Warhammer 2:Dark Omen cheat codes:
Cheats #0
Type in the following cheats in the main-menu:
ATIMETOFIGHT = Long March scene
BADBREATH = Hand of Nagash scene
GROOVETOWN = Meanwhile scene
LIGHTREADING = Liber Mortis scene
OHDEAR = Scene of dead
SMALLPEBBLE = Jewel of Morrslieb scene
WEWONTHEDAY = Victory scene
WHITEGRAIL = Black Grail scene
Cheats #1
Enter in main menu (only cheats):
-fudgeislush ctrl+c+g 1000 gold
ctrl+c+e some exp
-dontmesswithme ctrl+c+m magic items
ctrl+c+f full exp
-bringemon hold ctrl enemy units is under control
hold k all you missile units 100% to hit
hold w restoring mana
Cheats #2
At the main menu type this
Book cheat
CTRL C&G -add 1000 gc to cash
CTRL C&T -subtract 1000 gc from cash
CTRL C&E -increase selected unit's experience
CTRL C&U -Make selected unit unbreakable
Battle cheat
F12 -skip battle
Hold CTRL -enble selection of emery units
Hold K while firing -100% accuracy for selected ballistic unit
Press W -increase available magic points
01 Grudgerbringer Sword 14 Ring of Volans
02 Sword Skabskrath 15 Banner of Arkane Warding
03 Runefang 16 Banner of Wrath
04 Hellfire Sword 17 Banner of Defiance
05 Stromsword 18 Mork War's Banner
06 Lighning Bolt 19 Staff of Osiris
07 Spellater Shield 20 Wand of Jet
08 Dragonhelm 21 Book of Ashur
09 Shield of Plotos 22 Bright Book
10 Enchanted Shield 23 Ice Book
11 Heart of Woe 24 Waargh Book
12 Potion of Strength 25 Dark Book
1131 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Warhammer 2:Dark Omen] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]