Easy Attractive +100: To get that ol' complexion looking nice to the ladies, with no tattoos involved (those are optional). Get these hair styles: The Pudding Basin - Hair Power Moustache - Moustache Multon Chop Beard - Beard Ladies will fall for you now!
Unlmited Experience: Go to the Lychfield Graveyard, and in nearly any part of it, just walk around. Undead will continually sprout from the ground. They never stop,and give mass experience. Kill them until satisfied.
Continuous Play: Watch the credits at the end of the game to continue playing with your character.
Secret Hairstyle: After you fight the Wasp Queen look for a hairstyle card on the bench.
431 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре Fable [XBox]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]