Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 cheat codes:
Change car price:
Open cars.ini file in your Cars folder using Notepad and make
the following modification:
price =10
Now, you'll be able to buy all the cars for $10.
To use these cheats you need to apply them as command line paremeters.
Just run the game in this way (edit game's shortcut):
C:Program Files\Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2NfsHS.exe +[parameter]
( "+" sign is necessary!)
Parameters list:
ghost - Your car is transparent for other cars
opentree - Allowes you to enter locked evens in event trees
nofrustration - Disables annoying confirmations.
nomovie - Disables movie demos.
nomusic - Turns music off.
nosnd - Turns off sound FX.
noreverb - Turns off reverbration.
nofrontend - Menu is turned off - like a demo mode.
nomipmap - Disables mipmapping.
noparticles - Probably turns off particle animations.
minfront - Turns on VERY stupid main menu.
helicoptersOnly - Cops seems to use only the helicopter backup against you.
screenshots - Take screens
Free money:
To gain extra money you must first have not bought too many tracks.
End the game if it is not already closed. Go to the location of your file.
Usually it is stored under C:program filesEAGamesHot Pursuit 2. Next
go into the file called tracks. In this folder you should find a text
file called tracks, open it. If you scroll down you will notice that all
of the tracks are grouped in an organized order. you should notice three
or four numbers with some of them being different and some of them the
same. All of these numbers should be in the thousands. Change all of these
numbers to a negative number such as -60000. You may wish to change all
the numbers for each track to a negative number. Exit the program clicking
YES to save. Start the game and buy a couple of tracks, when you buy them
the computer will end up paying you money. You will know if you have done
the program correctly if the computer says the track costs -60000. Also
you can switch the track to backward!
1104 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]