0001: wait 0 ms
0247: request model 165
0247: request model 166
0247: request model 409
0247: request model 351
0247: request model 285
0247: request model 353
0247: request model 359
0247: request model 451
0247: request model 336
0247: request model 335
0247: request model 105
0247: request model 106
0247: request model 107
0247: request model 104
0247: request model 102
0247: request model 103
0247: request model 356
0247: request model 351
0001: wait 0 ms
0992: $PLAYER_CHAR 0
00A1: put actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 15.3
0173: set actor $PLAYER_ACTOR z angle to 180.0
0001: wait 500 ms
015A: restore_camera
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
80E1: NOT key pressed 0 16
004D: jump if false ££RACE3
00D6: if 0
00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 ()near point 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 radius 0.1 0.1
004D: jump if false ££PUT2
0662: write debug message "PRE"
0002: jump ££RACE2_1
0001: wait 0 ms
016A: fade 0 () 500 ms
0001: wait 1000 ms
009A: $NEGR1 = create actor 7 102 at 1904.28 -1324.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR2 = create actor 7 103 at 1904.28 -1323.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR3 = create actor 7 104 at 1904.28 -1322.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR4 = create actor 7 102 at 1904.28 -1321.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR5 = create actor 7 103 at 1904.28 -1320.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR6 = create actor 7 104 at 1904.28 -1319.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR7 = create actor 7 102 at 1904.28 -1318.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR8 = create actor 7 103 at 1904.28 -1317.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR9 = create actor 7 104 at 1904.28 -1316.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR10 = create actor 7 102 at 1904.28 -1315.27 14.0
009A: $NEGR11 = create actor 7 103 at 1904.28 -1314.27 14.0
0173: set actor $NEGR1 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR2 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR3 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR4 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR5 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR6 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR7 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR8 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR9 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR10 z angle to 270.0
0173: set actor $NEGR11 z angle to 270.0
009A: $BELI1 = create actor 5 105 at 1909.28 -1324.27 14.0
009A: $BELI2 = create actor 5 106 at 1909.28 -1323.27 14.0
009A: $BELI3 = create actor 5 107 at 1909.28 -1322.27 14.0
009A: $BELI4 = create actor 5 105 at 1909.28 -1321.27 14.0
009A: $BELI5 = create actor 5 106 at 1909.28 -1320.27 14.0
009A: $BELI6 = create actor 5 107 at 1909.28 -1319.27 14.0
009A: $BELI7 = create actor 5 105 at 1909.28 -1318.27 14.0
009A: $BELI8 = create actor 5 106 at 1909.28 -1317.27 14.0
009A: $BELI9 = create actor 5 107 at 1909.28 -1316.27 14.0
009A: $BELI10 = create actor 5 105 at 1909.28 -1315.27 14.0
009A: $BELI11 = create actor 5 106 at 1909.28 -1314.27 14.0
0173: set actor $BELI1 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI2 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI3 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI4 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI5 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI6 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI7 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI8 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI9 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI10 z angle to 90.0
0173: set actor $BELI11 z angle to 90.0
01B2: give actor $NEGR1 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR2 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR3 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR4 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR5 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR6 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR7 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR8 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR9 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR10 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $NEGR11 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI1 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI2 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI3 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI4 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI5 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI6 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI7 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI8 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI9 weapon 31 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI10 weapon 27 ammo 6000
01B2: give actor $BELI11 weapon 31 ammo 6000
0223: set actor $NEGR1 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR2 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR3 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR4 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR5 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR6 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR7 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR8 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR9 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR10 health to 500
0223: set actor $NEGR11 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI1 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI2 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI3 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI4 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI5 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI6 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI7 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI8 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI9 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI10 health to 500
0223: set actor $BELI11 health to 500
016A: fade 1 () 500 ms
0001: wait 1000 ms
0001: wait 0 ms
060A: unknown create entity 2 $NEGR_GROUP
060A: unknown create entity 2 $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR1 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR2 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR3 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR4 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR5 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR6 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR7 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR8 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR9 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR10 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $NEGR11 in group $NEGR_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI1 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI2 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI3 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI4 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI5 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI6 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI7 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI8 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI9 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI10 in group $BELI_GROUP
