Чит коды к игре Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe [Playstation 3]
Passwords: Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Password" option in the "Extras" menu. Then, enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding bonus when another game is started or a saved game is resumed. Note: The iPod songs will become available when the Mk II can first be used.
"Desperate Chase" iPod song: Enter "THOMAS" as a password. "Gekko" iPod song: Enter "GEORGE" as a password. "Midnight Shadow" iPod song: Enter "THEODORE" as a password. "Mobs Alive" iPod song: Enter "ABRAHAM" as a password.
Otacon codes: In Act 4: Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2, when at Otacon's office, he will ask you for the code. Enter one of the following codes instead of the one that Otacon mentions to get the corresponding bonus:
100,000 DP: Enter "14893" as a code. 20% off at store: Enter "12893" as a code. "Opening - Old L.A. 2040" iPod song: Enter "78925" as a code. This song
Play as Darkseid: Successfully complete DC Story mode. Then, press R1 at the character selection screen. Note: Darkseid does not have any Heroic Brutalities.
Play as Shao Kahn: Successfully complete Mortal Kombat Story mode. Then, press R1 at the character selection screen. Note: Shao Kahn does not have any Fatalities.
Alternate costumes: At character selection screen, press Start when choosing a character.
Ultimate Icy Counter: While playing as Sub-Zero, press Square(2), Down, Back, Square or Square(2) to perform Icy Counter. The game registers the opponent's knockback as an attack and can then be countered using Sub-Zero's Icy Counter. If done at the correct angle, you can miss your opponent when countering and set yourself up for another move while your opponent is still frozen.
1408 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe [Playstation 3]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]