King mode: Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting to unlock the King difficulty setting.
Cheat mode: Successfully complete the game on the indicated difficulty setting to unlock the corresponding mode(s). Select "Extras", "Unlockables", then "Cheats" to access and toggle the modes. Master All Moves: Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting. This mode gives you full mastery of every move and combo. Song Of Death mode: Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting. This mode allows you to permanently activate the Song Of Death power. Armour Power: Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting. This mode gives you infinite magic energy. Invulnerability mode: Successfully complete the game on the King difficulty setting.
Maidens: There are a total of 25 scantily clad Maidens, each of which grant you a bonus in experience when you rescue them. Below are the names of each stage and the corresponding amount of Maidens located in them: Chance Meeting: 1 Pirate Raid: 2 Tribal Warrior: 3 Elephant Graveyard: 3 Midnight Raid: 2 Outpost: 7 Devil Island: 2 Fallen Kingdom: 3 Well of Dreams: 2
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