Example- if you wanted a fighter with 43 speed, 98 stam, 54 def, 05 punch in the middle weight class you would enter code - QSDMPTFLS Hints: If you enter 98 for all stats in whatever weight division it would go above 99 ( the normal maximum) and you can clean up on the champ. To get Different looking fighters use the first letter in his name for: Mexican- ABCDPQRS5678 Red Head- EFGTUVW9 Guy with a mustache- HIJKXYZ number- zero Black Guy- LMNO1234 letter O
* To put a player's stats from 146-155 use a blank space in the 4th and 8th letter then: Z=146 X=147 W=148 V=149 These letters go after the blank space. T=150 S=151 R=152 Q=153 P=154 N=155
*Note- Once the stats raise past 155 they go back to zero so use with caution. They can only be used for stamina and punch.
Try these codes: BZKMPZKMP - at the start SZL NZL N - use this to crush the champ with the blank space code.
SN__N__N (S,N,2 spaces,N,2 spaces, N) 255 of every stat
1264 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре World Champ Boxing [Nintendo NES]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]