Прохождение для Broken Sword: The Angel of Death [eng] (#4039)
Прохождение для Broken Sword: The Angel of Death [eng]
The Great Escape
Take the golf club at the right side of the door. Walk to the left and try to switch on the stereo that is standing on the floor. Walk further to the left and examine the safe. Walk to the desk and try to use the telephone to call the cops. Try to open the door at the left side of the room. Pry the door open with the golf club.
Push over the file cabinet at the left side op the door. Climb up the file cabinet. Go through the opening in the ceiling. Place the golf club under the elevator door. Walk to the right side of the room. Try to pull of the grate off the vent. Ask Anna Maria to give you a hand. You do this by clicking on her portrait in your inventory and than click on the vent. Now the two off you will pull of the grate.
Pull out the vent. Pull it backwards four steps. Then right click to let it go. Now walk to the left side of the vent. Grab it once more and pull it seven steps to end up in front of the elevator. Let it go. Step to the front side of the vent. Grab it once more and push it forwards to place the vent halfway into the elevator. Don't forget to take the golf club!
Walk to the right side of the room and enter the vent hole. While standing outside in the pouring rain stand with your back against the wall. Walk all the way to the right to end up on the fire stairs. Climb up the ladder. Step on the roof. Walk to the right and climb up the green ladder. Walk all the way to the end. Pick up the chain that is laying at the end of the platform. Try to grab the hanging chain. Damn... you can't reach it!
Use your golf club to get the chain. Note the two handles behind the steel beam. Turn the right handle to set the way free for Anna Maria. Enter the building on the right side. Walk to the left wall of the room. Grab the wooden beam against the wall. Go all the way to the right. Jump on the floor. Walk all the way to the left. Jump over the gab in the floor.
Go further to the left. While standing with your back against the wall go all the way to the left. Go through the broken brick wall. Go through the opened door. Get the rope from the door. Close the door. Lock the door with the sliding bolt at the left side of the door. Right click on the door and choose the gears to uhhh... open the locked door.
Go down the two stairs. Go through the opened door at the right side. Walk all the way to the left side of the room. Examine the grey rusty pipe on the floor. Examine the breaker switch against the wall. Leave it alone for now but remember you can find it here!
Walk all the way to the right side of the room. Walk further to the right and go down the sunken floor. Jump down and walk further to the right. Cross the two wooden planks. Examine the two sparkling cables. Head back to the breaker switch you saw earlier. Ask Anna Maria to hold down the breaker switch. I guess you know by now how to do this. Yep... click Anna Maria's portrait on the breaker switch.
Go back to the two cables which aren't sparkling anymore. Cross the two wooden planks to the very end. Walk to the right side of the room. Move the cabinet aside that is blocking the door. Ask Anna Maria to turn the handle at the right side of the security shutters. While the shutters are a little bit up grab and hold them to exit the building and off you go to Anna Maria's hotel.
Hotel Alfonso
Try to open the center window of the counter. Talk to the man behind the left window, Alfonso. Ask him about everything you can. Walk to the right side of the lobby. Talk to the man who's sitting in the chair. Ask him about everything you can. When the conversation is over, look at the book he's reading. Talk to the man once more and ask him about everything you can once more. Be sure he tells you his name!
When the conversation is over, walk to the vending machine at the right side of the room. Try to operate both of them. Open the door next to the vending machines. Enter the bathroom. Read the New York Hotel Flyer in your inventory. Use your PDA, choose Phone and Alfonso's Hotel. When connected with Alfonso, ask for Thelwell Minster. Quickly exit the bathroom and take the Hotel Key Card from Thelwell's book which he left behind on the table. Talk to Thelwell once more. Walk back into the lobby.
Try to operate the vending machine at the left side of the lobby. Open the double doors by putting your Hotel Key Card into the electronic card reader next to the doors. Climb up the three stairs. Enter the corridor to the left. Notice the banging sounds behind the door of the first door on the left side of the corridor. Leave it alone for now but remember this door!
Walk further through the corridor. Examine the plant on the little table halfway the corridor. Walk a little further through the corridor. Notice the guard who is standing in front of Anna Maria's room. Wait a little and notice the funny dance he makes from time to time. Talk to the guard twice. Walk back towards the stairs.
Examine the large fumigation warn sign that blocks another stairs up. Pick up one of the dead bugs. Look at one of the other dead bugs that are laying there. Go down the three stairs. Open the door with the Hotel Key Card. Enter the lobby. Try to open the big standing clock. Talk to Alfonso. Ask him about the Fumigation, the Death Watch Beetle and finally about the Grandfather Clock.
Walk back to the clock. Place the Death Watch Beetle on the clock. In the next part you have to be very quick! While Alfonso goes to inspect the clock, you have to open the center window of the counter and quickly grab the lighter that is laying behind the window. So talk to Alfonso once more. Tell him about the clock. Quickly open the center window of the counter and grab the lighter. If Alfonso returns before you are able to grab the lighter, just talk to Alfonso again about the clock and repeat this until you have the lighter. When you've got it, it would be wise to save your game!
