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Freelancer: Walkthrough (English) (#3962)
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Freelancer: Walkthrough (English) (#3962)
Freelancer: Walkthrough (English)
Legal Information
This walkthrough is property of mine. But, you may use it, reproduce, duplicate
or even making money from it. You want to put this walkthrough in your site?
Fine by me, all you need to do is telling me where you want to use it and put
my name on it. That's all, nothing more.
Version History:
just started
everything from scratch
i'll update this everyday, promise!
one more chapter
plus little of chapter 7
sorry, I'm a little busy
mission 8 completed
thank you for all of you giving me advice
i really appreciate it
i'll credit you for this
mission 10 completed
little part of mission 11
fixing here and there, many places
This walkthrough is full of spoilers. So, if you don't want to get spoiled,
don't read this walkthrough. But if you want to read it, I'm thanking you,
because you spend your time reading my work.
Finally, after my long awaiting years, a sequel to Starlancer, my favorite
space combat game (although I played at my friend and never beaten it :P).
I thought it would be another dog fight from cockpit, but IT WAS NOT. A lot
of improvement and totally different type of game.
It has a connection with the original Starlancer, but has nothing to do with
the storyline. Kind a RPG style is added here, with some graphic (it's good
all right, but not something extraordinary).
I know it was better, but, I missing the excitement killing Ivan Petrov by
giving 20 rounds of screamers on his tail. Anyway, let's start...
<<Opening FMV>>
It was the 23rd century
Mankind's darkest hour
The war had been raging for almost a hundred years
We had been fighting for so long no one could remember the reason why it
started in the first place
All we knew there were two sides...
The Coalition and the Alliance
For decades, millions died for the same piece of rock
Again... and again...
Finally, one side manage to gain the upper hand
The Coalition...
In desperation, The Alliance launches five sleeper ships
The hope was, for them to begin again, far for the wars strive that have
befallen Earth
To start free from the prejudices that have divided us for so long
Each sleeper ships was christened after its patrenation*
The Britonia
The Rheinland
The Hispania
The Kusari
The Liberty
Against all arms, the colony breaks through The Coalition blockade, and headed
for the Sirius system
That was 800 years ago
When we came here to rebuild our lives
We've come a long way since then
We have grown
We have prospered
We have flourished
But, we will never forget...
* = I'm not sure about the spelling, sorry :P
I'm deeply sorry, but English is not my national language, so please
forgive me if there's a misspelling words
Before you playing the games, I recommend you learn the shortcut, and control
of the game, believe me, it's worth the effort. For you, I listed the
important things to remember, such as:
F1 : Menu List
If you want to start a new game, load game, access the menu, or exit
the game
F2 : Go To
Go To marked target, used when flying a ship (FaS)
F3 : Dock
Docking to a marked target, such as planet or a space station (FaS)
F4 : Formation
Enter a formation with a marked ship (FaS)
F5 : Open Log (Star Icon)
View the current mission, mission log
Can be accessed when flying a ship or when landing in a planet or
Space station (FaS & L)
F6 : NAV Map (Map Icon)
View the star map, also viewing your mission destination, mission
objective, and waypoints (FaS & L)
F7 : Inventory (Inventory Icon)
View what your ship is holding (FaS & L)
F8 : Reputation (Human Form Icon)
View your reputation to another group or colony, green for friends,
white for neutral, red for enemy. Also your current level, next level
requirement and money. Also view the total mission, kills, time,
system and base visited, and jump hole found (FaS & L)
F9 : Current Information (Letter I Icon)
View the Information available for marked ships, planet, and base
That you currently visited. Notice that system or a planet or a base
and ship you never see or visited before is not available. (FaS & L)
Ship Control Movement:
W : Increase speed
S : Decrease speed
Q : Fire missile
E : Drop Mines
R : Closest Ship
T : Next Target
F : Shield Battery
G : Nanobot
B : Tractor Beam
Shift + Q : Fire Torpedo
Shift + E : Cruise Disrupter
Shift + W : Cruise Engine
Space Bar : Toggle Mouse Flight
Anything else considered being secondary.
The Game:
New Game:
After you choose new game, some event happens. Freeport 7, a space station near
Planet Manhattan is being destroyed. The enemy ships has capability of
cloaking and capable of penetrating planetary defenses. Later, on Planet
Manhattan, Edison Trent (you), one of the few survivors of Freeport 7, busy
telling the medic to heal his friend owe him some credits (millions actually).
News said that The LSF (Liberty Security Force) suspect that The Order is be-
hind this attack.
MISSION 1 : Manhattan, New York
Objective : Look for a job in the bar
Talk to Jun'ko Zane
Meet Jun'ko in the Equipment Dealer
There is some icons in the middle top of the screen
Pentagon Icon : Launch Pad
Beer Glass Icon : Bar
Commodity Stuff : Commodity Trader
Wheel (?) : Equipment Trader
Ship : Ship Trader
Click on the Beer Glass Icon. After a few words with the bartender, he
recommend you to talk to Jun'ko Zane, so, talk to her. Ups, looks like you
interrupting some important conversation, but it's all right. After that, meet
her in the Equipment Dealer, she'll give you a standard Ship(I called it Junk
Ship, very useless). She offers you a job for 2000 credits, take it and then
go to Launch Pad and Launch to Space to meet with Michael King, your CO
(Commanding Officer). After you launch, there's a chart consist of three
Left : Mission Objective Waypoints
Middle : NAV Map
Right : Mission Objective Details
Read them carefully!
MISSION 1 : Avenge The Donau
Objective : Destroy The Hostile ships
Few seconds after later in space, King explain about your mission babysitting
food and supply ship from Fort Bush to Planet Pittsburgh. But when RNC Donau
ship passing by, some ship from The Order destroy it.
