Thandor cheat codes:
To activate the cheat mode press ENTER and
type 'Oh grosser Thomas, erlжse mich!'. Press ENTER again. Now you can
use the following codes:
STRG + ALT + 'V' - Full Map
STRG + ALT + 'Z' - Fast Build
STRG + ALT + 'E' - 1000 Energy
STRG + ALT + 'X' - 1000 Xenit
Note: STRG is the CTRL key.
Note2: To type ' ц ' press: [ALT] + [1] + [4] + [8].
1212 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Thandor] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]