Чит-коды к игре Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith cheat codes:
Open up "swkotor2.ini" in your KoToRII folder and go under [Game Options]
and add EnableCheats=1 and when in game press `
(*Note: The entry box will be invisible, just type in the codes you wish
to use and press enter, if they do not work you probably mis-spelled something,
try again). Get This By Doing This:
addexp ## - Gives ## exp.
givecredits ## - Gives ## credits.
givecomspikes - Gives 99 comspikes.
adddarkside ## - Gives darkside points. (if you dont put a number it will
give you the maximum number of dark points possible)
addlightside ## - Gives lightside points (if you dont put a number it will
give you the maximum number of light points possible).
revealmap - Makes the entire map of current area completely visible
infiniteuses - Infinite use of items.
invulnerability - Invincible, never hurt.
heal - Refills characters health points and force points.
addlevel ## - Get experience.
whereami - Shows where you are on map.
givemed - Get 100 Med Kits.
giverepair - Get 100 Advance Repair Kits.
givesitharmour - Get 100 Armor.
turbo - Characters Move Faster.
restartminigame - Restart Mini Game if You Lose.
bright - Brightens Dark areas.
giveitem ## - Get Item of Your Choice.
settreatinjury ## - Raises treat injury to ## level.
setcomputeruse ## - Raises computer use to ## level.
setdemolitions ## - Raises demolitions to ## level.
setstealth ## - Raises stealth to ## level.
setawareness ## - Raises awareness to ## level.
setpersuade ## - Raises persuade to ## level.
setrepair ## - Raises repair to ## level.
setsecurity ## - Raisessecurity to ## level.
setstrength ## - Raises strength to ## level.
setdexterity ## - Raises dexterity to ## level.
setconstitution ## - Raises constitution ## level.
setintelligence ## - Raises intelligence to ## level.
setwisdom ## - Raises wisdom to ## level.
setcharisma ## - Raises charisma to ## level.
givesecspikes - Give 100 Section Spikes.
1620 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]