We cannot tolerate this. Kill them! This mission is very easy, you'll have a
lot of friends on your side. So, basically it's just a target practice, and
adjusting yourself to the ship control and movement. Remember to use tractor
beam (B) after killing every enemy ship, you'll get, sometimes, valuable loot.
After that, go to the Trade Lane heading to the Fort Bush and dock (I always
think that Trade Lane is some kind of minor jump gate).
MISSION 1 : Join The Convoy
Objective : Fly to The Transport USV Brandt (using formation maneuver (F4))
Eliminate Rogues
Re-enter Formation
Dock with Planet Pittsburgh
Fly to the USV Brandt using the formation maneuver (F4), after a few chat,
you'll understand that The Order is targeting people from Rheinland to meet
with the Liberty President, why? Basically, The Order is the bad guys and you
(liberty) is the good guys (until now, at least). But when you're inside the
Trade Lane, the Rogues are disrupting your jump. Kill them all (only 5-6 ships)
but after that more ships are coming, King order you not to engage with the
enemy, so DO IT, don't engage with them! Join the formation with the USV Brandt
and re-enter the Trade Lane. After closing Planet Pittsburgh, it seems that
King have some deal with the USV Brandt, hmmm, very suspicious. But he said
that he will tell you later. Right now, dock to Planet Pittsburgh using
Planet Pittsburgh Docking Ring.
MISSION 1 : Pittsburgh, New York
Objective : Meet King in space above Planet Pittsburgh
Enter formation with Epsilon 1
Eliminate all hostile
In the landing zone, King told you that he suspect The Order have a secret base
nearby, and need your help to destroy it. After that he told you to meet him in
Before you meet him, I recommend you to go to the Equipment dealer, buy weapon
level 2 and go to Commodity Trader and sell some loot. When you're ready, go to
Launch Pad and Launch to space.
Apparently, King is waiting news from Fort Bush about location of Liberty Rogue
secret base. Some ships will join your search party, enter formation with
Epsilon 1.
Suddenly you hear message from XT-14 Prison Ship, they're under fire
Go there and destroy all hostile, King warns you to protect the prison ship at
all cost. Don't let the Prison Ship destroyed, but this is a simple job, you'll
never fail this one.
MISSION 1 : Continue The Search Pattern
Objective : Go To Waypoint
Help Beta 4
King orders you to go to the new waypoint. Just follow his order. Suddenly Beta
4 calls for help. Help him by killing all hostile.
MISSION 1 : Beta 4 Report
Objective : Go to Waypoint
Destroy Weapon Platform
Go there! Remember that there are two weapon platforms and one base plus some
ships (around 6-7). After killing 2/3 ships, concentrate on shooting the weapon
platform. Use medium speed (around 50) and shoot, they'll never damage your
ship (TRUST ME). After that, Delta Wing torpedo bomber will destroy the base.
MISSION 1 : Criminal Base Destroyed
Objective : Return to Planet Pittsburgh
Return to Planet Pittsburgh. On the way, King said that he'll be seeing a lot
Of you in the future (he he, I bet he is)
OK, you're free from now on. So, I suggest you to fly around New York and make
some credits, you can do this by trading (I don't like it, because I'm a war
freak, not a trader), but if you want to do this, first thing to do is
collecting credits by looking a job in the bar (same thing isn't it?) and buy
a freighter ship.
I recommend you NOT TO DO THIS, using a freighter ship is suicide when entering
combat, they're slow like hell. OK, not on early mission, but try using it in
later mission, you'll be dead before you blink your eyes (except, if you only
use it for trading and then buying a new fighter ship when going on a mission)
So, try to look a job! A job that suit and simple, like killing a person or
capturing criminal. Want more challenge? Try killing a group of bandits. Want
a very challenging situation? Look a job that offers you to destroy a base or
a weapon platform.
Or you're a peacekeeper? Try to mine asteroid. But I consider that person to be
cowardly weak. Suit yourself.
Keep this in mind. If you accept a job that order you to kill a person, or a
group or even only capturing them, you'll making friend with group giving you
that job, but YOU MAKING NEW ENEMY with the victim you kill or capture. In this
situation, a phrase that speaks "Enemy of your enemy is your friend" applied.
So, be wise.
One more thing, buy a new ship when you able to do it. Try to buy it in battle-
always have the best ship, this applied in other system too.
<<End of Mission 1>>
After you achieved level 3, Juni will contact you. Meet her in bar of Planet
Manhattan. I advise you to buy shield battery and nanobots before you accept
this mission, but if you good enough, you won't needed it at all (that's me).
MISSION 2 : Manhattan, New York
Objective : Meet Juni in bar of Manhattan
Meet King in space above Manhattan
The LSF has new assignment for you, take it. It's 4500 credits in reward and
moderate in difficulty. Your job is to find Sean Ashcroft and locate the alien
artifact and prevent him from entering New York. Suddenly King said something,
What about the bonus? Trent said: Yeah, what about the bonus. Ha...ha...ha...
Looks like the bonus is access to all remaining Jump Gate. All right, later,
After this mission, you can go around beyond New York
When you heading for Launch Pad, Trent saw Lonigan, whose owe him some credits.
Man, this guy looks paranoid. He said some government men were after him.
Trent is not buying what he said, he wants his money. But Lonigan said easy
come easy go (I like this guy!). Lonigan said it's not safe here, he advise
Trent to go, but Trent doesn't understand why he must go. Then two guys came
and shoot him with a tranquilizer dart and knock Trent out.
After few minutes, Juni wake him, real 'soft'. King ask Trent is he is OK,
Trent said his chest is hurt, but he's OK to go. Now, head to space to meet
In space, Trent told King about Lonigan and his missing money (poor Trent).
