Level Required: 12
Reward: 900 XP
75 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Incindiary Rockets
Nanodyne Super Cell
I recommend you level up to at least level 14 or 15 for this quest.
Head down the south west hallway and enter the portal leading to Craven Street.
Hunt the Firesnaps and kill them off until you collect 3 Bilious Sacs. Take
them back to Charing Cross Station and get your reward from Gil.
3.02.05 - Oxford Circus Station Secondary Quests
Prerequisite Quest: Word Search and activate Arms & Answers
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Zombie
Receive Quest From: Hatton
Receive Reward From: Hatton
Quest Destination: Death's Sewers
Level Required: 8
Reward: 780 XP
70 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Spectral Ammo
Contaminated Rocket
Poisonous Fuel
Spectral Battery
Recharging Relic
Spirited Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 or 13 for this quest.
Hatton tells you he hit a monster that exploded in to three huge groups of
monsters and wants you to help him take them down. You must first go after the
first group, 20 zombies. Head back to Green Park Station and then go through
the west portal to enter Death's Sewers. As you run through this area kill off
20 zombies. Once you are done head back to Oxford Circus Station and collect
your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Word Search and activate Arms & Answers
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Lord Enorat
Receive Quest From: Lolli
Receive Reward From: Lolli
Quest Destination: Death's City
Level Required: 9
Reward: 390 XP
50 Standing with The People of The Templar Base
(One of the following)
Unidentified Rad Gorget
Unidentified Blitz Badge
Unidentified Defender Holds
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 or 13 for this quest.
Head back to Green Park Station and then go through the west portal to enter
Death's City. Search around the streets for Lord Enorat a fire teleporting
Demon. Kill him off and then head back to Oxford Circus Station for your
Prerequisite Quest: Word Search and Arms & Answers
Type of Quest: Explore
Receive Quest From: Goodall
Receive Reward From: Goodall
Quest Destination: Death's Sewers
Level Required: 8
Reward: 390 XP
50 Standing with The People of The Templar Base
(One of the following)
Hammering Ammo
Fiery Rocket
Necro Seeker's Fuel
Shocking Battery
Spectralblight Relic
Perforating Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 or 13 for this quest.
Head back to Green Park Station and then go through the west portal to enter
Death's Sewers. Navigate through the sewers to map out the entire sewer and you
will complete your objective. Head back to Oxford Circus Station and collect
your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Knockout
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Crested Stalker
Receive Quest From: Hatton
Receive Reward From: Hatton
Quest Destination: Death's City
Level Required: 9
Reward: 780 XP
70 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Implosive Slugs
Microjet Fuel
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 or 13 for this quest.
Head back to Green Park Station and then go through the west portal to enter
Death's City. Head through the streets and kill off 12 Crested Stalker's
wandering around. Once complete head back to Oxford Circus Station and collect
your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Fine Time
Prerequisite Quest: Jaywalker
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Phenomenae
Receive Quest From: Lolli
Receive Reward From: Lolli
Quest Destination: Downing Street
Level Required: 11
Reward: 430 XP
75 Palladium
50 Standing with The People of The Templar Base
(One of the following)
Unidentified Occultist Gallic
Unidentified Raider Vestments
Unidentified Rad Terminator Vest
Head over to Charing Cross Station and head down the north east stairs to find
the Whitehall portal. Navigate your way through the sewers to locate the portal
leading to Downing Street. Find the monster named Phenomenae and kill him to
complete your quest. Head back to Oxford Circus Station and collect your
Reward: 820 XP
70 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Embrace of the Dark
M33 Tremor Pants
I recommend you level up to at least level 12 or 13 for this quest.
Head to Green Park Station and go through the south east portal to enter
Death's Tunnels. Search the area for the Cursed Fellbores and eliminate 12 of
them to complete your quest. Head back to Oxford Circus Station and collect
your reward.
