Чит коды к игре Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory [XBox]
Elite mode: Successfully to complete the game to unlock Elite mode, which only allows the knife to be used to kill opponents.
Catching Shetland: Have your sniper zoomed-in on the guard. When there is a fight, shoot, run, and catch Shetland. Then, end the mission.
Ledge grab: In order to do a better ledge grab, press A, then when the spy puts his legs up on the thing he is hanging from, press Forward while tapping A.
Cameras In The Dark: Cameras that do not use thermographic vision can be be fooled by shooting out all the ambient and direct light sources to darken the area. As long as the light meter is completely dark, these normal cameras cannot see your spy.
Stick Camera Reuse: Sticky cameras may be reused in almost any mode as long as they are not destroyed by gunfire or did not use their gas attack.
Tank Movement: The tanks you face in Solo Mode are rather tough but they move in preset patterns. Down the gunner sitting in the turret, then watch the tank's gun. When it aims away, that's your cue to move by or above it. The only way to destroy a tank is to throw a frag grenade into the gunner's hatch. Quicksave to make sure you don't squander your grenades.
Whacking North Korean UAVs: North Korean UAVs are tough to take down, but they can be avoided. However, if you went with a kit with a sniper attachment, you can take them out with one well placed shot (anywhere on the body).
Stopping The Missile Launch: In the final section of the DPRK missile base, Fisher has 3 minutes to stop the missile. From where the missile launches, head right and down into the door to the command center. The abort codes are on the PC to the right of that door. The codes must then be entered in one of the missile command center's PCs, which are the two rooms near the large elevator (lift) leading to the base commander's office on the level above. Assuming you took out all the enemies in that area, the three minutes are more than enough time to abort the missile.
Choke Hold To Fireman's Carry: Hold the LEFT TRIGGER while grabbing an enemy to choke hold him, then immediately put his body on your spy's shoulder for a fireman's carry.
Knife To The Back To Fireman's Carry: Hold the RIGHT TRIGGER to engage a knife attack on an enemy from the back; your spy needs to be standing to bring the corpse into a fireman's carry.
Stun Punch To Fireman's Carry: While your spy (mainly Fisher) is standing and adjacent behind an enemy, hold the LEFT TRIGGER to deliver a non-lethal punch that transitions to the fireman's carry. Note, that this move will still cause mission failure if the person is to be kept awake or alive for an objective.
Bathhouse: Finding the bombs: After going through the gate when chasing Shetland, the first bomb is directly to the left of the gate that you enter. Go left through a little crevice and you should see a red light flashing. Go to it and disarm it. When you do that, one of Shetland's gaurds will walk up the stairs. Kill him. To get to the second bomb, go up the stairs. Turn left then turn right and look straight ahead. You should see another red flashing light down below the walkway. Hop over the ledge of the railing and disarm the second bomb. When you are done disarming the bomb, jump on to the railing and pull yourself up. Two guards will be to your left, walking on the walkway. They will probably hear you; get ready to kill them. It is fairly difficult to kill them without losing a lot of life, or at least dying. After you kill them, go down the walkway to the back wall. About halfway you will see another red flashing light. Jump across the little gap and disarm it. A guard will come through the back door right when you disarm the bomb. Kill him, then go through the door and meet Shetland. You will then have to make a critical choice; note: pull the trigger. It would be a good idea to quicksave the game whenever you disarm and kill the guards.
Bathhouse: Alternate Shetland Death: At the end of the level, Shetland and Sam will be on top of a roof with their guns pointed at each other. After a short conversation, Shetland will put his gun away and say "You wouldn't shoot an old friend". You are given a choice, shoot or put your gun away. If you shoot, Shetland will stumble backwards and the intermission sequence for the level's ending will play. However if you put your gun away, Shetland will quickly pull his gun out and point it at Sam. Sam will duck his weapon and stab Shetland in the stomach before throwing him. This will then start the same ending sequence.
100% rating: In order to get a 100% rating on any mission, you must complete the level with the following statistics. It is unknown at this time if there is a reward for getting a 100% rating on every mission.
Enemies killed: 0 Civilians killed: 0 Bodies Found: 0 Times Identified as intruder: 0 Alarms sounded: 0
All co-op missions: Change your profile name to COOPA22COOL.
Hokkaido Milan Nedich Objecitve Inspect the two SUVs' license plates either remotely (through Fisher's binoculars) or by interacting with them up close. Redding sheds some light on the real Milan Nedich.
Displace International Milan Nedich Objective: Laser mic and record (by zooming in with the EEV) the conversation on the third floor when a merc is assigned to the penthouse by an executive (the room is first one on your right when you get off the elevators on the third floor). Aim the EEV (binoculars) at the glass. This is the ONLY way to get credit for listening to the conversation.
Dvorak's Output: Speak to the old man multiple times until the conversation clears and he walks to the area with two of the five tubes. With only three tubes to watch over, Fisher can hit the switch on the tubes as the lights above each tube go from green to orange. Hit the switch before they turn red and overheat to get past this part.
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