King order Trent to go to Colorado Jump Gate.
MISSION 2 : Outside New York
Objective : Follow Waypoints
Scan Cargo for Alien Artifact
Just follow the waypoints, dock into the Jump Gate. After that, King order you
to scan ships (O) to find the artifact. Don't bother scanning all ships, just
scan OE ship labeled unknown. After some 'aggressive negotiation' he'll suren-
der, but he's not Ashcroft. Just a decoy! Not bad Ashcroft, not bad at all.
MISSION 2 : Head to Pueblo Station
Objective : Defend Pueblo Station
Juni gives you new waypoint, follow it and you'll end up in Pueblo Station.
But the Rogues are attacking it. Defend the station at all cost. But it's very
easy, you won't fail (unless you're so stupid). Apparently a tracking device
has been planted on Ashcroft ship.
MISSION 2 : Chase Ashcroft
Objective : Chase Ashcroft
Track him into your cargo hull
Follow the waypoints, kill all hostile. But Ashcroft is getting away, King's
Cruise disrupter is failing, chase him! When you close enough, ignore all
hostile, your target is Ashcroft, destroy his ship and tracktor his pod. When
this is done, you may eliminate all hostile.
MISSION 2 : Return Ashcroft
Objective : Return Ashcroft to Battleship Missouri
When you head back to Manhattan, King told you a lot of story, how the Rhein-
land discovered a planet full of alien artifact. Not just ordinary artifact,
But an active artifact (this is where everything started in the first place,
you'll know this later in the game). When you pass the Jump Gate, Juni
changes the plan to meet you, not in Manhattan, but in Battleship Missouri.
Hmm, the LSF really 'love' this guy. Looks like this Ashcroft knows a lot
about this artifact. In Fort Bush, you're being ambushed, no problem, they're
really weak. Plus you got back up from Fort Bush.
Approaching Battleship Missouri, King received emergency call and then leave
heading to Planet Pittsburgh.
Inside the Battleship Missouri, Juni gives you the bonus she promises you,
Access to all Jump Gate in Liberty area. From the scene, you'll know that the
LSF put big interest finding Ashcroft.
The LSF, Rheinland, The Order, and Ashcroft, what is going on between them?
One thing for sure, this isn't something small.
Just like the last mission, now it's your free time. From now on the battle in
space will be more challenging. I'll give you some tips when you engage with
enemy ships.
- Use your after burner (Tab) often.
1. When you're in head to head position with enemy ship.
2. When you're pursuing enemy ship.
3. Especially when the enemy shooting at you.
- Move in random direction when you're being pursued with more than 2 enemies.
- Eliminate the highest rank. They are dangerous, ignore the small fish. After
you destroy the high rank, then, and only then, you may kill the others.
- If you unable to defeat the enemies, don't hesitate to run.
- About missile and torpedo, countermeasure and mines, I NEVER USE them.
Maybe you could give some advice how they work. 'Coz I think laser beam is
more than enough.
- Always equip your ship with the latest weapon and shield generator. They may
expensive, but it will help you a lot. And of course, the latest ship.
- Mix your weapon. Don't concentrate on one type of weapon. Mix the molecular,
positron, and graviton.
- Use your shield battery only if your shield is almost gone. Not entirely
gone, you hear me. But if your hull is breaching, USE your nanobot, although
it's only minor damage. If you not do this, the repair cost is going to sky
- Don't use Cruiser Engine in the middle of combat, it's useless, enemy will
shoot you with the Cruise Disrupter. Better use Trade Lane, Jump Gate, Jump
hole or dock within Planet or Station. And of course, use after burner.
- If you want to Dock within planet or station or entering Trade Lane, Jump
gate/hole in the middle of combat, make sure you're close enough (about 200m
or less) then dock. Try it from distance and BOOMM, you're history.
- Always tractor the remaining of enemy ship after you destroy them.
One more thing, before you continue/ accept the next mission, make sure you
have visit the system map where you're allowed to go. All of them. I repeat,
ALL OF THEM. Always do this when you have free time after completing mission.
<<End of Mission 2>>
Some advice from 'Xtra' :
To put you straight, if you haven't found out already (dont know when your
walkthru was updated on gamefaqs)
- torpedos whip the shit out of battle cruisers and weapon platforms.
- missles are quite powerful, for use against anything really, torpedos are
their big slow brother
- mines you can use to quite dammage a ship that does a head on run at you,
pull up and drop a mine, usually hits them
- countermeasures coax enemy missles to them, say if you want to use your
cruise speed in battle, drop coutnermeasures when you hear "incomming
missle" and they hit the countermeasures, and not your ship.
But Nicholas Fraser had another idea :
I find this a good strategy
If you buy 1-2 weapons with very high shield damage and Javalin Missile Launcher
1-2 and plenty of Missiles (Depends Where You are in game) and the when you get
an enemy on radar fly towards him and when you get the + crosshair Fire you
shield guns and 1-2 secs after fire the 2 javalin missiles because by the time
they reach the enemy he will have no more shields and POOF.
Give it a try and let me know how you like this strategy.
Thank you for your time.
OK, now meet Juni in Planet California Minor, California. Meet her in the Bar.
She has new assignment for you (because I'm refuse to accept the job in the
first place, the reward is decreasing from 4500 credits to 3000 credits). The
job is really simple, escort the transport ship containing alien artifacts
from Magellan Gate to Willard Station, where the LSF going to study them.
The difficulty considered to be high risk.
