Чит коды к игре Pacific Theater Of Operations [Super Nintendo SNES]
Note: This is a HTML adaptation of the Pacific Theater Of Operations Game Play Guide, by the Koei Corporation.
As the Commander of Pacific Fleets in P.T.O., you must issue orders to the naval commanders of up to16 individual fleets through a system of command and intelligence.
Strategy is crucial to winning. Supply, diplomacy, intelligence, and the industrial and technological capabilities of your country are as critical to game play as your tactical skill in warfare. You are responsible for setting naval policy regarding logistical support, tactics, and diplomacy with allied countries. Your distribution of budgetary funds will determine the support you receive from your country and industry, as well as the quality and quantity of your military intelligence and hardware. Your skill as a tactician will determine the outcome of the war in the Pacific.
P.T.O. makes extensive use of an hierarchical command and information structure (see Example 1). The main command menu is positioned at the top of the main screen. Commands selected from the menu bar open sub-menus of commands and information windows for your fleets and bases. The information portion of the main command menu screen will show the status and current position of the fleet you are issuing orders to and base information if that fleet is docked at port. Orders are issued in rotation for each fleet while they are in port. The # 1 Fleet main command menu will always be displayed during command rotation.
Command of your forces during the game is at high level, you command from the highest rank in your navy. You do not have direct control of planes and ships except for those in your # 1 Fleet. Orders are issued to fleet commanders who execute your directives to the best of their abilities. # 1 Fleet battles may be DELEGATED or you may choose to take direct control of offensive and defensive fleet maneuvers.
Officers' abilities are crucial to the performance of the fleets under your command, roll them carefully during game set-up! Roll officers with high ability in SEA for shipboard duty. Roll officers with high ability in air for carrier duty. Roll officers with high ability in war for conferences. Officers with low bravery perform their duties with caution. Officers with high bravery may perform recklessly. Assign officers with high sea ability and bravery points between 20-25 to shipboard duty to engage in sea battles, ship based artillery attacks, and to direct fleet movement. Place officers with high air ability in charge of carrier groups for air strikes against enemy installations. Officers gain experience points during the game that will enhance their abilities across the board (though you will not see ability points changing).
There are a few tricks that may be used while playing P.T.O. which will make game play a bit easier for beginning game players.
Displaying the opposition on the map
1. Your opponent may be displayed on the wide Pacific map by selecting the Options Menu when you are at the main command screen. 2. Select Participation then change sides for a turn. 3. Select INFO from the Main Command Menu, then select the command SHOW FLEET from the sub-menu. 4. A listing of all the enemy fleets will be displayed. 5. Select each fleet and change their display status (they should all be red in color). 6. Return back to the Main Command Menu. 7. Select the OPTIONS MENU once again. 8. Select PARTICIPATION to change back to your side. 9. Opposing fleets will now be displayed on the wide Pacific map during game play. New fleets created by your opponent after the above process will not automatically show up on the Pacific map. You'll have to repeat the process to show the new enemy fleets.
Returning disabled ships for repairs
There isn't any way to tow ships disabled in battle back to port in a normal game, but there is a way to return disabled ships to port by trickery.
1. Select the OPTIONS MENU at the main command menu. 2. Select PARTICIPATION to change sides. 3. Play a turn on the other side then change back to your original side by again selecting the options menu and then selecting participation to change sides.
The fleet with the disabled ship or ships will be back at the Home Port and you'll be able to discharge them for total repair.
Supplying your fleets
Fleets can be supplied while at port with Fuel and Troops. Planes and Rockets can only be supplied while at the Home Port. Plan ahead to re-arm your carriers with Planes at the Home Port. Be sure that your important bases have sufficient fuel to supply your fleets and be sure to fuel your fleets.
1. Select PORT from the Main Command Menu, then SUPPLY from the sub-menu. A list of fleets will be displayed from which you can choose fleets to supply. 2. Select the fleet you wish to be supplied. 3. A new window will open with a list of the ships in your fleet, the amount and type of equipment loaded on each ship and the number of troops assigned to each ship. 4. Move the highlighted square to the item on the ship to be supplied (you are allowed to move the highlight only to those items which are available). 5. Select the item with the control pad. The message 'Furnish with how many battalions (0-10)?00' will be displayed (if SLDR had been selected). 6. You may then supply that item if it is available. Each ship in your fleet may be supplied in this fashion. 7. You will be able to fuel your fleets at the following screen. The amount of fuel is displayed along with the percentage of total fleet fuel capacity. The message 'Set sufficiency to what (0-100)?000' will be displayed at the bottom corner of the window. You will be able to fuel the fleet by percentage of total fleet capacity.