Go back upstairs to the guard in front of Anna Maria's room. In the next part you have to be very quick too. Talk to the guard once more. Now stand halfway between the guard and the window at the end of the corridor. As soon as he starts his funny dance and turns his back to the window, quickly open the window. When the guard walks towards the window to close it, quickly walk to the little table with the dry flowers. Set the flowers on fire with your lighter. If you aren't quick enough the guard will stop you before you can set the flowers on fire. In that case just repeat this until you manage to set the flowers on fire! When you made it, it would be wise to save your game once more!
Open the door of Anna Maria's room. Enter the room. Examine the safe in the corner of the room. Try to open the windows. Walk to the bed and pick up the pen that is laying on the floor at the left side of the bed. Walk around the bed and enter the bathroom. Switch off the big vent at the wall besides the bath by pressing the circular button. Put the string into the fan blade. Switch on the vent. Hhhmmm... what a string can do! Exit the room and enter the corridor. Go to the left and walk towards the door where you've heard the banging sounds. It is the last door at the right side of the corridor.
Slide the New York Flyer under the door. Do the same with your pen. Pick up the returned flyer and pen. Examine the flyer in your inventory. Use the keypad at the right side of the door to punch in the correct code. The door opens and you'll set free the girl that was held imprisoned in the room. Hhhmmm... Elvis just left the building!
Back at Bail Bonds
Walk through the door at the end of the room. Walk around the desk and take the box of Italian Cigarettes. Return to the other room. Open the blue front door and go to Hotel Alfonso.
Back at Hotel Alfonso
Talk to the girl you've set free earlier. Ask her about everything you can. Talk to the policeman and ask him about everything you can too. Don't forget to ask him about the tattoo! When the conversation is over, show him the package of Italian Cigarettes. Talk to the policeman once more to ask him about the docks. Talk to Alfonso behind the counter and ask him about everything you can. Walk to the right and go down the stairs. Exit the hotel and go to Bail Bonds.
Back at Bail Bonds
Talk to Anna Maria about Martino's Meat Package Company. Then tell her about the Mafia Gang. Talk to Virgil who is sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. Walk to the right. Exit the room through the front door. Go to Martino's Meat Packing.
Martino's Meat Package Company
Enter the shop. Look at the display case. Look at the blood stained butcher's apron that is hanging on the wall behind the display case. Talk to the man behind the display case. Ask him about everything you can. When the conversation is over, give him the box of Italian cigarettes. When he asks you what you wanna have for the cigarettes you wisely choose... salami! Exit the shop. Walk towards the wooden pallets next to the window of the shop. Wait a little while. As soon as the shopkeeper goes outside to smoke a cigarette, quickly enter the shop and snatch the butcher's apron from the wall behind the display case.
Try to open the garbage cans next to the shop. Try to open the little green door. Cross the square and walk past the white truck. Walk up the loading platform. Walk to the right and talk to the man in front of the entrance to the meat factory. Ask him about everything you can. Show him your salami. Enter the meat factory.
Go through the door opening at your right side. Walk to the right side of this room. Just before another door opening take the fire proof blanket from the wall at your right side. Walk through the next door opening. Walk straight ahead and examine the machine that is standing there. Take the keys from the machine. Walk further to the yellow lit part.
You'll here music coming from one of the upper rooms. Walk to the green container at your right side. Push it forwards three times so it ends up on the forklift truck. Examine the container. Examine the forklift truck. Put the machine safety keys into the forklift. Use the controls to lift the container. Climb up the orange part of the forklift. Climb onto the grey platform and finally climb on the container. Peek through the little window.
Climb down the forklift. Re-enter the meat factory. Walk to the left side of the hall and climb up the little stairs. Walk past the hanging pigs. Walk further on the loading platform and enter the opened door with the green light on top. Go down the wooden stairs. Try to open the left door. Ouch! Open the door while using the fire proof blanket. Enter the smoking room. Look at the meat hanging above the fire.
Pick up a smoking log from the floor while using the fire proof blanket. Walk all the way back to the forklift truck. Climb up the forklift and place the fire blanket holding smoldering wood in the little window. Walk back all the way to the entrance of the factory. Now you have to hurry. Because you have to take some ice out of the truck and place it in the little window before it is all melted down!
So enter the white truck and take a piece of the ice. Run back to the forklift, climb it up and place the ice in the window. When the bad guys have left, enter the factory. Enter the first door at your right side which is opened now. Examine the chair that is standing in the upper part of the room. Exit the room through the door at the left side.
Walk a little further to the right and climb up the wooden stairs. Walk further to the left and exit the room. Walk to the right and walk towards the hanging pigs. Press the blue lit control against the wall. Poor Tony! Examine his body. Walk back to the left. Go through the opened door. Climb down the stairs and go through the opened door at the opposite wall. Walk to the right and go through the opened door.
Go through the door opening at your left. Enter the room with the opened blue door. Examine the first aid kit against the wall. Use the meat packing company key card on the first aid kit. Enter the secret passage. Climb up the three wooden stairs. Go through the opened green door on top of the stairs. Walk further to the right.
Open the large center drawer of the desk to get something wrapped in a silk hankie. Open it in your inventory. Examine the cabinet against the back wall of the room. Look through the opened window at the left side of the cabinet. Walk back to the left side of the office. Exit through the opened green door.
