War Inc. cheat codes:
Hold down ALT and type WAR, then release ALT and type:
togglefog - Fog of War disabled
viewmap - View entire map
lockandload - Rearm all units (including enemies)
quickbuild - Quick build
autowin - Kill all enemy units
toggleai - AI on/off
rearm - Rearm active unit
moremoney - $1 Million and 1,000 RUs
combo - No FoW, view entire map, quickbuild, & big money/RUs
veteran - Upgrade active unit
godmode - God mode
killactiveunit- Kill active unit
forceresync - Force network resync
enemypowerup - Give enemy a Command HQ
showdanger - Show Danger
loadunits - All units and buildings available
dolemite - Max out active unit
dogeatdog - Double power output
paulhaney - ?
wincampaign - Win campaign
1357 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре War Inc.] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]