Крутые члены вашей банды.
Теперь при длительном нацеливании на вашего собутыльника (его гадо нанять) у него появляется ваше
оружие и его максимальный навык. Этот скрипт действует только на первых 3-х
thread 'GANG'
0001: wait 250 ms
07AF: $11453 = player $PLAYER_CHAR group
092B: $11454 = group $11453 member 0
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $11454
jf @GANG
wait 5000
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $11454
jf @GANG
0470: $AMMO = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon unknown
01B2: give_actor $11454 weapon $AMMO ammo 99999 // Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $11454 weapon_accuracy_to 99
07FE: set_actor $11454 fighting_style_to 6 6
081A: actor $11454 weapon_skill 2
jump @GANG
thread 'GANG1'
0001: wait 250 ms
07AF: $11453 = player $PLAYER_CHAR group
092B: $MEMBER = group $11453 member 1
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $MEMBER
jf @GANG1
wait 5000
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $MEMBER
jf @GANG1
0470: $AMMO = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon unknown
01B2: give_actor $MEMBER weapon $AMMO ammo 99999 // Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $MEMBER weapon_accuracy_to 99
07FE: set_actor $MEMBER fighting_style_to 5 6
081A: actor $MEMBER weapon_skill 2
jump @GANG1
thread 'GANG2'
0001: wait 250 ms
07AF: $11453 = player $PLAYER_CHAR group
092B: $MEMBER1 = group $11453 member 2
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $MEMBER1
jf @GANG2
wait 5000
00D6: if and
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $MEMBER1
jf @GANG2
0470: $AMMO = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon unknown
01B2: give_actor $MEMBER1 weapon $AMMO ammo 99999 // Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $MEMBER1 weapon_accuracy_to 99
07FE: set_actor $MEMBER1 fighting_style_to 7 6
081A: actor $MEMBER weapon_skill 2
jump @GANG2
933 Прочтений • [Крутые члены вашей банды.] [13.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]