Climb down the three wooden stairs. Exit through the opened door at your right side. Walk towards the forklift truck. Take the keys from the forklift. Head back all the way to the smoking room. Use the silk hankie with the meat above the fire. Head back to the cabinet in the secret office. Use the grease soaked silk hankie on the cabinet. Right click on the cabinet and select the pushing hand symbol. Push the cabinet through the opened window. It will end up on top of the bone cruncher machine.
Exit the office and climb down the three wooden stairs once more. Go through the opened door at your right and go through the next opened door. Walk to the left. Put the machine safety keys into the bone cruncher. Switch on the bone cruncher. Take the keys from the machine. Pick up the MP3 player and Anna Maria's manuscript from the ground.
Study everything you can on the manuscript. You'll read the Latin header, Latin part 1, 2, 3 and 4. After that look at the Fleur de Lys, the Coat of arms, the Fortified City, the Idol, The Holy man, the Knight, the Angel, the Hell, the Castle, the Holy man on top of the castle and the King next to him. Finally read the Anno and the Black symbols at the bottom of the manuscript. After that zoom out.
Walk to the left and talk to Virgil. Give him the MP3 player. Talk to him once more. Ask him about the PDA, the Mafia and Anna Maria. Use your PDA and click on Connect. Log on to Lobineau's Private Server. Click on OK. Click on Yes. Virgil will give you an explanation about how to hack a computer. After his demonstration you have to hack Lobineau's computer. Here are two images of how you have to set the controls:
All the routers and refractors set correct. Now you only have to click this one...
...three times
The image above shows the hacking of Lobineau's computer! After the hacking is done, click on OK. Scroll down the text and click on the link Latin on manuscript translated. Read the text and return to the main menu by clicking on the circular icon at the bottom of the display. Scroll down the text once more and click on the link historical database. First read the welcome note. Scroll down the text to read it all. Return to the main menu and click on the Baphomet link. Be sure to read all the many texts and even be more sure to use each and every link in each and every text!!! The once you must read are the links the great secret, Philippe IV, Clement V, Jaques de Molay and Knight Hospitaller!
When finished close down the PDA. Study the manuscript once more and click on the fortified city at the right side of the manuscript...Zoom out, open the front door and off you go to Istanbul!
Walk to the right and talk to the receptionist. Ask her about everything you can. Look at the photo next to the monitor. Look at the monitor. Study the green map on the wall. You can walk around and examine the plants if you like. Walk to the right. Go down the little stairs to enter the dining room. Talk to the waiter who's walking around. Ask him about everything you can.
Walk back to the foyer. Study the green map on the wall once more. Study the building called the Lover's Vestibule on the map. It is almost the top right building on the map. Zoom out. Head back to the waiter in the dining room. Talk to him and ask him about the Lover's Vestibule twice. Walk back to the foyer. Exit the hotel through the front door and go to the Topkapi Palace.
Talk to the guard. Turn around and walk onto the square. Go back to the Pasha Palace Hotel. Walk towards the receptionist. Look at the bunch of letters on the far side of the counter. Try to pick them up. Of course the receptionist won't let you!
Talk to the receptionist and ask her about Eamon O'Mara. Ask her about golf. Talk to Anna Maria. Tell her about Eamon O'Mara. Show the golf club to the receptionist. When the show is over, enter the dining room once more. Take the knife from the second table to the right. Talk to Anna Maria and ask her about Eamon O'Mara. In inventory open the map and ID card of Eamon O'Mara.
Use the knife on the Bail Bonds ID card. Place your own photo on Eamon O'Mara's ID card. Exit the hotel and go to the Topkapi Palace. Show the ID for Topkapi to the guard. Walk past the guard and try to open the next door. Try to walk down the path to the left. Talk to Anna Maria about the guard. When Anna Maria is successfully distracting the guard, walk down the path to the left.
Walk a little further. Walk towards the most right scaffolding against the wall. Climb up the scaffolding on the right side. Walk to the left side and climb further up. Wait until the guard walk away from you. Take the guard's cell phone that is laying on the wall just above the burning lantern. Examine the guard's phone to find out his cell phone number. Put the phone back on the wall.
Climb down and jump onto the left scaffolding. Walk all the way to the left. Climb up further. Use your PDA. Click on Phone and call the guard. Wait until the other guard walks away. Quickly climb up the wall and quickly hide behind the buttress. Wait until the guard returns. As soon as he turns around quickly sneak behind his back and hide behind the next buttress. Wait until the guard returns once more. When he turns around wait until he passes you then walk behind him and quickly climb up the niche in the wall.
Walk straight forward. Notice some blue plaster laying in the window sill. Use you knife on the plaster. Quickly turn to the left and run straight ahead. In the next corridor, where the guard has been standing with his dog, take the cup of tea from the window sill to drink it. Quickly run back to where you came from. You'll see how the guard will return and takes off with his dog to get another cup of tea.