3.03 - Act III
Waterloo Bridge
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 15
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station and Temple Station through Savoy and
Temple Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 15-17
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Waterloo Bridge and Temple
Station through Temple Approach
Temple Approach
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 15-17
Connecting Station: Charing Cross Station through Waterloo Bridge and Savoy and
Temple Station
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16
Connecting Station: Temple Station
Temple Access Ducts
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16
Connecting Station: Temple Station
Forgotten Ducts
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 17
Connecting Station: Temple Station through Temple Access Ducts
Mansion House
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 17-19
Connecting Station: Temple Station and Monument Station through Cannon Street
and Angel Passage
Cannon Street
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 18-19
Connecting Station: Temple Station through Mansion House and Monument Station
through Cannon Angel Passage
Angel Passage
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 18-19
Connecting Station: Temple Station through Mansion House and Cannon Street and
Monument Station
The Strand
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16-18
Connecting Station: Temple Station
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16-18
Connecting Station: Temple Station through The Strand
Puddle Dock
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Fixed AA Turrets scattered around the level
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 18
Connecting Station: Temple Station through Blackfriars and The Strand
The Exospector
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Have to kill the Exospector from the air first
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 18
Connecting Station: Temple Station through Puddle Dock, Blackfriars, and The
New Bridge
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 17
Connecting Station: Temple Station
The Big Gundown
Type of Map: Fixed
Special: Mounted AA Turret
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 0%
Enemy Level: 7
Connecting Station: Temple Station through New Bridge
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16-17
Connecting Station: Temple Station
Upper Ground
Type of Map: Random
Hellrift Chance: 15%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 7
Connecting Station: Temple Station though Waterloo
Barge House
Type of Map: Fixed
Hellrift Chance: 0%
Unique Monster Chance: 20%
Enemy Level: 16-17
Connecting Station: Temple Station though Upper Ground and Waterloo
3.03.01 - Charing Cross Station Story Quests
Prerequisite Quest: Mind Mysteries
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Arphaun
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: Temple Station
Level Required: 15
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
You are told to head to Temple Station and speak with Rorke Pherral of the Hunt
to seek out more Truth. Head north east and down the stairs to wrap around and
enter the portal leading to Waterloo Bridge. Make your way through the subway
system and kill off the enemies as you make it to the next portal in to Savoy.
Navigate this subway tunnel and kill off the enemies inside to get to the next
portal leading to Temple Approach. You must now make it through this last area
to get to the portal leading to Temple Station, kill off any enemies along the
way and get to the end.
Speak with Rorke Pherral to complete the quest.
3.03.02 - Charing Cross Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - The Narrow Way
Prerequisite Quest: Shine On and and Mind Mysteries
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Ser Sing
Quest Destination: Temple Station
Level Required: 9
Reward: 940 XP
30 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of The Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Beefeater Wristbands
Unidentified Rad Grips
Unidentified Raider Gloves
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head north east and down the stairs to wrap around and enter the portal leading
to Waterloo Bridge. Make your way through the subway system and kill off the
enemies as you make it to the next portal in to Savoy. Navigate this subway
tunnel and kill off the enemies inside to get to the next portal leading to
Temple Approach. You must now make it through this last area to get to the
portal leading to Temple Station, kill off any enemies along the way and get
to the end.
Talk to Ser Sing in the southern area to complete the quest and collect your
******************************************************************************* - Gig For Old Cap
Prerequisite Quest: Find Dobster and Mind Mysteries
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Tiberius
Quest Destination: Temple Station
Level Required: 10
Reward: 980 XP
60 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of The Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Surgecaster
Unidentified Enigmatic Axis
Unidentified M3 Perforator
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head north east and down the stairs to wrap around and enter the portal leading
to Waterloo Bridge. Make your way through the subway system and kill off the
enemies as you make it to the next portal in to Savoy. Navigate this subway
tunnel and kill off the enemies inside to get to the next portal leading to
Temple Approach. You must now make it through this last area to get to the
portal leading to Temple Station, kill off any enemies along the way and get
to the end.
Speak with Tiberius and gather your reward for completing the quest.
******************************************************************************* - Echoes of the Gold
Prerequisite Quest: The Narrow Way
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Zombie Bruiser
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Gil
Quest Destination: Savoy
Level Required: 11
Reward: 940 XP
150 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of The Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Perforating Ammo
Aligned Rocket
Necroblight Fuel
Contaminated Battery
Contaminated Relic
Crusher's Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 16 or 17 for this quest.
Head north east down the stairs and wrap around the corner to enter Waterloo
Bridge. Make your way through to the next portal and enter Savoy. Once inside
this area you must locate the Zombie Bruiser named Abomination and kill it.
Head back to Charing Cross Station and get your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Bill Brasky!
Prerequisite Quest: Gig For Old Cap
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Random monster
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Joanne
Quest Destination: Waterloo Bridge
Level Required: 10
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of The Charing Cross Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Darkwalker Legwraps
Unidentified Assault Churidars
Unidentified Hidden Impact Leggings
I recommend you level up to at least level 16 or 17 for this quest.
