Second Sight cheat codes:
Mini Game - X Space '92:
This Minigame is hidden in the Madness level. It's located up on a
shelf in a room that has only one entrance and no connection to the
other rooms and a camera above the door and a guard in front of the
door. The room is before the third checkpoint which is the fenced door
that needs a keycode to open. The room is the storage room. When you're
in the room use your Telekinesis to get this game. When you have it use
it with any computer in this level to play X-Space '92. Once you unlocked
this Minigame you can always play it through the Pause-Screen.
Online chatroom:
On level 3, Experimentation, on the PC where you killed the security guard
outside the elevator, open the "Front Desk" applications folder on the
desktop. Then, select HyperChat. You will then be able to see what the
Guard has been up to, as well as that the person who the guard was
talking to continues talking and gets more worried as he does not reply.
Change the channel on the television in Starke's apartment to view
the developers' names.
Crying agents:
Take out the tranquilizer and shoot someone in the crotch. They will
fall over and start crying.
Free Radical reference:
On level 13, Conspiracy, watch the video file you made and check the
email on the PC. A new comedy file will download and tell you about
Free Radicals official website, Keep logging on for more
Isolation level: Easy kills
At the very beginning of the game when the Feds are trying to gun you
down with their automatics, kneel down behind the desk to the left
side of the room. Psi Blast the feds. After they are shot, you can
then collect their weapons for your own use.
Madness level: Bounce basketball:
In the beginning of the level is a shed. In the shed is a basketball
the you can bounce with your "powers".
Madness level: Freed by psycho:
Just before you get to Jayne Wilde, you will move through a grid
with a series of cells. You can open these cells to cause a
bit of havoc. However, if you stand in an empty cell and project
yourself out the door and to the switch outside, you can lock
yourself in. Snap back to your body and Vettic will make a comment
like "Well that was clever." Wait a few seconds and one of
the psychos in the cells will run along and pull the lever,
freeing you.
Mini Game - Earth Impact:
This Minigame is "hidden" in the Reliance level. After you entered
the building through the vents there is a room with guards and
Arcade machines inside. Kill the guard playing one of the Arcades
and use the Arcade he was playing. Once you unlocked this Minigame
you can always play it through the Pause-Screen.
1545 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Second Sight] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]