SPLAT Magazine Renegade Paintball cheat codes:
NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.
Start the game. Enable a Game Trigger (such as the Cheat Mode).
Typing the following sequences of letters will engage a game trigger.
They can be entered at any time (even during the intro movie).
Most triggers will produce a text message on the left hand side of your
screen to inform you that the effect is enabled. A "Toggle" can
be run again to Disable an Effect.
Cheat Codes (case insensitive):
SafeMouse - Toggle Safe Mouse pointer (incase of mouse troubles)
BEdit - Open the Ground Type Editor
MovieCapture - Enable Movie Capture
CatEdit - Enable the CatEdit Game Editor (requires EngineDebug first)
DebugAI - Toggle AI Debugging
CatDebug - Toggle All Debugging Options
IAmACheater - Toggle Cheat Mode
GameDebug - Enable Game Debug Mode
EngineDebug - Enable Engine Debug Mode
The following are usable when Cheat Mode is enabled.
[Ctrl] + - Toggle the game Interface
[Ctrl] + [L] - Lose the Current Match
[Ctrl] + [V] - Lose the Current Match
Some debug keys that do not require cheats to be enabled:
[Ctrl] + [R] - Wire-Frame Graphics Mode
[Ctrl] + [+] - Increase Gamma
[Ctrl] + [-] - Decrease Gamma
Some keys that require a debug mode or other options to be enabled:
[F6] - Toggle Cull Cam (no idea what it does though)
1291 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре SPLAT Magazine Renegade Paintball] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]