0631: put actor $BELI11 in group $BELI_GROUP
077A: $NEGR1 4 5
077A: $NEGR2 4 5
077A: $NEGR3 4 5
077A: $NEGR4 4 5
077A: $NEGR7 4 5
077A: $NEGR6 4 5
077A: $NEGR7 4 5
077A: $NEGR8 4 5
077A: $NEGR9 4 5
077A: $NEGR10 4 5
077A: $NEGR11 4 5
077A: $BELI1 4 7
077A: $BELI2 4 7
077A: $BELI3 4 7
077A: $BELI4 4 7
077A: $BELI4 4 7
077A: $BELI6 4 7
077A: $BELI7 4 7
077A: $BELI8 4 7
077A: $BELI9 4 7
077A: $BELI10 4 7
077A: $BELI11 4 7
0004: $12498 = 1 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_PER = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_PER = 0 ;; integer values
04F7: status text $NEGR_PER 0 line 1 'BELI' ; Score
04F7: status text $BELI_PER 0 line 2 'NEGR' ; Score
0004: $NEGR_1 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_2 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_3 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_4 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_5 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_6 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_7 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_8 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_9 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_10 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $NEGR_11 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_1 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_2 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_3 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_4 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_5 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_6 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_7 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_8 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_9 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_10 = 0 ;; integer values
0004: $BELI_11 = 0 ;; integer values
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR1 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_1 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_1
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR2 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_2 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_2
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR3 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_3 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_3
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR4 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_4 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_4
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR5 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_5 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_5
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR6 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_6 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_6
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR7 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_7 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_7
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR8 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_8 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_8
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR9 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_9 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_9
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR10 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_10 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_10
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $NEGR11 dead
8038: NOT $NEGR_11 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££NEGR_11
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI1 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_1 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_1
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI2 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_2 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_2
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI3 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_3 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_3
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI4 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_4 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_4
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI5 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_5 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_5
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI6 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_6 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_6
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI7 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_7 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_7
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI8 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_8 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_8
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI9 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_9 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_9
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI10 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_10 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_10
00D6: if 21
8118: NOT actor $BELI11 dead
8038: NOT $BELI_11 == 0 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££BELI_11
00D6: if 0
8038: NOT $NEGR_PER == 11 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££KONEZ1
00D6: if 0
8038: NOT $BELI_PER == 11 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££KONEZ1
00D6: if 0
00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 ()near point 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 radius 0.1 0.1
004D: jump if false ££PUT
0002: jump ££RACE1_1_2
0001: wait 0 ms
00A1: put actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 15.3
0173: set actor $PLAYER_ACTOR z angle to 180.0
0002: jump ££RACE1_1_2
0001: wait 0 ms
00A1: put actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 15.3
0173: set actor $PLAYER_ACTOR z angle to 180.0
0002: jump ££RACE2_1
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
8038: NOT $NEGR_PER == 11 ;; integer values
004D: jump if false ££KONEZ_N_W
0002: jump ££KONEZ_B_W
0001: wait 0 ms
00BA: text styled 'N_W' 3000 ms 5 ; Beefy Baron
0002: jump ££KONEZ1_5
0001: wait 0 ms
00BA: text styled 'B_W' 3000 ms 5 ; Beefy Baron
0002: jump ££KONEZ1_5
0001: wait 0 ms
0004: $12498 = 0 ;; integer values
0151: remove status text $BELI_PER
0151: remove status text $NEGR_PER
01B4: set player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen state 1 (unfrozen)
0249: release model 165
0249: release model 166
0249: release model 409
0249: release model 351
0249: release model 285
0249: release model 353
0249: release model 359
0249: release model 451
0249: release model 336
0249: release model 335
0249: release model 105
0249: release model 106
0249: release model 107
0249: release model 104
0249: release model 102
0249: release model 103
0249: release model 356
0249: release model 351
0992: $PLAYER_CHAR 1
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 ()near point 1906.88366699219 -1312.13500976563 radius 5.0 5.0
004D: jump if false ££KONEZ1_6
0002: jump ££RACE1
PS может кто-нить знает как ставки сделать?
832 Прочтений • [Группа мочит другую группу] [13.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]