New Game+ mode: Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game+ mode. In your second playthrough, all enemies are more powerful.
Duplicating items and weapons: Start a co-op game with at least one other player. Drop the item(s) and/or weapon(s) you want to duplicate. Then, leave the game through a non-saving method, such as signing out of your profile or resetting the system. Since the game did not save after you dropped the item(s) and/or weapon(s), you will still have them, and the other player(s) who picked them up will also have them.
Easy loot and money: Every time you load a saved game, the chests and lootable objects restock. Save the game near a place where there are multiple weapon chests, such as in the town of New Haven. Collect all the loot in them, then save the game. Reload the saved game, and collect all the loot again. Keep the loot you want, and sell the loot you do not want. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: You get more money and better loot when there are more than one player. This is best done with four players.
Easy rare weapons: Save the game near a location with multiple weapon chests, such as in the town of New Haven. Then, host a game, and have three other players join. Collect all the weapons in the chests, then exit out of the game, and host a new game at the same spot. Repeat this process as many times as desired. You should get quite a few rare weapons using this method.
Easy experience and weapon proficiency: Use the following trick to get easy experience and weapon proficiencies, as well as good weapons and money by selling loot from all the dead enemies. Once you reach "The Middle Of Nowhere" area, you will eventually get the "Circle Of Slaughter" quest. When do you do the quest, enter the arena, and kill all but one enemy (preferably a little one). Do not kill all enemies or the quest will end. Also, do not die or you will potentially lose a lot of money. After killing all but one enemy and collecting all items desired, exit out, and the game will save automatically. Reload your saved game, sell all desired items through one of the nearby machines, and repeat the quest as many times as desired. Note: There are three rounds; the last one is called" Final Round". Do not finish it if you want to repeat this trick.
Hidden house with Rider gun in New Haven: When you get the "Another Piece Of The Puzzle" quest (do not complete), you can go to a secret house in New Haven. When you enter the house, you take a lift down to the bottom. There is one regular weapon chest and a red weapon chest. The red weapon chest always contains the "Rider" gun, which is a reference to the Red Ryder BB gun from the classic movie A Christmas Story. Its stats usually vary slightly each time you get one. The weapon can only be found in this house. The weapon's manufacturer is "Gearbox" (the game's developer), as opposed to an in-game company such as Dahl, Hyperion, etc. Note: When this location is used with the others in New Haven for the "Easy loot and money" trick, you can get a lot of loot and money quickly.
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