Supreme Commander 2 cheat codes:
Enable Cheats and Debug Keys:
Find your Game.prefs file in: For Windows 7/Vista
C:Users{Your User Name}AppDataLocalGas Powered GamesSupreme Commander 2
Open the Game.prefs file in Notepad.
Right at the very top above the "options_overrides" add the following to
the very top of the file: debug = {enable_debug_facilities = true }
Next Press [Ctrl]+[F] in notepad and type in: CheatsEnabled =
Then click search, If it comes up change the 'false' into 'true'.
If it does not come up in search,find the following text.: options = {
Then below that tab over a few times and add in the following text:
CheatsEnabled = 'true',
Once everything is done and that you haveenabled debug and cheats...
Now you can save and close notepad.
[Alt]+[A] - Shuts down the enemy AI for the rest of the match
[Alt]+[Del] - Deletes all (Selected!!!) instantly without explosion or
(nuclear effects) from the map.
[Alt]+[F2] - Launches the Create Unit Interface and will create the
selected unit at the cursor position.
[Alt]+[N] - Prevents (ALL!!) units and players from getting damaged.
[Alt]+[T] - Teleports all selected units to the cursor.
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+ - Gives (ALL!!) players 99999 of mass, energy, research points
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z] - Toggles fog of war from the map.
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C] - Copies the selected units into the clipboard.
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[R] - Gives (ALL!!) players all research.
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] - Creates all units that are inside the clipboard.
[Z] - Brings up the console window for command line cheat input
1882 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Supreme Commander 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]