Go forward a few steps. Just before the dark corridor go to the right and step on the little balcony. Note that there is a cloth line hanging down from the balcony. Use your knife on the salami. Take the cloth line. Attach the salami slice to the cloth line. Exit the balcony and walk through the corridor where the guard has been with his dog. Go down the stairs. Enter the left passage.
Walk further to the left and go down the stairs. Switch on the computer. Shit... password protected! Use your PDA and click on Connect. Connect to the Topkapi Security Management. I guess this screen looks familiar to you. Yep... it's time for another hacking. On the next image you can see the correct settings.
All the routers and refractors set correct once more
After the connection has been made, click on OK. Click on Service system. Click on Yes. Walk to the right side of the room. Open the grilled door. Carefully walk a few steps into the room. Turn around and open the vent at the right side of the door. Put the Hotel Flyer into the vent. Set the flyer on fire with your lighter. Walk carefully to the first set of laser beams. By the smoke you can see if the lasers are switched on or switched off. No need to say that you can walk further when the laser beams are off. Do the same with the other laser beams and walk all the way to the end of the room.
Walk towards the big levers at the left side of the door. Flip down the first, the second and the fourth lever. Turn around and walk towards the opposite door. Operate one of the devices next to the door. Talk to Anna Maria about the door.
Walk to the wall at your right side. Walk further along the wall. Look at the little power switch at the end of the wall. Use your paperclip on the power switch. Wait until the guards have walked away from the fountain. Try to push the fountain aside. Ask Anna Maria to give you a hand with this. You do this by clicking Anna's icon on the fountain. Climb down the hole.
Walk to the left. Notice some pipes, levers and valves attached to the wall. Turn the first lever down. Walk further to the left. Turn the upper lever down and leave the bottom lever alone. Walk further to the left. Close the valve. Walk to the end of the pipes and open this valve.
Climb through the opening in the wall. Walk to the left all the way to the end. Climb down the wall. Jump onto the floor. Step on the image of the knight at the center of the floor of the room. Ask Anna Maria to press the button next to the door. As soon as she asks if you are ready, quickly step back on the image of the knight.
Go through the opened door. Walk through the corridor and enter the Hall of Knights. Walk to the left and examine the statue of the knight in the niche. You have to solve three of this kind of Knight-puzzles. You can find some vital clues for solving this puzzles on the manuscript and in the notes in your PDA. The most important of the notes in your PDA is the file called 'Latin on manuscript translated'! Notice that there are four turning stones at the base of the statue. Move the first 2x. Move the second 1x. Leave the third alone. Move the fourth 2x.
Walk to the right and examine the next statue of the knight. Leave the first alone. Move the second 2x. Move the third 3x. Move the fourth 2x.
Cross the room and examine the third statue of the knight. Move the first 1x. Move the second 4x. Move the third 2x. Move the fourth 3x. Walk to the right and activate the alcove. Talk to Anna Maria and tell her about the alcove.
Walk towards the golden statue of the cherub. Great... now the doors of the room get sealed! When you examine the floor of this room it turns out to be some kind of huge map with the names of different places on it. Also consult the file called 'Latin on manuscript translated' in your PDA notes for some vital clues to solve this puzzle. The only way to get the precious statue and to escape is to click on the places in the order Jaques de Molay visited them. The correct order is: Acre, London, Paris and Cyprus. So... right click in that order on those places. Here is an image of the correct order how to right click on the different places.
The correct places and the correct order
When you've done this correctly you can take the golden cherub. Now you only have to get the doors unsealed! You can do this by using the plinth of the cherub. Turn the plinth 1x to the right and press it down. Turn the plinth 1x to the left and press it down. Turn the plinth 1x to the left and press it down. When you have done this correctly, off you go and you'll enjoy a happy meal and a happy night with Anna Maria. Alas things won't go as smooth as you hoped for...
Right... you are in prison now! Of course your main goal is to get out. Try to catch the rat. Oooeeepppsss... off it goes into it's comfortable home. Take the rat out of the hole. Ouch... that hurts! Examine the rat hole once more.
Walk to the left and examine the piece of cheese on the table. Try to pick it up. Try to open the door of the cell. Examine the huge part of stone that is sticking out of the right wall. Use the bracket on the wall besides the piece of stone. Pull the stone out of the wall. When the visitors have gone, examine the mechanical mouse. Examine the bag of marbles.
Put the marbles into the drain in the floor. Climb through the opening in the wall. Try to open this cell door too... Climb back through the opening in the wall. Walk towards the bars of the cell. Examine the guard. Open the cell door with the cell key. Tie the guard with the marble string. To keep him quiet put the piece of cloth in his mouth.
Walk up the stairs at the end of the corridor. Enter the room with the dog. Throw the squeaky toy to the dog to keep him occupied. Take the can of beef from the table. Open the can of beef with the mouse key. Put the beef into the dog bowl.
Walk to the right side of the room. Walk up the stairs. Open the door. Walk into the computer room. Walk towards the grilled door. Use the mechanical mouse on the door. Walk back towards the computer. Re-enter the corridor and go up the stairs. On top of the stairs walk to the right side of the corridor to have a view on the garden and even better, to have a view on the outside wall. Climb up the vines.
