Sudden death: Enter SDDNDTH as the password at the options screen. The first player to score a basket will win the game.
Cutthroat game: Enter CTTHRTB as the password at the options screen. Select any character and the Cutthroat game will start.
Level select: Enter TRVLRND as the password at the options screen. Select any character, and choose any level to play.
Special Passwords: Use the following passwords with Roxy to access different options: DKRBNSN-2 Hot STPKRNR-Poison SSNHYDN-Frenzy JNFRBCN-In 2 it LRNCHLS-Sweat PLWRHDS-Slams only STWSPKN-Cutthroat BBSKNNR-Boss
1032 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Jammit [3DO]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]