Enter these codes on the versus screen. The numbers tell how many times press the TURBO, JUMP and PASS buttons (For example, 5-2-5 means "Press TURBO 5 times. Press JUMP 2 times. Press PASS 5 times").
0-0-1 Down-Show field goal % 0-0-1 Right-Show punt hang meter 0-1-0 Up-Late hits 0-2-2 Right-Night game 0-3-0 Down-Fog on 0-3-2 Left-Fast turbo running 0-4-0 Up-Huge head 0-4-5 Up-Super blitzing 0-4-1 Down-Thick fog on 0-5-0 Right-Big football 1-0-0 Up-Use team plays 1-0-2 Right-Hide receiver name 1-2-2 Left-Green Bay Packers playbook 1-2-3 Right-Headless team 1-2-3 Left-Super field goals 1-4-1 Right-Team big players 1-5-1 Up-No punting 2-0-0 Right-Big head 2-0-3 Right-Team big heads 3-1-0 Right-Team tiny players 2-1-0 Up-No first downs 2-1-1 Left-Allow stepping out of bounds 2-1-1 Left-Weather: clear 2-3-3 Up-Power-up teammates 2-5-0 LeftFast passes 3-0-1 Up-Asphalt field 3-0-0 Up-Grass field 3-0-2 Up-Dirt field 3-0-3 Up-Astroturf field 3-0-4 Up-Snow field 3-1-2 Left-Power-up blockers 3-1-2 Up-Power-up offense 3-2-1 Left-No head 3-3-3 Left-Invisible receiver highlight 3-4-4 Up-No interceptions 4-2-1 Up-Power-up defense 4-2-3 Down-No random fumbles 4-3-3 Up-Invisible 5-0-0 Left-Turn off stadium 5-0-1 Down-Day stadium 5-0-1 Left-City stadium 5-0-1 Up-Old day stadium 5-0-2 Down-Night stadium 5-0-2 Up-Old night stadium 5-0-2 Left-Future stadium 5-0-3 Down-Snow stadium 5-0-3 Left-Roman stadium 5-0-3 Up-Old snow stadium 5-1-4 Up-Infinite turbo 5-2-5 Down-Weather: snow 5-5-5 Right-Weather: rain
Requires 2 player agreement: 1-1-5 Left-No play selectiont 0-2-1 Right-Show more field 0-1-2 Down-No CPU assistance 4-0-4 Left-Power-up speed 5-5-5 Up-Hyper blitz
Only in one-player game: 3-1-4 Down-Smart CPU opponent
Only in two-player game: 1-1-1 Down-Tournament mode
Requires 2 human teammates: 2-2-2 Left-Always quarterback 2-2-2 Right-Always receiver
Bonus Players: To play with bonus players, enter one or more of the following codes at the Enter Initials screen.