Walk to the left on the roof. Notice the loose stone in the buttress. Put the squeaky toy into the loose stone. When the guard approaches, quickly cross the roof at the opposite side. Keep walking forward. On the flat roof walk to the left. Jump over the gap and walk towards the nun who is standing a little further away. Talk to her... surprise!
Walk towards the receptionist. Talk to her and ask her about everything you can. In possession of Eamon O'Mara's key, enter the elevator at the left side of the foyer. When you wonder if you should go upstairs, choose for Yes! You can examine the room if you like but believe me there is noting of interest.
Walk to the left side of the room. Open the most right window. Climb out the window. Walk to the right. In front of the first window with the curtains closed hang down the ledge. Right click to drop down on the balcony below. Walk to the right and jump onto the baluster. Step on the little platform. Hang down from the ledge and jump down. Hang down from the ledge and go all the way to the left. The very last window is the window of Anna Maria's apartment.
Climb up the ledge. Open the window and enter the room. Enter the room to the left. Examine the waste basket. Re-enter the bedroom. Pick up the rosary from the floor. Examine the credit card receipt. Use your PDA. Click on Connect. Click on Credit R Us. Now it's time for another hacking. Here is the image with all the routers and refractors set correct.
Hacked into Credit R Us
When the hacking is completed, click on OK twice. Off you go to...
Look at the yellow car parked on the pavement. Talk to the man that is wiping the street. It turns out to be a priest called Mark. Ask him about everything you can. Walk towards the man sitting on the stairs a little further down the street. Talk to this beggar called Archie. Ask him about everything you can too. Walk to the apartment with the two plants. Try to open the door of the apartment. Talk to Mark once more. Ask him about the key. Also ask him about Archie.
Talk to the beggar once more. Ask him about the key too. Ask him about Nico. Try to pick up the bread at Archie's back. Walk towards the door of the apartment with the plants. Try to move the left plant. Talk to Mark and ask him about Archie. Talk to the beggar and ask him about the mouldy bread. Talk to Nico and ask her about Mark twice!!! When the beggar is distracted by Nico's charms, take the bread!
Walk towards Mark's car. Scatter the mouldy bread on the car. Cross the street and move the left plant in front of the door aside. Enter the building. Walk up the stairs. Walk to the left a little and enter the small corridor. Try to open the door of Anna Maria's apartment. Damned... it's locked!
Open the double doors at the end of the corridor. Step onto the balcony. Step on the plants at the right side of the balcony. Jump to the ledge against the wall. Go to the balcony on the right side. Jump to the pole and cross the street all the way to the right to the end of the pole. Jump onto the balcony.
Walk to the right side and try to open the double doors. As soon as the nun on the next balcony takes off, quickly jump over the baluster and go all the way to the right to the last balcony. Step onto the balcony. Jump to the ledge against the back wall. Go all the way to the right. Jump onto the balcony. Try to open the double doors.
Peek through the opened window next to the door. Notice the bolt on top of the double doors. Use your golf club on the bolt to unlock the doors. Open the double doors. Take the photo of Anna Maria from the mantelpiece. Examine the books in the bookcase. Look at the opened book on the table. Enter the kitchen.
Take the air line stub from the table. Walk back to the living room. Enter the bedroom. Take the Italian metro ticket from the bed. Examine the slippers. Look at the Holy Bible on the nightstand. Enter the bathroom to find... nothing else than Anna Maria's scale. If you want you can switch on the water of the shower. Exit the bathroom. Enter the living room and examine the laptop. Exit the apartment. Walk to the right and go down the stairs. Walk to the right and go down the street to...
The Vatican
Walk to the left. Try to open the double doors at your right side. Talk to both of the guards standing in front of another double doors. Talk twice to both of them! Read the plaque next to the doors. Try to open the doors behind the guards. Look at the small office behind the window. Peek through the window. Talk to the nun, sister Angelica. Ask her about everything you can. Try to pick up the list from the right side of her desk.
Walk to the right and ring the bell next to the door. Ask sister Serena about everything you can. Boy... ain't she sweet!? Walk all the way to the right to go back to Anna Maria's apartment. It's time for another hacking. So use your PDA. Click on Connect. Click on Vatican Server. Here is another image to assist you once more.
Hacked into the Vatican Server
When you're finished hacking, click on OK. Exit the building and go back to the Vatican. Walk all the way to the left and towards the window with sister Angelica. Peek through the window. Use your PDA. Click on Phone and call the wafer factory ) Now back off and stand between the window and the door so that sister Angelica can't see you. Use your PDA, click on Phone and make that call to the wafer factory. When connected with sweet sister Serena, ask for sister Angelica.
As soon as sister Angelica leaves her post to answer the phone, quickly peek through the window and take the list from the right side of her desk. As soon as sister Angelica returns, talk to her and ask her about everything you can.
When the free tour is over, talk to sweet sister Serena. Ask her about everything you can with your great German accent. Turn around and walk to the little storage room filled with boxes. Examine the box on the table. Turn around and move the upper white box. Oooeeepppsss! While sister Serena restores the mess you made, quickly take a communion wafer from the box on the table.