MISSION 3 : Entrance to Barrera Passage
Objective : Meet Juni in Space above Cal. Minor
Meet with the convoy
Follow the waypoints
Defend the convoy
Dock in the Willard Station
Meet Juni in space above Willard Station
Eliminate all Rheinland fighters
Meet Walker in Planet California Minor
Meet Juni and Walker above Planet California Minor
Now, meet Juni in space. After that, we're heading to San Diego Border station
to meet with the convoy. Join the formation with the convoy, and head to
Barrera passage. There's 4 NAV buoy. But trouble does happen in the 3rd buoy.
Protect the convoy. Destroy the Outcasts. Don't worry, Gamma wing in your side
After it's been done, head to Willard Station. And dock your self there.
I suggest you load your ship with the best weapon and shield generator. It's
going to be though out there.
Right now, meet Juni in space above Willard Station. Travel with her to disco-
ver more about the attack on transport convoy. What surprising is that Juni's
CO (commanding Officer) is under arrest, and she can't contact all of her
friends in the LSF. The only contact is King in Planet Pittsburgh, and Walker,
leader of some (?) battle cruiser in LSF NAVY.
When you're heading to the Jump Gate, several Rheinland ship is blocking your
way (what are they doing, and how they able to penetrate the sensors around
every Jump Gate in the Liberty space?). They're not responding to Juni's hail.
Engage with them, and kill them all.
This is going more and more complicated. After the Order, the Pirates, now
Rheinland, what the hell is going on? Why they all after the artifact.
Now, head to Planet California Minor, and meet Walker (leader of NAVY battle
ship, also friend of Juni). Walker ask Trent if he wanted to join the Navy,
Trent said no. After a few chat, meet Juni above Planet California Minor.
Juni said that Walker and his cruiser are waiting in the far edge of the pla-
net. But, King is hailing, he said that Junis CO are indeed on prison, that
there's a major shake in the high rank. King also said that he will find more
info about what's going on.
Now head to Walker cruiser. Walker said that he has been ordered to dock for
maintenance by his superior (I think this is a classic way to call someone,
when you want to eradicate them).
MISSION 3 : Respond to Station Willard
Objective : Got to Station Willard
Destroy the Gunboats
Destroy the Bomber
Destroy the remaining ships.
Emergency call from Station Willard. They're being attacked by Rheinland ship.
Go there with the rest of Walker fleet. What a sight, 2 Gunboats and about 7-8
Rheinland fighters.
Destroy the Gunboat first. After you destroy it, (if you quick enough) 3
bombers will jumping in, destroy them before they can launch the torpedo.
After that, eliminate the remaining hostile, and, viola, you achieved the next
<<End of Mission 3>>
Mission 4 : Manhattan, New York
Objective : Follow the waypoints
Run...Run...and Run!!!
Dock in Benford Station
Meet Juni in Planet Manhattan. When Trent met her on the Launch Pad, she looks
confused. She said Ashcroft is missing from maximum security prison, and all
record about him are wiped out, all of the guard never heard about him.
Walker also gone too. Trent said it's impossible, more shocking, Walker and
his ship has been disappear for five years (this is a joke, right? We just met
him yesterday!), it seems that people around them are missing one by one.
Just seconds after Juni leaves, someone calling Trent, he's the other last
survivors of Freeport 7. He said he's a thief and delivering something to Free
port 7 (and he's holding it right now). Also, he said, that everyone is after
something that he's holding.
(If your memory strong enough, see the scene where Trent first set foot on
Planet Manhattan, he's far behind Trent)
Suddenly, he looks surprise, and BANG. He's dead. A member of LSF killed him.
When he's about to kill Trent, Juni came to rescue. She had to kill this guy.
Now head to space.
In space, Juni said that we have to get out of here fast, before they found
the dead guard on the Launch Pad. But it's too late, LSF ships (all of them
are heavy fighter!!!!) are coming from every direction. I advice you to acti-
vate the Cruise Engine and just fly around the Planet until new waypoint
appears. I said it once again JUST RUN AND DON'T ENGAGE WITH THE ENEMY !!!
King and Walker are coming to help. Then Walker ask you and King to go, while
he hold the enemy (what a heroic act). Go to the waypoint, and dock when the
range are less than 200m, or your ship will make an easy target for the enemy.
On the way, King said Juni and Trent are in the wanted list, for murder, arti-
fact smuggling and etc (wow, changing from good guy to bad guy in one night!).
In the badlands, they arrived at Benford Station, belong to Van Pelt, friend
of Juni. Dock in the Benford Station.
After studying the artifact, Van Pelt said that the only person able to help
them is Prof. Quintaine (hope this is the correct name), expert in Zeno
archeology in Cambridge.
Van Pelt said that people hunting you must have connection with the artifact
(hah, tell me something that I don't know).
Van Pelt also advice you to go to Britonia because of their neutrality. But,
suddenly a number of LSF ships are approaching.
Van Pelt orders you to leave the station and head to abandoned Jump Gate lead
to Magellan.
MISSION 4 : After Meeting Van Pelt
Objective : Once again, Run...Run...and Run...!!!
Dock with the Jump Gate
Eliminate all hostile
Dock with Mactan Base
Eliminate all hostile
Dock within the Jump hole
Meet Tobias in the Equipment Dealer
Van Pelt orders you to leave, but Juni hesitate to help him (I don't get it,
what the hell is she thinking!!!). Approximately 20 ships of LSF surrounds you
Then 3 battleship jumping in and destroy the Station (goodbye Van Pelt). Now
head to the Jump Gate. I recommend you to run and activate your cruise engine
from the very beginning of the mission, don't even think to fight the LSF,
they would kill you in matter of seconds.
After entering the jump gate, head to the new waypoints, great, now the Bounty
Hunters are blocking your way, same deal don't mess with them, RUN!!! The Lane
Hackers will help you. Deal with the Bounty Hunters only if they're diminished
to 2/3 ships. If necessary, don't fight, just run! Let the Lane Hackers do
their job.
