Вызов телохранителей за 20000$
03A4: name_thread "Call"
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 2
0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
00E1: key_pressed 0 18
8449: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈWaitForCall
0001: wait 2000 ms
00D6: if 0
00E1: key_pressed 0 18
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈWaitForCall
00D6: if 0
010A: player $PLAYER_CHAR money > 19000
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈNoMoney
0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += -20000
0247: request_model #cellphone
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
0248: model #cellphone available
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈTestPhone
0001: wait 0 ms
052B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 1
0001: wait 3000 ms
052B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 0
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 3
0248: model #PGA available
0248: model #PGB available
0248: model #M4 available
0248: model #sentxs available
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈTestLoad
0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to $plx $ply $plz
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team1 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team2 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team3 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
0208: 5@ = random_float -200.0 200.0
0208: 6@ = random_float -200.0 200.0
005f: $plx += 5@ ;; floating-point values (never used in VC or GTA 3)
0009: $ply += 6@ ;; floating-point values
02C1: set $carx $cary $carz to_car_path_coords_closest_to $plx $ply $plz
00D6: if 0
80F5: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 near_point $carx $cary $carz radius 50.0 50.0 50.0
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈDriving
00A5: $teamcar = create_car #sentxs at $carx $cary $carz
02AC: set_car $teamcar immunities 1 1 1 1 1
053F: set_car $teamcar tires_vulnerable 0
0229: set_car $teamcar color_to 0 0
0129: $team1 = create_actor 13 #PGA in_car $teamcar driverseat
01B2: give_actor $team1 weapon 26 ammo 9999 ;; Load the weapon model before using this - Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $team1 weapon_accuracy_to 100
01C8: $team2 = create_actor 13 #PGB in_car $teamcar passenger_seat 0
01B2: give_actor $team2 weapon 27 ammo 9999 ;; Load the weapon model before using this - Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $team2 weapon_accuracy_to 100
01C8: $team3 = create_actor 13 #PGA in_car $teamcar passenger_seat 1
01B2: give_actor $team3 weapon 26 ammo 9999 ;; Load the weapon model before using this - Load the weapon model before using this
02E2: set_actor $team3 weapon_accuracy_to 100
;01C8: $team4 = create_actor 13 #PGB in_car $teamcar passenger_seat 2
;01B2: give_actor $team4 weapon 26 ammo 9999 ;; Load the weapon model before using this
;02E2: set_actor $team4 weapon_accuracy_to 100
0186: $bad_mar1 = create_marker_above_car $teamcar
0165: set_marker $bad_mar1 color_to 2
0223: set_actor $team1 health_to 500
0243: set_actor $team1 ped_stats_to 6
011A: set_actor $team1 flags 64
0223: set_actor $team2 health_to 500
0243: set_actor $team2 ped_stats_to 6
011A: set_actor $team2 flags 64
0223: set_actor $team3 health_to 500
0243: set_actor $team3 ped_stats_to 6
011A: set_actor $team3 flags 64
;0223: set_actor $team4 health_to 500
;0243: set_actor $team4 ped_stats_to 6
;011A: set_actor $team4 flags 64
0243: set_actor $team1 ped_stats_to 16
0243: set_actor $team2 ped_stats_to 16
0243: set_actor $team3 ped_stats_to 16
00AE: unknown_set_car $teamcar to_ignore_traffic_lights 2
0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to $plx $ply $plz
00A7: car $teamcar drive_to $plx $ply $plz
00AD: set_car $teamcar max_speed_to 25.0
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
8119: NOT car $teamcar wrecked
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈCallForTeam
00D6: if 21
01AF: car $teamcar 0 near_point $plx $ply $plz radius 10.0 10.0 10.0
00EA: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 near_actor_on_foot $team1 radius 10.0 10.0
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈHere
01C3: remove_references_to_car $teamcar ;; Like turning a car into any random car
02AC: set_car $teamcar immunities 1 1 1 1 1
053F: set_car $teamcar tires_vulnerable 0
0164: disable_marker $bad_mar1
03E2: actor $team1 exit_car
03E2: actor $team2 exit_car
03E2: actor $team3 exit_car
;03E2: actor $team4 exit_car
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if 0
8256: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false ЈЈBustWast
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team1 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team2 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
01C2: remove_references_to_actor $team3 ;; Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
;01C2: remove references to actor $team4
0002: jump ЈЈWaitForCall
004E: end_thread
0001: wait 0 ms
01E5: text_1number_highpriority "BOAT_NO" 20000 5000 ms 1
0002: jump ЈЈWaitForCall
004E: end_thread
526 Прочтений • [Вызов телохранителей за 20000$] [13.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]