Unreal: Tournament cheat codes:
Cheat Multiplayer:
To activate the cheat mode in multiplayer do its
Multiplayer -> Start New Multiplayer Game -> Server
Then where search the words Admin Password
After you found the this write there a password that you
want like 1234 then press "Start"
and in the game press "Tab" and write "adminlogin 1234"
(1234 Change to your password) and press enter after you
did this you became the administrator now press "Tab" and
write "iamtheone" and press enter and now you enabled cheats
write a cheat from the list and the cheat will be: Effect
Code Result
god - God Mode
loaded - All Weapons
fly - Flight mode
ghost - No clipping Mode
walk - Disable flight and no clipping
addbots - Add indicated number of bots
slomo <1.0-10.0> - Change game speed (default is 1.0)
behindview 0 - First person view
allammo - Full ammunition
killall - Kill all indicated enemy type
killpawns - Kill all opponents
summon unreali. - Spawn indicated item1
summon unreali. - Spawn indicated opponent1
playersonly - Stop time
behindview 1 - Third person view
Cheat codes:
Hit tab and type iamtheone and hit enter, now cheatmode
are enable.do same thing whith these codes:
Effect Code
God mode - god
All weapons - loaded
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable flight and no clipping - walk
Add indicated number of bots - addbots
Advance to indicated map - open
1244 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Unreal: Tournament] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]