Actually, I feel shame here. Running is not my type, but the enemies are too
strong, and I had no other choice ^^!
Right now, dock with the Mactan Base and resupply your ship.
When you meet with Juni outside, new hostiles are coming. KILL THEM (I had
enough running like coward). Now go to the Jump Hole leading to Leeds, while
Juni go to Cambridge to meet Prof. Quintaine.
After docking in Planet Leeds, go to the Equipment dealer to meet Trent's
friend, Richard Winston Tobias (Tobias).
Tobias said that he will give you new ship in Planet New London, but I never
get it (anyone could help me?)
<<End of Mission 4>>
Adrian Sandu gave some info :
Whe you meet up with Tobias at Leeds, Leeds System. He says he will
help you get a ship at new london. An then he tells you not to worry you can
afford it, 'cause he has been saving up a few credits. So he gives you the
credits ( like 10 000) and the you go buy the ship from where ever you want.
And thanks for making the FAQ, the part about the afterburner (tab)
really helped. LOL i was playing the game without afterburners, it got really
hard once I got to Britonian space
. Anways the afterburners made it
muuuuuch eaiser.
Also Ryan Kountz gave this :
Good start. I noticed your question about the new ship in New
London...You don't get a free ship, you just get extra cash from Tobias,
which you can then spend on a new ship.
Gigi also said :
notice that you have about 20k credits more after visiting. You are meant to
buy a new ship (the cavalier i guess) from that money hope it helped you
Mission 5 : Cambridge, Cambridge
Objective : Meet Juni in Planet Cambridge, Cambridge
Meet Juni in space above Planet Cambridge
Follow the waypoint heading Planet Sprague
When Trent met Juni in Planet Cambridge, Trent and Juni will talk to someone
(dr. Sinclair's pilot), apparently, he knew that Prof. Quintaine has been mis-
sing for several years, and he told Trent that his colleague (dr. Sinclair)
might know where he is. Dr. Sinclair right now is digging some artifact in
Planet Sprague in Omega 3. This info might lead to the position of Prof. Quin-
Now, head to space and meet Juni there. When you follow the waypoints, and
arrive at Battleship Norfolk, she (BS. Norfolk) advice you to caution, because
there's a conflict between the Britonia Empire and Rheinland.
Juni said that this entire conflict must be caused by the artifact, even Pres.
Jacoby (leader of Liberty) ask the Queen of Britonia Empire to banned all arti
fact. This must be something.
When you arrive at Freeport 1, they said that the Rheinland is making a block-
ade in Omega 7 (they're way cross the line now)
Mission 5 : Route to Sprague
Objective : Eliminate all hostile
Dock with Planet Sprague
Just a few clicks from Planet Sprague, suddenly 4 Rheinland are decloaking and
not answer to Juni's hail (from this scene, I begin to suspect that the Rhein-
land are the mastermind behind the attack of Freeport 7, how about you?).
There's no other choice, kill them all. After that, dock with Planet Sprague.
Juni is really surprised, even the LSF unable to gain the technology of
cloaking, how could Rheinland able to do it?
Meeting with dr. Sinclair, hmm, she don't know where Prof. Quintaine either.
(where the hell is he?). Several years ago, dr. Sinclair artifact stolen by
some one, and this accident makes her unable to meet with Prof. Quintaine.
The artifact that dr. Sinclair digs, came from Dome Kavash (is this the right
spelling?), 10 million years earlier than human, and they're like us in the
Sirius system, they're visitors.
Who cares about that, Rheinland ships are coming and shooting all over the
place. Juni said to her 'You want to be live scientist in the run or a dead
scientist on the ground?' (that won't be hard to answer, right?)
Mission 5 : Flee from Sprague
Objective : Head to waypoint in the nebula
Dock within Baxter Research Facility
Eliminate all hostile
Beautiful scene!! That was close, now head to the nebula, and dock within the
Baxter Research Facility, only small talk, and Rheinland start firing again.
We had enough, head to space and kill them all. Be careful, it's only few ship
but one gunboat also there. I advice you to destroy the boat first.
Now we head to Leeds to meet Tobias, but suddenly, two Rheinland ships are de-
cloaking! Relax, they're the good guys. Together, destroy the Fleet guarding
the Jump hole lead to Leeds. While Juni head to Cambridge to find Prof. Quin-
taine, but no luck.
Mission 5 : Route to Leeds
Objective : Dock with the Planet Leeds
Meet Tobias in the Equipment Room
He...he... looks like Tobias is kinda like teasing girls. Nothing important
here, just do the routine stuff while you're free.
<<End of Mission 5>>
Juni said that there's progress in dr. Sinclair research, but there's a point
she can't continue without Prof. Quintaine. Juni told Trent to meet with Prof.
Quintaine's pilot, Dexter Hovis, in abandoned Battleship of Hood in Dublin
system. I recommend you to buy a new ship in Battleship Dexter (near Battle
ship Hood), before you meet Hovis.
Mission 6 : Hood, Dublin
Objective : Talk to bartender about Hovis
Defeat Hovis in one lap race
After Trent talk to bartender, he meet Hovis, and asked him how to find Prof.
Quintaine. But Hovis challenge you on a race, if you want the info. Hah, this
guy wants to play the hard way. Accept his challenge and go to space and beat
this guy.
OK, now you have to defeat Hovis. Use your Cruise engine (I highly recommend
you to do this). When the race begin, activate the cruise engine. Along the
race, there's no way you able to make your ship faster than Hovis, that's mean
you unable to defeat him. But, near the end of race, his ship will slow down.
