Чит коды к игре Spider-Man: The Movie [Nintendo Gamecube]
Passwords: Enter these codes in the cheat menu in the special section.
Unlock All Levels - IMIARMAS Big Head Mode - GOESTOYOURHEAD First Person Mode - UNDERTHEMASK Small Spider - SPIDERBYTE Matrix Mode - DODGETHIS Play as a Thug - THUGSRUS Play as a Lab Scientist - SERUM Play as Mary Jane - GIRLNEXTDOOR Play as Knuckles the Thug - KNUCKLES Play as Uncle Ben's Killer - STICKYRICE Play as the Shocker - HERMANSCHULTZ Play as a Cop - REALHERO Play as Captain Stacey - CAPTAINSTACEY Enemy Big Head Mode - JOELSPEANUTS Play in Goblin Suit - FREAKOUT Unlimited Webbing - ORGANICWEBBING Super coolant - CHILLOUT
Skip Level: Enter "ROMITAS" as a code on the cheats menu. Pause the game whilst playing to access the cheat.
Unlock "Pinhead" bowling mini-game Earn 10000 points in the single player game. Points are earned for playing well, and other constraints (time bonuses, etc....)
Unlock unused Vulture CG scene Earn 20000 points in the single player game. Points are earned for playing well, and other constraints (time bonuses, etc....)
Unused Shocker CG scene Acquire 30000 points in the main game.
Green Goblin FMV sequence: Successfully complete the game under the hero or greater difficulty setting.
Play as the Green Goblin: Successfully complete the game under the hero difficulty setting. Alternately, start a new game under the hero difficulty setting, then quit to the main menu. Enable the ARACHNID code, then go to the level warp option. Choose "Conclusion", then exit. The Green Goblin costume option will be unlocked in the specials menu.
Play as Harry Osborn: Unlock the Green Goblin costume. Then press Start during game play to see "Controls". You can now play as Harry Osborn with different game dialogue.
Play as Peter Parker: Successfully complete the game under the easy or higher difficulty setting to unlock the Peter Parker costume in the specials menu.
Play as wrestler: Successfully complete the game under the easy or higher difficulty setting to unlock the wrestler costume in the specials menu.
Play as Alex Ross: Successfully complete the game under the normal or higher difficulty setting to unlock the Alex Ross costume in the specials menu.
915 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Spider-Man: The Movie [Nintendo Gamecube]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]