Head north east down the stairs and wrap around the corner to enter Waterloo
Bridge. As you make your way through search for the random monster Joanne sent
you down here for and kill it. Once the monster is dead you can head back to
Charing Cross Station for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Echoes of the Gold
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Gremlin Troopers
Receive Quest From: Gil
Receive Reward From: Claire
Quest Destination: Temple Approach
Level Required: 13
Reward: 1,880 XP
75 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Raider Harness
Unidentified Darkwalker Circle
Unidentified Farrier Holster
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head north east down the stairs and wrap around the corner to enter Waterloo
Bridge. Make your way through to the next portal and enter Savoy. Fight through
this area and then enter the portal to Temple Approach. Search for Gremlin
Troopers and take the Demon Tidbits that they drop. Once you get 8 of them head
to Temple Station and speak to Claire for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Message Men
Prerequisite Quest: Bill Brasky!
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Firesnaps
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Joanne
Quest Destination: Savoy
Level Required: 10
Reward: 980 XP
160 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Steelshanks
Unidentified Hidden Footguards
Unidentified Powered Combat Boots
I recommend you level up to at least level 17 or 18 for this quest.
Head north east down the stairs and wrap around the corner to enter Waterloo
Bridge. Make your way through to the next portal and enter Savoy. Now search
for the Firesnaps and start killing them to get a Wedding Ring out of one of
them. Take it back to Joanne and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Clues for New Cap
Prerequisite Quest: Message Men
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Black Skull
Receive Quest From: Joanne
Receive Reward From: Stewart
Quest Destination: Temple Approach
Level Required: 10
Reward: 1,470 XP
120 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Assault Cabasset
Unidentified Hidden Carapace
Unidentified Assault Powerhelm
I recommend you level up to at least level 17 or 18 for this quest.
Head north east down the stairs and wrap around the corner to enter Waterloo
Bridge. Make your way through to the next portal and enter Savoy. Fight through
this area and then enter the portal to Temple Approach. Kill Black Skull's to
search for an encrypted message that will drop. Head in to Temple Station and
talk to Stewart for your reward.
3.03.03 - Temple Station Story Quests
******************************************************************************* - The Infection
Prerequisite Quest: Temple Trek
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Rorke Pherral
Receive Reward From: Ser Sing
Quest Destination: Aldwych
Level Required: 16
Reward: 980 XP
320 Palladium
Head north through the portal to Aldwych and you will immediatly get a video
message from Ser Sing telling you to look for the boil that has clouds of gas
coming out of it. Equip the Laser Sight you recieved from Rorke Pherral to
light the pitch black hallways. Navigate around the hallways to locate a boil
you can get a fresh sample from the Boil labeled Fresh Boil, you will also know
it is the right boil when you can't destroy it.
Go in to your inventory and use the empty sample container on it to get a
sample. Once you have completed this task head back to Temple Station and
collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: The Infection
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Monster Objective: Wurm
Receive Quest From: Ser Sing
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: Barge House
Level Required: 16
Reward: 2,450 XP
200 Palladium
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head over to Rorke and speak with him as Ser Sing has asked. Rorke will power
up and fix the tracker for you as he tells you to head out to Barge House and
meet up with some of his men. Now head in to Waterloo to navigate to the next
portal leading to Upper Ground. Navigate this alleyway to locate another portal
leading to Barge House and enter it.
As the game loads the new area speak with Lieutenant Gray and then go in your
inventory to activate the tracker. This will make a radar system appear on the
screen showing you the location of the monster causing the boils. Locate the
large Wurm demon and kill it. Once you kill it the wurm will harden in to a
large cacoon and then transform in to an Exospector (the huge flying demon
ship-like creatures over head when outside in the city) and flies off. Head
back to Temple Station and talk to Rorke.
Prerequisite Quest: Hooked
Type of Quest: Operate
Monster Objective: Exospector
Receive Quest From: Rorke
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: The Big Gundown
Level Required: 17
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head south and in to the portal that leads to New Bridge. Head through this
area and kill off the enemies as you locate and enter the portal leading to The
Big Gundown. Right when you enter this area you should usually be spawned
inside a house with a turret straight ahead towards the street.
Jump on the turret by clicking it as to use it. Start out by using the right
mouse button to fire the heavy rockets at the Exospector, this will damage it
unlike the left click. Eventually the Exospector will send flying enemies down
to attack you, this is when you want to use the left click attack for rapid
fire rockets. These rockets are weaker so they actually don't effect the
Exospector but they do hurt the smaller enemies. Continue to trade off on the
Exospector and hurt it, then kill the small enemy waves that interrupt you.