I'm certain about this. You can pass him at that moment. Piece of cake.
Mission 6 : Hovis Lost
Objective : Meet Hovis inside Battleship Hood
Defend Station Glorious
Dock Within Station Glorious
You won. Hovis lost. But his friend don't take this insult. They're firing at
you, but Hovis playing by the book and calm them. Meet him inside the Hood.
He said that Prof. Quintaine is in Station Glorious along with the Pirates. He
also advice you to be careful, there's Rheinland activities around the Station.
Now go to Station Glorious. When you arrived, the Station is being ambushed by
Rhenlanders. Help the Pirates defend the Station by killing the Rheinlanders.
Hit the gunboat first. After the gunboat destroyed, you may kill the others.
After the fight, dock within Station Glorious.
Mission 6 : Quintaine foud
Objective : Meet dr. Sinclair in Planet Leeds
Defend Prof. Quintaine
Dock with Planet Leeds
It seems that Prof. Quintaine doesn't believe anything Trent said, and willing
to kill Trent by throwing him to the airlock. But when Trent said he had the
artifact that dr. Sinclair lost long ago, he starts to believe. Prof.Quintaine
agrees to meet with dr. Sinclair in Planet Leeds, only and if only he's not
alone (bringing his bodyguard).
Go to Jump hole that will take you directly to Planet Leeds. When you approach
the Jump hole, several Rheinland fighters jumping in and start shooting. Your
objective is to defend Prof. Quintaine at all cost.
After it's finished, take the Jump hole and dock within Planet Leeds.
<<End of Mission 6>>
Mission 7 : Leeds, Leeds
Objective : Listen the conversation
Head to space
Kill The Rheinlanders
Few conversation took place. It seems that Prof. Quintaine have experienced
the same thing like Trent and Juni, people around him starts to disappear one
by one.
About the artifact, dr. Sinclair said that it was part of something bigger.
(I wonder what that is). But the shop bell is ringing, someone is coming.
Tobias checking it, it's 2 Rheinlanders, they were looking for Prof.Quintaine,
and treating Tobias. No fear, Tobias ask them to leave his shop, or he will
give them education for policy they'll never forget. They're leaving but left
something like we won't be far. We're looking someone named Col. Kress, it's
our best hope.
Trent advice Tobias to hide for a while. Now head to space. And I recommended
you to fill your ship with nanobots and shield battery before you go.
After take off, Juni ask Trent is Tobias going to be all right, Trent said we
better leave Tobias, because he will be in danger if coming with us.
When approaching the Trade Lane, 2 Rheinland ship decloaking (it's them). They
said that you better surrender, and all way out from Leeds has been blocked.
Kill one of them and the other will flee.
Mission 7 : Escape from Leeds
Objective : Take the Trade Lane
Eliminate all hostile
On the Trade Lane, Prof. Quintaine speaks, if Rheinland keep attacking in Bri-
tonia space, this will lead to war. Dr. Sinclair adds, why the Rheinland able
to block all way out.
Arrives at Stoke Mining Facility, more hostile coming, just kill them all.
Mission 7 : Outside Stokes Mining Station
Objective : Follow the waypoint
Destroy the cruiser and fighter
Take the Jump Gate
Stokes Station advice you to dock until the crisis gone. Negative, Juni said,
we must leave Leeds immediately. Prof. Quintaine said we must go to Tau 31 to
meet Kress. Juni also said that whatever waiting us, we must buy time for the
Prof. an dr. Sinclair to jump.
Follow the waypoints like usual, then when you arrived at Jump Gate near the
Glasgow Station, WOW, one battlecruiser and several ships decloaking. Juni
gives you order destroy the turrets. Reinforcement coming, it's Tobias (ha...
ha... this fat man is very surprising).
You have options here, destroy the fighter and avoid the Cruiser, or you want
to destroy the Cruiser and then destroy the remaining ships. Destroying the
Battleship will gives you a lot of trouble, but its fun. And up to you.
After all enemy ships destroyed, Tobias ask Glasgow Station to lock the Gate
after we docking in. Glasgow Station agreed. Now, take the Jump Gate to Tau 29
When you take the Trade Lane (after you take the Jump Gate), new battleship
with 2 gunboat plus several fighters decloaking.
More good guys gone, Tobias friend said he will hold them.
Mission 7 : Fleeing from to Tau 23
Objective : Dock within the Trade Lane
Take the Engine
Go take the Trade Lane, but it was disrupted by 2 Gunboats. Tobias said that he
and Trent will hold them, while Prof. Quintaine, dr. Sinclair, and Juni escape.
Tobias asks you to destroy the engine. Actually, I just shooting the ship and
make some damage, but it works. After it's been done, follow the waypoint and
meet with your convoy again.
Dr. Sinclair ask if this attack have something to do with the artifact, Prof.
Quintaine said it might be, but we must study the artifact to understand fur-
Mission 7 : Shinkaku Station
Objective : Dock within Shinkaku Station
Head to space
Follow the waypoints
Just dock and resupply, after that meet Prof. Quintaine in space. Quintaine
said he manage to get Kress location.
Here, Tobias leaving. He said that he would be needed, if the war between
Rheinland and Britonia begin. He ask Trent to protect them and find out what
this is all about.
Quintaine also reminds you that Rheinland ships seen in this area. Right now,
just follow the waypoints, careful, there's opening ahead.
Mission 7 : Engage the Rheinland Fleet
Objective : Destroy the Rheinland Fleet
Follow the waypoints
Dock within Cali base
Meet Razor One in Space
Dock to Planet Kyushu
ALL RIGHT!!! Real battle! Real challenge! Entire fleet of Rheinland army is
decloaking! This is where your ability to fight tested. Don't think, but act!
