Zeppelin cheat codes:
Hex cheat:
1) Money =Offs. 452 Hex
2) Sience =Offs. 471 Hex
3) Building time chance =Offs. 465 and 466 Hex
4) Move Location =Offs. 485 and 47B Hex
5) New Type of Airship =Offs. 4A2 Hex
6) Higher the crew =Offs. 4A8 Hex
7) Higher Airship Speed =Offs. 4AA Hex
8) Higher Max Passagers. =Offs. 4AC Hex
9) Higher Max Freight Capacity =Offs. 4AE Hex
1) Place 7F to have к2.132.706.432,00. (If you do 8F,
it will turn negative.)
2) Place 7F to have 127% sience on your next ship.
3) Place 01 00 to have no time on next ship buld time.
(Do !NOT! Place 00 00.)
4) Place number of location:
-Athens = 00
-Bagdad = 01
-Berlin = 02
-Cairo = 03
-London = 04
-Madrid = 05
-Mexico = 06
-Moscow = 07
-N.Dheli = 08
-N.Orlrans = 09
-N.York = 0A
-Paris = 0B
-San Frans.= 0C
-Vienna = 0E
5) To chance this, enter a Hexadecimal number of choice
(7F is an unexisted one)
6) Look at 5)
7) Look at 5)
8) Look at 5)
9) Look at 5)
883 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Zeppelin] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]