Do the same trick with the white box once more. While sister Serena is busy again, quickly put the mouldy bread into the box on the table. Walk towards the boxes on the left side of the room. Use your knife to open the upper big brown box. Take a bottle of wine from the opened box. Walk to the center of the factory. Climb up the stairs.
Walk all the way to the end. Open the lid of the dough mixer. Throw the bottle of wine into the machine. Pour sisters! Walk towards the storage room. Walk through the corridor between the storage room and the little office of sister Angelica. Open the door at the end of the corridor. Walk to the back wall and climb up the wooden crates. Jump to the ledge beneath the baluster. Go to the left and climb up at the broken part of the baluster.
Now you have a view over the beautiful garden. Your goal is to enter the door of the opposite building without being seen by the monks working in the garden. Take your time to see what is happening. Notice that the monk near the entrance of the opposite building is walking all the way to the right from time to time to nurse one of the plants. Also notice that there are four plants inside the garden. The other monks don't walk around at all. Well... that comes in handy!
First put the mouldy bread on the right upper plant (1). Quickly walk the path to the left all the way to the end past the hedge (2). Carefully walk to the corner of the edge near the building (3). Wait until the monk heads for the right most plant. Quickly follow him and sneak into the building (4). Here is an image of what to do!
The easiest way to enter the opposite building
Once you are inside the building, walk to the left. Climb up the stairs. Walk down the corridor all the way to the end. Open the door at your left side. Walk around the room and examine the book case. Examine the painting between the two book cases. Move your cursor over the painting and notice another description click for most of the details on the painting. Click the descriptions in this order: Men carrying Corpse, Men debating, Woman with Baby and Temple Block. Examine the angel at the left side of the bottom of the painting's frame. Do the same with the right angel. Zoom out. Examine the desk to get Anna Maria's file.
Back in Rome
Exit the apartment. Walk down the corridor and knock on Mark's door. Show him Gregor's Business card. Talk to him and ask about everything you can. He will give Anna Maria's package. Show him the pen from the hotel room. Walk back to Anna Maria's apartment. Examine Anna Maria's package to find a DVD. Enter the apartment and place the DVD into the laptop. Go back to Mark's apartment. Show him the pen once more. Talk to Mark and ask him about the Black Cat Club twice.
Go down the stairs to exit the building. Walk down the street and go to the Black Cat Club. You can use the intercoms if you want next to most of the doors. Walk towards the door-man in front of the Black Cat Club. Ask him about everything you can. Go back to Anna Maria's apartment. Knock on Mark's door. Tell him about the Black Cat Club. Show him the photo of Lucy Chu. Walk back towards Anna Maria's apartment.
When Mark closes his door, use your pen on the photo of Lucy Chu to write a very personal note on it. Knock on Mark's door once more. Give Mark the Forged signed photo of Lucy Chu. Head back to the Black Cat Club. Show the Black Cat card to the door-man. Go down the stairs. Open the door to enter the club.
Walk to the right and try to walk dressed through the opened door. Walk to the right. Enter the shower room. Walk around the shower that is in use. Try to steal the towel. Exit the shower room. Walk all the way to the left in the locker room. Move the plant in the left corner of the room. Open the warm water valve.
Head back to the shower that is in use. Steal the towel. Enter the lobby. Walk to the right and talk to the receptionist behind the window. Ask him about everything you can. Walk through the door opening at the right side. Walk through the corridor. Go around the corner and enter the opened door at the right side.
Turn to the left and walk around the corner. Walk to the left and talk to the man standing near the circular water basin. It is good old Duane! Ask him about everything you can. When the conversation is over, head back towards the corridor.
Use the power switch at the wall. Look at the big metal box. Talk to the man inside the box. Move the harness hanging at the chain twice. Tip over the bottle of baby oil on the table. Kick the power switch at the wall one more time.
Move the curtain aside. Press the button at the left side of the window. Go through the secret passage. Walk to the circular water basin and go down the stairs. Talk to Duane down the drain. Ask him about everything you can. Exit the steam room. Walk through the corridor. Enter the room at the right side.
Walk to the locker room. Your locker is the upper one second from the left next to the door. Open the locker to get dressed. Head back to Duane down the drain. Combine your paperclip with the rosary. Put the rosary with clip into the drain. Exit the steam room.
Walk through the corridor. Go through the opened door at the left side. Go around the corner. Examine the rosary with the key in your inventory. Use the key to open the first door to the right. Enter the laundry. Look at the washing machine. Go up the stairs. Open the door on top of the stairs and walk outside. Walk to Anna Maria's apartment.
Here waits an unpleasant surprise! Someone has placed a bomb in Anna Maria's apartment. You've got about five minutes to defuse the bomb. By the way, remember that you just said that there is no gas in Anna Maria's apartment. Look at the wall behind your back. Ain't that a common device to heat water with uhhh... gas!?!? It seems to be a good idea to save your game at this point!!!
It's time to do another hacking. Use your PDA. Click on Connect. Click on US Military Field Notes. Here is another image of all the routers and refractors set correctly. Notice that there are two of them which are a little smaller and they are a little brighter than the other ones. You have to place them where my red arrow are pointing to!