Kill them all. Kress's men will back you up.
I'll give you some advice :
- Don't jump straight into the heat of battle. It's suicide! Lure them, and
make them separate from the fleet.
- Killing the fighters first, would be wise. But, if you do this, you might
loose the fun killing the Cruiser (taken by Kress's men). If you want to
test your guts, try to kill the Cruiser (first target), it will be much more
fun (I try this myself).
- When you try to kill the Cruiser, use different direction, don't use the
same angle (remember when I told you I never use missile and torpedos? Well,
I didn't use them at all! Not a single one!), and you'll be fine.
- If the battle is too hard for you, play safe! Don't force yourself doing
what you can't do. Avoid the Cruiser (Kress's men will do the job), and con-
centrate on firing the fighters.
- Use your nanobot and shield battery when you need them! Use them all if you
have to!
After all been done, follow the waypoints along with Kress's men heading the
Jump hole that take you to Tau 23. Apparently, Col. Kress is currently guest
in Cali Base.
Dock within the Cali Base. When they tried to meet Kress, the guard holding
them back and they start aiming their guns to each other. Thank God, Kress
appears and make them calm.
Few conversation do happen. What interesting is that Kress is member of the
Order (well, this is something new). Prof. Quintaine said to him that he need
The Proteus Tome that held in Kusari. Kress will contact his man (Hakkera) in
Kusari to get this stuff.
Now head to space to meet Razor One and dock within the Jump Hole. In this
part, Juni said that she was originally came from Kusari, and it has been 10
years since she saw her homeland. By the look of her face, I knew this from
the very beginning.
Head to Planet Kyushu and dock there to meet Lord Hakkera. But, bad news, the
Proteus Tome can't be reached, it's heavily guarded and you must wait until
they get this Tome.
(Actually, later in the mission, you must get this Tome all by yourself)
Try to buy the Barracuda ship. It's great.
<<End of Mission 7>>
This will be the shortest mission. Just one sub-mission, little fight, and
nothing difficult. But watch your step.
Mission 8 : Shinagawa, New Tokyo
Objective : Meet Juni in Shinagawa, New Tokyo
Follow the waypoints
Destroy the weapon platforms and enemy fighters
Escort the Transport to the Nebula
Dock in Kyoto
Looks like Juni has something new. Lord Hakkera unable to retrieve the Proteus
Tome, it was taken by Governor Tekagi, it seems that he can't do anything, be-
cause his position gives him power and also limit.
But there's an alternative, we can join the opposition. Here, you met Ozu from
the Blood Dragon (in my reputation, the Blood Dragon is my enemy, the chart is
full of red block). The deal is, you eliminate Tekagi, and he'll get you the
Proteus Tome in return.
The plan is to attack a transport ship near Honshu system, that deliver the
Proteus Tome and other stuff to Rheinland. It seems that this Tekagi is going
to defect to Rheinland (he's traitor to his country).
Now, head to space and follow the waypoints. We are not going through the Jump
Gate, but through Jump Hole. On the way, 2 Blood Dragon escort join the convoy
Ozu said the Dragons are few in number, but they're the best fighter in the
(non sense, try to calculate the Blood Dragons I have killed during my search
for credits)
OK, the plan is to attack the weapon platforms (2) around Yukawa station and
kill all fighters (the station shape's like a cylinder cage, with the weapon
platform on each hole and the transport ship inside the cage). Ozu said that
once we manage destroying the platform, his men inside Yukawa station will
take the Transport.
Please be careful, don't shoot or collide with the transport ship (there's one
time I accidentally collide with the transport ship, it was destroyed, mission
failed). After you eliminate the fighters, escort the transport ship to the
nebula. Only minor trouble along the way, no problem.
Then we heading for Kyoto, the legendary home of the Blood Dragons. Juni said
she was honored. No, the honor was all mind, Ozu replies. Dock within the Base
In the base, when you supposed to get the Proteus Tome, Ozu said that the Tome
is gone (it's not in the transport ship). Seems that Tekagi him self has taken
the Proteus Tome.
Juni will search more info about this Tome, so, take some job in the bar.
<<End of Mission 8>>
Meet Ozu in the bar of Kyoto. Get ready to accept the next mission
Mission 9 : Kyoto, Chugoku
Objective : Go to Ryuku Base
Ozu got some new info about Tekagi location. He's hiding in his fortress in
some remote planetoid place with heavy guard (in Tohoku System)
Ozu is not telling Juni about this mission, it's only between us, he said.
But when you heading to Ryuku Base with Ozu, Juni finds out that you go on a
mission without her. She tried to advice Ozu not to go, but Ozu resist. Tekagi
is about to leave, we must do this now.
Arrive at Ryuku Base, Ozu's men reporting that Tekagi is going to leave his
fortress. We must hurry.
Mission 9 : Attacking Tekagi's Fortress
Objective : Destroy the Patrol
Destroy the shield generator
Dock within Tekagi's Fortress
When you approach Tekagi's base, some Patrol blocking your way, destroy them,
but be careful. They're fast and very dangerous, please act carefully, and mi-
nimize any damage to your ship.
In front of Tekagi's Base, one Battleship protecting it. Ignore her, and all
of the fighter, just concentrate on destroying the shield generator.
I recommend you, while destroying it, use your after burner, and when you're
close enough, find the right angle where the enemy can't shoot you and place
your ship as close as you can to the shield generator (but don't collide with
it) and start shooting. I'm using this methode, and it works.
Have another alternative? Feel free to contact me.
After it was destroyed. Dock within the Fortress. Inside the Fortress, Ozu and
Trent killed every guard. Some plan, just shoot everything, Trent said. But
it's too easy, they manage to get the Proteus Tome without real fight. Ozu plant
some explosive below the table, and...
