Extra Missions Finish Missions 1, 2 and 3 without using a continue. You also receive unlimited Tranquilizer credits.
Play as Cindy At the character selection screen, highlight Ivy, then hold Start to unlock Cindy from Die Hard Arcade.
Infinite Tranquilizer Credits: Beat the first three missions without running out of continues and you will get unlimited credits on the tranquilizer gun game.
Play as Bruno: To play as Bruno from the orignal Die Hard aracde collect all the Picture Frames in the game to unlock Bruno from Die Hard Arcade.
Bonus Game: To unlock the Tranquilizer Gun hidden game, complete any mission.
Extra Level: Collect ALL pictures, use no continues and complete all missions.
Play as the Monkey: Beat missions 4, 5 and 6.
Get hidden character, weapon, and art: You will need both Dynamite Cop and either the Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine Sampler CD or Dreamcast web browser CD.
If you have the Sampler CD first save a Dynamite Cop game. Then start the Sampler CD and choose the Dynimite Cop Demo. When the demo recognizes a Dynamite Cop save file on your VMU, the option of getting an extra save "Detonator pak" will appear under "O ther". Then start the real Dynamite Cop, choose "Other" and activate the Detonator Pak. This also works for the Japanese version of the game, as long as you have the Japanese sample disc to generate the Detonator file.
If you have the Dreamcast web browser CD try this. Use the CD to go to the Dreamcast network. Go to the Game Extras area in the Downloads section. Download the "Dynamite Cop Detonator Pack" onto the memory card with your Dynamite Cop save file and sign o ff. Then load the Dynamite cop CD and access the option menu. Choose the Detonator Pack option and a screen will pop up asking if you want to combine the Detonator Pack with your save file. Choose yes. You will now have access to extra game options.
The extra options are: Hidden character: To play as the hidden character, highlight Ivy at the character select screen and hold start.
Stun Gun: The extra weapon, the stun gun, will be placed randomly in different areas of the game.
Extra artwork: Extra illustrations will be placed in the Carribean Pirates mode.
Arresting enemies: You cannot arrest someone important such as the big "crab" guys or a baker. The only people that can be arrested are most of the regular people. In order to arrest a person, you must have a pistol (and not a machine gun). The person must be weaponless. Get behind them and press X. That should make the cop say "Freeze". Immediately press X again to avoid getting kicked. If done correctly the person should be crawling on their knees with their hands behind their backs.
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