Wing Commander 3 cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
way to view any of the movie "cut-scenes" in WC3!. During the opening
credits, hold down shift-delete-F10 and type "L-O-R-D-B-R-I-T-I-S-H"
(yes, caps lock has to be on). You'll then get a menu that lets you
view any of the movie scenes on the 4 CDs.
press Alt-o when in flight, a special menu appear.
Unlimited laser:
Offset 89 87 F8 66 8B DE D1 E3
Change to 90 90 90 90 8B DE D1 E3
Easy battles:
Start the game with the wc3 -mitchell command line.
A voice will yell "Mitchell" when Blair is preparing
to launch to confirm correct code entry.
Press [Ctrl] + W during a battle sequence to destroy
the targeted ship. Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + W to
destroy all enemy ships on radar.
View FMV sequences:
Press [Caps Lock], then hold [Shift] + [Delete] + [F10]
and type lordbritish during the opening credits.
A menu will appear that will allow any of the FMV
sequences in the game to displayed. Press [Alt] + O
during flight mode to display the special menu.
Forced crash:
Press [Alt] + Y during a mission.
Display debug information:
Press [Alt] + D during game play.
FMV sequence fast forward:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + S during a FMV sequence.
1551 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Wing Commander 3] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]