Once the Exospector crashes and vanishes head back to Temple Station to tell
Rorke the news.
Prerequisite Quest: Gundown
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Rorke
Receive Reward From: Ser Sing
Quest Destination: The Exospector
Level Required: 17
Reward: 1,020 XP
320 Palladium
I recommend you level up to at least level 19 or 20 for this quest.
Head north and enter the portal leading to The Strand and fight your way to the
next portal leading to Blackfriar's. Navigate these streets to locate another
portal leading to Puddle Dock. You must now navigate the streets and locate the
Exospector you took out of the sky. Head up to the Exospector and go through
the portal to enter it.
You must now locate the Exo Heart inside the Exospector. Head deep in to the
Exospector and search all the caverns to locate the heart. Go over to the boil,
heart, on the ground and go in to your inventory. Activate the Empty Heart
Sample Container and leave the Exospector. Head back to Temple Station and
speak with Ser Sing.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Scrub the Deck
Prerequisite Quest: Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Rorke
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: Angel Passage
Level Required: 18
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head to the south of Temple Station and speak with Ser Sing. Take The Cleanser
from her and head through the portal leading to Mansion House in the north. Go
through this area and enter another portal leading to Cannon Street, and then
fight through it to make it to Angel Passage.
Once you finally reach this area use The Cleanser weapon Ser Sing gave you and
start destroying the Boil's all over the streets. Make sure you keep a good
weapon handy on one of your alternate weapon set-ups so you can fight off any
monsters that attack as they come out of the boils. Once you reach the end of
the area you will find a huge boil, take care of everything else in the area
before you attack it.
Once all the smaller boils are taken care of along with the inhabitants take
down the large boil. Inside the boil is a large monster named Oculis-The-All-
Seeing. When it is clear you can't hurt it, just go after the eyes it produces
and then when you can, attack the main monster itself. Once you defeat it you
will be told to head through the portal and talk to The Sister.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Big Sister's Song
Prerequisite Quest: Scrub the Deck
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: The Sister
Receive Reward From: Arphaun
Quest Destination: Monument Station
Level Required: 19
Reward: 7,700 XP
Talk to The Sister again and watch the cut scene. Head through the portal to go
back to Angel Passage and find the portal leading to Monument Station. Head to
the far east of the station and speak with Lord Arphaun and collect your
reward. This is also the end of Act 3.
3.03.04 - Temple Station Secondary Quests
******************************************************************************* - Ante Up
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Helm
Unidentified Beefeater Bandeau
Unidentified Hidden SA-13 Headgear
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head north through the portal to the Temple Access Ducts and fight your way to
the next portal leading to the Forgotten Ducts. Inside this area start killing
the Gremlin Troopers. After you kill 10 of them you can head back to Temple
Station and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Enlisted Man Work
Prerequisite Quest: Gig For Old Cap
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Zombies
Receive Quest From: Tiberius
Receive Reward From: Tiberius
Quest Destination: Temple Access Ducts
Level Required: 15
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Guardian Bracers
Unidentified Dreamweaver Grasps
Unidentified Assault Gloves
I recommend you level up to at least level 17 or 18 for this quest.
Head north through the portal to the Temple Access Ducts and start killing off
18 zombies throughout the area to complete your task. Head back to Temple
Station and collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Activate Temple Trek
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Random monster
Receive Quest From: Stewart
Receive Reward From: Stewart
Quest Destination: Forgotten Ducts
Level Required: 15
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Plated Legs
Unidentified Powered Churidars
Unidentified Beefeater Sheaths
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head north through the portal to the Temple Access Ducts and fight your way to
the next portal leading to the Forgotten Ducts. Locate the random monster you
are sent to kill in this area and take it down. Head back to Temple Station to
collect the reward.
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Assault Morian
Unidentified Beefeater Bandeau
Unidentified Assault Hardcover
I recommend you level up to at least level 17 or 18 for this quest.
Head north through the portal to the Temple Access Ducts and start killing the
Pain Leeches to get Demon Organs. Once you collect enough organs head back to
Temple Station and get your reward.
