Чит коды к игре River City Ransom EX [GameBoy Advance/Color ]
Maximum Stats: Change your name to DAMAX (case-sensitive) in the status menu.
$999,999: Change your name to PLAYA (case-sensitive) in the status menu.
Deleted Saved Games: Change your name to ERAZE (case-sensitive) in the status menu
Quick Death on Reihou's Roof: At the left corner of Reihou's Roof, if you're carrying someone and they jump off straight down then they will fall down through an invisible hole and dies. (Works even on Slick)
Secrets: Easy Reputation Increase. To quickly and easily increase your rep, simply run into a wall. Every time you do this, the game will give you +1 to your rep.
Fight Riki/Kunio Start the game in 1 player mode only not 2 player mode and go outside the 2nd factory and you will fight your ally
Fight Slick with the Dragon Twins and Onizuka Must have 3 allies that are not Mochizuki,Taira,or Kinoshita
Fight the Dragon Twins with Gouda Joining You Without any Enemies in the Beginning When Gouda asks to join you, say no and go meet Godai and say yes to his question, then go to Reihou High's last floor
Get Godai Have Gouda in your team and a good reputation
Get Gouda Talk to the girl before the spa, then the girl outside the fish store, then at the 1st place of the last shopping place
Get Hayasaka Beat Mochizuki 5 times and Hayasaka will appear(requires high reputation for him to join you)
Get Kobayashi on Your Team Must have high reputation the 1st time you fight him
Get Kumada Decline Himada's offer to join you and come back and fight everyone and Kumada will be there
Get Maeda Play as Riki only in the beginning and go to Sherman Park
Get Mochizuki Have High Reputation
Get Sonokwa and the Senridai Bombers Play as 1 player without Riki and beat the Senridai Bombers anywhere 3 times then go to the 2nd place in the game and beat everyone there
Get Sugata Play in 1 player mode as Kunio then he will be either at the beginning place or at Sherman Park when Kinoshita appears there
Get Taira Have High Reputation
Meet Todo Must have a reputation of either equal or higher to getting Kobayashi unto your team, he is located at the 2nd shopping place in the game
Meet Todo Second Time Must have meet him the first time and this time he appears at Reihou's gate after you beat Gouda once
1307 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре River City Ransom EX [GameBoy Advance/Color ]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]