Cheat mode: Press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right at the main menu. Clark will say "This looks like a job for Superman" to confirm correct code entry. The following codes may now be enabled.
Puese game play and press:
C-Up, C-Down-Level skip. R, Z-Super speed. L, Z-Super punch. Z, R-Refill health. Z, L-Freeze breath. R, L-Heat vision. Adjust view: Press Up or Down to zoom in or out. Press Left or Right to move the view left or right.
Car Mode: At start of game go to the options menu. Then select practice. When you get there first get the guy with the gun out of your way because he might mess you up. After he's dead pick up the car and fly through all the rings even through the last one, you can't simply walk through it. If you successfully did this there will be a glitch in the game and you will be in the car.
Infinite Powers: To get infinite Heat vision, X-ray Vision, Freeze Breath & Speed, press and hold A, B, C-Down, C-Up, at the title screen then press Start.
Level Select: Play until you can save your game then save, reset and load your game. When it asks to enter Rumble Pak press B then A.
Level Skip: At the main menu, press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Right. Start a new game, then press Start, C-Up, C-Down during the game.
Multi-player levels with one player: Note: Two controllers are required for this trick. Begin a new game, and set the multi-player fight options to two players, solo, town, and 5 minutes. Select a character and start the game in multi-player mode. Quit to the main menu, then press B. The "New Game" option should be highlighted. Press A, select one player and press L, B, A when prompted to insert a rumble pak. After a brief pause, the game will begin in the town. Information in this section was contributed by Ross Hoover.
Transform into a car: Begin game play in practice mode. Pick up a car and fly with it through all the rings around the Lexcorp building. The game will glitch after you fly though the last red ring, and Superman should end up in the car. Information in this section was contributed by TRUNKSdgnb.
SKIP LEVEL At the Main Menu, press top C, bottom C, left C, then right C. Start a game, pause it and press top C, then bottom C to skip to the next area.
1118 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Superman [Nintendo 64]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]