Hacked into the US Military Field Notes
When the hacking is done, click on OK. Quickly read your notes and click on Self Protection. After that click on Defusing, Part 2 and Part 3! Don't keep on reading too long! Remember that you've only about 10 minutes to get the job done! Close your PDA. Talk to Mark and ask him for his gloves! Use your paperclip on the bottom blue wire. Select Live Trigger Wire. Use your knife on the upper blue wire. If you've done this correct AND fast enough, you just defused the bomb.
Examine the jeep to get a jack handle. Try to open the gate. Use the jack handle to open the gate. Walk past the opened gate. Walk to about halfway the path. Look at the fire escape at the wall on the left side of the path. Try to activate the fire escape. Darn... it is out of reach!
Walk to the opposite side. Try to move the big container. It won't budge. Pull the wooden crate next to the container backwards. Examine the chain that's hanging at the right side of the container. Pull the chain once to relieve the brake. Move the container to the left. Stand at the left side of the upper wooden crate. Pull it backwards once. Go and stand behind the wooden crate and push it against the wall.
Climb up the wooden crate. Climb up the green part of the roof. Climb up the platform at your right side. Jump onto the ledge above you. Go all the way to the left until the next platform. Jump to the next platform. Walk to the left and climb up on the next platform. Go around the corner and climb up the roof.
Step on the roof. Walk forwards and pick up a piece of rubble. Notice the fire escape at the opposite building. It's the one which was out of reach a little earlier! Look at the old satellite dish holder on the roof. Move the arm of the dish holder four times to the left. Be sure it is aimed to the fire escape at the opposite building. Use the piece of rubble on the arm to shoot down the fire escape!
Go all the way down and walk towards the fire escape. Climb it up. Move the wooden crate on the roof. Move the large pipe once. Crawl through the pipe to end up at the other side of the crack in the roof. Walk to the right a little further. Kick a piece of rubble into the crack in the roof. Climb down into the crack.
Look through the window. Try to open the door. Walk to the table at the center of the room. Look at the picture on the table. Walk to the left side of the room. Look at the gold plated name tag on the desk. Look at the photo on the wall. Look at the poster on the wall. Look at the gun display case against the right wall.
Walk to the opposite side of the room. Use the code lock next to the door. Punch in the wedding date you saw earlier on the photo. Hhhmmm... for some reason the code doesn't work. Time to do another hacking! So use your PDA to get the correct code. Click on Connect. Click on c.jenkins_office1. Here is another image to assist you once more.
Hacked into Jenkins office
When the hacking is over, click on OK. Scroll down the text and click on Files downloaded from Secretary's PC. Close the PDA. Use the code lock next to the door and punch in the wedding date reversed. Open the unlocked door and enter the room.
Walk to the left. Jump over the first gap. Walk further to the left. Jump on the platform. Hang on the ledge of the platform. Go all the way to the left, around the corner and all the way to the end. Let go to jump on the wooden crate. Step on the floor.
Look at the huge hopper in the floor. Walk past the first hopper. Look at the key card that is laying on the right side of the hopper. Try to pick it up. Oooeeepppsss... Look at the barrels behind your back. Open the door at the right side of the room. Go through the door. Go through the opposite door.
Walk to the right side of the kitchen. Take the hook from above the sink. Walk towards the table against the left wall of the kitchen. Move it to the left. Climb up the table. Take the stick of gum from the top of the cabinet. Step down the table. Exit the kitchen. Turn to the left. Enter the first door at the right side to enter the man's locker room.
Open the center locker with the jack handle. Take the can of engine oil from the locker. Walk towards the door. Try to open it. Use the electronic lock at the left side of the door. Time to do another hacking. So use your PDA. Click on Connect. Click on admin.pc_office7. Here is another image to assist you once more.
Hacked into the admin office
When the hacking is over, click on OK. Close the PDA. Open the door. Exit the locker room. Open the door at the end of the corridor. Go down the stairs. Enter the door to the left. Try to open the door. Climb up the safe. Climb up through the hole in the ceiling. Operate the control panel. Put some engine oil on the rusty chain. Operate the control panel once more. Move the chain to the right and move it down.
Enter the hole in the floor. Attach the hook to the chain. Climb back up through the hole in the ceiling. Operate the control panel. Move the safe up and move it to the left. Walk to the right side of the room. Try to operate the control panel at the right side of the door. Examine the wires in front of the control panel. Attach the stick of gum to the wires.
Try to operate the control panel once more. Walk to the left. Talk to Maynard. Ask him about everything you can. When he fixed the control panel, operate it. Your goal is to move the safe to above the centrifuge room. Here we go! Move the safe to the left, left, down, right, right, up, up, left, down, down, left, up, up, up, and up. If you have done this correctly the safe should be standing just besides you.
Try to push the safe into the centrifuge room. Talk to Maynard about the safe so he gives you a hand. Flip the safe down into the centrifuge room. When Maynard tells you to do so... press the button! When the process is over, enter the centrifuge. Pick up the plastic folder and Maynard's keys. Examine the plastic folder to find a bank statement and some technical drawings. Exit the centrifuge.
