Чит коды к игре Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 [Playstation 3]
Achievement How to unlock: Billy Hoyle ( 10 points ) As the primary player, complete the game without jumping. Both guns blazing ( 20 points ) Complete the game in coop mode. By hook or by Crook ( 20 points ) Complete all challenge rooms. Cap Commando ( 5 points ) As the primary player, complete all levels with both prestige upgrades equipped. Get the heck outa here you nerd ( 20 points ) Defeat the final boss. Last Action Hero ( 5 points ) As the primary player, complete the game on hard difficulty. OCD ( 20 points ) As the primary player, find all Yashichis. Rearmed ( 20 points ) As the primary player, obtain all bionic arm upgrades as the primary player. Rumble in the Jungle ( 20 points ) Defeat something huge. Stiirike ( 20 points ) As the primary player, kill 4 enemies with one barrel. TASC Force ( 20 points ) As the primary player, complete a level by only finishing off enemies with your bionics. Welcome to Papagaya Island ( 20 points ) Kill the miniboss in Puerto Clao.
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