Чит коды к игре Armored Core 2: Another Age [Playstation 1 & 2]
High AP, well balanced suit: For a high AP, well balanced suit use these items. It'll cost 700,700 c Head - EXD-GN-92 Core - ZCH-GR/1 Arms - ZAN-707/E Legs - ELC-DISI Boosters - NONE FCS - VERTEX-124/EE Generator - GPS-BVX/10 Radiator - RRX-COT-GK10 Inside - NONE Extention - EEX-AM45 Back Unit R - EWR-L24 Back Unit L - EWR-L24 Arm Unit R - ZWG-XC-IR/K99 Arm Unit L - LS-Moonlight
Hint for last Mission: In the last mission when you are requested to take out Antares in the Rapture space elevator, there are 2 ravens you need to kill in the last room. Take out antares first when you have your full strength, because his partner has very weak right and left arm units. After your best ammo is near depleeded and your ap is somewhere around 1000 or 2000, his weaker partner will be EXTREMLEY easy to take out.
Well balanced AC: Ive done some experimenting and tried to find a well balanced AC that didn't come out to overweight, so the ppl who havent won yet can still enjoy a reasonable & deadly AC. I came up with a non- overweight AC that has a rating of over 43000. Here are the parts needed, and stats of the AC (* = not avalable in shop/hidden in level):
Head: *EHD-GN-92 Core: ZCH-GR/1 Arms: ZAN-202-TEM Legs: ELN-STVM Booster: *ZBT-GEX/3000 FCS: VERTEX-124/EE Generator: HOY-B999 Radiator: RPS-MER/A3 Inside: INW-DM/R11 Extension: BEX-BRM-04 Back Unit R: EWC-GN44-AC Back Unit L: ZWM-M24/IMI Arm Unit R: *KARASAWA-MK2 Arm Unit L: *LS-MOONLIGHT
AP (life): 9781 Offensive Point: 10365 Defensive point: 3573
Use any optional parts that you fiond to your liking. This AC mostly works well in arena mode, but still proves well for missions.
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