Чит коды к игре Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball [XBox]
Start with Loads of Money: Play Survival Mode in Dead or Alive 3 with a character who appears in Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, and the number of wins will be converted into money. One win will be equal to $1,000.
Ending bonus: Successfully complete the game. When you start a new game, you can immediately advance to the end. Select the "Leave Tomorrow" option at the hotel or pool menu to skip to the ending.
Ending sequence: Wait for the credits to end to see a extra FMV sequence featuring Zack and the remains of his island.
Bonus music tracks: You can unlock two hidden music tracks in the game: "How Crazy Are You" (by Meja) and "Is This Love" (by Bob Marley). To obtain them, play through the game once. When you resume that saved game file, these two hidden songs will be available in the Radio Station.
Extra items: Give a lot of gifts to one character and complete that game. Start a new game on that saved game file and choose to play as the character that received the gifts in the previous game. Those items will be available in your inventory in the new game.
Extra money: Note: This trick requires Dead Or Alive 3. Play Dead Or Alive 3 and select a character that also appears in Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball in survival mode. The more wins you have in survival mode, the more money you will start with in Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. In a volleyball match, the less points the opposing team scores, the more money you will end up getting. Start the game with any character. The first game of volleyball is the easiest. Make sure you choose "Yes" when Lisa offers to show you around the island. Play the hopping game until you reach the first volleyball match. Play the match, making sure you time your spikes and your blocks perfectly to add extra points. Once you win, wait until the next day at the hotel. Choose "Leave Tomorrow" and start the game again with the same character. Repeat the same steps to get 80,000 to 149,000 credits every time. Winning a volleyball game 7 to 0 will earn you 150,000 credits. To ensure you never miss, only use the underhand serve as it is guaranteed to go in. This is a great way to earn money quickly, but requires a lot of effort and a good partner. Use the following trick to win money without winning points. Play as a character that has over one star for her power. While playing volleyball in story mode, have your partner set you up for a spike, wait until the ball is directly above your head, then aim straight for an opponent (preferably the one that is the furthest away). Hit it to the opponent, pressing Attack firmly. If you manage to make then struggle, your partner will award you 1,000 points, and you can usually finish the point off after this spike, or you can reset yourself to perform the spike as many times as desired.
Swimsuits in exhibition mode: Earn or buy swimsuits in story mode (Zack's Island). The swimsuits that you acquire in that mode will also be available in exhibition mode.
Disable commentary: Enter to the options menu, then change Zack's language to Japanese.
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