Чит коды к игре Nagano Winter Olympics 98 [Playstation 1 & 2]
Longer Ski Jumps: When you are doing the ski jump wait for the wind direction to go by 2 and a half times so it is facing down then hit box. You will have the wind at your face keeping you up.
Medal in all Events: To capture the gold medal in all events, press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, Triangle, Circle, Square, LEFT(x2), RIGHT, X, DOWN(x2), UP, Triangle, X at the title screen.
View End Sequence: To see the ending sequence, press L1, R2, Circle, Square, Triangle at the options screen. (A tone confirms correct entry.) Then, at the Event selection screen, enter "TWY" as a name and "Russia" as a country.
698 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Nagano Winter Olympics 98 [Playstation 1 & 2]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]