NOTE: The percentile range for re-fueling depends on the amount of fuel available from the base where the fleet is docked.
Supplying from the National reserve
Items can only be supplied to ships and bases if they are available in the National Reserve. Items can be made available by allocation through the ORD, BASE, SUPPLY menu selections as follows:
1. Select the command ORD from the main menu, and the sub-command BASE. 2. Select the base from which supplies, planes, materials, or troops will be pulled. 3. An informational screen showing base resources will be displayed. Select SUPPLY from the menu bar at the top of this screen. 4. Base resources will be displayed with numbers in three columns showing: the amount currently allocated to the base, what changes you would like to make, and reserves available to draw from National Reserves, 'SPLY'. 5. Select an item to change. 6. The message 'Set the Amount' will be displayed at the bottom of your screen. Enter the amount you would like to allocate to this base (either higher or lower than the amount in 'Goal'). 7. If you set a lesser amount the balance will go into SPLY (National Reserve). These reserve items will then become available for supplying on ships and bases.
You may also use the above command routine to redistribute Supplies, Men, and Equipment to bases where they may be needed.
Assigning fleet commanders
Assign a commander to each fleet before undertaking any fleet action. Your fleets do not have commanders assigned to them at the start of the game. You have 20 Officers during a game and they will not be replaced if lost with a fleet.
1. Select the command ORD from the main command menu. 2. Select the sub-command ARRANGE. 3. Then select the command FORMATION AT PORT or FORMATION AT SEA (depending on whether your ships are at port or at sea). 4. Select the command SPLIT from the command choices presented at the bottom of the screen. 5. Select the fleet for arrangement (to be split in this example). 6. Then select the fleet # of the empty fleet where you will allocate ships. 7. A graphic screen will be displayed showing the ships in the fleet in which you are performing this operation and the new (empty) fleet to which you may transfer ships. 8. Do not make any changes to your fleet. Press the appropriate button for the game system you're playing on to finish your fleet changes, without making any changes, and confirm your changes with Y. 9. A list of your available commanders will be displayed. 10. Select the officer to command. 11. A list of the fleets ships will then be displayed. 12. Select a flagship for the fleet. 13. You will then be returned to the Main Menu.
Supplying bases
Recognize the importance of each base and devise your strategy accordingly. Important bases provide refueling and repair points across the Pacific Ocean. Some bases are sources for steel and fuel (example: Sorong and Bandjarmasin) which may be placed into your National Reserve.
1. Select the command ORD from the Main Menu. 2. Then select the sub-command BASE. 3. A listing of all your bases will appear with statistics denoting the bases' capacity for: Iron and Oil production, Industry, re-fueling and supplying fleets. Other statistics display information on Friendliness, Base Endurance, etc. 4. Bases listed can be supplied with Fuel, Equipment, Troops, and Ships or these bases can supply your National Reserve if they are producers of Iron, Oil, or have Industrial capacity. Select the base to be supplied or which will supply an item from the base list. 5. A base status window will open with a small command bar displayed across the top. 6. Select the command SUPPLY from the command bar. 7. A new window will open showing a listing of items held in the base inventory. Each line shows the name of an item, how much is currently held at the base in the first column headed NOW, a second column where changes may be made to the amount held at the base (either more or less) headed GOAL, and a third column headed SPLY showing how much of an item is available in the National Reserve. 8. Use the directional control pad to move the highlight up and down in the column headed GOAL to select an item to change. 9. Select the item to change and the query 'Set the amount' will be displayed. Input a number for the item, more to increase the supply, less to decrease the supply, and place the balance into the National Reserve. 10. Select 'Y' to confirm your item change.
First Fleet involvement
You may either keep the # 1 Fleet docked at Home Port to access CONF (conference) commands, or take the #1 Fleet out to engage the enemy first hand. The # 1 Fleet is the only fleet which may access CONF commands while docked at home port. There are definite advantages to having the ability to issue CONF commands during game play. In conference you can allocate the budget, invest in skills and technology, send special forces into action, and spend money on propaganda to raise support, troops, and additional budget funds for your war effort.