I knew it, this is a trap, Neural Gas knocked out Ozu and Trent.
When they wake up, Tekagi (this fat man) doing some interrogation to Ozu. And
he killed Ozu with his dagger!!! Suddenly, Tekagi's eyes is shining (he's no
longer human). Luckyly, Hakkera coming and start shooting, but Tekagi is not
dead, Ozu that I thought dead still live and detonate the bomb when Trent
jumping to Hakkera's ship (after taking the Proteus Tome). Good job Ozu, you
sacrifice your life to protect mankind.
Mission 9 : Return The Proteus Tome
Objective : Return to Kyoto
Juni already waiting out side the Fortress, together, head to Kyoto. Before
that, eliminate the Rheinland ship blocking your way (after the battle you've
been through, they're toys to you)
Hakkera reveal some magnificent infos. Ozu is killed by Nomad. It seems this
alien is the one that Rheinland expedition found in uncharted planet. They
have the ability to posses human and all this time, they possessing the high
rank government and military official in the colony. Go to Kyoto through the
Chugoku Jump Gate.
More shocking that Hakkera knows this Nomad long before met Juni. And he said
that the Order is founded to protect mankind from the Nomad. He also said
that after found this planet, key position of Rheinland government is changing
fast, and Rheinland become more aggressive.
That's why The Order destroy the Dunao, to prevent the high rank of Rheinland
to posses the Liberty government.
Now, dock within Kyoto.
<<End of Mission 9>>
Mission 10 : Kyoto, Chugoku
Objective : Meet Juni in the Bar
Meet Hakkera in space
Head to Planet Berlin
In the Bar, Hakkera said that his agent in Rheinland in terrible danger and
need to be extracted from Rheinland. While Juni delivers the Ptoteus Tome to
Prof. Quintaine and dr. Sinclair, you must go Planet New Berlin and rescue
this man.
In space, we'll go to Sigma-13 that will take you to the New Berlin, but you
must be careful, the Rheinland fleet reported massing in this area.
Mission 10 : Destroy the Rheinland Heavy Fighter
Objective : Eliminate the fighters
Enter the Jump Hole
Dock in Planet New Berlin
Follow Fischer
It's them, the Rheinland fleet! Destroy the fighters, not the Cruiser. Don't
bother messing with the Cruiser, it's not part of the mission. After it's fi-
nish, you will passing place full of remnant of the remaining ship from battle
between Rheinland and the GMG (hmm, 80 years of war, what happen?)
Enter the Jump Hole and dock in Planet New Berlin. In the bar, two guys tells
you where is Von Claussen. Head to space and follow Fischer passing waypoints.
When you pass the Jump Gate, Hakkera said that you can't go back to Kusari,
the Rheinland has invaded Kusari. And we only able to meet in Planet Hamburg.
Now, meet Von Claussen in this water planet.
Mission 10 : After Meeting Von Claussen
Objective : Fly to Bruchsal Base
Protect Bruchsal Base
Dock within Bruchsal Base
Follow the Waypoints
Destroy the Experimental ship
Before you escort Von Claussen he wants to go to Bruchsal Base, but it's under
attack! Don't let it destroy, help them eliminate all Rheinland fighters.
When it's finished, and you dock in the Base, Von Claussen said that Leader
of this installation (Bruchsal) is a good man in the Badland.
Von Claussen said he had to betrayed his country in order to save it.
Trent makes me proud when he said he's willing to finish what Von Claussen
OK, there's news that Rheinlnd army is conducting secret installation. But be
careful, this place is full of radioactive and mine. Intel said the only way
in and out only 100m in width.
Your mission is simple, only destroying 1 battleship of the alien ship. But be
careful on the way there. It's full of mine and radioactive. Always monitor
your ship health, and repair when it's necessary.
The trick for destroying the battleship is to get close to the ship and use
it's giant body to cover you from the fighters attack. Then, when you secure
enough (found a proper place) shoot the ship, not a single shield battery
needed when you use this trick.
When you about to leave, Botzler willing to stay and make them pay for what
they have done (although I consider this act as suicide), and he died. Before
he died, he ask Trent and Von Claussen to leave and tell everyone what they've
seen. FOR RHEINLAND...!!!
Be careful on the way back, just like the way you in. Don't use Cruise Engine
and take you ship's speed about 50. Take the Jump Hole to Hamburg System.
Mission 10 : After the Experimental Shipyard
Objective : Dock within the Osiris
Only few seconds after jumping in, Rheinland battle cruiser decloaking!
Thank God, this mission objective only docking to the Osiris, don't waste your
breath attacking the battleship.
<<End of Mission 10>>
We have come along way my friend, a very long way. Congratulations, but the
finish line is yet to see.
In the Osiris, Juni said that we must move our place of research and experi-
ment. WOW, they all gather in this ship!! Trent, King, Von Claussen, Hakkera,
and Juni. Plus one new man, leader of the Order Gasper Osrilien. He was part
of the LSF, but get out when his CO infected by Nomad, an he founded the Order
to safe human kind by killing Nomad.
This mess it all started when the Rheinland discovered uncharted planet, and
found Nomad on that planet.
You see, Nomad is weak physically, but they have the capability to enter other
live form and controlling the host then adapt their technology. Of course,
they have their own technology, cloaking device is one example.
Mission 11 : Osiris, Texas
Objective : Rescue President Jacobi
There's news about President Jacobi, she's being held by his Counselor in
Alaska system, you must rescue or terminate her if the situation is not
possible (if she's infected). Yup, the leader of Liberty is a woman.
Right now, Hakkera is leaving. So this mission runs by Juni, King, and Trent.
Noer Tommy "Kid" Prastya
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