Pro Tournament: Get a "Gold" rank on all regular Tournament courses to unlock the Pro Tournament.
Mirror Tournament: Win all the Pro Tournament courses to unlock the Mirror Tournament.
Bonus courses: Win on a course in Single Player Tournament mode to unlock that course.
Bonus characters: Defeat a CPU character in Single Player Vs. Match mode to unlock that person as a playable character. Unlock all CPU characters to also unlock your Mii as a playable character in all Single Player modes.
Alternate costumes: Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume:
Apollo Justice (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) costume for Jack: Win on all courses in Tournament mode. Arthur (Ghosts N' Goblins) costume for Carlos: Successfully complete all Ring Challenges. Captain Rose (Zack And Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure) costume for Marissa: Get a "Gold" rank on all Pro Tournament courses. Chun-Li (Street Fighter) costume for Lisa: Successfully complete Second Shot on all three difficulties. Guile (Street Fighter) costume for Brian: Get a "Gold" rank on all Mirror Tournament courses. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) costume for Yuki: Successfully complete Putting on all three difficulties. Ken (Street Fighter) costume for Mark: Win a Friend match. Morrigan (Darkstalkers) costume for Stephanie: Win a World Play match in Wi-Fi mode. Pearl Fey (Phoenix Wright) costume for Annie: Successfully complete Tee Shot on all three difficulties. Ryu (Street Fighter) costume for Tony: Successfully complete Approach Shots on all three difficulties. Sakura (Street Fighter 2) costume for Meg: Successfully complete all the Wii-mote training missions. Zack (Zack And Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure) costume for Leo: Hit all the greens in the Near Pin Contest on all 18 hole courses.
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