******************************************************************************* - The Hell Above
Prerequisite Quest: Proving Ground and The Infection
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Screechers or Shriekers
Receive Quest From: Stewart
Receive Reward From: Stewart
Quest Destination: Upper Ground
Level Required: 15
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Assault Tromps
Unidentified Mistwalker Walkers
Unidentified Powered Combat Boots
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the portal leading to Waterloo and kill the enemies on your way to
Upper Ground. Head around the area and hunt down the demon you were told to
kill and take down 20 of them. Once the required number is exterminated head
back to Temple Station and talk to Stewart to collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - No Love Lost
Prerequisite Quest: The Narrow Way and activate Hooked
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Foul Seraphim
Receive Quest From: Ser Sing
Receive Reward From: Ser Sing
Quest Destination: Upper Ground
Level Required: 16
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Hammering Ammo
Spirited Rocket
Disrupting Fuel
Contaminated Battery
Beast Seeker's Relic
Necroblight Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the portal leading to Waterloo and kill the enemies on your way to
Upper Ground. Hunt down the Foul Seraphim and collect 6 Flesh Samples they drop
as you kill them. Head back to Temple Station and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - The World Gun
Prerequisite Quest: Magnificent Thighs and activate Hooked
Type of Quest: Use Item
Receive Quest From: Pratch
Receive Reward From: Pratch
Quest Destination: Waterloo
Level Required: 15
Reward: 2,450 XP
200 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Gorget
Unidentified Hidden Blazon
Unidentified Mistwalker Impact Pads
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the portal leading to Waterloo and locate the Inconspicious
Workstation and activate it. Head back to Temple Station and speak with Pratch
to receive your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Errands for Feeble
Reward: 980 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Bracers
Unidentified Beefeater Clutches
Unidentified Beefeater Vices
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the portal leading to Waterloo and hunt down the Plague Zombie's.
Kill them off and collect the Demon Tidbits that randomly drop from them. Once
you have all the items you need head back to Temple Station and speak with Mag
for your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Wanted: The Sandman
Prerequisite Quest: Activate Hooked
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: The Sandman
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: Waterloo
Level Required: 16
Reward: 2,350 XP
187 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head through the portal leading to Waterloo and locate The Sandman. Kill the
demon and take its ear then head back to Temple Station to speak with Rorke to
claim your reward. If you are in the middle of the Hooked quest you will have
to complete it before you can cash in your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Double or Nothing
Prerequisite Quest: Ante Up and activate Gundown
Type of Quest: Explore
Receive Quest From: Claire
Receive Reward From: Claire
Quest Destination: New Bridge
Level Required: 15
Reward: 1,020 XP
160 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Crossed Shoulders
Unidentified Beefeater Boneshoulder
Unidentified Beefeater Shoulderpads
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head south and in to the portal that leads to New Bridge. Explore across the
entire level as you kill off the enemies until the object tells you that the
area has been successfully mapped out. Head back to Temple Station and talk to
Claire to collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Wonder Times 5000
Prerequisite Quest: The World Gun and activate Gundown
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Burning Dead
Receive Quest From: Pratch
Receive Reward From: Pratch
Quest Destination: New Bridge
Level Required: 16
Reward: 2,550 XP
200 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Brigadier Chestguard
Unidentified Dreamweaver Corslet
Unidentified Beefeater Terminator Vest
I recommend you level up to at least level 18 or 19 for this quest.
Head south and in to the portal that leads to New Bridge. Locate and kill off
the Burning Dead to collect 8 Demon Claws. Once you have found all of the Demon
Claws head back to Temple Station and collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Double or Nothing and Gundown
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Shambling Meatbag
Receive Quest From: Claire
Receive Reward From: Claire
Quest Destination: Blackfriar's
Level Required: 16
Reward: 1,020 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Assault Aketon
Unidentified Hidden Corslet
Unidentified Hidden Ballistica
I recommend you level up to at least level 19 or 20 for this quest.
Head north and enter the portal leading to The Strand and fight your way to the
next portal leading to Blackfriar's. Hunt down Shambling Meatbag and kill it.
Be careful as it can teleport out of the area quickly. Once you kill Shambling
Meatbag head back to Temple Station and talk to Claire for your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: Wanted: The Sandman and Gundown
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Necar
Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster
Receive Reward From: Rorke
Quest Destination: Blackfriar's
Level Required: 16
Reward: 2,350 XP
187 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 19 or 20 for this quest.
Head north and enter the portal leading to The Strand and fight your way to the
next portal leading to Blackfriar's. Hunt down Necar and kill it to claim the
ear you take from its body. Once collected head back to Temple Station and talk
to Rorke for your reward. Please note that if you are doing the Severed Samples
quest you may have to finish it first.
Prerequisite Quest: The Hell Above and activate Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Random Monster
Receive Quest From: Stewart
Receive Reward From: Stewart
Quest Destination: The Strand
Level Required: 16
Reward: 1,020 XP
80 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Hive Blade
Unidentified Enigmatic Locus
Unidentified XM57 25mm Rifle
I recommend you level up to at least level 19 or 20 for this quest.
