Ultima 6 cheat codes:
Choose TALK TO IOLO; type SPAM (return), SPAM (return), SPAM
(return), HUMBUG (return). You'll enter in the editor.
There are 3 commands that are available in .
213 - Gem + string of numbers
2 numbers: karma,
4 numbers: time,
3 numbers: coordinates,
3 numbers: second coordinates,
1 number : floor.
214 - Teleport:
i.e. for the Shrine of Spirituality, you must write:
215 - 1 hour of time passed.
Some coordinates for 214 are:
PAWS - 173 272 0
MINOC - 254 063 0 by the sundial
SUTEX - 315 3D6 0 on the docks
SEWERS - 062 07B 2 near the campfires
PIRATES TR - 09B 0D8 4 the treasure room
LYCAEUM - 376 1BB 0
SINGULARITY- 080 02E 5 altar of
MONDAIN - 043 00C 4 statue of
MINAX - 0BB 00B 4 statue of
EXODUS - 053 0DC 3 statue of
HYTHLOTH - 0DC 0DB 5 entrance on gargoyle plane
HYTHLOTH - 3B4 3A2 0 entrance on human plane
LENS MAKER - 3BB 195 0 human lens maker near Lycaeum
354 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Ultima 6] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]