Walk to the left. Open the door with Maynard's keys. Close the door on the other side and lock it with Maynard's keys. Go up the stairs. On the next floor, put some engine oil on the doorstop. Press the power switch to switch off the light. Open the door...
Walk through the corridor. Quickly enter the last door at the left side. Lock the door from the inside with Maynard's keys. Walk to the elevator at the right side of the room. Press the button to call the elevator. Walk all the way to the left and exit.
Back at the Vatican
Try to pick up the bottle from the ground next to good old Archie. Talk to him and ask him about everything you can. Walk all the way to the left. Search the garbage can. Take the half empty bottle of champagne from the garbage bin. Walk back to Archie. Talk to him once more. Ask him about the half empty bottle of meths. Offer him the half empty bottle of champagne. Pick up the half empty bottle of meths. Head back to the garbage bin.
Pour the meths into the garbage bin. Use your lighter to set the garbage bin on fire. Enter the door of the wafer factory. Walk straight forward. Open the door in the wall at the right side of the storage room. Look at the wafers on the conveyor. Walk to the right. Examine the controls of the machine. Look at the white mixing vats. Look at the gold dust between the two vats. Walk back towards the door.
When Nico and sister Angelica return, ask the sister about the special wafer making machine twice. Ask her about the holy powder twice too. At the end of the conversation you see cardinal Gianelli sneaking through the factory. You have to follow him to the garden. Exit the room. Walk to the left. Walk through the corridor between the storage room and the little office.
Open the door at the end of the corridor. Climb up the stairs at the right side. You have to cross the garden once more to the opposite building once more without being spotted by the patrolling monks. Enter the building. Walk to the left side of the main room. Notice that the trapdoor in the floor is still firmly locked. Climb up the stairs. Walk through the corridor and peek through the half opened door of Devlin's office about halfway the corridor. When you've seen enough, enter the room. Examine the new manuscript.
Read the three Latin lines of text. Look at Jesus with the cross. Look at the symbols of the Templar, the Turk, the Assassin, Mamluk and the Hospitaller. Zoom out. Talk to Mark. Ask him about everything you can. Go back downstairs. Walk to the main room. Notice that the lock of the trapdoor has been removed. Try to open it. Click the icon of brother Mark on the trapdoor. Stick the golf club into the trapdoor. Go down the trapdoor.
Walk to the end of the room. Look at the base of the two huge statues of an angel. Notice the two turnable hourglasses. Remember that you've seen a painting upstairs with two angels on the golden frame. The only thing is you don't remember the position of the hourglasses on that painting. So go back upstairs and enter the last door at the left side of the corridor. Examine both angels on the frame of the painting. Make a note of the position of the hourglasses of the left angel and do the same with the hourglasses of the right angel.
Head back down the trapdoor. Walk to the left statue. Turn the left hourglass to the standing position with the sand in the bottom part. Turn the right hourglass in the laying position with the sand pointing to the right. Climb up the statue and move the head. Climb down the statue.
Walk to the right statue. Turn the left hourglass to the standing position with the sand in the bottom part. Turn the right hourglass to the laying position with the sand pointing to the right. Climb up the statue and move the head. Click with brother Mark's icon on the angel's head. Go down the opened trapdoor.
Walk to the corner of the corridor. Open the junction box against the wall with your knife. Use the rubber gloves on the opened box to pry the wires loose. Walk to the door at the end of the corridor. Try to open the door. Look at the light bulb in the socket next to the door. Try to remove the light bulb. Ouch! Remove the light bulb with the fire proof blanket. Put the C-4 explosives into the socket. Walk back to the junction box. Use the rubber gloves on the opened box to connect the wires. BANG!
Go through the opened door. When the shooting is over, read all the signs attached to the pillars. There are fourteen of them! Walk to the left and enter the opened room to the right. Just before you get shot good old Archie stumbles into the room and knocks down the attacker with his last bottle '85. It's good he has his secret stash down here!
Look at the controls on the right side on the wall. Move the first 1x. Move the second 5x. Move the third 1x. By this the first cross is pointing up to the right, the second is pointing down to the left and the third is pointing down to the right. And not only that, a hidden door will open.
Go through the opened door. Carefully walk around the corner. As soon as you enter this next room hold it right there! Look at the floor to see all kind of tiles. You have to cross this room by walking the correct path. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the sword at the right. Step on the tile with the lion at the right. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the cross at the left. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the moon at the left. Step on the tile with the lion at the left. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you. Step on the tile with the moon at the right. Step on the tile with the lion at the right. Step on the tile with the cross in front of you.
Keep on walking until you enter the room with the two gaps in the floor. Walk further between the two gaps. Oooeeepppsss... at the end of the path you fall down a trap. Tell Anna Maria to pull the levers in the correct order Assassin, Turk, Manluk and Templar. Walk into the next room.
Put the green map on the hand of the statue of Jaques de Molay. Set it on fire with your lighter. Enter the next room. Keep walking straight ahead. Put the rosary into the slot of the base where the Ark has been standing on. Enter the opened door. Keep walking straight ahead. As soon as you can smash one of the cherubs with your golf club. As soon as you can also smash the other cherub with your golf club too.
The end...
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