Fleet orders are carried out as you issue them from the # 1 Fleet or Home Port. Any fleet may be directed from the #1 fleet menu screen under ORD, FLEET, DUTY while they are at sea. Orders are issued directly to a fleet if it is on port call.
1. Select ORD at the #1 fleet command menu, and the sub-command FLEET. A list of fleets will be displayed. 2. Select the fleet to which you would like to redirect or issue new orders. Statistics for the selected fleet will be displayed with a menu bar across the top. 3. Select DUTY. The fleet's current mission will be displayed with the question 'Mission Change (Y/N)?' 4. Select Yes and the command options will be displayed. 5. Select a fleet command from the list: Attack enemy base, Gather intelligence, Attack fleet, Port call. 6. A map of the Pacific will be displayed. Move the cursor near the coordinates of your new objective and select it. A smaller tactical map will then pop open allowing you to select the objective's coordinates with finer control. 7. You will be returned to the fleet's sub-command screen. 8. You may select another fleet to issue orders to by returning to the fleet list or by backing out completely through the command menus to the Main Command Menu.
Moving the #1 fleet
The command TACT will appear on the Main Menu Bar once the #1 fleet has left port. Movement of the # 1 Fleet is accomplished following these steps:
1. Select TACT from the Main Command Menu, then MOVE from the sub-menu. 2. A new window will open showing a smaller tactical map of the Pacific Ocean. The message 'Determine fleet's speed (1-20)?00' will be displayed. Enter the speed by which you would like your # 1 Fleet to travel. 3. A cursor will appear in the tactical map window once the fleet speed has been set. Use the cursor to set the distance and the direction you would like the # 1 Fleet to traverse. Set your fleet speed. Your top speed is limited by the slowest ship in your fleet, freighters, troop carriers, submarines, etc.
Note: The # 1 Fleet, unlike your other fleets, must be manuevered around islands and through channels. The message 'There is Land in the way' will be displayed anytime you try to cross a land mass during fleet manuevers. 1. Answer Yes to confirm the fleet movement after setting your course. 2. Select the command REST from the Main Command Menu, once you've returned to it, then the command ARRIVAL from the sub-command menu. You will not have to issue further commands to the # 1 Fleet until it has arrived at the destination selected during fleet movement.
Elements of Strategy
Here are a few hints that can be included in the strategies you devise to win P.T.O.
Japan has the logistical and offensive advantage at the start of the game, but lacks the resources and raw materials to keep up a sustained war effort.
The Allies lack logistical and tactical advantages but have access to resources and material to fuel a sustained military effort once their industrial potential is harnessed.
Technology is critical. Fuel is a # 1 consideration. Midway, Wake, Truk, and the Marshall islands are crucial mid-Pacific bases. You must also have sufficient materials at bases where ships may be repaired.
Freighters attached to fleets extend the range of that fleet by increasing total fuel capacity.
Troops, Fuel, material, and aircraft are critical to base defense.
Do not allocate Rockets to bases; they will not be used.
Bases will not take direct orders but will use Fighters and Bombers for defense and attack if they are available.
Bases which have Long Range Bombers will execute bombing strikes against enemy forces if they are supplied with sufficient quantities of fuel. Long Range Bombers are effective against inland bases and will be used to take them.
You must have control of a nearby coastal base in order to supply an inland base.
Some bases actually produce fuel resources and material that may be sent into your national reserve and used by your industry or distributed to other bases.
Bases which produce fuel and material are prime targets. Attacking and taking productive bases held by the enemy will reduce the fuel and material available to their industry and war effort.
Freighters and troop carriers assigned to bases ship supplies to and from the Home Port, the National Reserve, and other bases. These ships form supply convoys which may be attacked by enemy fleets reducing your supplies, equipment, and men.
Raise your Industry and Technology while in conference at the Home Port. Make good alliances and request new technologies when they become available. Gain the technological edge.
Aircraft Carriers can only be supplied with Planes and Rockets when in the Home Port. Supply Planes to carriers and dispatch new carrier groups as you bring older carrier groups back to Home Port for repairs and new planes.
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