Head north and enter the portal leading to The Strand. Locate the monster you
are told to hunt down and kill it and take its Ticker. Take it back to Stewart
and collect your reward.
Prerequisite Quest: No Love Lost and activate Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Fury
Receive Quest From: Ser Sing
Receive Reward From: Ser Sing
Quest Destination: The Strand
Level Required: 16
Reward: 1,020 XP
40 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Darkwalker Stay
Unidentified Assault Sash
Unidentified Powered Belt
I recommend you level up to at least level 19 or 20 for this quest.
Head north and enter the portal leading to The Strand. Find and kill the Furies
running around the area to locate 2 Demon Organs that they randomly drop. Once
you gather the items head back to the Temple Station and collect your reward.
If you are also completing "Severed Samples" you will have to collect its
reward first.
Prerequisite Quest: Heartfelt
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Plague Zombies
Receive Quest From: Stewart
Receive Reward From: Stewart
Quest Destination: The Exospector
Level Required: 16
Reward: 2,120 XP
160 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Necro Seeker's Ammo
Fiery Rocket
Disrupting Fuel
Viperous Battery
Bouncing Relic
Hunter's Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 17 or 18 for this quest.
Head in to The Strand portal and then fight your way through to the portal
leading to Blackfriar's. Get through the alley and make it to the portal
leading to Puddle Dock. You now must head through the streets and locate The
Exospector you killed earlier, head inside through the portal.
Hunt down the Plague Zombies inhabiting this area and kill them for Demon Blood
that you can bring back to Stewart. Once you get all the required Demon Blood
head back to Temple Station and collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - One Big Pull
Prerequisite Quest: Enlisted Man Work and Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Hunt
Monster Objective: Nercofiend
Receive Quest From: Tiberius
Receive Reward From: Tiberius
Quest Destination: Cannon Street
Level Required: 17
Reward: 2,120 XP
160 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Ammo
Unidentified Rocket
Unidentified Fuel
Unidentified Battery
Unidentified Relic
Unidentified Tech
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head north and go through the portal leading to Mansion House. Fight your way
through the train tunnels and locate the portal leading to Cannon Street. Once
inside the train tunnels hunt down Nercofiend and kill it. Return to Tiberius
and claim your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Say Bye to Bookie
Prerequisite Quest: Even-Steven and Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Claire
Receive Reward From: Jons
Quest Destination: Monument Station
Level Required: 17
Reward: 1,650 XP
127 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Monument Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Wardcleaver
Unidentified Rebounder
Unidentified XM57 25mm Rifle
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head north and go through the portal leading to Mansion House. Fight your way
through the train tunnels and locate the portal leading to Cannon Street. Head
through this area and eventually you will locate yet another portal leading to
Angel Passage.
You can not go any further if you haven't finished Scrub the Deck!
Head through this area and go through the portal leading to Monument Station.
Inside the station you will find Jons, give him the letter Claire wrote and
collect your reward.
******************************************************************************* - Dead Pool
Prerequisite Quest: Errands for Feeble and Severed Samples
Type of Quest: Interact with Character
Receive Quest From: Mag
Receive Reward From: Messenger
Quest Destination: Cannon Street
Level Required: 17
Reward: 1,060 XP
120 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Temple Station
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head north and go through the portal leading to Mansion House. Fight your way
through the train tunnels and locate the portal leading to Cannon Street. Once
on Cannon Street search the area for the Messenger Ser Sing sent you in to talk
to. Once you find her you will see that they were killed. Take the PDA off of
the Messenger to finish the quest and get your reward. Now go in to your
inventory and activate the PDA to start a new quest.
Prerequisite Quest: Wonder Times 5000 and activate Scrub the Deck
Type of Quest: Collection
Monster Objective: Zombie Summoner
Receive Quest From: Pratch
Receive Reward From: Pratch
Quest Destination: Mansion House
Level Required: 17
Reward: 2,650 XP
200 Palladium
100 Standing with The People of Monument Station
(One of the following)
Unidentified Wardcleaver
Unidentified Rebounder
Unidentified FS 'Triton' SNPR
I recommend you level up to at least level 20 or 21 for this quest.
Head north and go through the portal leading to Mansion House. Navigate through
the train tunnels and find a Zombie Summoner. Kill it and find a randomly
dropped Power Source it may drop. Take it back to Pratch and collect your
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