Чит коды к игре Wave Race Blue Storm [Nintendo Gamecube]
In-game reset: Hold X + B + Start during game play.
Ride a Dolphin: Enter DLPHNMOD as a password.
Alternate Costumes: At the character selection screen, highlight a character and press the Z button.
Free Turbo Boosts: On both the Ethnic Lagoon and Aspen Lake tracks, there are small ramps near the lap marker on the the left-hand side of the track. Jump the ramp and you'll be given a free turbo boost, regardless of your turbo meter.
Messing With The Load Screen: While waiting for a track to load, when your on the screen displaying the track name, mess around with the analog stick. It has an effect on the water.
Messing With The Start Screen: When the Start logo appears on the Title Screen, move the left analog stick around to move the Start logo around.
Try! Mode: Enter training mode and complete all training objectives under the beginner and master settings to unlock the stunt course variation of Dolphin Park in training mode
Turbo Start: To begin the race with full turbo, hit your accelerator as soon as the starting light turns green.
Unlock All Weather Conditions (In Time Trail Mode): In the Expert Championship, finish in the following positions to unlock the corresponding conditions: First Place: Unlock All Time Trail Weather Conditions for Expert Difficulty. Second Place: Unlock All Time Trail Weather Conditions for Hard Difficulty. Third Place: Unlock All Time Trail Weather Conditions for Normal Difficulty.
Unlock Hidden Tournament Password Option: At the Options Menu, press the following at the same time: X + Z + Start This will open up a Password option. To compete in official Time Attack Challenges, enter passwords here.
Unlock Secret Tracks: Complete Championship Mode on thefollowing settings to unlock the corresponding tracks: Cool Ocean: Beat Championship Mode on Normal setting. Aqua Maze: Beat Championship Mode on Hard setting. Victory Gate: Beat Championship Mode on Expert setting.
1136 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Wave Race Blue Storm [Nintendo Gamecube]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]