All Exhibition tracks: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "VOUYEUR" at the codes screen to unlock all the Exhibition tracks.
All Freestyle tracks:
At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "TRIXXY" at the codes screen to unlock all the Freestyle tracks.
Play as Bink: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "BINK" at the codes screen to unlock Bink the alien skateboarder.
Play as Nyub: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "NYUB" at the codes screen to unlock Nyub the alien rollerblader.
Play as Geep: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "GEEP" at the codes screen to unlock Geep the alien biker.
Play as Lug Nut: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "LUGNUT" at the codes screen to unlock Lugnut. Lug Nut is a Frankenstein skateboarder with 95% in all
Play as Dominique: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "DOMINIQUE" at the codes screen to unlock Dominique. Dominique is a monster with 95% in all attributes.
Play as TP: At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "TP" at the codes screen to unlock TP. TP is a mummy with 95% in all attributes, with a bike called Pharoah.
All alien characters At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "ASTROMEN" at the codes screen to unlock all the alien characters.
All monster characters At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "SCREAM" at the codes screen to unlock all the monster characters.
All human characters At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "RATPACK" at the codes screen to unlock all the human characters.
All characters At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "GENEPOOL" at the codes screen to unlock all the characters.
Play as Red Car At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "REDCAR" or "REDLINE" at the codes screen to unlock Red the car.
Play as Blue Car At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "BLUECAR" or "BLUELINE" at the codes screen to unlock Blue the car.
Play as White Car At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "WHITECAR" or "WHITELINE" at the codes screen to unlock White the car.
All cars At the main menu, highlight "Memory Card" and press Left or Right, then choose the "Codes" selection. Then, enter "SMOKEY" at the codes screen to unlock all the cars.
Haunted Mansion track Complete the Pro Circuit with any character. Then the new track will be unlocked in free style mode.
Hints Aztec Island 1 and 2 shortcut Look to the right for a door way, after the second tunnel at the beginning. It has blue gates inside.
Metro shortcut Go to the third ramp, then go up and to the left. Go toward the stairs and jump over the yellow bar. It has blue, red, and yellow gates inside.
1379 Прочтений • [Чит коды к игре 3 Xtreme [Playstation 1 & 2]] [03.05.2012] [Комментариев: 0]