Unreal 1 cheat codes:
To use these codes, simply hit the TAB key,
type in the code of your choice, and Press ENTER.
ALLAMMO -Gives you 999 ammo for all of your guns.
BEHINDVIEW 1 -Puts you in Tomb Raider style view.
BEHINDVIEW 0 -Resets this. (be sure to show off the shieldbelt
environment mapping this way, and the cool
animations, and the cool swimming...)
FLUSH -Cleans up screen trash.
FLY -Lets you fly around.
GHOST -Lets you walk through walls.
GOD -Makes you invulnerable to all attacks.
OPEN MAPNAME -Jump to any map, just enter the name like OPEN DIG.
PLAYERSONLY -Freezes time. Press again to resume time passage.
WALK -Returns you to walking mode if you are flying or ghosting.
INVISIBLE - You're invisible
OPEN (MAPNAME) - Jump to any map, just enter the name like OPEN DIG.
SUMMON -Lets you add a weapon or an item to the world.For example: